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Scriptural quotations used in this book are taken from King

James Version, New King James Version, and Ampliied
Version of the Bible

Cover and Book Design by Base XII Studios |

Copyright © Debola Deji-Kurunmi, 2017

All rights reserved

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To every believer; we have the Word of God as a creative

inluence for executing God’s extraordinary purpose on the

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“Let’s just say I’m left with photocopies of Faith Confessions by
DDK because I talked about it so much to my friends, they’ve
taken all my copies! They taught me to confess intelligently with
the Word of God. My prayer and confession life changed!”
- Moradeun Balogun

“I remember how DDK literally recruited me into the Launch

Team for print versions of Life Advantage by the Covenant and
Healing from Soul Wounds. For about two years, they were part
of my devotionals. I would read them on my way to work. Many
times, I will be confessing and weeping deeply because the
wounds were so deep and the healing I started experiencing
was so deep too!!!

I have been healed of deep-seated emotional wounds that held

me bound for years and I also began to build my desired future
using my Life Advantage by the Covenant. Many times, I would
open the bible and go back to the Scriptures shared in her
books, in amazement that the Scriptures actually existed and I
was not even aware! The Word literally became life in me!!!!
I haven’t stopped gifting my friends print copies of these books
because I am a woman who is helped by God and I am just so
grateful for how he keeps working in me “
- Bunmi Dayo-Ayeni

“Your books especially ‘Feast of This Year’ have really helped

me. There was a season when I was using the book as an
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inspiration or charge up to pray. Sometimes when I make those
confessions, there is this feeling that I am literally pushing things
in the Spirit. The confessions in those books are powerful and
worth confessing.”
- Olowolade Adeyinka

“Healing from Soul Wounds stands out for me because I was

such a mess at some point and would confess the whole book
every morning at a time. I believed and I got back a part of me
every time until I was whole.”
- Anwulika Ngene

“UNSTOPPABLE is such a loaded book. I’ve read it and currently

re-reading it. Full of FACTS based on His word, applicable to
every of life’s issues and yielding heavy nuggets of motivation
to move as led of the Spirit, irrespective what level you currently
are in your walk with God.”
- Funmi Ayowole

“Let me speak of a particular confession in Favor Factor called

the Esther Favor. This confession provided a pathway for me to
achieve success in my business! What I have been experiencing
is what I can’t explain in words. It’s like God dethroning Vashti to
favor me and He has been using other people’s mistakes to my

I have indeed known a turn-around that no man could have

given me, by the favor of the Almighty. What I am experiencing
is that which no man can take glory for, because it is evident that
this is the hand of God at work in my life! If you desire a shift and
mighty turn around in your life, the Favor Factor is for you! “
- Adetutu Adelaja

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“I’d call Feast of This Year a masterpiece. It is a graphic blueprint
of the year God has prepared for you; if only you would take the
way of His words and enter into the feast.”
- Nneka Okonkwo

“Anointing for Workplace Excellence is like my own staf

handbook at the oice. It directs me and provides sound
counsel for me at work. It is like Policies at work that you need to
constantly study in order not to make wrong decisions at work.
Thank you Ma for the wisdoms in this book that has helped in
my career path.”
- Olusola Amu

“Worded Worship is a book that takes the lid of you about who
God is to His children as against the knowledge of a stereotyped
- Abe Omolola

“Feast of This Year is an awesome, glorious and powerful faith

confessions book hot from the bakery of heaven! At the start of
2016, I took it personal because I needed somethings to happen
in my life that season and against all odds, international doors
opened to me in a miraculous way. I really can’t deny the efect
of that book in my life!”
- Olowolade Adeyinka

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Understanding Faith Confessions and Meditations
by Pastor Segun Obadje

The Abraham Favour 20

The Noah Favour 23

The Moses Favour 26

The Israel Favour 29

The Joseph Favour 32

The Daniel Favour 35

The Elisha Favour 38

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The Jabez Favour 41

The David Favour 44

The Deborah Favour 47

The Ruth Favour 49

The Esther Favour 51

The Mary Favour 54

The Jesus Favour 56

Salvation Prayer
About Debola-Deji Kurunmi
Other Books by Debola Deji-Kurunmi

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The favour of God is the light of His countenance, the radiance

of His delight, the beauty of His kindness and the warmth of His
presence. It is when the Lord bestows what He has on you in a
way that enhances and enriches your whole life!

I believe that the favour of God is your birth right as a believer in

Christ Jesus! Isaiah 30:18 declares thus “therefore the LORD longs
to be gracious to you, and He waits on high to have compassion
on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are all
those who long for Him”.

You may feel like you’re running toward God for His favour, but
He is also coming to you quickly to show you compassion!

The Message Translation of Lamentations 3:25 - 33 gives you a

vivid picture of the Father’s love!

“God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to

the woman who diligently seeks. It’s a good thing to quietly hope,
quietly hope for help from God. It’s a good thing when you’re
young to stick it out through the hard times. When life is heavy
and hard to take, go of by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in
prayer. Don’t ask questions: Wait for hope to appear. Don’t run
from trouble. Take it full-face. The “worst” is never the worst. Why?
Because the Master won’t ever walk out and fail to return.

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If he works severely, he also works tenderly. His stockpiles of
loyal love are immense. He takes no pleasure in making life hard,
in throwing roadblocks in the way!”

The favour of God is your leverage for experiencing His

extraordinary purposes and plans in your life. Like I love to
say, God’s favour is a believer’s license to execute mighty
feats, regardless of the limitations of age, colour, background,
qualiication or economy.

When God takes delight in you, it’s akin to living life on Heaven’s
bill! If you desire to do great works for the Father’s Kingdom, be
a blessing to your world, receive more than you could ever ask
or imagine and walk into treasures you couldn’t ever pay for;
then it’s time to step into the favour of God!

This book is a compilation of confessions to help you enter into

God’s favour zone! Each topical confession opens up with a
listing of scriptures for you to read and meditate on. As your
heart wells up with faith and you begin to confess the Word of
God herein, you will ind your life taking shape and line up with
God’s best for you!

Before you start to take these prayers, ensure you read the
section on Understanding Faith Confessions and Meditation,
written by my spiritual father – Pastor Segun Obadje.

With love,
Debola Deji-Kurunmi

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by Pastor Segun Obadje

To confess God’s word simply means to say the same things as
God; that is, to say what God says, or to say what God’s word
implies to one.

The greatest economy on earth is the Word of faith.

“Through faith we understand that the words were framed by the

word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of
things which do appear.” (Hebrews 11:3)

“And God said,’ Let there be light’, and there was light”.
(Genesis 1:3)

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
2. The same was in the beginning with God.
3. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not
anything made that was made.” (John 1:1-3)

Everything there is today came out of the SPOKEN WORD, and

everything there would ever be will come out of the SPOKEN
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The word of faith is the utterance of faith, not creed or doctrine
of faith.

“But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and
in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and
shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the
dead, thou shat be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with
the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10: 8-10)

The spoken word is the creative power of God for a performance

of His desires, purposes and intents.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power

of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew irst,
and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16)

To release God’s creative power on one’s behalf, one MUST

speak God’s word as God spoke it in the beginning. There is no
force on earth, in heaven or in hell as strong as the force of faith
released through the confession of God’s word.

“And Jesus answering saith unto them, ‘Have faith in God’.23For
verily I say unto you, whosoever shall say unto this mountain, ‘Be
thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea’; and shall not doubt
in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall
come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.24Therefore
I say unto you,’ What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray,
believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.’”
(Mark 11:22-24)

“Jesus said unto him, ‘If thou canst believe, all things are possible
to him that believeth.’” (Mark 9:23.)
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When the force of faith is released, all things become possible.
Our words show what we believe about any situation. Words
reveal faith or fear depending on their kind. Just as much as our
words show our faith about any situation, they also afect our
faith, which in turn afects us and ours.

Grace is only accessible through faith.

“Therefore being justiied by faith, we have peace with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ.2By whom also we have access by
faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in the hope of
the glory of God.” (Romans 5:1-2)

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God 9 Not of works, lest any man should
boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Grace is the result of letting loose the word of faith (confession).

Grace is the ability, provisions and outworking of God in, through

and upon one that makes one’s life a beautiful attraction to all
and sundry. It is God working in you, through you, upon you, for
you and towards other people around you in visible dimensions,
glorious enough to attract the attention of all eyes around you.

“And the Word was made lesh, and dwelt among us, (and we
behold his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)
full of grace and truth.” 16“And of his fullness have all we received,
and grace for grace.” (John 1:14, 16.)

