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Rafe was pretty sure he was about to do something he was going to regret.

That, or go insane
with desire. He could feel something sizzling in his chest the longer he stared at you, hyper-
aware of the attention you were attracting. Attention that did not come from him and him
"Wow," Kelce whistled beside him, pulling him out of his thoughts, "Venus looking thick as
hell, man, look at that ass."
Rafe had been looking. Hard not to, when the red bikini you were wearing hugged your body
like a second skin, showing off your curves in ways that made him wonder how nice it would
feel to trace your soft-looking skin with his palms.
Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t the only one with his eyes on you.
He gulped and took another sip of his beer – jaw clenching as he tried to not let his temper
get the best of him over Kelce’s words. He couldn’t blame the other guy for staring when you
looked that good, but goddamit, did Rafe feel the urge to punch him and every other ogler
that dared to eye-fuck you.
His eyes never left your figure as you danced by the pool with the confidence of a young
woman that had outgrown her teenage insecurities, a faint smile on your lips as you swayed
your hips to the beat of the Latino song playing.
It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen, and – if you had been anyone else – he wouldn't
have hesitated to approach you and charm you into his bed.
But he knew it would never work. Not on you.
It was the worst-kept secret that you disliked Rafe Cameron. No, not dislike; you hated his
guts; you couldn’t even stand the mere sight of him, a scowl twisting your features every
time you were forced to interact with him at the country club where you waited tables. He
couldn’t really blame you for that though; not after the things he had done and said to you in
high school.
Even Rafe himself was aware of how much of a nasty teenager he used to be; especially to
You just so happened to be his favorite plaything. Why, he had no idea, but young Rafe lived
for the moments where you would avoid him like the plague during recess, just so he could
hunt you down to bully you in the meanest way he could think of.
You had a crush on someone, and he happened to find out? He made sure to personally break
your heart. You tried to develop a friendship? There he was to break it even before it started.
You dared to tell on him to a teacher? He would harass you at your own home and bombard
your phone with nasty texts until you dropped it.
He was king and you were his favorite court jester.
Not that you didn't put up a fight.
More than once you had punched and screamed at him, tears in your eyes as you pinned him
down under your fiery gaze. He loved it. In a way, he wondered if that was what made him
sink his claws into you in the first place. You scratched that urge in him for confrontation, for
a good fight.
He still remembered that altercation between you that had turned into a slapping contest in
the hallways, everyone around you urging you on until a teacher came to stop it. He could still
feel the sting in his cheek, remember the way your hard gaze never left his even when his
palm met your skin. That was one of the reasons why he couldn't stop bullying you, even
when that inevitably got him in trouble.
Rafe knew that he used to be your worst nightmare, and, at the time, he hadn’t cared how it
make you feel. Looking back, he regretted it.
He really had no idea how he had once thought of you as ugly. If he was being honest with
himself, had he ever? Or had he just been a horny teenager with no idea of what to do with
his feelings toward the ostracized fat girl? He couldn’t be sure. To be fair, you had been
awkward in high school, always dressed in baggy clothes and worn-out shoes, with your
glasses at the tip of your nose, which was almost always stuck in the pages of some thick
fantasy novel.
But now? The only thing he could say was that you had finally learned how to dress and flaunt
every piece of your body in the best way possible.
You had the body of a fucking goddess, an hourglass figure he could get lost in, all curves
and wide hips and tits that he could bet even his large hands weren’t big enough to contain.
More than once he had imagined your thick thighs wrapped around his hips as he thrust into
you, your soft body pressed against his.
Ironically enough, you reminded him of the artwork ‘Venus and Adonis’, which he had seen
during a visit to the Met as a kid.
But it wasn’t just your body that made his dick twitch with desire.
Your eyes still had that fire from when you were kids, and your gaze could smolder him on the
spot if he locked eyes with you for too long. Your lips alone were enough to make him
fantasize about you on your knees with your mouth stuffed with his cock, moaning around
him as he came down your throat.
Fuck, did he want you. He was getting hard just imagining all the ways he could bend you
over and fuck you until you were an incoherent mess.
A hand on his shoulder followed by his name snapped him out of his thoughts, and he
changed his focus to the petite redhead staring up at him with a coy smile on her face.
“Hey, Rafe.”
“Hey, Amber, what’s up?” he greeted distractingly before redirecting his gaze back to you.
