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Name: Irene Cachola

Course and Section: BSABM-1B M

Module 1: Citizenship Training

Lesson 1 Historical and Legal Bases

Learning Activity:

A. Illustrate a diagram that will explain the legal basis and chronology of events in the passage of RA
9163(NSTP Act of 2001).

B. Read and reflect on Republic Act 9418

The Republic Act 9418 is also known as the volunteer act 2007. It shall be the policy of the State
to promote the participation of the various sectors of the Filipino society, and as necessary,
international and foreign volunteer organizations in public and civic affairs, and adopt and strengthen
the practice of volunteerism as a strategy in order to attain national development and international
understanding. The inculcation of volunteerism as a way of life shall rekindle in every Filipino the
time-honored tradition of “bayanihan” to foster social justice, solidarity and sustainable development.
For me this Republic Act provide a conducive and enabling environment for volunteers and volunteer
service organizations by setting mechanism to protect volunteers’ rights and privileges and give due
recognition to highlight their roles and contributions to society; and to provide an effective
institutional mechanism to strengthen the role of the every citizen. It enable and empowered
environment both on the part of the beneficiary receiving and the volunteer rendering the act,
undertaken for reasons arising from socio developmental, business or corporate orientation,
commitment or conviction for the attainment of the public good and where monetary and other
incentives or reward are not the primary motivating factors.

Lesson 2 Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines (RA 8491, S.1998)

Learning Activity: Reflect on the 12 little things we can do for our country-Acts of patriotism. Give
examples each.

1. Follow the traffic rules. Follow the law

- Traffic rules are the most basic of our country’s law. if we learn to follow them. It could be the could
be the lowest form of national discipline we can develop as people.
Example: No overtaking, No U turn

2. Pay our taxes

- We are all aware that taxes are the lifeblood of our government. It’s what keeps our public schools.
Hospitals and intersections going. Paying our taxes is regarding as a civic. Responsibility despite
the fact that it is also legal requirement.
Example: School fees, Hospital fees

3. Always ask for an official receipt

- Asking for OR’s leads to higher tax collections. This means more funds for our government, which
could strengthen our economy and leads us to progress. This can also be used or helpful when time
- Example: BIR Receipt

4. Don’t buy smuggled goods. Buy local buy Filipino’s

- People in other countries Korea, America are helping their economy to strive, instead of buying
from other countries we should support our own goods to help our economy strive. Buying goods
which made in the Philippines and made by Filipino’s mean so much to our country.
Example: Paper, Textile, Machinery, Clothing

5. Be a good parent.
- If we start planting seeds of patriotism in the hearts and minds of our youth today, they would
become giant patriots of our country someday. There is love of neighbor whenever we teach and
raise our children as patriots, by loving our country through loving our people.
Example: Being a responsible citizen

6. Adopt a scholar or a poor child. -

Investing on our youth is investing on our country’s future. Every family who can afford, should
adopt one poor child as a scholar there is love of neighbor whenever we help a child get an
Example: Children who are willing to study well

7. Pay your employees well

- A company must bring prosperity not only to its owners but also to its employees. Blessings must
be shared. It builds our nation. There is love of neighbor when we value and pay our employees
Example: Giving bonus in every achievement, be equal

8. During elections do your solemn duty

- When we fight for our voters, we fight our right to make our own destiny, as a people and as a
nation. There is love of neighbor when we elect good leaders for our country and people. Example:
Voting wisely

9. Support your church

- When we help our church, we help our creator in his works on earth whenever we help our church,
we show the love for our neighbor.
Example: Attend church every Sunday, pray, give donation

10. Throw your garbage properly. Segregate. Recycle Conserve

- Philippines is the country given to us a people. It is birthplace of our race. It is the home of the
Filipino we should keep it beautiful. When we keep our environment and our country clean. We
show our love for our people.
Example: Throwing papers at biodegradable section while plastics can be recycled

11. Respect your traffic officer, policemen and other public servant
- Respect honors and dignifies a man. It complies him to do his job right. There is love of neighbor
whenever we respect those in authority.
Example: Saluting, Greeting, and smiling at them

12. Speak positively about us and our country

- Every Filipino’s is an ambassador of our country. Each one of us, whenever we maybe, are a
salesman of our country whenever we speak of our people, we show our love for our neighbors.
Example: We Filipino’s are generous and helpful. ‘’Come and visit sometime, there are a lot of
places to tour with and interesting people to encounter’’.

