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for 1 roll cake l=25 cm

Pavlova Roll Cake
for 1 roll cake l=25 cm


Ingredients Total weight: ~ 480 g 100%

• Egg whites 180 g 38%

• Sugar 270 g 56%
• Lemon juice 10 g 2%
• Cornstarch 20 g 4%

1. Pour the room-temperature egg whites and the lemon juice into
the bowl of a stand mixer and whip with a whisk attachment at
medium speed until foamy.

2. With the mixer running at medium speed, start adding in the

sugar gradually.

3. Continue whipping at medium speed until stiff peaks. This should

take about 5–8 minutes.

4. Sift the cornstarch on top of the whipped meringue and fold

it in using a silicone spatula or whip it at low speed for about
5–10 seconds.

5. Transfer the meringue into a piping bag fitted with a Closed Star
tip d=7 mm.

6. Pipe out diagonal strips of the meringue onto a silicone mat

35x35x1 cm.

7. Bake the meringue in a fan-assisted oven preheated to 140 °C /

284 °F for 25–30 minutes until it is a light-beige color and springs
back when being lightly pressed on.

• If you don’t have a fan-assisted oven, you can bake in any oven
at the same temperature, but baking time will be 10–15 minutes

8. Let the meringue layer cool down at room temperature.

Pavlova Roll Cake
for 1 roll cake l=25 cm


Ingredients Total weight: ~ 805 g 100%

• Cream cheese 65% 400 g 50%

• Whipping cream 35% 300 g 37%
• Icing sugar 35 g 4%
• Glucose/corn syrup 70 g 9%
• Vanilla 1 pod

1. In a bowl of a stand mixer combine the cream cheese, icing sugar,

glucose syrup and vanilla seeds. Whip at low speed first, until
combined, and then increase to medium speed until smooth and
slightly increased in volume.

2. Gradually add 1/3 of the cold whipping cream, mixing at low speed,
and then increase to medium speed for about 1 minute, while
adding the rest. Whip until a stiff, but smooth and creamy texture.

3. Use the frosting immediately.



• Baked cooled meringue layer

• Vanilla cream cheese frosting 450 g
• Fresh raspberries 100 g
• Fresh blueberries 50 g
• Icing sugar Sufficient quantity

1. Wash and drain the berries. Pat them dry.

2. Transfer the cream cheese frosting into a piping bag fitted with
a round tip d=18 mm.

3. Dust the meringue layer in a thin coat of icing sugar using a sieve.

4. Cover the meringue with a piece of parchment paper (keep in mind

that you should not press too hard) and flip the meringue over and
peel off the silicone mat.

5. Pipe the cream cheese frosting to the surface of the meringue

and smooth using an offset spatula. Spread the raspberries and
blueberries all over the frosting.

Pavlova Roll Cake
for 1 roll cake l=25 cm


6. Push the berries slightly into the frosting layer using an offset
spatula. And pipe one more stripe near the edge of the
meringue layer.

7. Gently roll the meringue, using the parchment paper to lift and
guide the cake into an even roll.

8. Place the roll cake onto a baking tray with its seam facing
downwards, cover it with parchment paper and put it in the fridge
for about 30 minutes to 1 hour to stabilize.

9. Keep the remaining cream cheese frosting in the fridge until you
are ready to use it.



• Stabilized roll cake

• Leftover vanilla cream cheese frosting
• Fresh raspberries Sufficient quantity
• Fresh blueberries Sufficient quantity
• Fresh basil leaves Sufficient quantity
• Neutral gel Sufficient quantity

1. Take the stabilized meringue roll out of the fridge, remove the
parchment paper and trim the edges with a serrated knife.

2. Transfer the roll cake onto a cake board using an offset spatula.

3. Transfer the leftover vanilla cream cheese frosting into a piping bag
fitted with a Closed Star tip d=7 mm.

4. Pipe a creamy swirl decoration on top of the meringue roll cake.

5. Cut some of the raspberries in half and apply a little bit of the
neutral gel onto the sliced sides with a pastry brush.

6. Arrange the whole and halved raspberries on top of the creamy

decoration. Garnish with blueberries and fresh basil leaves.

7. Serve or keep in the fridge for no longer than 12 hours.

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Copyright©2023 International Pastry Academy KICA, All rights reserved. Photo credit: Natalia Khoroshaieva

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