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Effective sentences to speak naturally

01. Are you sure…?

Are you sure?
Are you sure about that?
Are you sure of what you said?
Are you sure that he is not coming?
A: I’ve had so many problems with my new car. It’s
driving me crazy.
B: Are you sure you don’t want to buy a new one?
A: How can I? I already spent a lot of money on this
B: I guess you’ll be spending a lot of money on

02. Are you used to?

Are you used to using
chopsticks?Are you used to life
Are you used to staying up late?
A: How long have you been living in
China?B: About three years now.
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A: Are you used to eating the food here?
B: Yes, I like it very much.
A: What about chopsticks? Are you used to using them?
B: It took me a while to get used to it but now it’s a
pieceof cake.

03. As far as…

As far as I can remember, he didn’t come home
As far as I recollect, there were few people in the
As far as I recall, they quarreled very often at that
time.As far as I can see, he’s a big liar.
A: Have you seen Tom?
B: No. As far as I can remember he was supposed to
beon a business trip to Lisbon.
A: Yes, but he was supposed to be back by
now.B: Have you called his home?
A: Yeah, but there is no answer.
B: Maybe you should call the police and file a
missingperson’s report.
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04. As far as… (Is) (Am)
As far as I’m concerned, I don’t mind that you wear
The coat is fine as far as color is concerned, but it is
notvery good quality.

05. Be careful with…

Be careful with the wet paint.
Be careful that you don’t catch a cold. Put on
more clothes before you go out.
Be careful not to spill the milk.
A: She has been calling me for several days now. I
think she’s interested in me.
B: Are you sure? I think she already has a
boyfriend. A: How do you know?
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B: A friend of hers told me. I’d be careful if I were
you. A: Why?
B: Because I heard her boyfriend is a weightlifter.
A: Wow! You’re right. I guess I better not call her.
05. Be careful with…
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Daily used spoken amazing Vocabulary
with Usage

01- “About” in a Sentence

What do you really think about it?

I don’t care about your past.

What do you think about that issue?

He genuinely cares about me.

What is he angry about?

Do you have any information about the project?

She is worried about her weight.

Don’t worry about it.

Our house is worth about 150,000 dollars.

He seems anxious about the meeting.

02- “Ability” in a Sentence

I have confidence in his abilities.

She has the ability to manage a business.

This job is beyond my ability.

I trust his executive ability.

I don’t have much faith in his ability.

She tends to underestimate her own ability.

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03- “Above” in a Sentence
Don’t go above the speed limit.

The plane flew above the clouds.

She lives in an apartment above us.

It’s on the shelf just above your head.

04- “Able” in a Sentence

He is able to speak ten languages.

I am able to swim across the river.

I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to call you yesterday.

I’m sure I’ll be able to find it.

You won’t be able to handle this job

05- “Abandon” in a Sentence

He abandoned his hope of becoming a doctor.

He abandoned his plan to build a factory.

We have to abandon the plan.

06- “Abandoned” in a Sentence

There are a lot of abandoned houses in this area.

They found an abandoned car by the river.

He hid in an abandoned building.

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He’s currently abroad on business.

I plan to go abroad in November.

We will go abroad in September.

He will go abroad in August.

His large income enables him to travel abroad every year.

My father is going to go abroad next week.

Is your uncle still abroad?

We go abroad every summer.

Conversational topics to sharpen

English speaking

How many people are there in your family?
There are 5 people in my family: my father, mother,
brother,sister, and me.

Does your family live in a house or an

apartment?We live in a house in the
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What does your father do?
My father is a doctor. He works at the local hospital.

How old is your mother?

She is 40 years old, 1 year younger than my father.

Do you have any siblings? What’s his/her name?

Yes, I do. I have 1 elder brother, David, and 1
younger sister,Mary.

Are you the oldest amongst your brothers and

No, I’m not. I’m the second child in my family.

What does your mother/father like?

My father likes playing football and my mother likes


Do your parents let you stay out late?

Of course not. They always ask me to get home before
10 pmeach night.

Do you stay with your


Right now, no, but I used to.

