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Owe : nợ

Executive : ủy viên ban quản trị


- Process of identify, measure, record and communicate in4 to permit informed
judgements and decisions by users of the in4
- Who use accounting in4?
+ Stockholders : know profit, risk capital
+ Government : tax calculations, col lect state and a country-level data
+ Competitors : launch a new strategy, build and equipment to purchase, how
much merchandise inventory to keep on hand
+ Employees : manage bank accounts, evauate job prospect (tiem nang), make
investment and decide whether to continue or change job/position
+ Managers : plan, evaluate the firm performance, manage risk => build a new
strategy, make decision
- Financial Accounting and Management Accounting

Financial A Managerial A

User External internal, sensitive in4

Types of Balance sheet Job cost sheet

report Income statement Cost of goods manufactured
Cash flow statement Production cost report

Frequency Quarterly, annually As frequently as needed

Purpose Help external user make Assist the internal user

Focus Pertains to company as a Pertains to departments,
whole sections
K sang tao, follow theo rule

Nature Monetary Monetary and nonmoneytary


Verification Audited by CPA No independent audit

Xac thuc

- Accounting Profession : public accountants, private accountants: general

accounting,.., tax accounting, accounting consulting
- Accounting Ethics : refers to the principles and value that govern the behavior
of accountants in their professional practice, iclude : integrity (chinh truc),
objectivity, confidentiality, professional competence þ> help to maintain sự
tin tưởng của nhà đầu tư mà kế toán cung câos
- Accounting Process :
+ Identifying : identify, collect document (chung tu keto),
+ Recording : ghi len ledger, diary (so keto) follow regulations,
+ Communicating : external and internal, issues ra financial report
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles : Các chuẩn mực kế toán được
thừa nhận
+ 11 basic principles (most important)
1. Business entity concept (thực thể kinh doanh)
- only report activities on financial statements that are specifically related to
company operations, not those activities that affect the owner (chỉ ghi những
nhiệm vụ kinh tế liên quan, k ghi cho private use and others)
2. Going Concern Assumption (Hoạt động liên tục)
- assume a business will continue to operate in the foreseeable future (hd liên
tục trong 1 ktgian xác định, ít nhất là 1 năm)
3. Moneytary Measurement Concept
- Mọi thứ QRT
4. Accounting Period
+ Officail period : fiscal years
+ Temporary period : quarters, months (theo yeu cau)
5. Accrual basic Accounting (Cơ sở dồn tích)
- Ghi nhận giao dịch ngay tại thời điểm xảy ra, regardless of payment
6. Historical cost (giá gốc)
- Identify value tại acquisition date (ngày mua)
- Value = sum of fees (chi phí bỏ ra để sở hữu, đưa tài sản vào trạng thái sử
7. Revenue Recognition
- Dthu chỉ đc ghi nhận tại thời điểm hàng hóa đc chuyển giao, k care tiền
Vd : đã thanh toán những hàng chưa giao, khi nào hàng giao thì mới ghi doanh thu

8. Matching Principle ( Nguyên tắc phù hợp)

- Expenses math revenue (dthu ghi bao nhiu thì chi ohis bây nhiêu, có dthu mới
có chi phí
9. Consistency principle (
- Áp dụng phương pháp kế toán nào thì áp dụng xuyên suốt 1 kì
10. Prudence/ Conservatism (Thận trọng)
- Assets cannot be overvalued the net realizable value ( tsan k cao hơn gtri có
thể thu hồi)
Vd : 9/9 => 40tr + 4tr tax
31/12 còn 30 tr => lỗ 14tr
Lỗ chưa occur vì chưa bán nhưng phải record ban đầu là 30tr, nếu 31/12 lên
50tr => lời 6tr chưa occur vì chưa bán nhưng not record 50tr, mà phải record
44tr (historical cost)
- Liabilities cannot be undervalued the obligations paid for.
- Any uncertain or estimated expenses/losses should be recorded;
- Uncertain or estimated revenues/gains should not be recorded;
11. Materiality principle (ngtac trọng yếu)
- In4 nào ảnh hưởng đến nhà đầu tư thì phải công bố
- In4 ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến nhà đầu tư
- Nghiệp vụ có giá trị lớn thì phải công bố bổ sung
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) :Federal agency congress has charged to set
reporting rules for org that sell ownership shares to public
FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) :Independent group of full-time members
responsible for setting accounting rules
IASB (international accounting standards board) :Group that identifies preferred accounting
practices & encourages global acceptance; issues IFRS
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) : nonprofit entity engaged in creating &
disseminating sustainability accounting standards for companies

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