The word of faith is the potential diference for grace low.

“And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve
years, 26And had sufered many things of many physicians, and
had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather
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grew worse,27When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press
behind, and touched his garment.28For she said,’ if I may touch but
his clothes, I shall be whole.’29And straightway the fountain of her
blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed
of that plague.30And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that
virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and
said,’ who touched my clothes?’31And his disciples said unto him,’
Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, who
touched me?’32And he looked round about to see her that had
done this thing.33But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing
what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told
him all the truth.34And he said unto her, ‘Daughter, thy faith hath
made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.’”
(Mark 5:25-34)

Our confession of faith in God’s word creates the required grace

envelope around us that commands result of the same kind.
Nothing else lifts, encourages and conveys you from where you
are to where you ought to be better and faster than faith.

“By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and
was not found, because God had translated him: for before his
translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh
to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them
that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11: 5-6)

As you confess God’s word you create realities of life; your own
peculiar advantageous circumstance and you give yourself the
needed edge in the scheme of things.

“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by

the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of
things which do appear.” (Hebrews 11:3)
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Beloved, the whole essence of Christianity is the word of faith,
which is God’s Word in your heart propelled along the projectile
path of your expectations through your mouth, producing your
desired results and conditioning your environment as you desire.

“But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in
thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;9That if thou
shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in
thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
saved.10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and
with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
(Romans 10:8-10)

Meditation is a subject that cannot be over-stressed or over-
logged because it is the only biblical way to make the Word of
God work for you.

The word meditate in Joshua 1:8 is Hagar; an X-ray which reveals

a twin (two in one) concept. Hagar simply means to think/cogitate
upon something until it becomes an obsession with you. It also
means to mutter words to yourself until they capture your inner
awareness or consciousness.

“This book of the law shall not depart out to thy mouth but thou
shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to
do according to all that is written therein, for then thou shall make
thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.”
(Joshua 1:8)

Meditation is to think and put your mind on God’s Word. You

place your thoughts within the conines and circumference
of God’s Word. You make the thoughts of God your thoughts.
You speak God’s Word to yourself so much that it dictates your
thought trend. This is what it means to meditate on the Word. fa (vo x ur) (c x t0r) = favour.fact0r

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Read the Word!

Reading means to go through the content/body of knowledge
under consideration with a view to gleaning the facts of the
subject matter.

Meditation starts with reading. A lot of people are so anxious

about getting revelations from the Word of God that they just get
revelation from every verse without really getting to understand
the context in which God is communicating to them. They don’t
have light (understanding) within the context of Scriptures. First
and foremost, you have to read in context not out of context!

Jesus was surprised that the Pharisees and Sadducees were

not reading when they came to ask Him questions about divorce
and the resurrection of the dead. He answered them,
“Have you not read”? (Matthew 12:3)

Most of us are not reading the Word or we are reading

something else apart from the Word of God. Some Christians
have read novels more voluminous than the bible, but they
have not taken time to read the bible; the manual for living. To
excel in life, you must give attention to God’s Word. When you
take out quality time to study the Word of God, you will have a
rounded understanding of life and you will be able to deal wisely
in all afairs of life. Take time to read. When you give attention
to reading, the script of God will bring revelation to you. He will
begin to show you things within the context of truth.
People who are not patient to read usually miss out on what God
has to ofer. Their revelation rarely tallies with the Word of God.

A revelation/ doctrine/ teaching must be a pattern and low

throughout the 66 books of the bible. This is how you can be
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balanced in the Word of God to make it work for you.

You must have a reading pattern and a schedule to help you

study the bible within a speciied period of time. You cannot use
or apply the Word that you do not know. Faith is the word of God
known, believed and acted upon.

Study the Word!

Having read, you begin to study. To study means to give an
in-depth consideration to what has been read. You consider/
ponder on the facts until you see how they relate to one another
and to see what God is saying to you. Notice in Joshua 1:8 “This
book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall
meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe....”

Until you begin to observe what God has said to you, you have
not studied it enough. Until it comes up and precipitates in your
spirit, you have not studied it enough. You read and then you
study – you give an in-depth consideration to what you have
read until you begin to see it in your heart.

The bible says; “Study to show thyself approved unto God; a

workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the
word of truth.”-2 Tim 2:15.

Studying the Word of God brings you to a point where you

begin to visualize the Word so much that action is an inevitable

Speak the Word to Yourself!

The other aspect of meditation goes beyond thinking. Meditation
is not all about thinking God’s word. There is a saying to the
thinking side of meditation. The saying side of meditation is
when you mutter the Word of God to yourself. So, speaking the
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Word to yourself births images of the same kind in your mind.
You can catch the vision of God’s Word by saying to yourself
what the Word of God has said to you (confession). Here, you
are not speaking to things but to yourself for the purpose of
building your own faith, and thereafter you can then speak to
things, situations and circumstances. Now, this form of speaking
is diferent from the kind of speaking in Mark 11:23 that says
“whosoever shall say unto this mountain be removed and be
thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall
believe that whatsoever he sayeth….”

In Mark 11:23, you are speaking to release your faith for a

performance, for results; getting things done. However, there is
a kind of speaking that precedes this kind of speaking in Mark
11:23. This is muttering the Word of God; talking to yourself.
Romans 10:17 says: “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the
Word of God’.

One kind of speaking is meditative, the other is proclamatory.

Hence, put the word in your mouth as you create the world you
would desire to call your own. Shalom!

How to use this Book

Now, with a clear cut understanding of what confession and
meditation are, as explained in the introduction, this book will
be put to its most efective use, yielding great results with the
following ‘how -to’ instructions.

1. Read carefully the scriptures preceding the confession,

paying attention to what God is saying.

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2. Study carefully the facts, outcomes and expectations
promised in God’s word, paying attention to how they relate
to you and your situation in particular; what is said to be done
or said to release God’s power in that regard.
3. Speak the reality of God’s Word to yourself from a heart full
of assurance and acknowledgment of God’s willingness and
ability to make good his Word to you.

4. Steps 1-3 above exemplify biblical meditation.

5. Now declare out loud with a roaring faith in God’s Word as

touching all aspects and spheres of your inluence, as this
book has been outlined by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

Always remember, you shall have what you say.

Pastor Segun Obadje
Senior Pastor, God’s Love Tabernacle Int’l Church
President, Segun Obadje Teaching Ministries. (SOTM)

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John 15;15, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 9:8, Romans 4:8, 8:28,
Psalm 32:2, 45, Galatians 3:9, Hebrews 8:6, Isaiah 30:21,
Genesis 12, 18, 22, Ephesians1:6, Philippians 4:19

“So, then those who are people of faith (whether Jew or

Gentile) are blessed and favoured by God (and declared free
of the guilt of sin and its penalty, and place in right standing
with Him) along with Abraham, the believer.”
- Galatians 3:9

Father, I thank you because I am not a slave but you have called
me your friend. Thank you because by faith, I have become
the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and no longer do you
impute sins to my account.

Thank you because I am of faith, therefore I am blessed in

the believing Abraham. The nations within me are blessed in
this covenant of promise and I am a perpetual heir of a better
covenant based on better promises. Hallelujah!

I declare that the Lord has redeemed the time for me, and the
years which were spent in nothingness and wandering, have
now been renewed to a journey of hope and abundance. The
favour of God is upon me; therefore, I hear his voice behind me
saying ‘this is the way, walk in it’. I know what to do to move my

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life in the right direction in Jesus name. Amen!

From now, I leave my father’s house and sojourn into the land
God shows me. I leave behind mind-sets, beliefs, attitudes and
family traditions that hold no promise for my glorious future. I
declare that I am a person of the Word, led by the Spirit and
committed to God’s purpose for my life! Every day, I make that
onward journey into a better place. Oh glory to God! I make
that onward journey into a better place! In the name of Jesus, I
go all out by the Spirit; therefore, I prosper, advance and make

I declare am blessed with the intimate friendship of the Most

High. I am loved by my Heavenly Father and accepted in the
beloved. I receive the help of the Holy Spirit to consistently grow
my love and devotion to God; as I walk before Him. The Lord has
favoured me to reveal His secrets, intentions and plans to me,
to the end that I intercede accurately and negotiate the fate of
others for good.

With the working of God in my life, I declare that I am not late;

rather, all things have worked for my ultimate good. I have waited
on the Lord for the performance of His will and what the Lord has
done causes me to rejoice exceedingly and to laugh. My story
ends in praise as it all comes together for the glory of God in
Jesus name! Amen!

