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An Adventure for THE ELECTRUM ARCHIVE by Erwin_the_German

Editing and layout by Colin Chapman

Key NPCs & Factions Divaan did not trust her to keep knowledge
of the ship to herself and secretly poisoned
Full details on these NPCs and The her with a drink celebrating their
Heavenbound are provided in the Appendices. “partnership” while stating that he would
◆ Divaan Ker Onar: Disgraced and contact her in a few day. Nothdrisa's warped
self-exiled apothecary from Titan Port, physiology enabled her to survive the
a low-ranking bureaucrat of House Ker assassination attempt, barely, though she
Onar seeking to regain favor. believes she ate something bad.
◆ Nothdrisa: Disgruntled member of
The Heavenbound moonlighting as an
independent inkseeker, determined to Enter the Adventurers…
leave Mar Ruun and the cult behind. Divaan approaches the PCs in Mar Ruun to
◆ The Heavenbound: Very minor commission them to undertake an expedition
cult/unrecognized guild of fanatical on his behalf.
Nollish inkseekers. They recklessly He informs them that an uncharted
interact with warpgas and ink, cherish Eldership was unearthed by the recent
mutations and Elder Tech, and believe earthquake and brought to his attention by an
this will let them become residents of inkseeker called Nothdrisa. She described an
the Realm Beyond. artifact called The Moving Claw and he wants
the PCs to retrieve it.
The Story So Far… If they are interested, he offers the group a
total of 100 drops but can be haggled up to
A week ago an earthquake near the city of Mar 150. He also notes that they are welcome to
Ruun partially unearthed a buried Eldership. keep anything else they find in the Eldership.
Nothdrisa entered it, gathered several Elder He explains that the vessel is three days’
Tech pieces, and found an artifact she labeled travel away and describes The Moving Claw as,
“The Moving Claw”, but lacked the necessary “A large, segmented cylinder ending in a
space to remove and carry it. claw.” He will not elaborate on what it does.
She decided to sell the salvaged items at He stresses that the party must avoid
Riftrock Trading Post. A bureaucrat there, discussing the expedition with anyone else as
Divaan Ker Onar, convinced her to tell him rivals might claim the ship or ambush them.
where she located them, and lied that he They are to bring The Moving Claw to him
would partner with her on a further at Riftrock Trading Post, and will be paid then.
expedition to the Eldership. Divaan provides them with Nothdrisa’s
He asked Nothdrisa for a map to the map to use, but also suggests soliciting her for
Eldership, but she intentionally drew a poor more information, though he has no idea
one fearing she would be killed if she was no where she lives in Mar Ruun.
longer useful.
The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.
Visiting the Heavenbound
The Heavenbound headquarters are nestled in
a squalid courtyard across from an orphanage.
The orphans gather at all hours of the day
to gawk at the inkseekers, who sport
grotesque mutations from their reckless
interactions with warpgas.
When the PCs arrive, a trio of
Heavenbound (Relms, Galru, and Gorias) are
hanging around outside their ramshackle
- If Approached…
If approached, they refuse entry and are aloof
and condescending towards anyone who is not
a warlock and who doesn’t display mutations.
They refuse to divulge where Nothdrisa
lives unless the PCs make a really good case or
score a critical success on a Mask check.
If things become heated, the other
Heavenbound will emerge from their quarters.
- If Eavesdropped On…
If the PCs sneak up on them (Agility check),
they can be heard discussing Nothdrisa’s
absence - she hasn’t been seen in almost a
Locating Nothdrisa week. They’re worried that the Children of the
Crimson Moon got to her, or maybe a rival
The best way to locate Nothdrisa is to talk to
guild, and resolve to check in on her soon.
local inkseekers and tech scavengers.
- If Watched and Followed…
General discussion provides the following
If the PCs wait in the shadows they will
observe Methanda, Vern0Lyd, Gorias, and
◆ She’s often seen in the company of the
Brelshev leave together, talking about
Heavenbound, a cult-guild of fanatical
checking up on Nothdrisa. They genuinely
inkseekers from Nol.
want to make sure she’s alright.
A successful Mask check and payment of
Following them will lead to her tenement.
2d4 drops reveals her address also.
Anyone with a Cultist background is
- If All Else Fails…
If the PCs fail to figure out where Nothdrisa
automatically privy to all of the general
lives, one of the orphans will run up to them
information regarding the Heavenbound
while they’re leaving, claiming to know where
cult/guild presented in the Appendix.
“the hairless, tattooed lady” lives. She’ll show
them in exchange for 2d4 drops of ink.