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How often do you eat out? Who do you go with?
I often eat out on weekends, when I hang out
with myfriends.

What restaurant do you usually visit?

Well, there are not many restaurants in my
neighbourhood,so my best choice is the deli in
convenient stores like the Circle K, Mini-Stop, B-

What type of food do you enjoy to eat? Western or

Asian?I’m interested in Asian food; Western food is
not my thing.

How much do you usually pay when you eat

out? It’s not very expensive, just around $5 for
each meal.Do you enjoy spicy food?
Yes, I do, especially on cold days.

Are the servers there friendly to you?

Yes, they are. Most of them are really helpful.

Have you ever tried Italian food?

Yes, at least once, when I was in my friend’s wedding
Are you concerned about calories when eating
out? Yes, I am. I’m on diet now, so this really
matters to me.

Are fast food restaurants like KFC or McDonald’s

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famous inyour country?
Yes, they are. The youth in my country are big fans
of fastfood.

Do you often drink alcohol when eating out?

No, not often. Just when I have parties with my friends.

How many places have you travelled to?
I’ve visited all the provinces throughout my country.

Who do you usually go with?

I often go with my family, sometimes with my best

What’s your favourite tourist attraction?

That would be Venice city in Italy. I love riding the
gondola along the canals while watching Italian
people live their dailylives.

Have you ever been abroad?

Yes, I have. I came to Italy last year for a business trip.

What language do you use when travelling?

English, but sometimes I have to use body language
since notall people are good at English.

What do you usually do during your trip?

I often go sightseeing, take pictures, mingle with
the localpeople and sample the local cuisine.
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What do you do to prepare for your trip?
Before the trip, I search for information about the
location,weather, famous tourist attractions,
transportation, local cuisine and prices on the

What do you usually bring when you travel?

I usually pack my suitcase with some necessary items
such asclothes, medicine, food, a map, and a camera.

Do you prefer travelling by car, train or plane?

I prefer planes although it can be a little expensive.
Planes aremuch faster than any other mode of

Do you prefer travelling alone or joining a guided

I love backpacking with my friends who share the
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Think in English.

Lesson 1
Sometimes the difficult thing about talking in a new language isn’t
the language itself,but how you think about it.

If you think in your native language and then try to speak English,
you’ll always have to translate between languages. Translating
isn’t an easy thing to do! Even people fluent in two or more
languages have trouble switching between languages.

The solution is to think in English.

You can do this anywhere, anytime. Try to use English when
you’re thinking about your day, or when you’re trying to decide
what food to order. Even try to use an
English to English dictionary to look up words. That way you
never have to use your native language and translate words. You’ll
notice that when you think in English, it’s easier for you to speak
in English.

Many English students say:

 “It’s too difficult!
 “I don’t know enough English words!”
 “I need to think in my native language and translate.”
However, thinking in your native language and translating
results in sentences that don’t sound natural in English,
because the sentence structure is often different in English
and your native language.
In addition, it takes too much time to think and translate
when you’re in a conversation – leading to pauses, hesitations,
and the inability to speak fast andfluently
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5Let me give you some great tips to help you think in English

1. Don’t use a bilingual dictionary. I remember

spending hours looking up words and definitions in an
English-only dictionary. I prefer to use paper dictionaries as
it helps me memorize words better. When you search for a
word, turning page after page, you naturally repeat it in your
head. By the time you find the meaning, you remember the

2. Learn vocabulary in phrases, not single words.

Our brains are pattern-
matching machines that remember things put into context. If I
can’t come up with any context examples, I check out Cambridge
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary or Google it.