I declare in faith that the Lord has used my mistakes and failures
as materials for His purpose, and in His favour towards me, He
has brought me into His rest. In the name of Jesus, my life is no
longer held back and I am not ashamed or guilty!

By the grace of God upon my life, I have strength to yield all

things to God as a living sacriice. I have not held back anything
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from Him, and He is Lord over my all! I declare that in this season;
my obedience is rewarded, my heritage is secure and the Lord
Himself has provided! Hallelujah!

Yes, the Lord Himself has provided; therefore, all my needs are
met. The God of grace has supplied all my needs according to
His riches in glory, so that in all things, having all that I need, I
have abounded unto every good work. Today, I declare that the
blessing is working nonstop in my life and my harvest is evident
for all to see! Glory to God!

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Genesis 5 – 10, Psalm 90:17, Isaiah 54:9, 61:1-3, 2
Corinthians 1:3-4, Jude 1:24, Hebrews 11:7, 1 Peter 3:20, 2
Peter 2:5

“By faith [with confidence in God and His word] Noah, being
warned by God about events not yet seen, in reverence
prepared an ark for the salvation of his family. By this [act of
obedience] he condemned the world and became an heir of
the righteousness which comes by faith.”
- Hebrews 11:7

Father, I thank you because this is the proclaimed year of your

favour and you have brought comfort to me from all misery. You
are the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort who has
brought comfort to me, that I might share this same comfort with
others in their trouble. Thank you!

Thank you because my work and industry are blessed, because

I have found grace in your sight. In the name of Jesus, your
beauty is upon me and you have established the work of my
hands. I declare that I have divine advantage above my peers
concerning all I set out to accomplish and my proiting has
appeared to all.

As I walk justly before the Lord in my generation, he has spared

me from His judgment on the wicked and has delivered me from
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the recompense of sinful men. I declare that my God reveals to
me what I must to do, along with my household, to be preserved
from the destruction of this generation. Therefore, by obedience,
I am sheltered from inancial depression, unwise investments,
costly assumptions, physical disasters, health crises and every
havoc in Jesus name.

I declare that the loods of life do not overwhelm me and I am not

taken away by proud waters. The Lord is on my side; therefore, I
am not swallowed up by the wrath of diviners, and neither is my
soul drowned by opposition. Blessed be the Lord, for He has not
given me as a prey. My soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare
of the fowlers, indeed my help is in the name of the Lord!

By the favour of God, I build! I build my dreams according to

the instructions of the Most High. The Spirit of the Lord is
within and upon me, as a vital supply of intelligence, therefore
I have understanding. The breadth, width, height and length
of my dimensions for destiny are shown to me and I have built
an ediice that stands. I declare that I have built my home by
wisdom, I have built myself up in my holy faith, I have built my
noble plans and I have built my strength, for He who builds all
these things in me is God. Hallelujah!

I declare that my life is presented unto God as a living sacriice,

holy and acceptable unto Him all the days of my life! My altar
burns with pure ire, and I have brought my sacriice and praise
to the Almighty. I walk in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
is able to keep me from falling, and present me faultless before
the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.

The mandate of God’s blessing is upon me, therefore, I am fruitful,

I multiply, and I replenish the earth, for the Lord has given me all
things freely and fully! Hallelujah!! I declare that the Lord my God
treats me with his kindness and remembers His covenant with
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me! As in the days of Noah when the Lord swore not to consume
the earth anymore, my Heavenly Father is not angry at me nor
will he cast me out of his presence.

Thank you Jesus! I declare that I will not be corrupted by the evil
of my generation; but the Lord’s favour has delivered me from
carnality, sin and the works of the lesh! I declare that this year,
I prevail by righteousness. All the days of my life, I prevail by
righteousness in Jesus name! Amen!

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Exodus 1-2, 14, Jeremiah 1:5-6, 29:11, Psalm 22, 23, 139:13,
Isaiah 55:9, Hebrews 11:23-28, Proverbs 21:1, Mark 16:17-19

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved

of you as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I
consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you
as a prophet to the nations. 6. Then I said, ‘Ah, Lord GOD!
Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am [only] a young
man. 7. But the LORD said to me, ‘Do not say, ‘I am [only] a
young man,’ because everywhere I send you, you shall go,
and whatever I command you, you shall speak.’ 8. Do not
be afraid of them [or their hostile faces], for I am with you
[always] to protect you and deliver you,” says the LORD.
- Jeremiah 1:5-

Father, I thank you because you have made me a proper child,

preserved from the evil decree of my time and kept for your
holy plans! Thank you because you have raised midwives for my
sake, prepared keepers for me and positioned me in the palace
that I might be fed.

Thank you because in the midst of the alictions of my childhood,

you spared my life! Indeed, you are the One who has watched
over me from my mother’s womb. Thank you because your
thoughts for me are higher thoughts of good, and not evil, to
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bring me to a future illed with great hope. Hallelujah!!

Before you formed me in the belly, you knew me; and before I
was born, you sanctiied me and ordained me a prophet unto
the nations. I declare in the name of Jesus that your thoughts for
me stand irm and prosper, for as far as the heavens are from the
earth, so are your thoughts higher than my thoughts and your
ways higher than my ways.

I agree with God that I am kept from evil and in His favour; I
am delivered from those who seek to harm me. By His divine
wisdom, He has made a mockery of my enemies, causing them
to bless me with the best of their riches. I have seen that the Lord
God insults the labour of oppressors; causing their wealth to be
converted unto me. Oh glory to God!

In the name of Jesus, I am a son in God’s Kingdom and not a

reprobate, therefore I do not turn my back on the ways of God
wherever I might travel or live in all the nations of the earth.
I am not corrupted by alien cultures, neither do I give up my
inheritance for pleasures. I have esteemed the reproach of
Christ greater than the treasures in the world, and I have respect
for the recompense of reward.

I declare that I walk in favour to stand before Kings without fear

and to boldly make known holy instructions. In my time and
among my peers, I am known as a voice for the oppressed and
a deliverer of those bowed down! Kings hearken to my voice
and I boldly enter territories feared by other men.

In the name of Jesus, my life is backed by signs and wonders as

I exhibit things of repute, authored by ‘I Am That I Am’. Every time
I am confronted, the Lord has shown up for me in marvellous and
mysterious ways, thereby bringing his fame to the notice of his
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I declare that I am an ordained leader of God’s people, and
the Lord has taken delight in me. As I use my spiritual gifting
in obedience, I have seen God’s divine provision, forgiveness,
direction and deliverance for me and for my own! Amen!

Today, I see that the red seas have parted and I walk through
in Jesus name! I have found a way out of tough circumstances
and leaped over forceful barricades diicult for others. I have
seen the chariots of Egyptians and their riders perishing in the
very seas through which I walked! The goodness of Jehovah has
brought me to Canaan and I live each day in His promise! Amen!

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Exodus 33:19, Romans 4:8, 9:16, Psalm 32:2, 128, 144:12, Isaiah
45:3, 62:2, John 8:36, Genesis 27-28, 30:27, Joel 2:25

“I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches

of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, who
call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.”
- Isaiah 45:3

Father, I thank you because you show mercy unto whom you
will and compassion to the one you have chosen. I thank you
because you have shown me your mercy and not dealt with
me according to my iniquities. By faith, I have received the
righteousness of God.

Thank you because it is not of the man who wills or the one who
runs, it is the Lord who shows mercy. The tender mercies of the
Most High have been with me from my mother’s womb for you
chose and loved me even when I hadn’t lived on earth.

Despite my sins, deception and misdeeds of my carnal past, the

Lord has drawn me into his everlasting love and given me new
life in Christ Jesus! Thank you Jesus for rewriting my biography!
Thank you for by Calvary’s redemption, I have been set free
indeed from the consequence of the past and its mistakes!

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I declare that the favour of the Lord is upon me and I am thus,
blessed with the inheritance of the strong. My smell is as the
smell of a ield the Lord has blessed; therefore, God has given
me of the dew of heaven, the fatness of the earth and plenty of
good harvest. In my journey, I have found people to serve and
help me; nations also hearken to me. Everyone who blesses me
is blessed in Jesus name! Hallelujah

I declare that my bosses and organisations for which I work

experience favour because of me and they bear witness to
the splendour that lows from my life. I declare that I diligently
serve and support the vision of those over me, giving myself
completely to the work, not with eye service as unto man but as
unto the Lord. Therefore, I am rewarded for my commitment as
the Lord brings me into ownership in Jesus name!

