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Tempting Thoughts

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson
Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Additional Tags: POV Pansy Parkinson, Lesbian Sex, First Time, Ron Weasley Bashing,
Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Fluff and Smut, Friends to Lovers, Scissoring,
One Shot, Song: I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend (Girl in Red), Song: Slumber
Party (Ashnikko), vibes, Mutual Pining, Post-War, Smut
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-02-07 Words: 4,316 Chapters: 1/1
Tempting Thoughts
by Jello_cubez


When Pansy finds out her best friend's boyfriend bailed on their anniversary plans, she invites her
over for a slumber party.

Hermione looked away, something she did whenever she was contemplating her next words. Her
face turned a shade of crimson red, embarrassed to continue. “Have you… Have you ever been
with a woman?”

Is she implying she wants to go further? Pansy's stomach turned with thought.

She raised her hand, moving her fingers to brush along Hermione’s cheek. “No, but I’ve thought
about it.” She leaned down allowing her lips to linger just over Hermione’s. “Thought about


I wrote this one shot as a gift for Cassia (@callcalypso). She was one of my first friends within the
fandom and is always so supporting! <3 Check out her socials and show some love! :)
Present time…

There were few people in this world that Pansy Parkinson cared about. So few that she could count
them all on a single hand - Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass,
and Hermione Granger.

Yes, Pansy Parkinson cared about Hermione Granger.

It was quite a surprise to the world when the two once upon a time enemies had become friends.
They had run into each other at the pub one night a few years back and after a high consumption of
alcohol apologies were made, which led to the two of them chatting the night away. After that
night, they had become inseparable.

Being friends with Hermione had its advantages, like their weekly lunches or random coffee meet
ups. But it also came with its disadvantages, well only one big disadvantage, being friends with
Hermione meant being friendly with Ronald Weasley- and Pansy absolutely hated Ron. She hated
his messy red hair, she hated how he talked with his mouth full, she hated how he thought he was
better than anyone else just because he was a famous quidditch player, but most of all Pansy hated
how he was the one who got to call Hermione his…

Yes, she disliked Ron because she is madly in love with her best friend but to be fair the man was
also just a terrible boyfriend. He forgot important dates, he never showed up to support her at work,
and he kept trying to change Hermione - and fucking hell, that drive Pansy insane.

He had a picture-perfect idea of what it meant to be in a relationship with someone, but more often
than not, Hermione did not meet his expectations. And instead of accepting and loving Hermione
for who she is or just walking away, he convinced her that forever between them could work, but if
only she became the ‘perfect’ version of herself. And being the loving-stubborn perfectionist she is,
Hermione believed him, trying to confine herself into someone she was not.

Pansy could see it was draining Hermione and as someone who spent a good amount of their life
being moulded into someone they weren’t, she empathised with her. So, every time Hermione
needed a friend, Pansy was there with an open mind and open arms.

She wouldn’t openly hate on Ron - Pansy knew it would only push Hermione away - she would
simply remind Hermione of her worth, leaving out any negative remarks about the redhead. And
last night Pansy reminded Hermione of her worth over and over again in the most unexpected

Pansy’s eyes were filled with all the hatred she had towards Ron as he sat in front of her, waiting
for Hermione so they could go to Sunday Brunch at the burrow.

His leg was shaking anxiously, he was a nervous wreck, and he had reason to be, last night he had
forgotten their five year anniversary. Yesterday, he had notified Hermione, via owl, that he would
be returning home late since he will be going out to the pub with his teammates - forgetting that
they dinner plans. During Pansy's and Hermione's lunch hangout, Hermione held back her tears as
she explained to Pansy why she looked like she had been crying.

Pansy almost felt tempted to show up to the Chudley Canons practice and avada the fucking prick.
But Hermione needed her and she couldn’t very well be there for the witch if she got herself put
into a cell in Azkaban. So, she suggested the next best thing… a slumber party.

