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Greeting everyone delegate of adani renewable would like to discuss a

challenge that comes with the territory of big infrastructure projects:

the media spotlight, especially when it attracts paparazzi intrusion.
This is a delicate situation we navigate with projects like China's Belt
and Road Initiative (BRI) and the India-Middle East-Europe Economic
Corridor (IMEEC), and I'm here representing Adani Renewables.

When big projects are in the spotlight, it's like being a celebrity. The
media wants to know every detail, and the paparazzi, in this case, are
keen on capturing every moment, be it success or challenges. While
it's great that these initiatives get attention, it also poses challenges as
it can sometimes turn into a distraction.

For Adani Renewables, managing this media attention is crucial. We

want to focus on the positive impact of our projects, like creating
sustainable energy solutions. However, the media can sometimes
focus on the rivalry between BRI and IMEEC, creating unnecessary

In the midst of this, we strive to keep the spotlight on what truly

matters: the positive changes these projects bring, from connecting
nations to fostering sustainable development. It's a thin line to walk,
but at Adani Renewables, we remain committed to our goals,
navigating the media attention with resilience and a focus on the
bigger picture.

Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests,

I stand before you today to shed light on a topic that sits on the delicate edge between progress and
scrutiny: "The thin line: Infrastructure rivalry creating media spotlight, inviting paparazzi intrusion."
And in this discourse, I wish to emphasize the significant contributions of Adani Renewables to the
development of the India-Middle East-Europe corridor.

Infrastructure, the backbone of any nation's progress, is often the stage for intense rivalry. As we
witness the race for supremacy in shaping the future, the media spotlight naturally gravitates
towards those at the forefront. Adani Renewables, with its unwavering commitment to sustainable
energy, has found itself in this spotlight, not just as a player but as a game-changer.

The India-Middle East-Europe corridor, a critical artery for economic connectivity, is witnessing a
transformation led by Adani Renewables. The company's commitment to renewable energy sources
is not only reshaping the energy landscape but also fostering international collaboration. As the
corridors evolve, infrastructure rivalries become more pronounced, drawing the attention of the

However, with this attention comes the risk of paparazzi intrusion. In the realm of infrastructure
development, paparazzi, in the form of speculative reporting and exaggerated narratives, can hinder
progress. It is crucial to discern between healthy scrutiny and invasive intrusion. Adani Renewables'
contributions, marked by transparency and sustainable practices, deserve fair coverage.

Let us recognize that in this race for infrastructure supremacy, there exists a responsibility—to inform
rather than sensationalize, to celebrate achievements rather than fabricate controversies. Adani
Renewables stands as a testament to responsible infrastructure development, contributing not only
to energy security but also to environmental sustainability.

As we navigate this thin line between rivalry and responsible progress, let us ensure that the media
spotlight is a beacon for enlightenment rather than a source of undue intrusion. In acknowledging
Adani Renewables' endeavors in the India-Middle East-Europe corridor, let us collectively commit to
fostering a narrative that accentuates the positive impact of infrastructure development on a global

Thank you.

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