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Head Quarters- New York (Is divided into 6 administrative bodies)

9th Secretary General of the UN- Antonio Guterres (current since 2021)
Head Quarters of the International Court of Justice- The Hague/ World Court
Security Council consists of 15 member states (China, France, Russia, UK, US, 10 non-permanent
Official Languages- 6 (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish)
Nationality of present Secretary General- Portuguese
1974- declared as the year of World Population Year
S-G in 1991- Boutros- Boutros- Ghali
I.L.O deals with labor issues and promotes social justice
Headquarters of I.M.F is at Washington D.C (INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND)
Main Blots on the U.N.O
-Power Politics
-Racial Discrimination
-Lack of 100% populations coverage of the world
When did the UN adopt the charter of Economic Rights- December 1974
China was represented in the UN by Tokyo, for a long period.
Secretary General of the UN- Butros Ghali (January 1992- December 1996) (Africa)
UN charter consists of – 34 Articles
General Assembly of the UN designated 1992 as INTERNATIONAL SPACE YEAR
Who inspired the creation of the United Nations- Franklin D. Roosevelt
UN Charter was signed on June 26, 1945, the UN became official in San Francisco.

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