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warnings — MDNI, smut, unprotected sex, p in v,

fingering, multiple uses of the c word, rough sex,

jealous!rafe, spanking, daddy kink, degradation, name
calling (slut, whore), slightly dark!rafe?, hair pulling,
creampie, semi-proofread. let me know if i missed any!

summary — based on this ask from @youngcreatorlady


a/n — i am such a whore for yacht sex with rafe. it’s an

unhealthy obsession. i need rafe to fuck me on his boat.
anywho- i had so much fun writing this so i hope you enjoy
it! <3

the hot sun beat down on your skin, a majority of

your skin exposed due to your bikini. your "whore
bikini" as rafe called it due to it leaving liFle to the
imagination. you had a drink in your hand,
conversing lightly with topper with kelce as rafe
was down in the cabin geFing some drinks ready.

"so, y/n, how's the new job?" topper turns to you,

smiling politely as he takes another sip of his drink.
you had just recently accepted a new job as a
hairdresser at outer banks finest.

"it's going really great!" you respond gleefully, "the

girls there are so sweet and have been so
welcoming," you nod smiling.

"that's really great!" topper cheers. "i may have to

come in just so you can do my hair," he gives you
his most charming smile. a bit weird, you think, but
you smile sweetly at him, thinking not much of it.

"it's so interesting-" topper begins, pointing to you

as you threw stand around the table on the deck.
"every hairdresser i have ever seen has always been
gorgeous... so you fit right in!" topper gives a
radiant smile and now you know he's definitely
flirting. if rage knew that his best friend was trying
to pull something like this... topper would be lost at

kelce's eyes widen at toppers flirtatious remark, his

eyes narrowing on you. you just nod and smile
politely at topper's comment, not wanting to draw
aFention and get rafe involved. you remember the
last time rafe found out some dude was flirting
with you...


"she's fucking mine!" he screamed, his fists

colliding le> and right with the man's face. blood
pouring out of the man's face but rage didn't give a
damn. he was seeing red and no one was stopping
him, so he continued until he eventually got pulled

end of flashback

there was finally a few moments of silence...

awkward silence but it was beFer than topper
flirting with you. you took a sip of your alcohol,
praying he didn't continue to flirt with you anymore
because it was really cringey and made you a bit
weirded out.

"have you guys ever thought about the fact that

our birth certificates are just baby receipts?" you
question, breaking the awkward silence. you just
couldn't take it anymore, you cut the awkwardness
with a knife and you had to find something to say.

"what?" kelce laughs, looking at you strangely.

topper on the other hand has a good chuckle
before his eyes and smile linger on you, looking
your body up and down. and suddenly you're
uncomfortable in your bikini...

you wanted to go find rafe and ask for a shirt to

cover up with but today was blazing with heat and
you know he'd be suspicious if you asked for
something that would only contribute to you
having a heat stroke.

"so she's beautiful, and wiFy," topper smiles,

continuing to eye your body up and down. screw
rafe at this point, you were ready to punch this
fucker yourself.

you chuckled lightly, trying not to lose your shit.

kelce takes notice of your apprehensive body
language. he taps topper on the shoulder and
motions him further to the bow, away from where
you were all currently standing. you silently
thanked kelce just as rafe came back up to deck,
bringing the drinks over to the table you were
standing it.

you look at him, smiling and thanking him for

grabbing those. you tried appear as inconspicuous
as possible, but toppers words kept replaying,
making you more and more uncomfortable. you
couldn't wait for him to leave but you were grateful
rafe was back up here. topper would never dream
of saying that kind of shit in front of rafe.

"doin' okay baby?" rafe asks, pulling your body

close to his. you smile warmly, nodding your head
as you both looked out ok the boat and at the
beautiful scenery you were lucky enough to
surround yourself with.

as the night went on, you stayed as far away from

topper as you could, without being too obvious. he
kept eyeing you whenever rafe would look away or
was too indulged in conversation with kelce to
notice. as the beers came and went in his hand,
toppers eyes became more curious to your body.
you're almost sure there was not a single part of
your body untouched by topper's eyes, aside from
the covered parts thanks to your bikini. but despite
him not physically seeing those parts, he definitely
imagined what they looked like and the thought
made your skin crawl.

finally, around 11 p.m., kelce and topper said their

farewells and exited the boat, heading back up the
dock. you sighed out thankfully, grabbing the stray
solos cups and beer boFles that the guys had leT
behind. you met rafe down in the cabin, tossing the
boFles and cups into the trash, siFing down
comfortably onto the couch there.