It sounded childish and given the look on Hermione’s face when Pansy had suggested it, she
thought she was crazy. But when Pansy explained they would not be braiding hair - unless she
wanted to of course - that they would just be drinking and laughing until they could no longer keep
their eyes open, Hermione smiled and excitedly agreed.

Pansy cleared her throat, bringing Ron’s attention to her. “And how was the pub last night?” There
was a slight hint of hostility behind her voice as she tried to play nice… for Hermione’s sake.

“It was good,” he vaguely answered, clearly showing his disinterest in having small talk. Pansy
gave him a simple nod before returning to her tea, she decided his response did not warrant further

She could sit in silence, it was no issue for her, but the longer Hermione took the more nervous Ron
seemed. His eyes kept drifting behind Pansy, checking to see if Hermione was making her way
down the hall. After about the tenth time, Pansy decided to break the tense silence once again,
“she’s just freshening up. She should be done soon.”

Ron nodded, finally sipping the tea that Pansy had made him when he first arrived, “I assume you
two had a good night.”

“Sorry?” Pansy questioned his statement.

Ron nudged his chin to the new stain on Pansy’s couch. “Mione always spills whenever she

“Oh.” Chills ran up her arm as she thought about how exactly that stain got there, she grabbed her
wand riding the stain with a single flick. She gave him a mischievous smirk. “We certainly did
have a good night.”

The night before…

Pansy was reaching for the last wine glass that somehow had made its way to the back of the top
shelf. She knew she could have just used magic to get the glasses down, but hanging out with
Hermione all of these years has made Pansy accustomed to doing simple things the muggle way
and because she forgot her wand in her bedroom and she was not the best at wandless magic.

“Pans?” Hermione’s voice rang from the drawing room.

Pansy couldn’t help but smile at the witch’s punctuality. “In the kitchen! Be there in a -” she
stopped mid-sentence when she finally got hold of the wretched glass. “Ha. I knew I could do it.”
She celebrated to herself before turning to find Hermione standing directly behind her - her cheeks
red as her eyes drifted up from her arse to meet Pansy’s.

Was she just staring? No… Pansy rid her mind of the idea that Hermione had been looking at her

Her eyes wandered over Hermione’s body, her breast slightly visible behind the white cotton tank
top and her smooth legs showing more than Pansy had ever seen. She looks like a fucking goddess.

She tried to compose herself by pulling her black silk robe over her matching pyjamas. “Punctual
as always, Hermione.”

Hermione rolled her eyes, “someone in this friendship has to be.”

“Oh, whatever.” Pansy bumped into Hermione playfully, their legs slightly brushing with each step
as they made their way towards the drawing room.

Time was flying by and soon they two were completely sloshed and unable to control their laughter.
Pansy's cheeks were hurting from the constant smiling, but she couldn't help it as Hermione’s smile
was contagious.
As more time passed, Pansy found herself constantly trying to push away every thought she had
about leaning over and kissing the witch - a task she wasn’t sure she could keep doing.

“They didn’t!” Pansy gasped as Hermione tried to compose her laughter after telling Pansy about
the most recent scandal at the Weasley Sunday Brunch - Molly catching Harry and Ginny in the
bathroom attempting to make baby number two.

Hermione’s laughter finally subsided and she pushed herself up, her body landing closer to Pansy.
Their legs lingered against each other, causing chills to run up Pansy's body. She looked down at
their proximity, taking a deep breath trying to keep her feelings about Hermione at bay.

“I mean honestly, how could they possibly think that they wouldn’t get caught? It’s like they cannot
keep their hands off each other!” Hermione's voice pulled Pansy back to reality.

How could Ron keep his hands off you? Pansy blushed at the thought. If she were ever in Ron’s
position, she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off Hermione… not even at Sunday brunch, no
matter whose house they were in.

“Well, I think that it's sexy.” Pansy humphed and Hermione scrunched her eyebrows in confusion,
urging Pansy to further explain. “They are so passionate and so in love that keeping their hands to
themselves is nearly impossible.”

The statement ran thick into the air, their eyes refusing to look away from one another.

