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How To Reduce Client Churn

Through Smart Automated

Client Billing
“Every recall is a reframe”. What this means is:

The less negative experiences your clients

associate with you, regardless of the results
you’ve got them, the better.

That's because the hassle of having to follow-up

and bother clients about paying your invoice
cripples relationships…

Imagine every time you send an invoice and your

clients are thinking “do I really need to pay for this?”

You should avoid that at all costs. HOW?

By taking advantage of automated billing.

Lower Churn Automated Billing


With automated billing...

Your agency fee will get charged automatically to your clients’ credit
cards every single month, without you having to do anything…

Your clients will never have to think about paying you…

You get the payment part out of the way and get to focus on just
delivering the services, which will reduce your client churn significantly…

All you need is a billing software that allows you to have your client's
card on file so that whenever you send an invoice to the same client,
it gets automatically billed from the card they used previously.

The Tool I Recommend For Client

Billing Is AgenciFlow
Just to be transparent, I'm a co-founder of AgenciFlow. So, of course,
it is what I use on my own agency and recommend people to use
on theirs.

Feel free to use any other billing tool, though.

As long as it has this functionality, it will work just fine.

Setting it up is extremely simple.

Whatever the software you use, the process is pretty much the same:

You create a new client and send them an invoice.

Make sure you enable the option to pay via credit card.

Once they pay their first invoice, their card will be automatically saved.

Now, all you have to do is toggle the "pay automatically" option.

With that on, whenever you send your client a new invoice
(you can usually create a subscription to send it automatically every

It will get paid automatically using the same card they paid the first
invoice with.

This might look like a simple process (and it is), but this alone will save
you A LOT of headaches and avoid potential client-relationship issues.

So if you don't have this set yet, make sure you do it ASAP.


The content you just saw is just the tip of the iceberg...

This is an extract from our flagship program: Copy Paste Agency.

If you want to learn...

- How to attract and sign high-paying clients on demand...

- How to create irresistible offers that convert on cold traffic...
- How to take your churn rate to single-digit marks, and get your
client retention to upwards of 2+ years...
- How to put together a team of A-Players that will run your agency
for you...

Then, make sure you book a call with our Student Integration Manager,

He’ll figure out whether you’re a good fit for the program, and
structure a plan to 2 ~ 5x your revenue over the next 90 days.

All you have to do is click the button below and find a time on his

Availability is limited. First come, first served.

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