His brow furrowed as he noticed a guy approach you and start to dance right behind you, a
hand going on your hip as he said something in your ear. Rafe could almost hear his jaw
unclench as he saw you shake your head and bat the dude’s hand away, successfully making
him leave you alone after that.
“What?” he asked, focusing again on the redhead that had said something to him.
“Was wondering if you have some of the… you know…” she shrugged and leaned against him
before whispering, “The white stuff.”
“Got money to pay for it?” he asked straight, taking another sip of his beer as his gaze
involuntary moved back to you, still dancing by the pool and thankfully on your own.
“No,” said Amber, her hand tracing patterns on his chest, “but I’m sure we can get to some
kind of agreement…”
Rafe scoffed, her double meaning clear to him. It was not the first time she offered him a fuck
or a blowjob in exchange for some grams of coke, and it wouldn’t be the last. Hell, any other
night and he wouldn’t have hesitated to lock himself with her in the nearest room and let her
ride his dick until he came.
But not tonight. She was not who he wanted.
“Sorry, Amber, no money no coke. That shit’s expensive.”
“Oh, c’mon, Rafe–”
“Just fuck off, will you?” he snapped, shaking her hand off of him. “Not in the mood tonight.”
He heard her gasp and curse at him before storming out, but he couldn’t care less if he had
offended her.
Right now, you were walking towards him.
He took another gulp of his beer as he tried to act nonchalant; the last thing he needed was
for you to notice his constant stare.
But then it happened. Just as you passed by him, so close he could see the beauty marks on
your neck, you looked up at him and your lips twitched before you calmy broke eye contact
and walked inside the house.
Rafe took a deep breath as he considered following you. You were trying to drive him insane
on purpose, it was the only explanation. Why, though? That was a question he was dying to
know the answer to. It didn’t even make sense, given your history.
But things had been… off for a while now. He hadn’t even thought much about it until you had
smiled at him during one of your shifts at the country club, gaze bearing into his as you
refilled his glass. You never smiled at him. Never. And you had definitely never looked at him
with anything other than annoyance and contempt in your eyes. That look you had sent him
though (so similar to the look you sent him just now), whatever it meant – and he was sure it
meant something – that shifted something in him.
After that, it was like he was seeing you everywhere.
He was at the country club; there you were, catching his eye as you served drinks and took
orders. He was at the beach with his friends; oh, there you were hanging around your pogue
cousin and his pogue friends. But seeing you at a party? A party thrown by kooks, of all
people? That was when he started paying attention.
Fuck it, he whispered to himself before downing the rest of his beer.
His feet were dragging him inside the house before he could register the decision to follow
you, and Rafe passed by the other partygoers as he looked around for you. He ended up
finding you in the kitchen, leaning against the marble counter as you sipped on a glass of
water and checked your phone.
He hesitated for a second by the threshold, unsure of what to say, but it didn’t last when you
finally noticed him, brows raising as he approached you with a smirk.
You were going to fucking end him.
“V-E-N-U-S,” he spelled as a way of greeting, “long time no see.”
“R-A-F-E,” you imitated in a mocking tone, looking at him with a raised brow. “You know your
friends are doing coke in the living room, right? Not here.”
Your expression – together with the mocking movement of you wiping your nose – wiped the
smirk off his face, making him bite the inside of his cheek as he tried not to let his temper get
the better of him. He wasn’t expecting a conversation with you to go smoothly, but he wasn’t
expecting such clear animosity.
He let out a fake laugh and tilted his head to the side as he took a step further into your
personal space, suddenly wanting to make you as uncomfortable as you were making him.
“Ha ha ha, aren’t you hilarious. Nah, I was just wondering what a pogue like you does at a
party like this…” he said, bite clear in his tone. “Your cousin doesn’t let you hang out with him
and his loser friends anymore, is that it?”
Rafe grinned at the glint of growing fury in your eyes.
Let it all out, baby.
“Not that is any of your business, but this pogue is a big girl,” you said with a fake smile,
hands on your waist as you stared up at him. “I can go to whatever party I want and, also, I’m
not always around John B.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, biting his bottom lip as he looked down at your tits, “you’re a big girl, all
Your eyes grew wide at his words, and you scoffed before crossing your arms over your
chest, only giving him a bigger eyeful of your breasts. Fuck, he had to get his mouth on
“Fat jokes, Rafe? Really?” you said, raising a brow as he sent you a sneer. “How pubescent of
you. You really haven’t changed, huh? Just the same mean rich kid.”