"are you alright?" rafe turns to you, his brows

furrowed together. you nodded, "why wouldn't i
be?" you asked. i mean, your best friend was hella
flirting with me all night but i can't tell you or you'd
kill him is exactly what you wanted to scream at

"you've just been a bit ok," rafe shrugs. you shrug

in response, looking down at your hair as you twirl
it around your fingers. "i'm fine," you insist.

"nah, you're twirling your hair. you do that when

you're anxious," rage points, leaning against the
counter, facing you. how well this man knew you
was both aFractive, and disturbing.

you sigh, throwing your hands down on your lap

with a smack, looking around the room, trying to
figure out how you were going to tell rafe. you just
needed to be honest and tell him what topper was
saying, even if it caught topper under fire.

"what's bothering you, baby?" rafe cocks his head

to the side, worried about you, but waiting for you
to answer.

"uhm... topper was sort of flirting with me earlier,"

you couldn't bother to make eye contact with rafe,
your fingers rapidly twirling with your hair. rafe
crosses his arms and looks at you, confused.

"what do you mean 'sort of'?" rafe asks and for a

moment, he sounds like he doesn't believe you
which would really just be the icing on the cake to
this whole situation.

"he kept calling me beautiful and was practically

eye fucking me all night. he'd do it whenever you
were looking or paying aFention," you look at rafe
anxiously, now twiddling with your bikini strings.
rafe seems to process this information for a
moment before his nostrils flare and you know he's
geFing pissed.

"why the fuck didn't you tell me earlier? i could've

helped you avoid that," rafe's hand is out in your
direction, using his hands was his way of
communication at best.

"i had assumed that if i told you, you would've beat

him to a pulp," you shrug, your voice much soTer

"you're damn right i would've," rafe nods, proving

your case and point. he turns around, puFing his
hands on the counter and hanging his head low.
you eye him carefully, unsure if he's going to blow
over to cool down. the perks of being rafe, you
never knew what side you'd get.

"it's really fucking stupid you didn't tell me. really

fucking dumb," rafe rasps. you nod, biting your
thumb as you look out one of the windows, unsure
about where this was going.

"to think that fucker thinks he's got a shot," rafe

balls his fists, slamming them down on the
countertop, making you flinch automatically. you
stand up slowly, approaching rafes backside with
caution. he whips around, startling you once again.

"do you want him?" his words are laced with venom
and he's being... serious? you look up at him
stunned, taking in notice to his muscles bulging
from his tense state.

"w-what?" you stuFer, looking at your boyfriend

with curiosity. who knew that you telling him about
topper flirting, would somehow turn back around
on you. rafe nods, taking a step towards you.

"you heard me. you wanna fuck topper?" his words

cut through you like a knife. you've only ever eyes
for rafe. even before the two of you were together,
all you could ever think about was rafe. he was
always yours and you were always his.

"what the fuck, rafe! no!" you shake your head, a bit
insulted rafe would even suggest something so
ludicrous. how dare he, honestly. rafe's eyes narrow
on you, looking at your breasts, then your crotch.
you glare at him as you walk past him towards the
door of the cabin, but rafe grips your bicep forcing
you in place. he takes the opportunity to turn you
around, facing him as he takes a few steps closer,
now just a few inches from you. you back up, your
hips hiFing the countertop, gripping it tightly as
rafe remains close.

"you don't think topper could touch you beFer than

i could?" rafe's eyes stay down, his hand reaching
out, his fingers brushing your hips ever so soTly.

"n-no," you breathed out, your body already

responding to his touch. you gripped the
countertop tighter, your knuckles turning white.

"hmm," rafe's fingers gently tug on the strings

holding the leT side of your bikini together. the
strands come undone and you let out a shaky
breath, rafe taking notice. his eyes flicker to yours
for just a moment before his eyes feast on your
newly exposed hip.

"are you sure?" rafe leans in, his lips hovering over
your neck as his hot breaths aFack your sensitive
skin. you shiver, biting your lip and silently begging
and pleading for him to touch you.

you nod in response to rafe, his fingers graze

across your clothed pussy as he makes his way to
your other hip. you suck in a harsh breath,
watching rafe's movements closely. his fingers toy
with the strings of your bikini boFoms before
tugging again and exposing your soaked cunt in
one switch move, your bikini boFoms dropping to
the floor with a clink.

"do you think topper could work his fingers beFer

than me?" he whispers. you shudder in response,
your pussy absolutely aching for his touch. you
exhale, closing your eyes and biting your lip
harshly. you shake your head just as rafe closes the
gap between the two of you, his lips aFaching to

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