The Lord ills me with ingenious ideas to reproduce tremendous

success and generate wealth that keeps on multiplying in Jesus
name. God is with me every day and everywhere, keeping me,
providing for me and leading me into experiences of rest. I
declare that the divine presence is real to me and I enjoy the
near comfort of the Spirit as well as an active ministry of angels
in Jesus name. Amen!

In this grace which I stand, I have found forgiveness in the sight

of those I have wronged, and the Holy Spirit cancels every token
of discord sown in the midst of my friends or family. I call forth
long lost relationships of value to be restored into my life and my
loved ones return to me. In the name of Jesus, the gates of my
life have been opened wide, and many precious ones come in!
I declare that I have come into enormous wealth, as my
possessions and businesses enlarge greatly through the favour
of God! Amen! Wealth comes to me from every endeavour, for
the Lord has opened unto me the treasures of darkness and the
hidden riches of secret places. Glory to God!!
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My reality in the name of Jesus is that my barns are so full that I
fend for the needy; the rain of heaven fall generously upon my
land in its season and I have become a provider of resource.

The Lord has blessed me with nations of children; sons that

are as plants grown up in their youth and daughters that are
cornerstones, polished after the similitude of a palace. They
surround my spouse and me at our table, and we see our
children’s children!

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Psalm 32:8, Isaiah 42:16, Romans 8:28, Genesis 37, 41, 50,
Joel 2: 25

“And we know that all things work together for good to those
who love God, to those who are the called according to His
purpose.” - Romans 8:28

Father, I thank you for you have given me to my parents as an

addition and a precious heritage, and from my youth you have
shown me the things that are to come. Thank you for your
righteous right hand that has led me through many things in life.
You have guided me through unfamiliar terrains and daily lead
me along the best pathways for my life.

Thank you for the gift of every mentor, leader and father, who
have cared for me and blessed me in many ways. Lord, I am
grateful for all experiences of my childhood, whether good or
otherwise, for they have worked out for my good, according to
God’s plans.

I see today that God, my heavenly Father, has made for me an

ornament of colours and He has beautiied my life with pleasant
surprises. My joy is full, my vision is clear, my life is prosperous,

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my heart is steady, my barns are illed, my victory is certain, my
family is established and my hope is secure!

I declare that I am a wo(man) of dreams. My life is perfectly

positioned for my eyes are full of light. The Spirit of God is upon
me and I have discerned times and seasons, knowing what I
ought to do. The Lord has spoken to me in clear terms about
my seed of proiting this year and He orders my steps into the
aluence reserved for me. My spirit man is vital to understand
the things of God and to work out His dreams for me.

I declare that I stand fast in the face of persecution, alictions

and temptations in Jesus name! I declare that I will not lose my
faith or conidence but remain in the faith in Jesus name. The
Lord has turned everything around for my favour and all that
the enemy meant for evil is used for my good. The pains of the
past and the servitude under which I have laboured, are now my
access into grace and glory. I have seen the justice of the Most
High reigning in my afairs; therefore, I do not retaliate or pay
evil for evil.

I declare that I am the favoured of the Lord and a mobile vessel

of the Blessing that multiplies; therefore, even in famine, I bring
forth abundance and honey from hard rocks. I am inspired by
the Spirit to profer practical solutions to national crises as well
as time-based strategies for economic hardships. As I produce
results in my workplace, society and country, I am exalted to
authority and honoured for the wisdom of God in me! Hallelujah!!

The Lord has wiped away my tears! He has ended my travail and
brought me to the full extent of His promise. He has led me to
splendour, clothed me in royalty and called me by a new name!

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I have extended favour to my brethren, dealing bountifully with
them and not counting their transgressions against them. As I
have received, I also give; that many may glorify the name of my
Lord who has bought back my lost years in Jesus name!

From now, I am a worthy diplomat of the Almighty, an ambassador

of His purpose and a missionary of His favour! It is my divine
destiny to alleviate the sufering of others, to end all kinds of
famine and institute a new dispensation for many generations.
Glory be to God, Most High! Amen and Amen!!

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1 Chronicles 16: 21-23, Jeremiah 10: 23, Psalm 16, 23,
138:8, Book of Daniel, Job 32:8, Hebrews 10:39, Isaiah

“But there is [a vital force and] a spirit [of intelligence]

in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives them
understanding.” - Job 32:8

Father, I thank you because you have established my daily

life and perfected all that concerns me. Thank you because in
strange lands, I have found the kindness of rulers, for you have
allowed no one to oppress me, and for my sake, you rebuked
kings saying, ‘touch not my anointed and do my prophet no

I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man to

direct his steps but you have held my hand and led me. Thank
you because your presence has been my shield and your near
comfort has been with me all my life.

I declare that I have the intelligence of God, being skilled in the

science and literature of my time; therefore, I am set apart from
colleagues of similar considerations. Because the inspiration of
the Almighty has given me understanding, I have been selected
by the nobles to stand before kings and not mere men. In
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the name of Jesus, my heart is precise in judgment and I am
exceedingly knowledgeable in matters of societal value!

Wherever I ind myself, I have continued in my devotion to God

and my practice of prayers. I pray without ceasing, giving thanks
to the Lord and walking uprightly before Him. I am not corrupted
by unfamiliar cultures and godless traditions for I have set the
Lord always before me and He is at my right hand; I shall not be
moved. I do not turn back unto perdition but believe unto the
saving of my soul.

By the favour of God, decision makers create exceptions for me

regarding established policies so that I work out holy plans and
noble intentions. I enjoy special treatment wherever I go, and
rules are revisited for my advantage. In all my experiences and
dealings, I always receive kind consideration as I do what the
Lord has put in my heart to do!

Through God, who is a revealer of mysteries; I give answers and

ofer innovative solutions to tough riddles and diicult projects. I
invent concepts and methodologies hitherto unknown to industry
experts and intellectuals of my profession. By the anointing, I
have a keen mind, knowledge and understanding. Oh glory to
God, for I am a high-end factory for solving the puzzles of kings
and dissolving hard matters.

I declare that the Spirit of God quickens me for revelation and

makes His plans known to me. I have grace for supplication
and in the moment when I intercede on behalf of my family,
kinsmen and nation; the Lord hears me. In the name of Jesus,
I have countless testimonies and proofs that the Lord answers
my requests.

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In the name of Jesus, I am a servant of the Living God, and so
He rescues me from the lion’s den. In the midst of distress or
persecution, I have seen the Son of Man bringing me out. For
though I pass through the waters, God is with me; through the
rivers, they do not overlow me, and when I walk through the ire,
I am not burnt; neither does the lame kindle upon me!

My confession and profession of faith is that the excellent Spirit

is always found within me; therefore, I am ten times better than
the most resourceful men and women in my generation. I am
distinguished in the eyes of leaders, for I consistently exhibit
exceptional qualities. I am trustworthy and not corrupt or
negligent, therefore, I am raised to lead amongst the people.

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2 Chronicles 20:20, Isaiah 40:31, 61:1-3, 1 Kings 19, 2 Kings
2, Philippians 3:14, Galatians 6:17

“So, they rose early in the morning and went out into the
Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat
stood and said, ‘Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of
Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be
established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.’”
- 2 Chronicles 20:20

Father, I thank you for you have raised the distressed into strong
men and your mercies continue from age to age. Thank you
because I am established as I believe in your prophets and
prosper as I believe in you! Hallelujah!

In the name of Jesus, I am the one who waits upon the Lord;
therefore, I soar with wings as eagles, I run and I’m not weary,
and I walk without fainting. Thank you because the Spirit of the
Lord is upon me and you have anointed me to preach good
news unto the meek, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim
liberty to the captives and opening of the prisons to the bound.

The call of God upon my life is now backed up with signs and
wonders as I go about doing good. I declare that in the ordinary

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moments of daily life, I have been found by fathers and spiritual
leaders whom I should follow. I have also perceived distinctly the
timely plan of God for my life; my eyes see, my ears hear, and my
heart understands!

As a son of the Most High, I have esteemed the things of God

over the pursuits of this world, treating with greater regard
the Kingdom than my family, personal ambitions or material
ownership. In this moment of obedience, I see the revelation of
the Lord and I am changed into a new person.

My heart has discerned the anointed of the Lord; therefore, I

serve them faithfully, and wholeheartedly follow their vision
by the Spirit. As I serve, I have become tremendously blessed
by true ministers, moving to new levels of grace, results and
efectiveness and receiving multiple measures of the anointing
to function fully in God’s call.