“Oh, c’mon Venus, are you still upset over high school? We’re adults now, can’t we put that
shit behind us?” He offered you his hand in a clear peace offering and you scoffed, looking
down at it like it had personally offended you. “Look, I’m sorry okay, for everything. Can you
forgive me?”
He actually meant it, as odd as it was; especially if he got something else out of it. Rafe
would apologize a thousand times if it assured him he would get a taste of you.
“Hmm...” you patted your lower lip in pretend contemplation, and Rafe had to control himself
not to replace your finger with his. “Let’s see… besides all the things you said and did to me
when we were teenagers – which, I confess, I’m still not over – you have tried to hurt my
cousin one too many times for me to even consider forgiving you so… how about – no.”
Rafe dropped his hand with a sigh and an eye roll.
“Really mature of you.”
“Oh yeah, ‘cause you’re one to talk,” you scoffed as you purposely bumped against his side
as you walked past him in direction of the sink to refill your glass. “Leave me alone and stop
being a fucking creep, I know you and your friends have been staring at my ass all night.”
Rafe didn’t mean for the next words to leave his lips.
“Then maybe stop fucking walking around like you want me to spank it.”
A few seconds went by where neither of you said a word, your back still turned to him as you
refilled your glass. He heard as you turned the faucet off, another moment passing before
you slowly turned to look at him over your shoulder.
“What did you say?”
“What, is that not what you want when you lean over right in front of me at the country club?”
You snorted before taking a sip of your water and spilling the rest in the sink, setting the
now-empty glass on the counter before sending him a very familiar look of disdain.
“You’re honest to god disgusting.”
“Okay, listen…” He took a deep breath as he chose the right words, seeing his efforts to get
on your good side going down the drain. “I know that you hate me given our history, but–”
“Whatever you’re gonna say – don’t,” you stated, pushing him aside as you left the kitchen.
Rafe watched with mouth agape, brows furrowing and hands closing to fists.
“You know what? Fucking fine!” he snapped at your back as he controlled himself not to go
after you. “Be a bitch about it If you want, why do I care!”
Fuck you for being such a stuck-up and disrespectful bitch. No piece of ass was worth the
way you backtalked. Screw apologizing, and screw you. You should be thankful he even
looked at you in any way that wasn’t revulsion.
With a frustrated slap against the countertop and a growing need to punch someone, Rafe
left the kitchen after you, set on making you regret your attitude by the end of the night.

“Hey, bro, you all right?” Topper asked from his seat next to Rafe.
“Yeah, why?” the blond answered as he took a drag of the cigarette in between his fingers.
The party was still ongoing, with people dancing and getting drunker by the hour, including
Rafe. His temper had subsided somewhat after another beer and some lines of coke, but the
cogs in his brain were still turning as he concocted a plan that would make you swallow your
words (and something else, if he was lucky).
He still hadn’t been able to stop himself from staring at you, but drinking was helping him not
give a shit about it. He could look at whatever and whomever he pleased, and it was no one’s
business – including yours. If you didn’t like it, you were more than welcome to leave his
Rafe knew you knew he was watching you. You glanced at him from time to time, never giving
him the satisfaction of seeing you squirm under his gaze. That was making his temper rise
but, more than that, was seeing you sitting by the pool with some guy chatting you up (with
his hand dangerously close to your thigh, he couldn’t help but note with a tick of his jaw).
“Just noticed you’ve been… distracted all night.”
“And? That a problem?”
“Not at all…” Topper answered nonchalantly, pausing for a moment before adding, “Venus
looks pretty hot, doesn’t she?”
That made Rafe break his intense stare on you to focus on Topper, the other blond raising his
hands at the confrontation in his eyes.
“Wow, man, easy,” he chuckled. “Can’t blame you for staring at her all night.”
“I haven’t been staring at her all night.”
“Sure, you haven’t.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rafe asked, starting to get particularly annoyed by the
tone in his friend’s voice. “Just say whatever you wanna say, Topper.”
“Chill, bro, just noticed you seem pretty interested in her, that’s all,” he explained with a nod
in your direction. “You guys made amends or something?”
