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Children are facing more pressure nowadays from academic, social and commercial

perspectives. What are the causes of these pressures and what measures should be taken
to reduce these pressures?

Nowadays, a vast majority of children are under a lot of stress on many aspects of their life. This
pressure is often caused by society and teaching staff. The purpose of this essay is to analyse some
of the causes and possible solutions for this.

The main reason behind this phenomenon is based on the rumors that you will not have a future if
you not ending up with a good grade which are most circulating at schools. Although teachers know
that is not true, they oftentimes do not deny it; And make students to believe this falsity in order to
motivate them to study more. This can be very harmful in every way. For example, in Iran, 30%
students often took their own life because they cannot achieve their desired score in the university
entrance exam which is simply known as KONKUR.

Moreover, educational institutions are also using this misconception, that getting a top score is the
only reason to become successful in the near future; To sell their services to undergraduates who
believes this myth, Thorough the media and commercials. In 2019, a former KANUN -educational
institution- employee indicate that they also give away the final exam answer with a right price.

To tackle this problem, the government must take an action and put number of agents in every
schools and educational institutions, to prevent this defrauding. Also they also should start this trend
that newspapers and televisions to interview with a successful individual every month, to underline
the fact that studying is not the only reason to have a flourishing future; and it can relieve children
mind from stress.

In conclusion, government must put a stop to every activity that put a pressure on students as they
are the hope and future of the world.

Soheil Vafaei / AC

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