The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.
Meeting Nothdrisa She explains what happened:
◆ She found the ship and took a glider
Nothdrisa lives several blocks away from the down to investigate.
Heavenbound headquarters in a rundown ◆ Inside, she saw Elder Tech everywhere
tenement where living spaces are separated and filled her pack with what she
by ragged sheets of cloth and there’s very could quickly grab and escaped, but
little privacy. not before discovering what she dubs
“the Moving Claw”, some kind of large
cylinder with a contraption at the end;
when she tried messing with it, it
yanked her lumenpod into the air.
Since it was bulky, she decided to
leave it, figuring she’d be back.
◆ She went to sell her loot at Riftrock
Trading Post, where Divaan sweet
talked her into telling him more…
which led to the map, which led to her
getting poisoned. Which led to now.
If asked about the Heavenbound, she
becomes cagey and says she doesn’t want to
Nothdrisa’s “room” is on the second floor and bother or talk about them. If the Heavenbound
contains little beyond a rickety bed and chest showed up before the PCs arrived, she’s even
for her personal belongings. more emphatic about this.
Nothdrisa is bedridden and obviously sick. - Helping Nothdrisa…
The floor by her is stained with an unhealthy Helping her recover requires an Archive check
amount of dried, oddly streaked vomit. or the use of an appropriate spell, device, or
- Looking at the Vomit… item. Otherwise, she’ll have to be carried out.
A successful Archive check identifies the
streaks as the markers of a lethal and Leaving the Tenement
deliberate poison. It’s a miracle she survived.
When the PCs leave with Nothdrisa, they will
- Talking to Nothdrisa…
encounter the Heavenbound who were
When approached, she weakly and nervously
loitering nearby, whether suspicious of
apologizes for the mess stating that she has
Nothdrisa or the PCs.
eaten something bad.
They assume treachery is afoot but give
If the PCs tell her that Divaan sent them,
Nothdrisa and the PCs a chance to speak up
she becomes confused. She thought Divaan
and avoid conflict - otherwise, they attack.
would send for her in a few days, not hire
The fight won’t last long - members of the
another group of inkseekers.
local constabulary arrive in 2d6 rounds to
If she’s told about the poison, she realizes
break up the melee. If this happens, or if the
Divaan tried to kill her and warns the PCs to
PCs manage to avoid a fight without convincing
be wary of Divaan.
the Heavenbound to back off entirely, they
She says she’ll personally lead them to the
will be pursued into the badlands while going
Eldership as long as they take her along.
after the Eldership.
The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.
Locating the Eldership With Nothdrisa’s Aid
The PCs can attempt to follow Nothdrisa’s If Nothdrisa is present or the PCs have extra
imprecise map or locate the ship with her aid. information from her, they know to look for a
lip of rock that extends over the edge of the
canyon like the tip of a spear. The Eldership is
Following the Map half a mile SW of there. Nothdrisa left a small
Following the map will bring the party to the rock cairn at the edge of the cliff to mark its
general area of the Rift wall where the ship exact location. This removes any need for
can be found, but without a landmark it is hours spent searching for the vessel.
very difficult to locate. The area is also
extremely rocky and treacherous.
Consult this table every hour they search. The Eldership
The Eldership is lodged within the wall of the
Rift, its tailfin jutting out at 25o angle like the
d6 Unaided Exploration Event
tail of a fish.
1 Roll again. If it’s a 1, they find the Its surface, segmented like the scales of a
Eldership after an hour of searching. lizard, is shiny and silver. Anyone flying along
the canyon wall in a glider would have no
2 Roll on the Encounter Table below. trouble spotting it.
A massive pile of rocks rests at the foot of
3 An hour of fruitless searching. Mark a
usage of rations. the canyon, far below.
The wall of the canyon around the vessel is
4-6 An hour of fruitless searching. far less sunbleached than its surroundings,
suggesting this section was recently exposed
by a rockslide.
d6 Encounter If Nothdrisa is present, she will wait for the
1 Flying Rift nettles float through the air PCs here, noting that she is still not feeling
nearby; their jelly could be sold for a well or confident enough to enter.
tidy sum.
Reaching the Eldership
2 2d4 armed Children of the Crimson
Reaching the ship requires climbing down,
Moon, who demand to know what the
party is doing out here. using gliders (if the PCs have any), or use of
appropriate magic.
3 An Elder Drone bobbing along the - Climbing Down
regolith in the distance, traveling Climbing down requires two successes on an
southeast. It takes no notice of the Agility check, with advantage if the PCs are
players unless they try to impede it. using a rope.
4-6 Slip and fall! Random PC must make Failure indicates no progress is made.
Agility or Body check or take 1 Three failures leaves the climbers
damage. Deprived.
A botch indicates a fall - harmless if they’re
rigged to a rope, lethal if free climbing.