“Nah, she still hates my guts and she’s still a major bitch.”
“Well, can’t blame her…”
“You’re one to talk, Top. As far as I remember, you were there too.”
“Yeah, but I’ve actually apologized for it like ages ago. She has been pretty friendly lately,
that’s why I asked. Plus,” Topper paused to take a sip of his drink, “she has been staring at
you a lot too.”
Rafe had nothing to say to that, just grunting in acknowledgment as he finished his beer in
one swift gulp before standing up and stretching his arms above his head, sighing as his
joints popped.
“Gonna take a leak, be right back.”
This time, he didn’t go back to his friends. No, he wanted to look at you closer, make sure you
knew he wasn’t one to be played with. You weren’t kids anymore, but he could still make your
life hell if he felt like it. If you wanted to be a bitch, then he would be a bitch back.
And that’s why he sat right beside you by the pool, so close he noticed you flinching when he
sat down and his hip bumped yours, his foot also lightly touching yours as he submerged his
legs in the heated pool water. You gave him no reaction besides that, your tone of voice
unchanged as you kept talking and laughing as if he wasn’t even there.
“I actually don’t have the game, but I love watching playthroughs on Youtube,” he heard you
say in an enthusiastic tone. “Would love to play it someday though, I have the books and
they’re pretty great.”
Rafe leaned back on his hand and watched you both, a new cigarette in between his lips,
chuckling as he noticed the little shimmy you did as you tried to move as far away from him
as you could without sitting on the other guy’s lap.
“No way you haven’t played them!” the dude exclaimed, leaning closer to you. “I have them
all on PS5. You know what, why don’t you come by my house someday, we can play together.”
“I would–”
Rafe snorted, followed by a laugh as you stopped whatever you were going to say. He tried to
just sit there and breathe down your neck. He really did. But he couldn’t stand listening to
that fucking guy anymore.
“Of for fuck’s sake, dude, will you shut the fuck up with that nerdy shit?”
He watched as both you and your friend finally shut up, the easy smile on your face being
replaced by a scowl as you turned to him, mouth open to no doubt tell him to go fuck himself.
“Rafe, c’mon man, what’s your problem?”
Ryan. Or was it Brian? Rafe didn’t care what the dude’s name was, but he was pretty close to
just giving it a go and trying to drown the guy for even daring to talk back at him. His dad was
some distinguished surgeon or some shit, so Rafe knew that if he got into a fight with him
consequences would inevitably come in the form of Ward, but honestly? He couldn’t care
less right now.
“Me?” he asked in mock surprise, pointing at himself with a scoff before throwing his arm
over your shoulders and pulling you against his side. “Oh, I got no problem. But I would really
appreciate it if you would just fuck off so I could talk with my girl here. You know, I’m afraid
you wouldn’t be able to fuck her right anyway. She’s, well, she’s not a small girl and I don’t
see a lot of muscle on you so–”
Your elbow hitting his side was enough for him to let you go with a huff. Rafe just stared as
you stood up in a hurry, the eyes of the people that had noticed the altercation following you
as you stormed off.
He watched you go, content with himself, eyes darkening as he focused on the other guy
“Lucky for you,” he started, threat clear in his voice as he stood up, “I got more important
shit to do right now.”
With that, he stormed off after you.
He found you by the front lawn, where you now stood in a pair of shorts and a fine jacket,
your phone in hand as you no doubt called someone to come get you. Rafe didn’t even
hesitate before snatching the phone from your hand, putting it against his own ear as the
familiar voice of John B called your name.
“Yeah, sorry, she’s busy right now,” he said, not waiting to hear the response as he
disconnected the call.
“Hey, are you fucking insane?” you exclaimed as you looked at him with wide eyes.
“Nah, just drunk,” Rafe laughed as he held the phone above his head and out of your reach,
watching you jump and press yourself against him in your sad attempts at getting the device
“Yeah, I can see that,” you said with a swat at his chest before taking a step back and
extending him your hand. “Give me back my phone, you asshole!”
“What’s in it for me?” he dared with a smirk.
“Not getting kicked in the dick, for starters,” you replied, still demanding your phone. “Also,
can you tell me why the fuck did you act like a complete idiot back there? First, you insult me,
then you keep staring at me like some perv, and now you just tried to… what, exactly?
