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Resolve all scheduled artillery & air support. Carry out action against nearest visible enemy unit.
Recce establish comms with command units.


Modifier Description
-1 ...if any unit used Opportunity Fire in the last turn, or carried out an Initiative action this turn.
-1 ...if is the second order issued to the same unit/formation this turn (then additional -1 per additional order)
-1 ...if farthest unit from command unit is further than 20cm away; plus extra -1 per full 20cm distance beyond.
… if any unit (other than Infantry or Infantry Support units) will be moving into, through, or out of dense
terrain, non-dummy minefields or smoke.
-1 ...if any unit will be making an Assault move.
...if ordering a unit to Assault out of High Area Terrain. This affects all units and is cumulative to the -1
above for units moving into, through or out of dense terrain.
-1 ...if ordering Infantry or Infantry Support units to charge an enemy unit defending a Wire Obstacle.
-2 ...if your Command unit is suppressed.

Modifier Description
+1 ...if the enemy unit is within half range, does not apply to mortars.
+1 ...if the unit is firing on the flank or rear the enemy.
+1 ...if the unit is an AFV firing at a Soft target within 20cm.


Attack Dice Modifier Condition
+1d6 ...per unit assaulting the enemy.
+1d6 ...per unit in support of the assault.
+1d6 ...per Infantry or Engineer unit attacking an open AFV unit.
-1d6 ...per enemy unit contacting your flank or rear.
-1d6 ...per unit that is Suppressed.

Hits Outcome
Equal ...fight another round of Close Assault immediately.
Greater, but not double* ...losing side become Suppressed and retreat. Winning side consolidates.
Double or more ...losing side are Knocked-out. Winning side consolidates.


Target Hit
In the open 4, 5 or 6
In soft or partial cover / Exposed AFVs by Area Weapons 5 or 6
In hard or full cover / Full AFVs by Area Weapons / Command Units 6
AFV-flamethrowers / Minefields vs All units in all terrain 4, 5 or 6

Blitzkrieg Commander is produced by Pendraken Miniatures © 2020

Quick Reference Sheet v1.1
Target Unit is in... Save Value / Modifier
In gun-pit / Minefield 6
In brick building, trench, pillbox 5, 6
In stone/concrete building, dugout, bunker 4, 5, 6
In AFV pit +1 to AFV normal save
Hit in flank or rear, or hit by aircraft -1
Hit by all flamethrowers 0

SUPPRESSION Roll only when a unit is already suppressed.
Roll one die for each hit taken in the current attack.
Roll one die for each hit taken in the current attack.
Suppressed if any die equal to/greater than score to hit.
Total scores & move unit away from nearest attacker.

Units are Knocked-Out when:
• Falling back further than 10cm (except Recce units).
• Falling back into suppressed friendly units, enemy units, impassable terrain, non-dummy minefields or off-table.
• Falling back into enemy Command unit, causing your unit to be Knocked-Out, enemy Command is unaffected.
• Falling back into wire (troops on foot and soft-skins only).
• The fall back distance for units in fortifications, dug-in troops and deployed guns would be further than 10cm.

Units are Knocked-Out when:
• Retreating into enemy units, impassable terrain, non-dummy minefields or off-table.
• Retreating into suppressed friendly units, in which case both units are knocked-out.
• Retreating into enemy command units, leaving the enemy command unit unaffected.
• Retreating into friendly or enemy unlimbered guns, troops in fortifications and dug-in AFVs.


1. Take the attack value of each unit attacking the same target.
2. Apply any modifiers to the attack value of each unit, then roll this number of dice, grouped by the score to hit.
3. One hit is achieved for each die roll equal to or greater than the score required to hit the target.
4. The opponent rolls 1d6 for each hit taken in the current attack - one hit is saved for each score equal to or greater
than the save value of the unit.
5. If the total number of unsaved hits against the target unit is equal to or greater than its hits value, it is Knocked-out,
otherwise place a marker next to the unit to indicate the number of unsaved hits against it.
6. Roll one die for each unsaved hit taken in the current attack (unless the unit was knocked-out).
7. The unit will become suppressed if any of the die are equal to or greater than the score required to hit the unit.
8. If the unit is already suppressed, total the scores of the dice and the unit will fall-back this distance in centimetres
directly away from the nearest visible attacking unit.

Situation Score Needed to Hit
Unit in the open / No cover
Flamethrowers & minefields vs All units
Unit in soft or partial cover (hedges, scrub, woods, hills, scree, water)
Exposed AFVs in assault by Infantry or Infantry Support
All Vehicles in BUAs when assaulting infantry or infantry support weapons
Mortars, IGs and off-table artillery/air vs Open/Exposed AFVs
Unit in hard or full cover (walls, buildings, trenches, pits, pillboxes, bunkers)
AFV’s targeted by weapons only capable of suppression
Command Units (Overrun hit on 4+)
Mortars, IGs and off-table artillery/air vs Full AFVs

Blitzkrieg Commander is produced by Pendraken Miniatures © 2020

Quick Reference Sheet v1.1
Modifier Description
+1 If all requested artillery units are self-propelled (i.e. they have a Move value in the army lists).
-1 For each successive request with new artillery units (each artillery unit can only fire once per turn).
-1 Per three additional artillery units requested (e.g. -1 for 4-6 units, -2 for 7-9 units, etc.).
-1 Per additional rocket or naval artillery unit requested (e.g. -1 for 2 units, -2 for 3 units, etc.).
-1 When requesting smoke or counter-battery fire.