The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.
- Using Gliders Piercing a tumor requires Body+5 and a
The party can potentially use gliders to fly successful check. A pierced tumor “pops”,
down to the vessel with a single successful releasing a small cloud of warpgas that
Agility check, with advantage. instantly envelopes anyone stood next to the
Failure means a stiff wind blows them off tumor, forcing a Body check to avoid
course. developing a random mutation within a day.
A botch means they start to veer toward As soon as a tumor is pierced, a tinny but
the canyon wall - another failure will see them organic moan erupts from deep within the
slam into the rock wall for 2d4 damage, ship, light erupts from the ceiling panels, and
ruining the glider and stranding them until nearby Elder Tech splutters to life, producing
they can be rescued or climb out. a brief cacophony of light and sound.
A pierced tumor rapidly scabs over with
cauterized ink, some still wet enough to slip
Entering the Eldership into a vial if done quickly. Roll d20 to
One of the segmented “scales” along the determine how many drops are scavenged.
surface of the Eldership is a hatch, which - Husk Defenses
silently spins open on approach, telescoping After their fourth turn spent exploring (on the
into the vessel. It’s pitch black inside - turn immediately after they locate the Moving
impossible to see without a light source. Claw), the PCs will be attacked by a Husk,
which silently drops from the ceiling.
The Interior Each turn thereafter, double the number of
The interior is noticeably colder than outside, Husks drop from the ceiling to attack, so 2,
and the walls are covered with an organic then 4, and so on. Their tide seems inexorable.
pattern, like veins running beneath the
metallic surface.
d6 Interior Exploration Event
Here and there stand crystalline screens
and dark metallic apparati seemingly grown 1 The PC with the highest Spirit has a
randomly from the floors, walls, and ceilings. vision: “The tumors around you explode,
There are no doors, just twisting corridors. one by one, gallons of ink splattering
onto a floor soon slippery with the stuff
as it rises to your feet. Vials would
Exploring The Interior never be enough to contain all this.”
Each turn spent exploring the interior
requires a roll on the Interior Exploration 2 A piece of Elder Tech is found. Roll on
Event table. the Found Elder Tech table.
Note: The PCs will stumble across the Moving
3 Mark a usage dot on the light sources
Claw on their fourth exploration turn if they used by the party.
haven’t already.
- Tumorous Protrusions 4-5 An hour of fruitless searching.
Parts of the walls, floors and ceilings are
6 Party rolls Spirit to try and notice d4
occasionally interrupted by tumorous
Husks lurking on the ceiling. They’ll
protrusions which shift and undulate as if
automatically attack whoever fails,
alive. They are metallic, yet are somehow soft while those who succeed get to act
and warm to the touch. during the surprise round.
The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.
d8 Found Elder Tech 8 A trashed piece of Elder Tech with a full
vial of ink attached; d20+10 drops.
1 The Moving Claw: See the Appendices.

2 A flat, black statuette of a weird, beaked Resolution

mollusc-like creature. People feel
uneasy around it. A vial containing d6 Multiple options present themselves when the
drops of ink protrudes from the top. PCs emerge:
If the vial is full of 10 drops, grasping ◆ They might head back to Riftrock
the icon with one’s bare hand produces Trading Post to fulfill their
indescribable pain (d4+2 damage). commission with Divaan.
◆ They might find the Heavenbound
3 A small, black sphere, with a small waiting for them.
insertion point for a vial of ink. If filled
◆ They might decide to keep the Moving
with 5 drops, the sphere can be crushed
or thrown, filling the affected area with Claw for themselves.
darkness that no light or sound can Nothdrisa, if she came along, will congratulate
penetrate. It’s harmless to people, but them on finding the Moving Claw if they have
disturbing - all senses suddenly fade, as it, and announce that she’s coming with them
if in a sensory deprivation tank. to Riftrock Trading Post. She intends to take a
percentage of whatever Divaan pays them,
4 A collar of thick black glass ringed by
noting that there’d be no pay at all if it wasn’t
five ink vial insertion points. When a vial
for her.
with 10 drops is inserted, anyone
wearing the collar around their neck She’ll also counsel them not to blackmail
becomes the willing slave of whoever him; he’s a noble of a Merchant House, and
filled the vial - each full vial inserted while this doesn’t mean much in Mar Ruun it
translates to 1 day of control. could create a very powerful enemy for them.