Embarrass me in front of everyone by causing a scene?”
“You should thank me, that dude had bad intentions.”
“Oh yeah, ‘cause your intentions towards me are so pure.”
He paused.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m not some naïve little girl, Rafe. What, think I wouldn’t know why you’ve been staring at
me like I’m the last cookie in the jar?”
“Okay, listen, whatever you think you saw–”
“What, embarrassed to admit you wanna fuck the fat girl?”
“Be careful, Venus,” he warned, eyes slanting as he took a step towards you. “Sometimes
words backfire.”
“Oh, so you don’t want to fuck me?”
“I don’t know. Do you want me to?”
You did nothing but stare into each other’s eyes for what to Rafe felt like an eternity. He
could see the fire in your gaze, feel the desire burning inside him as his dick hardened under
his shorts at the sight of your chest right in his face and your lips so close to his. All he had to
do was to grab you by the back of your neck and press his lips against yours. Just a simple
move and he would know what your lips tasted like.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle me even if I let you,” you broke the spell, fingers touching his
chest as you pushed him away, challenge in your eyes.
A moment passed. Then Rafe smirked.
You shrieked as he picked you up and over his shoulder, and he huffed out a laugh as you
screamed his name and thrashed against his hold. Sure, you were heavier than any other girl
he had done this to, but you were nothing he couldn’t handle. With a slap to your ass and a
hand on your shorts to stabilize you, he returned inside the house like a man who had just
hunted down the big prize.
He ignored your screams of his name and your fists against his back, barely noticing
everyone’s eyes on him as he took the stairs one by one.
He opened an unlocked door, commanding the half-naked couple in there to leave before
throwing you on the bed without ceremony.
“Oh, I’m gonna make you regret this!” you shouted as he locked the door. “You can bet I’m
gonna spit on every single one of your drinks from now–”
He shut you up by cradling your face and pulling you up into a deep kiss, tongue swiftly
passing by your parted lips as you weakly tried to push him off. A bite on his tongue made
him grunt and pull away, only to see you staring at him with wide eyes and a heaving chest, a
small stain of his blood on your lips.
“I couldn’t care less if you spit in my drinks,” he said as his thumb grazed your lip to collect
his blood before pushing it in against your tongue. “Now be a good girl and suck on it.”
He couldn’t say he was surprised when you bit him instead, pushing him away as you crawled
further to the other side of the bed, a look of unease and want mixing in your heated gaze.
That look was enough for him to decide how this night was going to go.
“Touch me again and I’ll bite your dick off.”
“Do you imagine my dick in your mouth that often?”
“Ugh, you’re such a pig!”
Rafe took off his shirt in one swift move, throwing it somewhere in the room before getting on
his hands and knees on the mattress, eyes never leaving yours as he crawled closer.
“I can be worse if you let me.”
“What?” he asked as he successfully trapped you under his frame, lips brushing against your
neck as he whispered in your ear. “Is the big bad girl scared?”
One of his hands found its way to one of your tits, palming the soft mound over your bikini.
His dick jolted as you let out a soft moan, and he laughed at how well everything was going.
He never thought of you as the kind of girl that would just lay there while he, Rafe Cameron of
all people, touched you like this. If he knew this, he would’ve had his way with you years ago.
Years ago. He almost wanted to hit himself from how stupid younger Rafe had been.
He took your mouth in his, smiling into the kiss as you kissed him back, hands on his
shoulders pulling him closer instead of pushing him away. Rafe took that opportunity to get
himself comfortable in between your thighs, moaning as his erection grazed against your
He had to get you naked.
“No, Rafe, we can’t… we should stop,” you mumbled against his lips.
But the blond didn’t stop kissing you, going from your lips to sucking at the skin of your neck
as his hand wandered past the waistline of your shorts. You smelled so fucking good, and
your skin was so damn soft he wanted nothing more than press himself against you as he
fucked you hard and deep.
“Give me a good reason to,” he drawled in your ear as his fingers found your hot core.
You gasped as he pressed against you, and he couldn’t help but notice how your nails
gripped his shoulders and your back arched at his ministrations. He rolled his hips against
yours, smiling at your sudden lack of words. You wanted this as much as he did, no point in
hiding that from him now. Not when he could feel how wet you were under the fabric of your
bikini, not when your thighs shook, and your chest heaved like you couldn’t wait to have him
inside you.
