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Date: 24/08/2023 Time: 45mins

Subject: SST (Class-6) Total Marks: 30

Note: Part-A is for St.Lukes Syllabus and Part-B is for NCERT Syllabus. Solve either Part-A or B.

Part-A (St. Lukes)

1. Fill in the blanks: (1mark X 5 = 5marks)

(a) The first discovered site of the Indus Valley civilisation is__________.
(b) __________ People made crude and unshaped tools.
(c) During equinoxes, the sun is overhead at the ____________.
(d) Poor people are treated badly because of their __________ situation.
(e) The Indian constitution was enforced on _______________.

2. Match the following (1mark X 5 = 5marks)

1. Chirand a. Turkey
2. Mehrgarh b. Brahmaputra Valley
3. Catal Huyuk c. Bihar
4. Hallur d. Baluchistan
5. Daojali Hading e. Andhra Pradesh

3. Answer the following questions briefly: (1mark X 10 = 10marks)

(a) List the two animals that were domesticated during the Neolithic
(b) What is Stereotyping?
(c) What is Ladakh famous for?
(d) What is GMT?
(e) What is IST?
(f) What is the circle of illumination?
(g) Why are days and nights equal all over the world on 21st march and
23rd September?
(h) Which people began domesticating animals and producing plants?
(i) Humans began to grow crops in which age?
(j) Which are the earliest agricultural sites?

4. Answer the following long questions: (5marks X 2 = 10marks)

(a)Bring out the difference between Paleolithic and Neolithic age.
(b)Explain the Town planning structure of Harappan civilisation?
Part-B (NCERT)

1. Fill in the blanks: (1mark X 10 = 10marks)

(a) The ___________ cut each other at right angles. (drains/street)
(b) The script of Harrapans was _________ (Roman/Pictograph)
(c) The great bath is found in __________(Mohenjodaro/Harappa)
(d) _________ was the dockyard at Harappa. (Kalibangan/Lothal)
(e) ______discovered the site of Harappa (RD Banerjee/KS Swamy)
(f) __________ was the known producer of wool. (Kerala/ Ladakh)
(g) _________ wrote the discovery of India.
(h) The houses of the Harappan people were made up of
________ (Bricks/Straw)
(i) Burzahom is found in _________ (Ladakh/Kashmir)
(j) __________ was the important occupation of middle stone age
people. (transport/Herding)

2. Match the following (1mark X 4 = 4marks)

1.Copper a.Gujarat
2.Gold b.Afghanistan
3.Tin c.Rajasthan
4.Precious Stones d.Karnataka

3. Make a list of what Harappan people ate and played with.


4. Answer the following questions: (2marks X 5 = 10marks)

(a) What do you mean by Neolithic Age?
(b) Name some other sites of Indus Valley Civilisation.
(c) What are Manuscripts.
(d) What is Indus Valley Civilisation also known as and Why?
(e) Differentiate between Latitude and Longitude.

____________________________ALL THE BEST_____________________

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