Hermione cleared her throat before shyly looking away. “I - I guess you’re right. But even then, I
wouldn’t even think of kissing under Molly Weasley’s roof, and sex? Absolutely not!”

“Safe to assume that Weasley doesn’t bring out your wild side.”

Hermione gasped and smacked Pansy’s arm playfully. “I don’t have a wild side!”

“Says the girl who reads muggle romance novels before bed.”

“And what does reading have to do with a wild side?”

“Do I really need to answer that?” Pansy gave Hermione a knowing look giving no further
explanation. She knew what types of books Hermione read before bed. Hermione pushed Pansy
backward playfully causing Pansy to drunkenly fall into the cushions, both of them giggling

Pansy didn't sit up right away, instead, she laid there stretching her legs out and over Hermione's
lap before pulling herself back up. Something she shouldn't have done if she were trying to not act
on her desires. She shook of the small moment of overthinking, having her legs casually over
Hermione wasn’t unusual. They had been this close before and Pansy was able to still remain in
control, but then Pansy felt Hermione's delicate fingers roam over her legs as she continued talking.
Oh, this is going to be a long night.

Hermione was going on about the rest of her workday when her fingers advanced higher on Pansy’s
thigh, her touches causing Pansy’s breaths to escalate as she tried to hide her arousal.

She wasn’t even sure if the brunette witch knew what she was doing to her, but she decided to
reciprocate her touches by mimicking touches along Hermione’s arm, moving her way up to her

Hermione hummed while Pansy caressed her skin. Slow and steady their faces inched closer. Long
gone was their conversation - the only sound filling the room was the heavy breathing coming from
both their lips.

Kiss her... This time Pansy didn’t push the thought away. She leaned closer, brushing her nose
against Hermione’s. Hermione’s breath hitched with the new closeness, the scent of red wine and
cherries hit Pansy, luring her closer.

Kiss her... and she did.

Their lips collided for just a second until Pansy pulled away, scared that she may have misread the
situation. They stared at each other, both refusing to be the one to break the silence.

Hermione’s grip on Pansy’s thigh tightened. “Fuck,” Hermione whispered before leaning forward
and crashing their lips for the second time.

Not even the wine was strong enough to cover the taste of cherries and vanilla that came from
Hermione’s mouth. She was intoxicating and everything was Pansy had ever imagined. The kiss
was soft and delicate, they took their time nipping at each other's lips while their tongues danced
with each other.

Pansy’s hands found their way to the back of Hermione’s neck and pulled the witch closer, running
her hands through her thick curls. Hermione’s hands trailing along Pansy’s thighs making their way
beneath her, gripping her arse and guiding the willing Pansy to straddle her.

Wanting to feel more of Hermione, Pansy grabbed the bottom of Hermione’s white tank top. “Can
I?” She said against her lips and once Hermione softly nodded, Pansy pulled the fabric over
Hermione’s head and tossed it to the side of them.

Her fingers stroked along Hermione’s bare mid-drift, teasing her until Hermione couldn’t take any
more. She grabbed Pansy’s hand placing it on her breast, both of them purring with the longing

Hermione’s soft whimpers increased when Pansy’s touches became more demanding. She took
hold of Hermione’s nipples twisting them between her fingers, her moans muffled by Pansy’s
kisses. The sound of her whimpers caused a pool of wetness in Pansy’s silk bottoms.

She guided Hermione so that she could fully lean back on the couch, her legs trapping Hermione
underneath her.

Pansy’s mouth attacked Hermione’s smooth skin with sweet kisses, lightly trailing down to her
neck while Hermione’s hands squeezed Pansy’s arse, guiding the witch to grind against her. Pansy
moaned with the friction, the thin silk allowing Hermione’s body to rub against her core freely.

She brushed the curls away from Hermione’s chest before attaching her lips to her hard nub, rolling
her tongue in a way that caused Hermione to let out a husky moan. She continued attacking
Hermione's chest with soft kisses and touches, her lips basking in the feel of Hermione.

“Pans?” Hermione nervously whispered in between her moans.

