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K-W-L Chart
Relationship of Assessment and Instruction; and Why it is important in Values

Based on my previous knowledge, Instruction is a way for teachers to deliver and convey
knowledge to students. While in Assessment, it is a way to know student's understanding
and what they have learned after the discussion.

These are key elements to help students have effective learning while realizing their own
values as well, and for teachers to have fruitful teaching and their relationship to their
students, that's why these are important in Values Education based on my understanding.

W ant to know

I want to know how can we really conduct assessment in teaching Values

Education effectively with the help of instruction, as well as the challenges of it
in modern times.

L earned
According to the DepEd Order no. 8 s. 2015, all the students' progress tracked by the
teachers, will be a significant factor in improving instruction so that learners will continue
to be better and for teachers to address learners' problems in learning.

This is essential to Values Education because it gives a lot of opportunities to help

integrate values as there are various kinds of assessments that can be helpful for diverse
learners with different beliefs and cultures.

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