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Communication Aids

1.Define communication aids.

Ans: communication aids helps in an individual or an organisation to communicate more effectively with
people around them. It typically involves the use of pictures and symbols instead of are in combination
with words. These methods maybe visual, auditory or audio visual.

2. Name some visual communication aids.

Ans: visual communication aids include flyers or pamphlets ,brochures ,posters and e- flyers,standee
,hoardings etc.

3. List 4 uses of communication aids.


1. They are useful in spreading Social awareness.

2. They are useful in marketing a product are event.
3. Promoting events such as concerts exhibition sales etc.
4. Educating masses about ecological problems or health or other relevant topics for the overall

4.Define a pamphlet.

Ans: pamphlets are typically a single unfolded sheet in A4 Or A5 size. they may be printed on
one side or both sides with a combination of text and images to convey short and concise
messages effectively.
5. What are flyers used for?
Ans: Flyers are used for
1. Event announcements.
2. Advertising vacancies for new businesses clubs or restaurants.
3. As newspaper and magazine inserts.
4. For local advertising.
5. To inform people about their rights
6. State one advantage and one disadvantage of using flyers.
Advantage with flyers: they are most affordable forms of communication they can be
customized and made suitable for different purposes .they are effective as people get to keep
them and read it at their convenience and also can share with others by handling it to them.
Disadvantages with flyers: the only disadvantage of flyers is that illiterate people cannot be
targeted to spread awareness by this medium.
7. Brochures are best printed on which quality of the paper ?why?
Ans: Brochures are printed on thick quality glossy finished paper.
brochures are intended to be repeatedly referred to and handled. This is why they are best
printed on a more durable paper and are given a coating to help better resist moisture and
8. How can brochures be distributed?
1. They can be mailed to targeted people.
2. Attached to proposals, reports, presentation folder ,enquiry forms etc.
3. Shared at meetings, fairs, conferences and seminars.
9. How should the writing on a brochure be.
Ans: the writing in a brochure should be
1. Simple, Concise and clear.
2. With short sentences without complicated words or phrases.
3. Without the repetition of same words,ideas, or sentences.
4. Informal language and active voice.
10. What can be targeted groups towards who brochures can be targeted.
1. potential members or volunteers
2. potential clients
3. potential funders
4. potential community partners and supporters
5. The press
6. The general public
11. briefly explain the basic format of a three fold brochure.

Ans:copy Figure from pg:184.

12. What are the regional names given to puppetry in different parts of India.

Ans: In India different names are given to puppets in different places for example in West Bengal the
glove puppet is known as benerputul ,in Kerala it is known as pavakathakali in Rajasthan it is known
as kathputli the string puppet is known as sutoputul in Bengal.

13.what is the common name for a street play? what keeps the audience engaged and interested in a
street play performance.

Ans: the common name for street plays is Nukkad Natak or Street theatre. Theatre artist often begin
with humour or satire which engages the audience and once the audience are engaged the job of
spreading the message is done.

14.What is the aim of a street play.

Ans: Street plays aim is to communicate and educate people on social issues like dowry, child labor
,human trafficking and problems faced by society like garbage management ,open defecation,women's
rights, government schemes etc.

15. Describe the five types of puppets used in puppet shows.

Ans: the five types of puppet shows are

1. Hand puppet: it is also call the first puppet ,globe puppet or guignol. It is worn like a glove over
the hand. The index finger service as the neck while some band middle finger are used to control
the arms of the puppet.

2.Rod puppet: it is also known as stick puppet .The puppet is supported by a stick sometimes one for
the body and two other small ones for the hands.

3. shadow puppet : shadows are formed behind the white cloth screen by projector are bright light
from behind using rod puppets or by hands.

4.Finger puppet : The different characters of a story are placed on different fingers of the puppet.The
finger which is moving shows the character saying the dialogue. These puppets usually do not have arms
and even if they do they do not move.

5.Ventriloquist's dummy: This is a big puppet almost half the size of the ventriloquist. IT sits on the
ventriloquists knee,arm ,table and chair. A hand supported from the back and controls it too.This act
seems like there is a conversation taking place between The artist and the puppet.It appears as if the
dummy can really talk.

16. How can puppet shows be used for spreading awareness.

Ans: puppet shows are with attractive puppets and voice modulation along with engaging scripts are
employed by the puppeteers.this helps them to hold the attention of the audience that includes children
and adults, rural or urban people both alike. When the people are engaged with the puppet show the
job of spreading the message is also done.

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