I declare that I am not a mediocre who wanders through life

aimlessly. I am not blinded, or carried away by the beautiful
things in the world. My eyes are set on the reason for which
Christ apprehended me, therefore I run toward the mark of the
high calling. I am favoured and led into spiritual experiences
signiicant in destiny and encounters that mark new beginnings
in Jesus name!

In this favour, I have been delivered from errors and from wolves
that pretend to be part of Christ’s body. I will no longer sufer
wounds inlicted by hirelings and charlatans who take advantage
of the unsuspecting; for now, I bear on my body the marks of
Jesus Christ.

Today, I declare boldly that I am set aside for unparalleled

outcomes in God; consecrated for higher heights and equipped
for greater productivity. I make my life count every day, as I walk
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in destiny! In the name of Jesus, I submit to the Holy Spirit every
moment of my life and He has continually worked out in and
through me, marvellous things beyond words. Amen!

I am a relection of God’s glory, a proof of His power, a

demonstration of His dominion and a display of His supremacy. I
am a true priest of the Most High, blood-bought and redeemed!

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Psalm 5:12, 40:2, 66:12, 1 Chronicles 4:10, 2 Chronicles 7:9,
Isaiah 43: 18-19, 2 Corinthians 3:5, 9:8

“And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Oh, that you
would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your
hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from
evil, that I may not cause pain!’ So, God granted him what he
requested.” - 1 Chronicles 4:10

Father, I thank you because you bless the righteous and you
surround him with favour as with a shield. I am the righteousness
of God in Christ Jesus; you have therefore encompassed me
with your compassionate favour and covered my life with your
kind regard.

As the Lord has commanded in the blessing, I have become

satisied with favour and every good thing from the hand of the
Lord, therefore I possess the east and the west; the north and
the south. I declare that my life is clothed in the goodness of God
as he looks upon me with joy in Jesus name!

Blessed be the Lord my God, who has delighted in me to set me

on high forever, that I might do judgment and justice, establishing
His holy purpose all my days. The favour of God has changed

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my testimony and my story has become a wonder unto many
even in distant lands. He has brought me up out of a horrible
pit, has set my feet upon a rock, and established all my goings.

Though men have trampled on me in the past, now I have

come into my wealthy place in Jesus name. My former strivings,
tearful battles, cosntant struggles and painful state have been
converted to merry making and great rejoicing. I stood still and
I have seen the salvation of the LORD which He has shown, for
the Egyptians that I formerly knew, I see them no more! Glory to

Today, I testiier that I am no longer the person I used to be; but

I have been transformed by the anointing of Jesus Christ, for
indeed, the Lord has done a new thing! Amen! I see that He has
made a way in the wilderness and rivers gush from the desert
places. It is a new day in my life and good things are happening
to me quickly.

Today, I have called on the God of Israel and He has blessed me

indeed! My coast is enlarged; I am divinely empowered to fulil
my dreams. I have such trust through Christ that my suiciency
is of God, who has made all grace abound toward me; I always
have all suiciency in all things, and I have abounded to every
good work.

I declare that the hand of the Lord is with me and upon me.
He has delivered me from the enemy and of all such as lay in
wait against me. As I have become strengthened by His might,
I gather together many godly people in my journey including
friends who have understanding.

I declare that the Lord keeps me from evil. Oh glory to God! He

has delivered my feet from falling, my eyes from tears and my
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soul from death. In the name of Jesus, I will not grieve over mine
nor lose heart. I am standing in protected territory, for the Lord is
my shield, my impassable defence and a shelter from the storm!

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Isaiah 46:11, 55:3, 60:22, 61:1-3, Psalm 18, 20:7, 22, 27:10,
68:6, 144:1, 1 Chronicles 17, 28, 1 John 5:4

“Incline your ear [to listen] and come to Me; hear, so that your
soul may live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with
you, according to the faithful mercies [promised and] shown
to David. - Isaiah 55:3

Father, I thank you because a little one has become great and a
small one has become a strong nation. Thank you because even
when my father and mother forsake me, you will take me as your
own and show me your salvation on earth.

Thank you because you set the solitary in families! I have been
set aside from among my brethren and in my father’s house to
reign as priest and king in the earth with dominion, victory and

In your favour, you have delivered me from terrible forces

and hidden me in your pavilion on a day of trouble. You have
defended me from the snares of death and the loods of ungodly
men! By the blast of your breath, strength of your arm and holy
rebuke; you have drawn me out of many waters and rescued me
from my strong enemy. You have brought me out of distress and

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led me into a large place.

I declare that as the Lord’s anointed of the Lord, I have won

victory in battles too mighty for my elders, and brought down the
head of God’s enemies. In daily endeavours, business ventures
and visionary eforts; I always wear only the armour of godly

This I know: the LORD has given me victory and He has heard
me from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of His
right hand. Some may trust in chariots and others in horses but I
trust in the name of the LORD my God. They are brought to their
knees and fall but I have arisen and stand irm.

In the name of Jesus, I have become great by the gentleness of

God! I declare that my ordination is not of men but of the Most
High. The oil of distinction lows upon me and I am equipped to
serve my divine destiny. As I work diligently and faithfully in all
things, the Lord takes note of my faithfulness and exalts me to
sit among kings.

Today, I declare that the sure mercies of David are at work in

my life. The Almighty has taken delight in me and shown me
His everlasting mercy. In the name of Jesus, it is my portion to
be favoured by men and God. This is my testimony and reality
wherever I go, whomever I meet and whatever I set my hands to
do according to His will! My name and lineage are listed in the
genealogy of the redeemed forevermore!

The Lord has taught my hands to ight battles and equipped

my ingers for war; therefore, I have great victory and achieve
mighty conquest in all areas of my life. I confess that I am born of
God, therefore, I declare that I overcome the world by faith and
in the face of challenges or opposition, the Lord has brought me
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In the name of Jesus, the covenant of the Blessing prescribes

that I am abundantly blessed with the riches of the earth and
wealth of the seas, till I am well able to supply the needs of God’s
people and fund missions in many countries, bringing respite to
the troubled.

As a prominent leader, I strengthen the weary till the distressed

and forlorn stand again, becoming with me an irresistible army
of warriors for God’s kingdom. Many people from far and near
come to me. They are fed, clothed, nursed, encouraged and
raised to new life!

The favour of God has changed my testimony and put a new

song in my mouth. I have received beauty for ashes, the oil of
gladness for mourning and the garment of praise instead of a
heavy heart. I am known as a person of praise who always gives
thanks to the Father, as His ark of covenant dwells in my home!
Thank you Jesus!! Hallelujah!

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Isaiah 35:4, 46:11, 58:12, 61: 6-7, 1 Corinthians 14: 3, 2
Corinthians 3: 4-6, Psalm 144:1, Judges 4

“And your people will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise
up and restore the age-old foundations [of buildings that have
been laid waste]; you will be called Repairer of the Breach,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” - Isaiah 58:12

Father, I thank you for you have raised me as the planting of the
Lord, an oak of righteousness and a repairer of broken bridges.
Thank you because I am called the priest of the Lord and a
minister of God.
Thank you because for your name’s sake, I have eaten of the
riches of gentiles. For shame, I have double, for confusion, I
rejoice in my portion and everlasting joy is upon me! As a ministry
gift, I operate in spiritual endowments bestowed by the Spirit, to
the comfort, exhortation and ediication of saints.
I declare that I stand strong in my calling, so that many come to
me and are tremendously blessed, equipped and encouraged.
By the suiciency of God at work in me, I have become an able
minister of the New Testament, not of the letter but of the Spirit
which gives life! I am efective in my assignment, keeping my
eyes on eternal things and serving my true Master in Jesus

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I receive the favour of God in great measure to go to war with

His prophetic word, and against valiant enemies for the Lord
has commanded his victory! The camp of evil diviners and
machinations of men are wasted by the Lord, and they lee on
foot from all their hiding places. Amen!

I daily that the Holy Spirit daily leads me into strategic alliances
with people of means who are relevant to my assignment in
Jesus name. I call forth friends of destiny, partners in purpose
and godly leaders to come to join forces with me in the execution
of God’s mandate. I have seen the practical emergence of many
things spoken to me by the mouth of the Lord. I am not deserted
or alone in life’s journey, neither am I destitute or distressed.

I declare that I see connections evolving as saints in other parts

of the world also stand to complete the revealed purpose of
God. As I play my part, God is gloriied, raising other saints to
fulil His agenda in their own way and in His time. My spirit clearly
my place in His unfolding plans, and I have discerned other
comrades of this holy call.