5 A large vial full of red liquid. If ingested

or injected, the user is filled with
incandescent rage and hyper adrenaline.
Body increases by 2, up to a maximum
of 9, and all attacks are made with
advantage. If the user’s allies are closer
than enemies, the user must roll Spirit to
avoid attacking. All effects end after
2d4 rounds, leaving the user Deprived.

6 A short obsidian rod with a shallow

metallic dish on the end and a slot for
an ink vial at the end of the rod. When
filled with 20 drops, everyone within one
zone of the wielder must roll Spirit or
SKL in order to use magic. If they fail,
they suffer 1 damage.

7 A trashed piece of Elder Tech with a

half-full ink vial attached; 2d6+3 drops.
The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.
Meeting Divaan If they meet him, he offers them a
Meeting Divaan to fulfill their commission is commission to secretly deliver the Moving
straightforward. He will congratulate them, Claw to Miala Ker Onar, the house matriarch
thank them for their discretion and loyalty, in Ker Onar Estate in Titan Port. They will be
and pay what was agreed upon when given the paid 200 drops in advance and a House Favor.
Moving Claw. He will note that he is sure more If they agree he will also give them a sealed
commissions will come their way as a result. letter addressed to Miala Ker Onar, stressing
- If Nothdrisa is Present that the letter not to be opened under any
If Nothdrisa accompanies the PCs, a Spirit circumstances and should be destroyed if it
check reveals Divaan’s unease as he keeps seems likely they’ll be captured or killed.
fingering his sheathed sword.
Unsettled, he will pay them 150 drops (or
200), even if they did not previously haggle.
He will flatly deny poisoning Nothdrisa,
who does not challenge him on it, and does
not raise the subject herself.

After Meeting Divaan

After the meeting and exchange with Divaan,
Nothdrisa will say that it made sense for him
to poison her, knowing her association with
the Heavenbound, and that she would have
done the same had their roles been reversed.
She bares no grudge and is content that she’s
alive and got paid.
- Parting On Good Terms
If the PCs were pleasant and helpful to her Other Threads…
and gave her an adequate cut of the pay, she ◆ The Heavenbound seek revenge if any
gives the PCs her small stash of Elder Tech, of them were killed by the PCs.
stating that she’s done with Elder Tech and ◆ Divaan will send hired thugs after the
plans to leave Mar Ruun as soon as possible. PCs if they kept the Moving Claw.
Her stash contains two of the artifacts the ◆ The Children of the Crimson Moon will
PCs did not find in the Eldership, if any. take an interest in the artifact if they
hear about it.
- THE END - ◆ Gillfar, a Ruinland artificer, sends an
Elder Drone to investigate any rumors.
◆ If considered a traitor by the
Future Events Heavenbound, Nothdrisa’s corpse will
Three or more days after the adventure be found in Mar Ruun, her brain
finishes, a messenger from House Ker Onar removed. Alternatively, she may have
will seek out the PCs, requesting a meeting been crucified by the Children of the
with Divaan at Riftrock Trading Post. Crimson Moon.

