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Written By: Neal Litherland

Edited By: Adrian Kennelly
Published By: Azukail Games


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2 100 Havens
100 Havens
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100 Havens 8
Location, Location, “That’s all very interesting,” Lilian said, though
the tone of her voice suggested otherwise. “I assume

Location there’s a point to all of this?”

“You gave me a rather long list of requirements

Tobias “Toby” Chesterfield was waiting on the for a property,” Toby said, crossing the empty parlor
front stoop of the Mansfield Place when the silver to an impressive fireplace. “It needed to be within
the limits of a town, but with no nearby neighbors.

sedan pulled past the gate, and into the driveway.
The soft purr of the engine quieted, and the driver Large, but not easily found by main roads. It needed
got out. Tall and sleek, dressed in a black pants suit, to have few, if any, windows that faced East or West.
Lilian Vasquez had a presence that you could feel This place, difficult as it was to locate, meets all the
at fifteen paces. Toby ran a hand back through his requirements you gave me.”

thick, chestnut hair and put his thousand-watt smile
on his face as she mounted the steps.
“All but the most important,” Lilian said, folding
her arms. She frowned, but Toby smiled at her.
“This is the place you mentioned?” she asked.
Her voice was carefully neutral, but one manicured
eyebrow lifted skeptically. “You judge me too harshly,” Toby said, resting a
hand on the mantle. “As soon as you told me that you
wanted a property that had a private space that would

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” Toby said, opening
the front door. The intricately carved piece had faded
with time and exposure to the elements, but the dark
stain still gave it a gothic air. “Step inside, and let me
be impossible for outsiders to locate, I remembered
another story. One that doesn’t get told very much
unless you’re a local who grew up around here.”
show you some of the Mansfield’s secrets.”
Toby bent down, and reached up inside the fireplace.
There was a loud thunk somewhere behind the
As Toby led his client through the building, he fireplace. Taking out a handkerchief, Toby wiped
began telling its tale. The manor house was built back the dirt and dust off his hand before pressing on the
near the turn of the century, the materials brought wall. It slid aside, revealing a stone spiral staircase that
in from long-defunct factories and mills across the went down into the mountain. He beamed like a kid

valley. Mansfield, an entrepreneur and eccentric, at show-and-tell, took out his phone, and turned on
built the house into the side of the mountain. The the flashlight.
rooms were tacked on seemingly at random, and
there were secret passages he could use to move
unseen from one part of the structure to another. “I saved the best for last,” he said.
When he died under mysterious circumstances the
house and its valuables were sold to cover his debts.

Toby led the way down the stairs, the bright, white
While there had been various owners, ranging from light of his phone bobbing. Lilian’s heels clicked on
tycoons looking for summer homes, to celebrities the stairs behind him. Niches in the walls bore pools of
who wanted to show off, to one or two famous artists melted wax, and black soot marks from long-forgotten
who sought isolation for their work, the Mansfield candles marred the stone. There were even rusty iron
Place was never in one person’s possession for any hooks that still held lanterns in some places. None
great length of time. Murders, suicides, paranoia and of them had been lit in what looked like a century.
more had seeped into the very boards, according to After a single turn the stairs ended at a landing, and
some, and its market share had dropped lower and an arched doorway. Toby stepped through, and Lilian
lower the longer it stayed vacant. These days it wasn’t gasped. It was the first reaction he’d heard out of her
even on the sheets; most agents had given up trying on the entire tour.
to sell the place entirely.

4 100 Havens
“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Toby said, a feeling that he’d clinched the sale. She shook his
raising his phone and playing it over the space. hand, and gave him a small smile, assuring him she’d
Natural rock walls curved outwards, and veins of give him a call by tomorrow morning regarding her
lighter colored stone ran through them. A stream client’s interest. Then she got back into her car, and
cut through the place, burbling and babbling headed back out onto the road.
pleasantly as it went. A beautifully-carved fireplace
that was the twin of the one above but for the figure
of a woman carved above it was the room’s central As soon as she was out of sight, Lilian hit the first
speed dial on her phone. The call was answered

feature, and there were stains where it looked like
rugs and furniture had once sat. Stone caskets were immediately by a rough, purring voice. A voice that
ranged along the far end of the room in a neat row. didn’t even pretend to sound human.
“Mansfield was a long-term thinker. He had a place
for himself, his wife and their children prepared.

Sadly he never found a wife, and almost nobody ever “Yes?” the creature known only as the Tainted asked.
found out about this place.”
“We’ve found it, Master,” Lilian said. “It’s perfect.”
“And how did you find it, exactly?” Lilian asked.
Silence hummed on the line for a long moment.
“My best friend’s older brother came into the house Then the kindred asked, “And the one who provided?”
on a dare when he was in high school,” Toby said.

He put one hand on the fireplace, looking up at the Lilian pursed her lips. She took the switchback
woman carved there. “An absolute downpour opened turns with ease, frowning at the rain falling onto
up outside. It was cold, so he decided to build a fire her windshield.
and wait it out. He reached up too high, and found
the switch by accident. Told me and my friend about
it, but Charlie was never brassy enough to come in “He would make a fine caretaker for the estate,”
here and find out for himself whether his brother she said. “In my estimation.”
was pulling his leg or not.”

“Very well,” the Tainted said. “I will make

Lilian didn’t say anything after that, but Toby had arrangements.”

100 Havens 5
Place illustration here

(recomended full colour)


e 100 Havens
Even The Wicked Need Their acquiring it. Storytellers should feel free to use these as
ways to increase personal plot for any players attempting
Rest to acquire these locations... particularly since coteries will
often share a haven, if it’s large enough.
Vampires are capable of astonishing feats, and even the
weakest of them command powers that awe and terrify

mortals. However, the kindred all share the weaknesses of

the vampiric condition, and like any hunting beast they
have a tendency to seek a lair. A place where they are safe,
and where they can rest. Among the shadow community
such places are referred to as a haven.

Like the kindred themselves, havens come in all shapes,

and in all sizes. From penthouse apartments worth more
than entire neighborhoods where one can look down
on their domain, to abandoned tunnels where only the
most desperate are washed up, to crumbling countryside
manors, and isolated caverns, the kindred can be found
nearly anywhere.

The following list of havens are merely some suggestions

for locations one might find suitable. In addition to a
description of the haven itself, there are also suggested
benefits and complications that one might run into when

100 Havens 7

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