In one swift move, he sat back with his legs folded under him, pulling you with him in the
process. You gasped as he sat you in his lap, legs on either side of his hips.
Whatever you were about to say got lost when he kissed you with the ferocity of a man that
wasn’t about to let anything stop him from getting what he wanted. Even if that someone was
you. He was going to fuck you tonight; of that he was sure.
“Be a good girl for me and relax,” he said as he slid the straps of your bikini down your
shoulders, finally exposing your breasts.
Rafe nearly groaned as he finally got sight of them, big and soft and warm under his palm. He
wasted no time in popping a nipple into his mouth, moaning as the bud hardened under his
tongue. You yelped and put your arms around his head, caging him against your chest as you
arched it against his face.
Good, he thought with a nib to your flesh, I could suck on these for days.
The hand that wasn’t busy kneading your other breast curled around your waist, keeping you
close to his body as you swayed in his hold, your soft moans filling his ears.
“Do you have any idea of what you’ve been doing to me?” he asked as he grazed his lips and
tongue over both of your tits, hands going down your body to palm your ass over your shorts.
“You’ve been driving me fucking insane...”
You didn’t bother acknowledging his words besides a soft hum. He glanced up at you, biting
his lip at the sight of your heavy-lidded eyes and parted lips. Everything in you was
screaming at him to take you, fuck you so hard everyone in this house would hear you scream
his name, pump you so full of his cum that you would have to leave this room with it dripping
down your thighs like the whore you were. His whore.
After tonight, you belonged to Rafe Cameron, whether you wanted it or not.
You yelped in surprise as he pushed you back on the mattress, staring at him like you had
just woken up from a dream. Rafe admired your tits bounce for a moment before focusing on
unzipping your shorts, pulling them down your legs with no hesitation before hooking his
fingers on the elastic of your bottoms and giving it the same treatment.
He licked his lips at the sight of your pussy waiting for him in between your plush thighs,
gaze darkening as he noticed how you were already glistening with arousal. His gaze went up
and down your naked body several times, drinking in your curves and rolls, beyond turned on
by the vision that was you naked and blushing under him.
“Soaking wet for me, aren’t you?”
He touched your clit then, smirking at the gasp you let out as his fingers went up and down
your slit before pushing two digits inside. He groaned at the feeling of you clenching around
him. You were so wet he had no doubt he would be able to sink fully into you in one swift
With that in mind, he pushed away to get himself undressed, sighing in relief as his hard cock
broke free from the confinements of his underwear. He was quick on going back to his place
on top of you, spreading your legs open as he lined up with your core.
He was pressed against you – the tip of his cock wet with your arousal and lips on the curve
of your neck as he readied himself to take you – when you slapped his shoulder hard enough
to break him out of his lusty state.
“What?” he asked, starting to get annoyed by your constant interruption. “You’re regretting
it now?”
“No,” you said before surprising him by pushing him onto the mattress and straddling his
hips. “I just like to be on top.”
When you sank down onto him, your velvety walls squeezing his dick, he could swear he saw
stars. Rafe gripped your hips as you started bouncing up and down his length, eyes locked on
yours as he forced you down on him in sync with your movements.
“How many times have you touched yourself while thinking of me?” he asked, smirking at the
look you sent him.
“I could ask you the same–”
You moaned as he slapped your ass, his fingers digging into your flesh only making you
clench tighter around him. He was living the dream, buried deep inside you as your tits
bounced in his face, your fucked up expression making something akin to male pride swell in
his chest. You were enjoying having his dick inside you as much as he was.
His hands roamed your body as you fucked him, head thrown back in continuous moans and
body shivering in pleasure as he started rubbing circles on your clit.
“Oh my god, don’t stop,” you moaned as you leaned over to support yourself on his chest.
Your moans and whimpers were like music to his ears, and he quickly realized he wouldn’t
get tired of fucking you so soon; not when you looked and sounded like that while dripping
down his cock.
He wanted more.
In one swift movement, he turned your body around, pushing you back on the mattress
before grabbing your legs by the back of your knees and folding you in half. This was how he
wanted you; on your back with your legs spread and ready to get fucked senseless.
“Oh fuck!” you moaned with a high-pitched scream as he sank back into you, filling you up to
the brim.