Pansy pulled away from the witch, pushing herself up to hover over her face. "Yes?"

"I-" Hermione looked away, something she did whenever she was contemplating her next words.
Her face turned a shade of crimson red, embarrassed to continue. “Have you… Have you ever been
with a woman?”

Is she implying she wants to go further? Pansy's stomach turned with thought.

She raised her hand, moving her fingers to brush along Hermione’s cheek. “No, but I’ve thought
about it.” She leaned down allowing her lips to linger just over Hermione’s. “Thought about

She placed a small kiss on her lips and moved down to her breast, just lingering over her nipple.
“Thought about kissing these beautiful breasts.” She took the hard bud into her mouth, flicking her
tongue. Hermione softly whimpered when Pansy pulled away, moving to the other breast.

“Thought about the lovely sounds you would make.” She said before sucking Hermione’s nipple
with more force. Hermione buckled under her from the sensation.

Pansy moved lower, licking down the path of Hermione’s navel, her fingers grabbing hold of the
band on Hermione’s striped bottoms.

She placed gentle kisses on her skin. “Thought about how sweet your pussy would taste on my

Hermione’s hushed moans rang from above, enhancing Pansy’s arousal even more. She looked up
at Hermione and she looked like a goddess. Pansy gave into Hermione’s pleading eyes, and she
slowly pulled down the pyjamas bottoms, her fingers caressing Hermione as they trailed down her

Hermione’s core was exposed from the lack of knickers and she tried to close her legs, but Pansy
gently pried them open, “don’t hide yourself from me.”

Hermione followed Pansy's request without hesitation and Pansy moved in between her legs. A
place she would happily die in. She placed tender kisses on Hermione’s freckled thighs, the
softness of her skin sent shivers up Pansy’s body. “You’re a goddess, Hermione, you deserve
someone who worships you.”

She lined her face with Hermione’s soaked opening, inhaling the sweet musky smell of her.
“Someone who is so mad for you that they cannot keep their hands off you.” She leaned closer, her
lips brushing over Hermione’s core, causing her to shudder.

“Please ,” Hermione whined.

Pansy smirked. ”Please, what?” Her tongue rolled over Hermione’s opening, she groaned when the
bittersweetness of Hermione hit her taste buds before pulling away. “Tell me what you want,

“I want it - I want you.”

With Hermione’s confirmation, Pansy’s mouth was on Hermione’s mound. Her tongue rolled
around her opening, lapping Hermione’s slick folds, devouring any sweet goodness sent her way.
The taste of her was like a drug and Pansy was damn near addicted.

"You taste divine," she moaned into Hermione’s clit as her fingers teased Hermione’s soaked core.
“Is this okay?”

“Yes…” Hermione purred into the air while her hands squeezed her breast.

Pansy pushed her finger into Hermione’s willing pussy, her mouth sucking on Hermione’s hard nub
as her other hand reached for Hermione’s breast, replacing her hand, allowing Hermione to just
focus on the pleasure.

Slowly Pansy added a second finger, pumping the two digits into Hermione, causing her to arch up
into Pansy’s face, her clit throbbed under Pansy’s flicking tongue.

Hermione’s pussy tightened around Pansy’s working fingers as she increased her pace. “Pansy, you
- you do that so good. Oh - my - god… I - I am going to come.” Hermione whimpered from above.

Hermione buckled beneath her, indicating her approaching climax. Pansy pressed her tongue into
Hermione’s hard nub, sending her over the edge, Pansy’s name on repeat as a pool of wetness came
out of her in a rush and onto the couch, creating a noticeable spot. Pansy quickly pressed her mouth
to the drenched pussy, licking her folds and devouring Hermione’s slickness. Hermione rode out
her orgasm, her body trembling as Pansy lapped the last drop of her.

She pushed her body up to hover over Hermione, one leg between her thighs and the other beside
her hips. Hermione’s cheeks were red and hair was completely messy, but she was the perfect
image of beauty.

"You stained my couch you menace," Pansy teasingly whispered against Hermione's lips.