Roll one die per 20cm between FAO & target (-1d6 if higher) & directional die against aiming point.


Concentration: 20cm circle for mortars, guns, howitzers. Total attacks (concentration) or average (barrage).
30cm circle for rockets & naval artillery. Roll attacks against each unit in the fire-zone.
Barrage: 20x20cm squares.


Modifier Description
-1 For each successive request made by the FAC this turn.
-1 Per additional aircraft unit requested (e.g. -1 for 2 units, -2 for 3 units, etc.)
-1 If opponent has partial air superiority.
-2 If opponent has full air superiority.

Roll one die per 20cm between FAO & target (-1d6 if higher) & directional die against aiming point.

Roll attacks of all AA/CO/HQ units within range/LOS.
Aircraft hit on 5 or 6, roll one die per hit to see if aircraft abort (5 or 6).
Attacks reduced by one per hit.


30x10cm for ground-attack/dive-bombers. Roll attacks against each unit in the fire-zone.
30cm for bombers. Double attacks against a single unit (except bombers).

Remove outstanding hits from all active player units on the table.
Remove suppression markers from all of the active player’s units.
Remove all smoke markers that were placed during your opponent’s previous turn.
Check to see if the battle should end (see End of the Battle below).
Test for a change in the weather if using the Optional Rules download.


An objective has been reached as part of a scenario.
A set number of turns has been played.
A player concedes defeat.
A battlegroup reaches its breakpoint and withdraws from the battlefield.

All units count towards the breakpoint except:
- Command
- Recce
- Aircraft
- Off-table artillery
- Soft-skinned transport units.

Blitzkrieg Commander is produced by Pendraken Miniatures © 2020

Quick Reference Sheet v1.1
Score Result
2 Roll one die and the CV of your command unit is reduced by half this number next turn.
3 All HQs suffer a -1 to their CV for the remainder of the current turn and next turn.
4 All units under command make one half move directly towards their own table baseline.
5 Roll one die and the unit nearest the enemy takes this number of attacks from firing.
6 All units under command make one half move directly towards the nearest visible enemy unit.
7 Roll three dice and the command unit moves this distance directly towards its own table baseline.
8 All units under command make one full move directly towards the nearest visible enemy unit.
9 Roll two dice and the unit nearest the enemy takes this number of attacks from firing.
10 All units under command make one full move directly towards their own table baseline.
11 The CO of the battlegroup suffers a -2 to its CV for the remainder of the current turn and next turn.
12 Roll one die and the CV of the command unit is reduced by half this number for the rest of the game.


Score Result
1 or 2 Roll 1d6 and the FAO CV is reduced by half this number for the duration of the next turn.
Roll 1d6 and each requested artillery unit takes this number of attacks. Towed artillery units will be
3 or 4 hit on 5 or 6, whereas self-propelled and naval artillery units will be hit on 6. Any suppression result
means the artillery unit is not available during the next turn.
All requested artillery units target the nearest friendly unit to the aiming point. Roll for deviation
5 or 6
from the friendly unit.


Score Result of Air Support Blunder
1 or 2 Roll 1d6 and the FAO CV is reduced by half this number for the duration of the next turn.
Roll 1d6 and each requested aircraft unit takes this number of attacks, calculated as air superiority.
3 or 4
Any suppression result means the aircraft unit is not available during the next turn.
All requested air support units target the nearest friendly unit to the aiming point. Roll for deviation
5 or 6
from the friendly unit.


Partially Wet Terrain

Minefield, unmarked
Shallow Wet Terrain

Anti-Tank Obstacles
High Area Terrain
Low Area Terrain

Deep Wet Terrain

Minefield, visible
Trenches & Pits
Frozen Terrain
Linear Terrain

Firm Snow


Troops on foot O - O - OD O I - OD O OD O OD D
AFVs (tracked) - - OD I I O I - OD O O I OD D
As covering terrain

AFVs (half-tracked) O - OD I I O I - OD I OD I OD D
AFVs (wheeled) O - OD I I O I - OD I OD I OD D
Soft-skins B - OD I I O I - OD I I I OD D
Towed guns B - OD I I O I - OD I I I OD D
Cavalry O - O - OD O I - OD O I I OD D
Draft Animals B - O - OD O I - OD I I I OD D
Command units - - - - - - I - - - - - O D

Blitzkrieg Commander is produced by Pendraken Miniatures © 2020

Quick Reference Sheet v1.1

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