Grace is multiplied unto me, my shoulders are strengthened, and

my head is lifted. I have said to the weary one, ‘Your God will
surely come and save you’. For unto those in darkness, a light
has shown, therefore I bring a word in season to the weary, and
they recover. Hallelujah!

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The Book of Ruth, Psalm 32:8, 65:2, Proverbs 22:29,
Hebrews 12:24

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I
will guide you with My eye.” - Psalm 32:8

Father, I thank you because you have favoured me! I have

respected your priests and honoured your elders; thank you
for clothing me with your honor. Thank you because I grow in
favour with you and men, increasing in stature and wisdom as I
continue on my way to the land God has prepared for me.

The Lord orders my steps and guides me on my journey! I am led

to glean in the ields of those sent to help me; therefore, people
of means and godly heritage notice me and stop at nothing to
help me. I declare that I do not lack help, neither am I stranded
in life! Amen!

Today, I have found favour in the sight of men; and I’m continually
invited to feasts of choice things. I declare that on the account
of favour, I stand before kings in places my natural competence
could not have brought me. I am no longer reproached amongst
people, and the Lord my God establishes me even in a seeming
strange land.

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By the favour of God, I come into harvest. I become part of
organisations, economies, families and nations in the season
of their harvest, therefore I beneit greatly from prosperity I did
not work for. The Lord plants me in places where my gifting is
of value and I locate problems that I am equipped to solve. My
natural habitation is a place of rest and grace makes provision
for my deiciencies.

I am not deprived or held back by my past.

I declare that the mistakes, shame or limitations of my past do
not become hindrances to the unfolding goodness of God in my
life, therefore I possess a heritage I don’t deserve. The blood
is speaking right now, better things, more glorious things, and
perfect things!

My seeds are remembered in the name of Jesus! Every sacriice

and labour that I have committed to righteous deeds now stands
as a witness in my favour. My reward is evident to all as I become
a reminder that God answers prayers!

By the favour of God, my storehouses are full and my bank

accounts lourish in all currencies of exchange! My life and
house are enriched by beauty and I become enlarged as men
add unto my bosom good measure, pressed down, shaken
together dimensions of gifts. I declare today, that prosperous
increase are my new realms of operation! Men add to me
in material substance, valuable contacts, inspired ideas and
spiritual treasures! Hallelujah!!!

In the name of Jesus, Those who have been ordained to help

me will not rest until they have done the full will of God to me. I
declare that every decision maker relevant to my advancement
has the mind of Christ, and works in obedience to the Word
spoken concerning me!
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The Book of Esther, 1 Samuel 2:8, Psalm 61:2, 16:6, 40:2,
Matthew 21:42, Mark 10:27, Luke 18:27, Proverbs 24:10

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the
ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit
the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are the LORD’s,
and He has set the world upon them.” - 1 Sam 2:8

Father, I thank you because you have raised me from the dunghill
and set me among the princes of the earth. Thank you because
you have taken me from the miry clay and set my feet upon
solid ground. That which was rejected by the builders has now
become the cornerstone.

Thank you because you are the God of my life, and when my soul
was overwhelmed, you led me to a higher rock. It is your favour
that takes an orphan maiden in a strange land from poverty to
prosperity and from a hidden identity to global fame.

Today, I stand in the God-kind of faith and confess that with God,
all things are possible and there shall nothing be impossible.
I declare that regardless of the pain I have faced, I have yet
witnessed a better day. Regardless of the limitations I have
known, I now lay hold on my glorious possession.

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In the name of Jesus, I am experiencing and continue to
experience a supernatural turnaround that no man could have
given me!. I am in line for this goodness, for it is the Lord who has
called me from my father’s house to bless me, and to fasten me
as a nail in a sure place. Amen!

I declare that the mistakes of others have become God’s

scheme to prosper my lot and change my status. In the moment
of grace, I am transformed from a small person to a commander
of international dynasties. It is unto me according to grace and
not time.

In this season of God’s goodness, I have been handpicked to

sit in the company of rulers, and their aides show me kindness.
What I do not know because of my restricted knowledge,
exposure and experience, have been revealed to me by those
who understand the ways of the palace.

Now, I have been selected and called in! Glory to God!! I am no

longer an outsider to the wealth that the Lord has set before
me. With godly character and preparation, I am chosen above all
others beyond natural considerations and physical factors, for
the Lord has appointed me a better inheritance!

Today, I declare that the lines have fallen unto me in desired

places and I have an admirable heritage, for it is the Lord who
maintains my lot and secures my portion! I divide spoils with the
mighty and I eat of the fatness of the earth. I am surrounded by
helpers who lighten my burden. Amen!

In the name of Jesus, I am consecrated to God’s revealed

purpose and fully obey His orders. In the hour of battle, I am not a
weak specimen and I do not fret in the day of war. By cleverness
and courage, I have faced the giants confronting me and God’s
people, winning the victory for holy generations.
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The gallows arranged for me have swallowed my adversaries
and I ride on the aluence of those who hate God’s name. The
Lord has made the diviners mad and their hands cannot perform
their enterprise, therefore I triumph over evil.

Because I have honoured the will of God and kept His precept,
His praise is sung in many continents and a name of tribute has
been reserved for me among the saints. This is my time to be
remembered for good; the doors are now open to me and the
king’s signet is lifted to my advantage.

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Job 10:12, Psalm 30:7, Proverbs 16:5, Zechariah 10:1, Luke
1, Mark 10:27

“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of

those things which were told her from the Lord.”
- Luke 1:45

Father, I thank you because you have granted me life and favour
and your visitation has preserved my spirit. Father, your favour
is life and it is the very strength of my existence. I thank you for
your favour has made my mountain strong and you have not
hidden your face from me.

By the favour of God, my horn is exalted for He has obtained for

me a prosperous position in life. Because the Lord has taken a
liking to me, I have a place of honour in the earth and I am as a
cloud of latter rain!

Blessed am I among people and nations, for the Lord has shown
me favour. I release my faith right now and I declare that the full
intentions and purposes of God for me materialise in undeniable
ways in Jesus’ name. By the visitation of Heaven, I am chosen
for God’s precious assignment, with wisdom to deal discreetly.

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By the favour of the Lord, I enjoy divine visitation each day! I
am in tune with the Holy Spirit so that I am full of peace and
joy, understanding clearly the hope set ahead of me. The Holy
Ghost has come upon me and the power of the Highest has
overshadowed me, therefore holy things emanate from my life
till my testimony has become a proof of the presence of the

I declare in the name of Jesus that henceforth, nothing shall be

impossible in my life, through God. No impossibilities! The gates
of my life are continually open with very good merchandise
coming in. All things are possible in my life; my hands are
strengthened for the noble plans in my heart and doors are no
longer shut against me.

Every word of God has pre-eminence over the experiences I

have had or any situation that confronts me. I declare the reign
of God’s word and kingdom! I am standing on every promise,
and it is unto me according to the written and spoken word of
God! I become precise in my perception of myself as I continually
unveil the destiny I carry! Blessed am I for I have believed and
there is a performance of God’s word to me!

Because the Lord has regarded me even in my low estate, I am

therefore called blessed by many generations after me. God
does mighty things to me, and holy is His name! Concerning me,
He has scattered the proud in their imaginations and demoted
those who execute ungodliness.

Thank you Jesus! I declare from now on, that I have become a
proof of God’s mercy and am exalts people of low degree. The
righteous will hear of me and rejoice!

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Luke 2: 52, Matthew 3: 16-17, 4, 11:25, Ephesians 1:6, 3:20,
Psalm 63:1, John 11:40-42

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with

God and men.” - Luke 2:52

Father, I thank you because I have continued to grow in stature

and wisdom, as well as in favour with men and with you! You have
anointed me with the oil of gladness above my contemporaries
and said to me ‘I will be your Father and you will be My son!’

Thank you because the Heavens are opened over me and your
precious Holy Spirit lives within me, for I am your beloved child,
in whom you are well pleased. I thank you Father, because I am
accepted in the beloved and as Jesus was, so am I in this world.

I declare that I am the favoured of the Almighty and he has taken

delight in me! In the name of Jesus, nothing is able to separate
me from His love, for I am one with Him and joined to Him in
spirit. My heart is full of love for my Heavenly Father and I have
sought Him out all day long. My soul always longs for Him and
my lesh after Him, as in a dry and thirsty land where there is no

By favour, I have come into deep and intimate revelation of God’s

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will, for the things He has hidden from the wise and the prudent
have been shown to the simple at heart. I walk with the Lord
each day and set my afections on heavenly things. Regardless
of the pressures of ambition, I have kept focus on the Most High,
for He is my contemplation and constant desire. I have lived my
life by every word from His mouth!

