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Name: Meliano Lumeno

NIM: 201024026
Majors: Teknik Industri (S1)

Lecture education is a process to develop the skills that have been acquired in high school
and why I chose to continue my education at IST Akprind
Because IST Akprind is my choice to continue my education, because the learning
specifically addresses the development of science and technology. The fields of science and
technology will always develop from time to time. Modern learning is also presented to meet
the increasingly rapid needs of science. Because the institution has a specific scientific focus,
the facilities provided will also be more specific according to their field of knowledge with
various majors, one of which is industrial engineering. The reason I chose to major in
Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering is because I am able to master many fields. It
depends on someone studying the field. What I learned about Industrial Engineering is not
only learning about engineering and a bit of management science but also teaching integrated
thinking patterns, knowledge, approaches, mindsets, principles, principles, and skills that
remain rooted in engineering with the design process or what is called design. . . And see
everything as a single system so that the decisions I take can provide solutions. However, the
object that is designed is not something concrete, but what is called an integrated system
consisting of humans, machines, materials, energy and information. Finally, the reason I
chose Industrial Engineering was because the Indonesian industry was developing and
needed personnel from engineering majors, especially Industrial Engineering. These reasons
motivate me to do my best to pursue Industrial Engineering. And after I graduated from
college, I will start something new that will benefit myself and others.
The main purpose of learning is to seek knowledge seriously, not only related to diplomas,
degrees, and individual work. Whatever we get, I hope this knowledge is useful forever. And
in the end, everything is a choice. all return to themselves, how to choose the right and right
path for a better life in the present and in the future. Everything in life depends on choice and
I believe my choice in Industrial Engineering is the right choice for my life.

That's all,

thank you

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