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1. What is the discussion mainly about?

(A) The dangers of whales staying still

(B) The instincts of whales

(C) Whales in colder waters

(D) Whales saving energy

2. Why does the teacher mention small animals living in warmer waters?

(A) To help support the theory of whales saving energy

(B) To ask if the students know what animals live in warmer waters

(C) To describe the life of small animals in warmer waters

(D) To compare eating habits of small animals in cold and warm waters

3. According to the theory, why do whales move to warmer waters?

(A) They are too cold in colder waters and die.

(B) They want to find more food in the warmer waters.

(C) They feel like swimming around for fun.

(D) They like the taste of food in warmer waters.

4. What is the teacher's attitude about the theory of whales saving energy by swimming to warmer

(A) He does not believe it.

(B) He does not know much about it.

(C) He believes that there is some truth to it.

(D) He does not have any opinion on it.

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