Just like Jesus, God the Father hears me whenever I call. I have
come into His kindness that in all things and at all times, according
to His will, He hears my cry and answers my request. I have
received an assurance that the Lord is able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all I could ever ask or think. My life bears a
harvest of prayers; I am full of proofs and abound in testaments
of God.

I am not tempted beyond what I can bear for the Lord has made
a way of escape for me. As I journey in life, God has built me
up with strength in my inner man and I am fortiied with grace,
therefore I do not fail in the day of adversity for I am not a weak
specimen. I hold up in persecution or hardship on the way to my
purpose, standing tall and inishing strong.

Today, I declare that the supernatural has become my habitual

realm of operation. I accomplish daunting tasks, enjoy
unparalleled insight, express the love of God, perform awesome
miracles, defy the odds, shift established frontiers and gain a
loyal following for my Father’s Kingdom. I am of grace! I am of
grace! I am of grace!

In the name of Jesus; I am irrepressible and cannot be beaten

down. I have walked in victory continually, triumphing against all
odds. I win with love every day, for the love of God has guided all
my motivation, intentions and actions! Nothing is too diicult for
me as I live in the faith of God! I am cruciied to the lesh and its
works, but continue to walk in the Holy Spirit! Thank you Father!!
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Beloved, if you have not received the Lord Jesus Christ as your
Lord and Savior; then you don’t belong to the Kingdom of God,
and cannot exercise faith to make bold confessions of faith such
as those in this book. I want to invite you to receive the life of
God and become a Born Again believer today.

Romans 10: 8 – 10 says “The word is near you, in your mouth and
in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if
you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your
heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says,
“Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”

Wherever you are right now, you can speak these words below,
believing in your heart and immediately become an accepted
child of God, our Heavenly Father and a member of the
household of God!

“Dear God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up
until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. I need
You so much today and I want You in my life. I acknowledge the
inished work of Your Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me
on the cross at Calvary, and I long to receive the forgiveness
you have made freely available to me through this sacriice.

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Come into my life now, Lord. Take up residence in my heart and
be my king, my Lord, and my Savior. From this day forward, I will
no longer be controlled by sin, or the desire to please myself,
but I will follow You all the days of my life. My days are in Your
hands. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

If you decided to repent of your sins and receive Christ today,

welcome to God’s family.

Now, as a way to grow up spiritually, I encourage you to do the

• Get baptized as commanded by Christ.
• Tell someone else about your new faith in Christ.
• Spend time with God each day. It does not have to
be a long period of time. Just develop the daily habit
of praying to Him and reading His Word. Ask God to
increase your understanding of the Bible.
• Pray for the in-illing of the Holy Spirit
• Seek fellowship with other followers of Jesus. Develop a
group of believing friends to answer your questions and
support you.
• Find a local church where you can worship God.

To help you get started with your new life in Christ, please
DOWNLOAD and study this Book by Reverend Olusola A.
Areogun, called Your New Life!

If you are seeking a local assembly to worship in Nigeria, please

send me a mail to; we have siblings in
diferent cities worshipping in Bible-believing Churches.

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I really appreciate the amazing contributions and support of

many men and women of faith, who have helped me on my way
and inspired me to strive for the higher purpose of God in my

Super special thanks to my one true love, Deji Kurunmi; for

leading me, teaching me, encouraging me and holding nothing
back in your love for me!

Big thanks to all my ministry partners and members of Deborah

Initiative for Women; who believe in the God-kind of faith, and
have used these confessions to pray over the last seven years;
thank you for walking with me, and serving God’s purpose

Ultimately, I give all the glory to the very center of my life, the
most gracious Almighty God who teaches me to live in the God-
kind of faith every day and the precious Holy Spirit who inspired
all the faith confessions!

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Debola Deji-Kurunmi, fondly called DDK, is the President at
Deborah Initiative for Women, Founder of IMMERSE Coaching
Company and Executive Director at Ideation Hub Africa.

A World Bank Project Facilitator, Certiied Workplace Personality

Proile Analyst and Job Evaluation Analyst with the prestigious
Thomas International, her corporate career spans academic
research, learning and development, management consulting
and social sector advisory in organisations including Human
Capacity Development Consultants, Phillips Consulting and
RegCharles Foundation.

For her exemplary leadership and vision of elevating Africa’s

prosperity, she was awarded a 2014 New Leader for Tomorrow
in the order of business, government and parliaments at Crans
Montana Forum in Geneva; an award conferred on her before
several Presidents and world leaders. For two years in a row,
she has been selected to serve as a Mentor on the Queen’s
Young Leader UK Program, an award by the Queen of England
which celebrates exceptional young leaders across the

In the last 13 years, she has worked at the heart of her life’s
assignment, actively supporting young women to pursue their
God-ordained purpose through mentoring, coaching and
leadership. An author of 14 books, including the very beloved
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Kingdom of Words, she desires to light a burning ire across
generations and turn hearts in the direction of their divine
destiny, through her books.

At Deborah Initiative for Women, she leads God’s daughters

to pray with passion, grow towards greatness and move with
urgency for the high calling in Christ Jesus. Since 2010, the
outreach has grown into four cities in Nigeria and ive countries
of the world with a strong partnership of godly women raising
other women for God’s Kingdom agenda!

As a corporate trainer and speaker, Debola has spent the last

9 years shaping people, growing businesses and improving
performance by facilitating exceptional learning experiences
through imaginative play, case-based discussions and
introspective action. She has taught personal improvement,
leadership & business management to staf (entry - senior
management) of indigenous and multinational irms, in Nigeria,
Ghana, Dubai, Geneva etc. She has also spoken at over 200
conferences, churches and programs. She has delivered
courses for organisations including Phillips Consulting, LEAP
Africa, Awesome Treasures Foundation, FATE Foundation, VFD
Bridge, Watermark University, FAAN, then AfriBank etc.

In 2014, she started IMMERSE Coaching Company for women

seeking self-discovery, life deinition and personal growth. The
Company has graduated 2, 500+ women across eight countries
from its suite of online Personal Transformation Programs,
including the lagship IMMERSE 30-Day Transformation
Challenge as well as the uncommon sense conference for
women - Acceleration Campus!

On the strength of her belief that Africa’s future and emerging

prosperity will be spurred by active citizens and social innovators;
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she founded IDEATION HUB AFRICA, which provides executive
education, enterprise advisory and mentorship for NGOs,
social entrepreneurs and change makers; as well as hosts
Development Dialogue - Nigeria’s foremost thought-leadership
conference for the third sector.

Through the Big Why Project, Debola has curated Nigeria’s irst
online documentary for its inest change-makers, to showcase
the extraordinary work of thinkers, doers, inluencers, advocates
and visionaries for social good, working within our development
landscape and creating tomorrow today.

She is a 2012 Girl Child Ambassador, 2013 Coca-Cola Scholar

at Pan Atlantic University, 2014 GAME Champion of Change,
2015 Amani Ambassador, 2016 and 2017 Queen Young Leaders’
Program UK Mentor, and currently sit as a Youth Representative
at the Nigerian Economic Summit Group.

Debola makes her home in Lagos, Nigeria with her husband and
their children.

Write to me HERE
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1. FAVOR FACTOR: Faith confessions and scriptural meditations

for embracing and experiencing God’s extraordinary
provisions and exclusive privileges, as a believer lavishly
loved by a good Father.


and scriptures for laying hold on your covenant rights in
the blessing and experiencing wealth transfer through

3. HEALING FROM SOUL WOUNDS: Faith confessions and

scriptural Meditations for experiencing God’s perfect healing
and restoration from soul wounds, emotional pains, identity
struggles and demonic attacks on the mind.

4. GRACE FOR GODLY INFLUENCE: Faith confessions and

scriptures for walking in the grace of Christ, impacting
generations and fulilling your divine purpose on earth.


confessions and scriptural meditations for activating and
applying the anointing of the Holy Spirit for excellence,
enterprise and execution, both in corporate career and

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6. THE MARRIAGE PRAYER ALTAR: Faith confessions and
scriptures for praying out God’s holy intentions for your
marriage (whether married or single) and receiving a quick
work of righteousness in your waiting season.

7. ENLISTED: Prophetic prayers and scriptures for covering

and consecrating your children (born or unborn) as God’s
possession on the earth – prepared for destiny and preserved
from evil.

8. FIREBRAND: A propelling invitation to become God’s kind of

woman – aglow, alame and ablaze! This book will call you to
follow God with your whole heart, and help you embrace the
ministry of the Holy Spirit as you fulill your life’s assignment.

