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Lab - Miscellaneous Tasks

Task 1: Arrays

You are building a simple task management applica4on that stores tasks in an array. Each
task has a 4tle, descrip4on, and status (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress," "Done"). Design and
implement the array opera4ons needed for this applica4on.

1. Create a structure or class represen4ng a task with 4tle, descrip4on, and status fields.
2. Implement a func4on to add a new task to the array.
3. Write a func4on to display all tasks in the array.
4. Develop a func4on to mark a task as "Done" by upda4ng its status.
5. Implement a func4on to delete a task from the array by its 4tle.

Task 2: Linked Lists

You are working on a music playlist applica4on where each song is represented by a node in
a linked list. Each node contains the song's 4tle, ar4st, and dura4on. Design and implement
the linked list opera4ons required for managing the playlist.

1. Create a class or structure for a song node with 4tle, ar4st, and dura4on fields.
2. Implement a func4on to add a new song to the playlist.
3. Write a func4on to display the en4re playlist.
4. Develop a func4on to remove a song from the playlist by its 4tle.
5. Implement a func4on to find the total dura4on of the playlist.

Task 3: Stacks

You are developing a text editor that needs to keep track of the history of user ac4ons (e.g.,
typing, dele4ng, undoing). Design and implement a stack-based system to manage the user

1. Create a stack to store user ac4ons (e.g., strings represen4ng ac4ons).
2. Implement a func4on to push a new user ac4on onto the stack.
3. Write a func4on to pop the last user ac4on from the stack (undo opera4on).
4. Develop a func4on to display the en4re history of user ac4ons.
5. Implement a func4on to clear the en4re history stack.

Task 4: Queues
Lab - Miscellaneous Tasks

You are building a print job management system for a printer. Print jobs are represented as
nodes in a queue. Each node contains informa4on about the document to be printed. Design
and implement the queue opera4ons needed for the print job management.

1. Create a class or structure for a print job node with document informa4on.
2. Implement a func4on to enqueue a new print job.
3. Write a func4on to dequeue the next print job in the queue.
4. Develop a func4on to display the details of all print jobs in the queue.
5. Implement a func4on to clear all print jobs from the queue.

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