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M4 Marriage Contract

Summarize the three main contractual consequences of marriage.

-Support: spouses have the mutual obligation to support one another as well as their children
depending on their financial capacities and needs.
-Property: Marriage creates a partnership where the spouses can jointly own property, however if a
divorce happens the spouses are each eligible for 50% of the ownership and any property that was
owned by one of the spouses prior to the marriage can remain individual.
-Children: Both parents are jointly responsible for their kids and have equal right and responsibilities
in the decision making for the upkeeping of their child.
List six areas that can be affected by the status of being married.
-Native status
-Income tax
-Financial liability
-Government child benefits
-Accounting and equalizing of ‘Marital Property’'
List five ways in which individual rights aren't affected by marriage.
-Prior property
-Consent on one’s body (no joint consent needed for medical treatment)
-Sexual relations
- Income and non-family property
When can a marriage contract be created and changed?
A marriage contract can be created once all the requirements for one has been met and the documents
have been signed. That means obtaining consent, a marriage licence signing the marriage registration
form and so on so forth –Unless if we are talking about a common-law marriage which is also a
contract--. A marriage contract and its terms can also be amended or altered at any moment during the
marriage if such are the wishes of the ones married.
Give three property-related topics for a marriage contract.
-A marriage contract could have for property-related topic the question of who is going to own what if
a divorce is to happen.
-It could also speak about prior individual ownerships and wether it is to be transferred to a joint
ownership although it has no obligations to do so.
- A spouse could claim partnership of an asset that they do not already own if they can argue that they
contribute to it directly or indirectly

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