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The Staff (Gwelen): - A forked ritual pole or Staff used to invoke, call upon the

powers, send powers, mark out the compass and as a focal point/altar. Often made of
ash but can also be of other woods and having a Horn or antler fork at the top.
Though it is sometimes made, both shaft and fork, from one piece of wood. After the
compass has been marked out i.e. cast the staff is stood upright at its centre were it
represents the cosmic axis, centre of the crossroads or world tree. Its roots in the
deepest parts of the underworld (Annown), its trunk passing through the centre of
this world (Nor), and reaching up to the Heavens (Nevek), uniting all worlds and
giving access to them. Its Horns represent the union that resolves all of dualities,
Male/Female, Life/Death, womb/Tomb etc.

The Wand: - A rod much smaller than the Staff, normally between 12" and 18" and
can be of any material that is fitting for its use wood, bone, glass, horn etc. Where, as
a Pellar would normally have only one or two staffs s/he may have many wands. Like
the staff it is used to conjure up and send forth powers but it is not normally used to
mark out the compass unless the Pellar has no staff with them.

Blasting Rod: - A form of wand generally made of Blackthorn or Yew taken from a
graveyard. Used to Ban or Curse a place or individual i.e. drive away its/their Sprowl
making them infertile, lifeless and desolate, and other dark magick.

Keppen wand:- Small, easy to conceal wand.

Troy, Moon or Mazy Stones: - A large stone, often slate, on which a Troy Maze
has been carved. Used to induce a trance state by various ritual actions, the most
commonly known being to follow the maze with your finger while making a low
wordless chant or sound. This is preferable done under the light of the full moon.

Cronnekdhu: - A powerful charm in the form of a dried Toad. This charm is created
and empowered and claimed by following certain secret rites and is said to give the
possessor the power to manipulate the mind of both humans and animals.

Human Skull : - Often used in rites to represent the "First one" i.e. the first initiate,
either of the line or of all Pellar. Also sometimes used to personify death (Ankow) or
as a means of communication with spirits of the ancestors. Human Skulls are also
used occasionally as Spirit Houses for familiar spirits. Historically human skulls have
also been used as drinking vessels.
Stones, Bones, Feathers, shells etc: - Pellar use various types of Stones, Bones,
Feathers, shells etc each with its own 'Virtue'.

Bone Horn: - A horn made from bone, preferably humane, used to call up the
spirits of the dead in both Necromantic and other rites.

Cup: - Can be made from horn, stone, clay or carved wood or even carved from a
skull. Cups either made by the Pellar him/herself or given as a gift either from
another Pellar or a loved one are considered the best. Often used in the rites of Troyl
i.e. the sacramental sharing of drink and food, between Pellar and the Bucca and
other spirits. Also used to collect the magickally charged fluids that arise from sexual
workings and bloodletting rites. It is also sometimes used for mixing salt and water
for use in extreme exorcisms, Cornish witches never use salt in their inland working
sites as the spirits of the land hate salt. As Robert Hunt (1870) notes ”For they (earth
spirits) can't endure the Sea, nor anything that comes there from, and, above all they
abhor salt; so brine or sea-water."

Milpreve Stones: - A blue stone ring with a yellow zigzag line running around it.
Also known as an Adder bead, Snake or Adder Stones, the name Milpreve is said to
come from the Cornish word Milpref meaning "A thousand snakes". Often used to
treat adder bites by soaking the Milpreve in water, washing the bit and then giving
the victim the empowered water to drink. Also used in the treatment of other
conditions especially "female diseases and eye conditions.

The Knife (Collel): - used for exorcism, weather magick, magick's cast over long
distance and the conjuring, commanding or controlling of troublesome spirits.
Unlike the Wiccan Athame it normally has a single edged blade and a natural bone,
horn or wooden handle and isn't used to mark out the compass/ circle. It is also used
to draw blood for certain rites and spells.

Spirit Houses: - Frequently taking the form of a jar or box in which are placed soil,
feathers, stones and other items with symbolic meaning. Once consecrated or
dedicated they become places in which the Pellar's familiar spirits live. Spirit Houses
are also sometimes used to house or even entrap other types of spirits. Sometimes
animal or even human skulls are used as Spirit Houses.

Glass fishing floats: - Hollow glass balls, normally dark green, once used as floats
on fishing nets. When placed in a shallow bowl or dish of Mugwort (Artemisia
Vulgaris) or other magickal herbs, Glass fishing floats are used in the same way as
crystal balls.
Broom: - Various types of brooms are used, normally to sweep a area ritual or
otherwise clean of any unwanted negative energies, but sometimes when needed to
sweep away good luck or sweep in bad luck into the houses of those who deserve it (a
form of curse).

Protection: -

Horse and Cow skulls, used to protect barns and stables to protect both the
building and its occupants.

Hag Stone, bound to key to protect it from loss and protect the house to which it
belongs from thieves.

Dead Cats, Sometimes buried in walls and under floors as a charm to deter rats and

Rowan Berries, strings of rowan berries are hung on the inside of doors are used
as protection charms.

Poppets, Once given spirit are buried in walls and up chimneys to protect both the
house and its occupants.

Witch Balls, Large glass reflective balls, like very large Christmas tree decorations.

Mirrors, Can be placed behind doors to reflect unwanted negative energies and
prevent evil from entering.

Horseshoe, Nailed to the front door to protect the household from ill fortune.

Boleen (Collel gam): - "The Crooked knife". Small sickle-like knives, the curved
blade normally being made of bronze or other non-ferrous metals, or occasionally
even flint. Used to cut/gather mushrooms or herbs and other plant materials.

Bowl: - Generally made of wood, stone (serpentine being popular) or clay. Used to
hold magickal powders used in spells and rituals, charms are sometimes placed in
the bowl and left overnight to "cook" i.e. gather magickal "virtue".

Antler tine:- pointed pricking tool These were once in common use among
fishermen and sailors for piercing sail cloth and canvas and working on nets. Used by
Witches of south west Britain for making sea and wind magick, and for other uses.

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