The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.
Appendix I - NPCs Heavenbound HP 8 [1] SKL 4 DMG see below
Divaan Ker Onar HP 10 [2] SKL 4 DMG d8 The Heavenbound are a radical offshoot of the
A lowly house functionary, Divaan served as Cult of Caelumvolen, a Monarch spirit whose
an apothecary in Titan Port until recently. philosophies supposedly guide adherents to
He made the mistake of sleeping with a permanent residency in the Realm Beyond.
courtesan favored by a higher ranked member Most Caelumvolen cultists spend their lives
of the family, Alandrynn Ker Onar, and after in meditation and grim asceticism. Not the
embarrassing himself in a drunken duel, his Heavenbound - they believe inhaling copious
immediate family suggested self-exile.
amounts of ink and using Elder Tech will bring
As one of the only bureaucrats stationed at
the outpost, most of the petty administration about holy transfiguration.
falls on his shoulders. But this provides They are too small to constitute an official
opportunities; he’s usually the first to hear guild and scrabble with other unrecognized
about anything interesting that happens in guilds to claim ownership of Rift salvage. They
the Rift. only sell what they cannot use.
He is short and heavyset, with black,
They’re contemptuous of people without
shoulder-length hair and soft features. He’d be
passingly handsome if it weren’t for the mutations, viewing them as unenlightened,
dueling scar that cuts across his face. He’s but will zealously explain their beliefs to any
quite self-conscious about it. He wears a sword who care to listen.
at his belt and is often seen carrying a book on - Members
herbs and reagents. Sevroi: Male, Albino, bulging eyes. Speaks for
Polite, intense, & wryly condescending. the group. DMG d6 [club]
Relms: Male, covered in orifices which speak
in unison. DMG d6 [club]
Nothdrisa (poisoned) HP 6 SKL 3 DMG d4 Methanda: Female, completely blank face,
communicates telepathically. Induces Spirit -1
Nothdrisa (restored) HP 8 SKL 5 DMG d4 every turn with a contested SKL vs. Spirit
A member of the Heavenbound, Nothdrisa has check. Can see invisible targets. Can read
wanted to leave the group for some time, minds with a contested SKL vs. Spirit check.
disturbed by their increasing fanaticism. DMG d6 [club]
She is slender, tall, hairless, and covered in VernOlyd: Both Male, conjoined twins. Dual
Nollish tattoos. In a mirror, she casts no wields, can attack twice. At half HP, one half
reflection, She can also become invisible, but dies. DMG d4 [daggers]
unless she’s nude her clothes and items will Galru: Female, clawed hands, eyestalks and
remain visible. When she’s not noticed and prehensile tail. DMG d6 [claws]
strikes from invisibility, her damage is Gorias: Male, encased in a calcified carapace.
doubled. AV 2, DMG d6 [club]
Wary and paranoid. Brelshev: Male, covered in iridescent
feathers. Knows a spell, “Many-Colored
Might.” Has 20 drops of ink. DMG d6 [club]
Children of the HP 6 SKL 4 Andiia: Nonbinary, constantly shifting skin
Crimson Moon DMG d6 [club] or d4 [sling] that hangs in tatters off their bones. Capable
of assuming any human shape they have
Fanatics out on patrol along the Rift, hunting previously absorbed. Can meld with victims
for warlocks. inducing Body -1 every turn with a contested
SKL vs. Body check. DMG d4 [dagger]
The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.
Appendix II - The Moving Claw The Moving Claw can manipulate the
The Moving Claw is a segmented cylinder, its gravity of whatever it’s pointed at: One trigger
surface similar to that of the Eldership itself. pulls the object towards the user, while the
On one end is a small, claw-like appendage, other trigger flings the object away at
which opens and closes with ease. On the incredible speed. Softly releasing the “pull”
other end, on the underside, is a groove one trigger merely drops the object.
can slip their hand into to manipulate two sets Below is a table with drop cost, object
of triggers. A row of five empty ink vials examples and the Damage of objects when
stretches along the long side of the artifact - thrown (either to themselves or to others).
enough for 100 drops (20 per vial). Assume that any object smaller than those
It’s too bulky to carry without both hands listed requires 5-10 drops to manipulate.
and three backpack slots are required to stow When used as a weapon, the Moving Claw
it. Even then, the clawed end will stick out, has a Speed of 3. It’s big and cumbersome,
reducing the carrier’s Agility by 1. especially when aiming during combat.

Drop Cost Object Examples Thrown Object DMG

Any small-sized, unattended object (crates, rocks, etc.);

20 d4+2
Light held weapons

Any medium-sized object (big rocks, a glider, a cart, etc.);

40 d6+3
Humans in light armor; Heavy held weapons; Strider

Any large-sized object (a sandskiff, a boulder, etc.);

60 Humans in medium-to-heavy armor; Morngrowlers; Elder d10+4
Drone; Rubble Worm

Any massive object (an airship, a big boat, an Ink Golem);

80 Blast; d12+5
Flying Rift nettle; Loghead

Any gargantuan object (a chunk of city wall, the minaret of

Blast; 2d8+6; Agility/SKL
100 a temple, a large statue, a small floating island in the Spirit
Roads); sand crab

Credit: The idea for The Moving Claw was shamelessly lifted from Half-Life 2

The Moving Claw is an independent production by Erwin_the_German and is not affiliated with CULT OF THE LIZARD KING. It is
published under the TEA Third Party License. The Electrum Archive is copyright Emiel Boven and CULT OF THE LIZARD KING.

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