9. UNSTOPPABLE: Kingdom principles and faith confessions for

thriving against the odds and experiencing the supernatural!

10. CHIFFON INSPIRATION: A woman’s heartwarming

compilation of witty conversations, quotes and short stories
that will both make you think and make you reel with laughter!
Perfect with a cup of hot chocolate!

11. WORDED WORSHIP: A thrilling composition of scriptural

declarations and reverent words about the person, power
and glory of God, that you may draw nearer in worship of the
Most High!

To buy any of these books, learn more and leave a review

To write directly to the author –

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“Ah! Kingdom of Words (the combined volume of all books in the

faith series) was my cheat prayer book, because there was no
way I could be so luent in prayers at the time, lol! From when they
were mini books for diferent areas to the combined volume. The
confessions are so deep, accurate and so put together. I would
inish praying a confession and think, this is the perfect prayer
for so and so; they were the books I bought the most copies of!
They helped my prayer life and faith TREMENDOUSLY!”
- Anwulika Ngene

“Praying with the faith confessions have helped me signiicantly.

It healed my heart, refreshed my soul and helped me forgive.
I’m married today with a beautiful daughter - peaceful and joyful,
for indeed, we were blessed with what we prayed for. I had a
supernatural childbirth experience despite my fears and faith
took over as I put his words in my mouth.”
- Kemi Boye-Fakunle

“The irst time I got a faith confession book written by DDK, I

was in a place in my life where I had lost hope and was tired of
praying or worshipping. I was so low, but using the book ignited
my prayer life and the results are evident!”
- Omotayo Atinuke Junaid

“Where do I start from? Is it from the Feast of This Year? Each

time I pick it up, it’s a new message from heaven for me! These
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confessions are illed with God’s power and I have not been
the same taking them! In fact, I can’t but sandwich tongues in
between the confessions because they are so spirit-lifting!”
- Adetunji Bukola

“I got the book UNSTOPPABLE by Debola Deji-Kurunmi and it

turned things around for my family. We would confess the words
in the book daily. Indeed, God’s word became lesh in our lives
and that has turned back our fortunes.”
- Elizabeth Ajetunmobi

“I recently took a confession from Anointing for Workplace

Excellence when I was posted to a new unit in my workplace,
that I knew nothing about. I found favour with the senior
colleagues who taught me some things and within a week, a
lot of things were left in my care, my opinions are reckoned
with and even though it is said to be the most stressful unit, I
am actually enjoying it and not undergoing any stress at all, but
sharpening my skills.”
- Adewole Olawunmi Aderounke

“Your faith confession books have been extremely helpful in all

areas of my life. They have made prayer a habit instead of a
chore, they have also helped in improving me spiritually as well
as made my prayer life much more mature. I have given copies
of your books to friends who fall in love with them immediately.
Thank you Ma for your seeds sown. God bless you greatly.”
- Olusola A.

“I got your book, Life Advantage by the Covenant, as a gift

from one of my pastors back on campus in Obafemi Awolowo
University. This was my irst encounter with Debola Deji-Kurunmi
and the book has remained my prayer companion.”
- Damilola Adewale
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“UNSTOPPABLE is such a loaded book. I’ve read it and currently
re-reading it. Full of FACTS based on His word, applicable to
every of life’s issues and yielding heavy nuggets of motivation
to move as led of the Spirit, irrespective what level you currently
are in your walk with God.”
- Funmi Ayowole

“UNSTOPPABLE is indeed spiritual book. It is a life-giving, spirit-

energizing, soul-transforming and a spirit-awakening book. One
thing it does so well that I know of a truth, is that it keeps my spirit
awake when I use the confessions in it. Every believer must have
it in their hands. I so love the fact it touches on every concern of
human endeavor. It became a permanent content in my handbag
at some point and gave out a few copies, I felt like I should buy
hundreds of copies and take them to universities and churches.”
- Adenike Leke-Akinbode

“Chifon Inspiration is one of my best DDK’s books. Sincerely,

I had not seen that kind of book before: a book with inspired
quotes, scriptures, meditation and life changing questions. And
even the title!

I was just so fascinated and I started reading and digesting. I

really didn’t know some of the words I had digested would come
back to me. So, at a point in my life when it seemed the only
picture I had about life was fading away and I seemed to be
grossly disadvantaged, you know what came back to me, not
just as words this time but as a revelation? It’s found on page 90
of the book ‘when you wake up is your own morning!’ There’s no
reason to feel late because your sister got married before you
or your best friend got a promotion ahead of you! When it’s your
time, then it’s your time! With its scripture back up in Ecclesiastes
- Adedokun Temitayo
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“Healing from Soul Wounds helped me move forward from a lot
of baggage I never realized I was still carrying. Today I’m lighter
and free. Free from hurt, malice, resentment and all forms of
- Kemi Boye-Fakunle

“The confessions in Healing from Soul Wounds lifted me from

depression, guilt and pain of disappointment. I’m now stronger,
bigger and better! This book transcends every form of wounds;
whether marital, church-related, parent-related etc. It’s amazing
how the book works!!!!!!!”
- Adetunji Bukola

“Worded Worship is a book every believer must have! It has

opened my eyes to the benevolence and goodness of God
in countless ways. Each time I go through it, it’s like an electric
surge passes through my whole body from my head downwards
and I see myself on the loor soaked in my own tears.

I feel great joy lowing like streams of water through me and in

that instance, I ling my worries into the sea and give God thanks
for who He is. If you want to see God in action, go through it with
a pure heart and a childlike mind, and yes, I experience miracles
- Ebele Anne-Marie

“Joy Project contains faith-inspiring testimonies that I connect

with from time to time. It tells God’s mighty hands at work in the
lives of believers and what He is still set to do in, through and
for us.”
- Adegoke Olawunmi

“Healing from Soul Wounds is an interesting book and was

actually my irst contact with DDK’S books. It was a free gift
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distributed at a conference I attended in April 2013. I was going
through a lot of emotional trauma at that time and I had a lot of
low moments, and negative emotions.

It was a book in season to deal with all those emotions. Declaring

God’s Word to myself gave me a whole diferent perspective by
the power of faith confessions. I still refer to it from time to time”
- Adewole Olawunmi Aderounke

“Worded Worship is a book that takes the lid of you about who
God is to His children as against the knowledge of a stereotyped
- Abe Omolola

“My irst contact with Debola’s books was with Healing from
Soul Wounds. Ha!!! was just what I needed at that time when
I was in a valley period. I was experiencing delays that I couldn’t
explain by human reasoning. I felt like I was being left behind,
with my friends and even younger ones visibly progressing in
every area and I was there, literally grounded and not advancing.
I became depressed! So, I got the Book at her meeting for free.

As I went through it, I got to the part about Healing from Lost Time
and I just stopped there to really personalize the confessions!
That book was literally in my bible for over a year! I would wake
up, read the scriptures attached to each confession and then
take the confessions. Guess what? My peace returned because
I became so conident that what has taken my mates years to
achieve would be perfected in me within months, as I had been

This has been my anchor and my testimony. I was able to laugh

in the midst of the delay, my heart had no more fear and I was at
peace. Finally, after waiting for 3 good years before being inally
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mobilized for NYSC, I found favor in a strange land, and I got a
job immediately after my service year, for which I didn’t apply.

Today, I can hardly pray without making a confession out of

Healing from Soul Wounds. I don’t open it every day anymore
because those words and scriptures have taken roots in my

I have had this book since 2012 and as I type right now, it is right
in front of me because as I carry those scriptures in my heart, I
also carry the book physically just in case there’s an emergency
to use the other confessions in the book that I have not taken
time to study”
- Olukanni Toyosi

“I remember how DDK literally recruited me into the Launch

Team for print versions of Life Advantage by the Covenant and
Healing from Soul Wounds. For about two years, they were part
of my devotionals. I would read them on my way to work. Many
times, I will be confessing and weeping deeply because the
wounds were so deep and the healing I started experiencing
was so deep too!!!

I have been healed of deep-seated emotional wounds that held

me bound for years and I also began to build my desired future
using my Life Advantage by the Covenant. Many times, I would
open the bible and go back to the Scriptures shared in her
books, in amazement that the Scriptures actually existed and I
was not even aware! The Word literally became life in me!!!!

I haven’t stopped gifting my friends print copies of these books

because I am a woman who is helped by God and I am just so
grateful for how he keeps working in me “
- Bunmi Dayo-Ayeni
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praying with
this book!



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