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This battle may be short and undramatic, who knows?

But I think we’re going to see the first real

use of Concordance onscreen and that means a lot of crazy shit can happen.

Wounded, low on spells, the Chain of Acheron face their greatest foes. Ajax’s Strike Team in
Capital: The Black Iron Pact. Back against the wall, the Chain of Acheron are not without tricks
of their own, and allies accumulated over ten years adventuring across the Timescape.

Leech Calls On His Patron

Unbeknownst to Leech ​and​ Matt O’Driscoll, Leech’s patron is Ballisantirax, the Elder Sapphire
Dragon. If Leech calls upon his patron, we see a mote of sapphire appear and quickly grow and
take form.

We cut to the Moon Elf’s eyes opening. She speaks in her glass-singing voice. We cut to the
Vilesilencer who translates but does not understand. “‘Ballisantirax Dreams. She dreams worlds,
and worlds within worlds….’ What does that mean? Does anyone understand?”

Back in Ringwell, the sapphire mote coalesces into a Sapphire Dragon. This is not a ​real
Sapphire Dragon, it is a memory-construct created by the sleeping Ballisantirax. This is
someone she once knew. Karoxorridan. It appears first as an ancient sapphire but resolves into
an angel. Karox enjoys taking different forms.

“Terrans! Always turning to Sin, you are not to blame. It is your nature. But you know it
cannot be permitted.”

King calls on Akemitsu

But someone else answers the call. THE LADY OF BRASS sends a High Templar of Dust.

“​The scribbler! You always spoke so well of me in your Chronicle. Ah I miss those days.
Days of high adventure. When you were loyal. Before your Commander betrayed me on
the word of that infernal Tiefling. In memory of those days, and your fine words, accept
this boon.”

“The Lady of Brass sends her regards. Death to Ajax!”

After the battle ends, the High Templar speaks again;;

“Concordant, our queen commands me aid you, and this I have done. This world of
yours is pain for us. Do not ask more of me, for I have no more to give. I leave.”
Judge calls on Asmodeus
I mean, maybe he won’t? He might be afraid of what would happen.

Asmodeus sits on the Throne of Acheron like Tim Curry in Legend

“Ah, little knight. We’ve been watching your career with interest. We wondered when
you’d finally get in over your head. I see you’re lacking one of your seals, what did you

A pit fiend whispers in the ear of the Lord of Secrets. “Ah yes, we’d forgotten. Now then.
Ignoring our advice is most contrary to our desires and not why you were granted your power.
There was a price then and there is a price now. Another seal I should think.

I will aid you, but it’s time you remember your purpose. The mortal ajax consorts with powers
that command demons. This makes him our enemy. No mortal could grant the power Ajax
wields. So, our chosen Illrigger, my Architect of Ruin. Bring to me the secret of Ajax’s power,
and we shall restore you to your former glory.”

The pit fiend whispers again. “Of course, by convention we would also accept souls, a temple.
The forms must be obeyed. But now you know our will. Go forth, and wreak ruin.”

He sends a Hate Devil from Kingdoms & Warfare.

The Black Iron Pact

The Master of Jackals

This is a monk from Khemara covered in black demon jackal tattoos. He’s wearing a short
leather skirt. He has Iron Bands on his forearms that are granting him his extra attacks.

The Priest of Saint Ajax

A Vaslorian named Robert Waxley. He holds a Staff of Iron and carries three ​beads of force​.

The Spellsword
A Riojan Eldritch Knight named Hieronymus with the Blessing of Saint Ajax. It makes his skin
iron and grants him ​fire shield​. He is a halbardier.

The Warlord
The leader of this team. A Riojan named Casella.
The Assassin
A Riojan named Katerina.

The Wizard
A Phaedran named Livia.

Après le déluge
I sort of think this battle is all that will happen tonight, I don’t imagine it’ll actually take that long?
Maybe an hour? But the aftermath should be ​signficant​ and I doubt the players will be able to
just go back to exploring Ringwell.

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