3. Start
using the vocabulary as soon as
possible. Never stop yourself from speaking until your
language is perfect, you will be waiting forever! I am
trying to take initiative even if I am really scared because
“practice makes perfect”. As soon as I had an opportunity, I
volunteered for an English college newspaper writing articles and
interviewing different people. It was really hard at the beginning
and it took me a long time to write a draft. After seven months of
volunteering experience and publishing with the Canadian
University Press, the newspaper decided to hire me as their Staff
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4. Talk to yourself in English. When I was learning
English (and I still do this), I would describe to myself
whatever happened during the day. This gives you extra
practice before you start explaining things to other people.
5. Get an English-speaking friend or partner. It is
always easier to improve English with a companion especially
if he or she is a native speaker. I noticed a dramatic
improvement when I moved in with my boyfriend ;). Regular
chats in person, over the phone, text messages, and other
common activities brought me to the next level and I stopped
talking to myself!

Speak Natively Through Common

Phrasal Verbs List

Common Phrasal Verbs with “Come” –Meanings and

Example Sentences

Come up

to be mentioned or discussed; to arrive; to be

ready soon; to approach someone; to stand next
to someone
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 Our issue came up in the meeting last week.
 “Is dinner ready?” “Coming up!”
 He came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

Come up with

to find a new idea; to produce something

 Finally, we came up with the solution that each of us will pay half of the
monthly bills.
 I’ve come up with an idea for Mom’s birthday present.
 How could you come up with such a large amount of money?

Come across (to come upon)

to find someone/something by chance

 I came across a book that I was looking for.
 He came across a recruitment ad when he was reading the newspaper this
 They came across many challenges before winning the final competition.

Come round/around

to happen again; to become conscious again

 Time flies. Christmas will soon come round.
 I’ve been waiting for him to come round.
 My grandpa has finally come round after three years in a coma.

Come back

to go back to a place; to happen again

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 My puppy has finally come back after three days.
 All of my old memories came back after I watched this short video.
 The next day, he came back to me and said “sorry.”

Come over

to visit someone’s house for a short time, (emotions) to

affect someone strongly
 Would you like to come over for lunch?
 Whenever I see that baby-pink dress, the feelings of missing my
daughter just come over me.
 Sorry, I’ve got to go. My parents just came over from England.

 The city has come through after the terrible earthquake.

 The message has finally come through.
 After the two-hour discussion, the contest results came through.
 
Common Phrasal Verbs with “Take” –Meanings and Example
Take off

the opposite of “to put on”; the act of removing

clothing or jewelry. If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes
off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly.
 I always take off my watch before I wash my hands.
 Remember to take off your raincoat when you enter the room.
 Hurry up! The plane will take off in 20 minutes.

Take out

to bring something out; to remove something from its

place; to take someone to a place like a cinema or a
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restaurant and usually pay for them; to take someone
on a date
 I will take you out for dinner tomorrow.
 I need to get this tooth taken out.
 Remember to take out the trash.

Take place

to happen or occur. When something takes place, it

happens, especially in a controlled or organized way.
 The event will take place tomorrow night.
 The wedding took place at the Secret Garden Restaurant.

Common English Idioms

Idioms about Money and Finance

1. A penny saved is a penny earned

 Advice saying that it’s good to save money. When money
is saved, it is as good as money that is earned.
She runs her own business and does all the work herself because
she believes that a penny saved is a penny earned.

When I travel, I prefer to stay at a hostel instead of an expensive

hotel because I think that a penny saved is a penny earned.

John doesn’t make a lot of money, so he’s very cautious in using

his money. He supposes that a penny saved is a penny earned.

2. Beyond one's means

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 To spend more money than you can afford.
The trip was just beyond our means.

The living expenses in big cities are beyond my means, so I’d

rather live in the suburbs. Can I see a cheaper one, please? This

expensive fridge is just beyond my means.

3. Someone's bread and butter

 Someone’s basic income, someone’s livelihood, a job
or activity that helps you earn money for your living
His family’s bread and butter comes from his

small business. Tutoring is her bread and

butter right now.

I am financially dependent on my parents but I am going

to earn my bread and butter after I graduate.
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Voice and Accent
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Complete Grammar Guide

Parts of speech

Parts of Speech

Parts of speech are the classification of words

categorized by their roles and functions within
the structure of the language.
Parts of speech encompass everything a language
has in itself. Can you imagine all the words of a
language can be sorted into these categories?

