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English Immersion Program

Quiz units 5-6-7

Name:______________________________________________________ Date_____________

I- Write the time in the two ways.

12:30 _______________________________ and ________________________________
6:35 ________________________________ and ________________________________
II- Complete the sentences using: go shopping, stand, on, do, by, brush, crazy about it,
at, in.
1) I come to class _____ foot. But I’d prefer to come _____ bus.
2) I can’t _______him, I just hate the way he looks at me.
3) Do you like Big Bang Theory? – I love, it. I am just _________________________.
4) I always___________ my teeth before coming to class.
5) I would like to _______________________ this weekend, but I don’t have enough
6) I am planning to study for the test ____ Monday.
7) I hate doing homework ____ the weekend.
8) I love playing basketball _____the summer.
9) Is it cold here ___ the winter?
10) I like to ___ the dishes at home.

III- Rewrite the sentence putting the adverb in the correct place.
1) I go to my house after the English class (Always)
2) It is late to learn new things. (Never) ______________________________________
3) She goes to the gym after eating breakfast

IV- Write the comparative

Tall __________________________________
Good ________________________________

V- Choose the correct option

1) Is there any/some water to drink? I’m thirsty!
2) I’m sorry but there isn’t any/some sugar left for your coffee.
3) There are any/some oranges there in that tree. Let’s take them.
4) I’m hungry. What about eating any/some chips?
5) Jane doesn't have any/some friends.

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