The sound of his hips hitting the back of your thighs filled the room, mixing with your moans
and whimpers as he fucked you at a ruthless pace, forcing your body up the mattress with
every hard thrust. Your eyes were closed, and your head was thrown back, giving him full
access to your neck as he lapped and nibbed all over your pulse and collarbone, enjoying
your scent mixed with his.
“You take my dick so well,” he whispered in your ear, his words followed by a deep thrust that
made you yelp his name. “Yeah, just like that, scream my name. Let everyone know who’s
fucking you this good.”
He could feel your pussy clench around him like a vice at his words, sucking him in like you
didn’t want to let him go.
“R-Rafe, don’t stop please, I’m so close.”
He obeyed your request, dying to see you unravel beneath him. Rafe didn’t stop fucking you
even as you came, your legs shaking and pussy fluttering around him as you let out a muffled
sob. It was the hottest thing he had ever seen. He wanted to make you come like that again.
You moaned when he pulled out, eyes opening to glance at him with a question on your lips
before he surprised you by twisting your hips to the side.
“Get on all fours,” he ordered. “Ass up.”
“You’re way too bossy for your own good,” you mumbled, abiding by his order all the same.
He chuckled at your words with a loud slap to your ass, grabbing his glistening erection
before pushing again inside your dripping folds. You both moaned in unison as he entered
you, hands keeping your hips in place as he settled on a rhythm.
Fucking you in this position – ass jiggling as he filled you up and hand gripping your hair,
completely at his mercy – made him almost slap himself from how stupid he had been in the
past. He wasted all this time looking down on you only to now wish he had been fucking you
from day one.
“I should’ve fucked you back in high school,” he growled in your ear as he pressed his chest
to your back.
“Like I would’ve let you.”
“You’re letting me fuck you now, aren’t you? On all fours, taking my dick like the good little
slut that you are.”
“Oh, shut up asshole. Just come already.”
Rafe chuckled at that, grabbing your chin and turning your face to him before giving you a
rough kiss, teeth clashing and pulling at your lip before he promised you, “Keep talking like
that and I might just put that smart mouth to good use.”
You laughed then, a moan quickly wiping the smirk off your face as Rafe started touching
your clit again, fingers expertly touching you just as he figured out you liked it.
“Come around my cock one more time, baby,” he purred as he sped up his thrusts, his
movements shallower as he felt himself near the edge. “Come around me before I stuff you
full of my cum.”
“Come inside me and you’re dead.”
Rafe laughed, not at all threatened by your words. Nothing was stopping him from coming
inside you, consequences be dammed. You would leave this room with something to
remember him by.
He came undone as you orgasmed a second time, firmly holding you by the hips as he came
inside you as deep as he could, set on riding both your orgasms for as long as he could.
You both lay on the bed when he was done, a mess of tangled and sweaty limbs as Rafe
refused to pull out and drag himself away from you.
“Can you get off of me?” you mumbled after a moment of nothing but panting.
Rafe took a deep breath, not saying anything as he savored your body pressed comfortably
against his, soft skin warm and damp like his own. He wanted to prolong the moment,
knowing damn well that you would go back to despise him as soon as he pulled out of you. He
didn’t want to admit it, but he would rather not go back to how things were, no matter how
entertaining the beef you had going on was.
He sighed and pulled out without a word, sitting back against the headboard as he watched
you stand up and start looking around for your clothes, giving him a nice view of your ass as
you leaned over to grab your discarded bikini and shorts.
That familiar tension sat between you in the heavy air as you got dressed without any words
shared between you. In the meanwhile, Rafe couldn’t take his eyes off of you, waiting for
your next move.
No way he would let you leave as if nothing had happened.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” he asked after he was fully dressed, watching as you texted
someone on your phone.
“Why not?”
“Because this was not supposed to happen,” you said with a shrug. “And it’s definitely not
happening again.”
He held your gaze for a moment, taking a step in your direction as you made a move to leave.
“Oh yeah?” he said as he tilted your chin up. “Says who?”
“I do,” you said, batting his hand away before walking past him and opening the door.
“Goodbye, Rafe.”
Rafe wasn’t an inflexible man; if you wanted to leave, he would let you. But if there was
something he was, was stubborn. For tonight he would leave you be, but he couldn’t promise
that tomorrow – or every day after that – would be met with the same leniency.

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