They play different roles in the

structure of a language.In English,
there are eight parts of speech:
 Noun
 Pronoun
 Verb
 Adjective
 Adverb
 Preposition
 Conjunction
 Interjection

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Noun: Definition & types

Nouns refer to persons, animals, places, things,

ideas, or events, etc. Nouns encompass most of the
words of a language.

Noun can be a/an -

o Person – a name for a person: - Max, Julie, Catherine, Michel, Bob,
o Animal – a name for an animal: - dog, cat, cow, kangaroo, etc.
o Place – a name for a place: - London, Australia, Canada, Mumbai, etc.
o Thing – a name for a thing: - bat, ball, chair, door, house,
o Idea – A name for an idea: - devotion, superstition,
happiness,excitement, etc.

Examples of Noun in sentence

Different Types of Noun:

 Proper Noun
 Common Noun
 Abstract Noun
 Concrete Noun
 Countable Noun
 Non-countable Noun
 Collective Noun
 Compound Noun

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Present Simple Tense


I/ you/ we/ they He/ she/ it/ James

I/ you/ we/ they + bare He/ she/ it/ James + Verb – s/ es
infinitive She goes to bed early.
Positive We go to bed early.
I/ you/ we/ they + do not + He/ she/ it/ James + does not +
bare infinitive bare infinitive

Do not = don’t Does not = doesn’t

They don’t go to bed early. James doesn’t go to bed early.

Do + I/ you/ we/ Does + he/ she/ it/
they + bare James + bare
infinitive? infinitive?
Do they go to bed early? Does she go to bed early?
 To describe habits, timetables, repeated actions or events
 She usually wakes up at 6 o’clock.

 To talk about general truths

 The Sun rises in the East
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 To give instructions or directions
 Don’t open that box. Throw it away.

 To talk about something that is fixed in the future

 The bus leaves at 8 pm. Hurry up!

Signal words:

Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never,

every day, every week, every month, every year, on
Sundays, after school, before school

Group Discussion
What is a Group Discussion?

Group discussion is an important activity in academic,

business and administrative spheres. It is a systematic and
purposeful interactive oral process. Here the exchange of
ideas, thoughts and feelings take place through oral
communication. The exchange of ideas takes place in a
systematic and structured way. The participants sit facing
each other almost in a semi-circle and express their views
on the given topic/issue/problem.
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How does Group Discussion differ from a Debate?
Debate is competitive in nature while group discussion is a
co-operative group process. In a debate, a speaker can speak
either ‘for’ the topic or ‘against’ the topic whereas in a GD,
the speaker can express both. The final decision or result in a
debate depends on voting while in a GD, the group reaches
group consensus.

Why is a group discussion an important activity at

college level?

As a student, it helps you to train yourself to discuss and

argue about the topic given, it helps you to express your
views on serious subjects and in formal situations. It
improves your thinking, listening and speaking skills. It also
promotes your confidence level.
It is an effective tool in problem solving, decision making
and personality assessment. GD skills may ensure
academic success, popularity and good admission or job
offer. Thus it is important to be able to take part in a GD
effectively and confidently. Participants should know how
to speak with confidence, how to exhibit leadership skills
and how to make the group achieve the goals.
The panel which normally comprises of the technical and HR
(Human Resource) experts of the company will observe and
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evaluate the members of the team. The rules of the GD – the
time limit, panel’s expectations etc are explained after the
initial introduction by the panel, soon after the topic or case
to be discussed is given to the group members. The panel
does not interfere during the discussion, it only observes. The
panel at its discretion may provide some time to think over
the topic or may ask them to start immediately. Each
candidate is supposed to express their opinion either
supporting or against the topic. The discussion carries on till
the panel signals termination. It is left to the discretion of
the panel to extend or cut short the given time.

The objective of a selection in GD is mainly to

check your team playing skills. You have to understand the
other persons’ point of view, while making your point and
ensure that your team as a whole reaches a solution or
agreement that is
both feasible and accepted by all team members.

There are four major areas of evaluation in

selection GDs: subject knowledge, oral communication
skills, leadership skills and team management.
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Other Ways to Say

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