Lesson 3 Good Citizenship Values Clusters

Learning Activity: Identify three main issues or concerns in your community and determine
how NSTP and student trainees could address solutions to each other.


I. Discrimination in religion. This mostly happens between INC and

Catholics; they keep on comparing their
beliefs. For me, to stop this kind of issue,
instead of just keeping our faith strong to what
to do we really believe, we must also practice
to respect each other, whether we’re not on
the same boat, we must not judge other base
on their preference.
II. Force joining in a religion because that’s Follow that what your heart leads to you, try
what your family wants. explaining in your family in a right way so that
they can understand you.
III. Being a part of a specific religion but Follow what the bible says even if you are
being committed to the word of our Creator outside, we must absorb it in our hearts.
are very hard to follow.


I. Equality and Diversity Everyone has individual needs and the right to
have those needs respected; we need to
respect and value individual difference.
Treating people fairly where everyone can
participate and have the opportunity to fulfill
their potential.
II. Dignity and Respect Understand how you see yourself, how others
see you, and how your filters guide you, and
influence your behavior. Knowing these factors
about yourself can go a long way in your ability
to interact with others, and treat them with
dignity and respect. Know your strengths as
well as you know your weakness. Understand
what has made you.
III. Judging fellow human beings Stop judging others and be accepting


I. Not using loving our own language Used and loved our own native language
because it is valuable to express and share
how we feel, as close as we can put into
words. We praise the influence and value of
language so much that we encourage
individuals to be multilingual.
II. Culture and Tradition We should honor our own culture and tradition
because reinforces values such as freedom,
faith, integrity, a good education, personal
responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the
value of being selfless.
III. Not being Responsible Citizenship Everyone has a duty to be a responsible
citizen. For being a responsible citizen results
in a happy and harmonious community. If
everyone else does the same. Being a
responsible citizen covers many areas some
of them are legal obligation, some social and
some moral.


I. Plastic waste in seas Recycling helps keep plastics out of the ocean
and reduces the amount of new plastic in
II. Vandalism Clean up vandalism as soon it happens-
replace sign, repair equipment, paint over
graffiti. When done use landscape to make it
beautiful and cool background.
III. Rumors Confront the source. If you know who spread
the rumor, then you may want to talk to the
person who did it. Be civil and keep your head
high and talk to the person honestly about why
he or she spread the rumor and acknowledge
the trouble this caused without looking to
upset. Say something like, ‘’ I know welfare not
exactly best friends, but spreading false
rumors about others is not the way to resolve
the issues.

Lesson 4 Voter Citizenship Education

Learning Activity:

1. What is the relationship of Elections and Democracy?

- The election is a part of the political process in the democracy and for every political system also
employs the election as a symbol of the democracy. However, if the election is corrupted in process
itself, it is clear that the democracy based on the election may be fraud. Therefore, the cheating
strategies in the election will destroy the democratization that the citizen would like to have. .

2. What other mechanism (aside from voting for elected officials) are available for the citizens to
participate in governance?

- Advocate for the ideas you believe will fix government.

1. Start by listing your beliefs to see if they’re valid or false.

2. Use your beliefs as the basis for an ideal government.
3. Advocate and support others with similar beliefs.
4. Don’t be too critical of the objectionable parts, as we’re far from a final approval on
changes in government

3. Do you still value your vote? Why or why not?

- voting gives you the power to create positive change for your community and determine a better
quality of life for you and your family. Voting together with your neighbors, family, and friends
ensures that your shared values and issues are prioritized, that you play a key role in choosing who
represents us, and where government funding and resources will go. The more we vote, the more
powerful our voices become, and the likelier the issues that are important to us will be heard.

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