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University of Kerbala, 2023

Computer Organization and skill I

Dr. Maha Altememe

Computer Science Department
University of Kerbala, 2023
Computer Organization and skill I 1st Class
Lecture One Dr. Maha ALtememe

Lecture One Introduction

In this course will learn the basic concepts of the Structured Computer
Organization and their related skills, which introduces the main computer
functionality and provides students with important skills that are required by
the next level courses.

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the general concept of computers.
2. Describe the design and functioning of the four basic functions of computer.
3. Discuss the relationship between microprocessor component designs and
4. Describe the main types of Computer Hierarchy
5. Distinguish between Structured Computer Organization and Computer

1.1. What is Computer

A computer is a digital machine dedicated to taking input data, process

it, and produce the related information as an output, which is controlled by a
sequence of instructions called a Program.
As a consequence, the input data and the output are stored in a storage
devise. Therefore, the terms mentioned above have the following definition
• Data, is a collection of facts that can be anything such as numbers, text,
sound, image, video, and etc., which are considered as a raw of an
unorganized form of information.
Computer Organization and skill I 1st Class
Lecture One Dr. Maha ALtememe

• Information, is data that has been processed in such a way as to be

meaningful to the person who receives it.
• Process operation, the state of the computer program when it is executed
by the operating system.
• Instructions, is an order given to a computer processor through a
program. Each instruction consists of sequence of 0s and 1s that describes
a processing operation.
• Program, is a collection of instructions that perform a specific task when
executed by a computer.

1.2. The Functions of Computers

Accordingly, Figure 1.1 , shows the four basic functions that are done by
• Input Device – any hardware or peripheral device that allows you to
enter data into a computer or interact with a computer
• Storage Device – a hardware device that is used for storing data
• Processing Device – a hardware device that receives the data, performs
a set of instructions, and then returns the processed data to the RAM
• Output Device – a device that formats and presents data in a form
understandable to a user

Computer Organization and skill I 1st Class
Lecture One Dr. Maha ALtememe

Figure 1.1: The four basic functions of computer.

Computer Organization and skill I 1st Class
Lecture One Dr. Maha ALtememe

1.3. Types of Computers

The traditional way of comparing classes of computers is by their

processing power. This section presents each class of computers beginning
with most powerful and ending with least powerful. We describe the
computers and their respective roles in modern organizations.

1. Super Computers

Super computer is a computer with a high level of performance as compared

to a general-purpose computer. The performance of a supercomputer is
commonly measured in floating-point operations per second (FLOPS) instead
of million instructions per second (MIPS).

Figure 1.2: Example of Super Computers.

Computer Organization and Skills Lecture Six

2. Server Computers

At a time, supercomputers consider as a special computer that can run

programs specified for industries or research organizations such as NASA.
Server computers are very different from supercomputers. Servers are
less expensive; it has fewer CPU cores. Server computers are dedicated to
providing data to other computers through a Local Area Connection or the
Internet. Usually, server computers, Figure 1.3, apply a sort of software that
serving the purpose of the server, such as Web Server, Mail Server, File Server,
and so on.

Figure 1.3: One server computer with many regular computers.

3. Personal Computers

The third class of computers called personal computers (PC), such as

desktops and laptops. Such computers designated for one user only. Their cost-
effectiveness makes it a preferable choice for general-purpose uses. Every PC
is dependent on microprocessor technology, which allows PC makers to set the
entire central processing unit (CPU) on a single chip. Because of the high
availability and low-cost, PCs might be used for general purposes such as

Computer Organization and Skills Lecture Six

education, accounting, marketing, gaming, and so on depending on owner's


4. Workstation Computers

Simply, the term of workstation means a high-performance pc.

Generally, they have powerful processors with lots of memory and a high-
quality GPU1 for rendering graphical applications. Typically, you will find
workstations in media development like Disney or DreamWorks, but they are
also used in professional applications for CAD drawing and rendering, as well
as music production. Anything that takes a lot of processing power, as it can
considerably reduce your processing time, which in turn increases efficiency
and lowers the bottom-line cost in production.

Activity 1.1

1.1.1List any TWO advantages of computers.

1.2.2. List any TWO disadvantages of computers.

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