"If only there was a spell to remove stains..." Her voice was sarcastic. Both of them were smiling as
their noses brushed against each other.

“You know, I quite like hearing you scream my name,” Pansy teased before pressing their lips
together, indulging in the sweetness of Hermione’s lips once again.

Their kisses grew more feverish. Hermione’s leg shifted beneath Pansy, pressing into her core with
such force. The contact caused Pansy to tremble, she gave into her pleading desire to feel more.
Slowly she rocked against Hermione’s thigh letting out, soft moans falling from her lips.

Hermione grabbed hold of Pansy’s arse pulling her closer towards her mound, moulding their
bodies together before pushing them up so Pansy was straddling her thigh. Their lips never parted.

Her hands roamed to the hem of the silk top, pulling it off and throwing it behind the couch. The
coldness of the room hit Pansy’s bare chest but Hermione’s touch warmed her as her hands cupped
her breast.

“I’ve thought about you too.” Hermione said against her lips, brushing their noses together as she
lifted her free leg, their cores now pressed against one another with only Pansy’s silk bottoms
between them. "All I think about is you..." Pansy’s stomach turned with Hermione’s confession.
Hermione rolled her hips up, rubbing her pussy into Pansy. She repeated the movement.
The feel of Hermione pressed against her was maddening. “ Fuck, Hermione .” She grinded into
her harder, the wetness beneath her pyjamas seeping through.

Hermione lifted them slightly, pushing Pansy so her back was laid against the couch. Hermione
gripped her thigh, urging Pansy to wrap it around her hip. Hermione slowly rubbed their soaked
cores together. Pansy moaned with hunger, her hands gripped onto Hermione’s hips, guiding her to
move faster, her throbbing clit begging for there to be less clothing.

Hermione stopped, her eyes filled with desire as she looked at Pansy from above. “I want to taste

Pansy grinned, releasing the tightness of her leg that was wrapped around Hermione, allowing her
to move down her body. She placed kisses down Pansy’s body, all the way to the band of the silk
bottoms, pulling them off slowly and nipping at each of her thighs.

Hermione looked up at Pansy with doe eyes, “can I please taste you, Pansy?” The way Hermione
purred caused Pansy to shatter.

“Yes,” she groaned and Hermione hungrily pressed her lips against her drenched core. “Oh fuck,”
Pansy whined at the warmth of Hermione’s mouth.

Hermione’s tongue flicked against her clit but moving down and lightly pressing into Pansy’s
pussy, she flicked it around the soaked folds, drinking every pull of wetness Pansy sent her way.
Her grip on Pansy’s thigh tightened and she guided her thigh around her shoulder as her free hand
moved to Pansy’s core.

Hermione’s mouth sucked Pansy’s clit as she rubbed against her opening before pressing her finger
into her soaked pussy. “Oh - my - god - don’t stop,” Pansy whined with the invasion, lifting her
hips up, causing more friction between them, she mindlessly grinded into Hermione’s mouth.

Pansy felt Hermione smile against her clit before pressing a second finger into her. Her digits
pumped into Pansy as her mouth sucked her hard clit while circling her tongue around her hard

“I am coming,” Pansy screamed as her orgasm took over, Hermione’s name flying off her tongue.
Her body shook as Hermione’s movements slowed, her mouth lapping at the remainder of Pansy’s

Hermione removed her fingers, hummed as she licked the glossiness from them before pushing
herself to hover over Pansy. "Delectable."

Hermione pressed a quick kiss to Pansy's lips, the taste of her own come filled her mouth. “I quite
like hearing you scream my name too.” She repeated Pansy’s earlier words, the two of them
laughed as Pansy pulled Hermione into her arms.

Pansy ran her finger through Hermione’s hair in silence. It was obvious each of them wanted to
speak, but none of them were sure of what to say. After minutes of them just embracing each other,
Hermione's eyes moved up to look at Pansy, who was staring into the ceiling in deep thought.

“What are you thinking?” She whispered.

