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. Measuring a cylinder and sphere by using calipers

and micrometers.
. Our goal is to measure their volume, mass, density,
height, and radius. With these values, we want to
measure the sphere's mean and standard deviation

At first, the measurement goal needs to be put
correctly in the caliper and quietly squeezed.The
vernier scale's “0” point is measured with the scale,
and the tiny value is given in millimeters. Finally, it is
determined in the main scale, and the necessary
computation is done by adding this value to the
previous number. Again at first,our initial goal is to
put correctly in the micrometer and quietly
squeezed.Divisions below the horizontal line mean
half millimeters and read as 0.50 millimeters, while
divisions above the horizontal long line mean whole
millimeters and read as 1.00 millimeters.
Volume of Sylinder = 3,14 x (915x10^-5)^2 x 304x10^4 =
799x10^-8 m3
Density of Sylinder = 641x10^-4 / 799x10^-8 =
802252816x10^-5 kg/m3
Mean of the Diameter = 0,09666 / 5 = 0,01932
Standart Deviation of the Diameter = √¯(0,01936 –
0,019332)^2 + 2(0,01934 – 0,019332)’2 + 2(0,01931 –
0,019332)^2 / 5-1 = 2,16795x10^-5
Volume of the Sphere = 4/3 x 3,14 x (0,09666 ±
1,083975)^3 m3
Density of the Sphere = 278x10^-4 / 4/3 x 3,14 x (0,09666
± 1,083975)^3 kg/m3
Slope = 120 / 3,2 = 37,5
3,2 / 120 = 6,1 / 400 – Ro  Ro = 171,25
a = 3,2/120 x 171,25 =15572x10^-8
.If we take Volume of the Sphere as 4/3 x 3,14 x (0,09666 + 1,083975)^3 the
result will be 6,88994. But if we take as 4/3 x 3,14 x (0,09666 - 1,083975)^3 the result
will be -4,02936.We know Volume can’t be less than “0”.Then we can say the value of
the Volume has to be between (0,6,88994).

.If we take Density of the Sphere as 278x10^-4 / 4/3 x 3,14 x (0,09666 +

1,083975)^3 the result will be 0,00403487. But if we take as 278x10^-4 / 4/3 x 3,14 x
(0,09666 - 1,083975)^3 the result will be -0,00689936. We know Density can’t be less
than “0”.Then we can say the value of the Density has to be between (0,0,00403487).

.It is clear from the table that when the temperature rises, there is an increase in
resistance. It demonstrates that resistance and temperature are directly proportional.


1.If units such as inches, yards, feet, and miles are used during measurement,
what differences are there in the margin of error obtained in the test results?

_ The measurement is impacted by the size of the unit we employ to measure anything.
It will require more of the smaller unit and less of the bigger unit to convey the
measurement if we measure the same quantity using different units. For instance, a
room that is 4 yards long will be 12 feet wide.

2.What is the number of significant digits or uncertainty in the measurement

results? Explain.

_Diameter of the Sphere = 0,19332 ± 2.16795x10^-5

_Radius of the Sphere = 0,09666 ± 1,083975x10^-5

Experimental Errrors
Volume of the Sylinder = 3.14 x 25545164 x 10^-12 (Personal Error)

Density of the Sylinder = 641 x 10^-4 / 3.14 x 25545164 x 10^-12 (Personal Error)
(16.2: Measuring with Different-Sized Units - Mathematics LibreTexts, n.d.)

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