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From: Claudia Ferrando (claudiaferrando@gmail.

com )
To: Dublin English First (
Subject: information about courses

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to ask for information about your courses to learn English in Dublin this
summer. I am 22 years old and I am studying Teaching at the University of Valencia.
At the moment I’m studying level B1 at the Official School of Languages.

I would like to do a intensive course for four-week next summer with four hours of
English a day and some cultural activity. Could I do two hours of intermediate English
and the other two hours to prepare for the exam? However, I would like to stay in a
student accommodation. If all this could be possible, could you send me more
information about when it would be and what prices do you have?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully.

Claudia Ferrando

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