About what happens next... Pansy’s breath hitched. She was scared to say what she was thinking,
she took a deep breath. “Come tomorrow your boyfriend will most likely be here to pick you up…”
She hated saying it, she looked at Hermione and kissed her temple. “And how I’ll be greeting him
with a smile and be all nice to him because… you’re my best friend and it would make you

And she meant it, she will stick by Hermione’s side, and if she had to remind her of her bloody
worth with her tongue every time Ron pissed her off, then so be it.

“I’m sorry, Pans…” Hermione snuggled into her chest, “I - I - we shouldn’t have-”

“Don’t finish that bloody sentence, Hermione.” Pansy squeezed the witch in her arms. “I don’t
regret it… In fact, you have ten seconds to get up and go to the bedroom so I can show you just
how much I don’t regret it.”

Hermione looked at her with confusion, “what?”

“Ten…” Pansy started counting, causing Hermione to sit up and run to the room as she counted
down. Hermione was already eagerly waiting for her in the bed by the time Pansy reached one.

Present time…

“Sorry I took so long.” Hermione entered the drawing room, her hair pulled back in a braid wearing
a loose fitting yellow sundress she borrowed from Pansy’s closet. Pansy noticed Hermione’s eyes
widen when she saw Ron was sitting on the exact spot Pansy made her come undone.

Ron stood stepping in the direction of the door without even acknowledging Hermione, she noticed
the hint of sadness behind Hermione’s eyes as she followed behind him.

“Fucking prick.” Pansy growled under her breath before she stood to walk them out. “Weasley,
don’t you think Hermione looks absolutely stunning in this dress?”

Ron, who was completely oblivious, turned to Pansy and Hermione, his eyes darted down
Hermione’s body taking in her appearance. He smiled and grabbed her hand. “You look nice,” he
quickly said before stepping through the door.

Hermione looked at Pansy, giving her a sad smile. Pansy grabbed her hand pulling it to her lips.
“You look beautiful.” She saw Hermione’ s eyes light up with the compliment. “I will see you
Monday, okay?”

“Mione! We are going to be late.” Ron yelled.

Hermione looked outside and saw that Ron had already crossed the street, leaving her behind, she
looked back at Pansy. “See you Monday,” she said before leaving.

A few hours later, Pansy was laying on the couch, reading the muggle magazines Hermione gave to
her, when the drawing room lit green and in walked Hermione.

“Hermione! Is everything okay?” Pansy walked to her, checking the witch, worried she was hurt
due to her unexpected visit.

“I broke up with Ron.” Hermione finally said and Pansy grabbed her hand leading them to sit.
“What happened?” Pansy tried to hide her amusement behind her concern.

Hermione scrunched her eyebrows, something she did whenever she was calculating what to say.
“He - I… Well, we went to brunch and I tried to hold his hand at the table and he shook it off.” She
looked at their hands still laced together over her lap. “And then I thought about what you said
about passion and everything, that I - I just told him it was over.”

“I am sorry, Herm-”

“Don’t be. I should have done it ages ago.” She smiled brightly, not looking remotely bummed
about her break up. Her eyes filled with determination, “but, I realised I have your dress and it
would be best to return it.”

Pansy scrunched her eyebrows in confusion because Hermione was still wearing the dress she was
referring to. Her eyes widened with the realisation of Hermione's visit.

Hermione grabbed hold of one of the straps and pulled it over her shoulder, her hand sensually
moving to the other side, removing the remaining strap, which caused the dress to fall to the floor,
revealing Hermione’s naked body.

She stepped out of the dress, her hips swayed as she moved closer to Pansy. “You have ten seconds
to get up and go to the bedroom.” Pansy smirked at the beautiful witch in front of her, completely

“Ten…” Hermione started and Pansy ran to the bedroom, stripping her clothes.

Hermione crawled onto the bed, brushing Pansy’s skin with kisses all the way up to her lips. Their
mouths nipped and kissed each other, as they rubbed their soaked cores against one another

They spent the whole night memorising each other's bodies, until they both were too exhausted to
continue. They fell asleep with their legs intertwined and their bodies moulded together.
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