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E-learning Dec 1-3



Samuel Johnson quotes

“The fiery openness of Othello”

“and the cool malignity of Iago”

Order of events:

Desdemona promises Cassio she’ll talk to Othello for him. Iago begins his temptation and Othello begins
to doubt Desdemona and her friendship with Cassio. Desdemona calls Othello fro dinner and as they
leace she drops her hankercheif. Emilia picks up the hankercheif and give it to Iago. When Othello return
to the scene he is already very jealous and Lago adds to his suspicions claiming to have seen
Desdemona’s hankercheif in Cassio’s hands. Othello return with Iago and Des pleads for Cassio – Othello
is not sympathetic. Othello swears revenge and orders Iago kill Cassio.
Molar Mass


Gas volumes: Volume of one mole of gas = mass of one mole of gas/ density of the gas

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