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A Study On Reading An Narrative Text of VII Grade Students in

(……………) Pekanbaru with The Text



A. Background of the Problem

The objective of teaching is the students are able to what in their thinking creatively. The
students are able to interact with the text, especially narrative text. In narrative, the students are
able to master generic structure, language feature, vocabulary and mechanics. The students are
able to understand the function. Function means that, we use narrative for some purpose, there
are: to entertaint, to amuse and give moral value to the readers. According to the national
curriculum, each level of English education in Indonesia has its own objectives. Furthermore,
KTSP curriculum states that the students are expected to develop communicative competence
both in speaking and reading or writing to achieve functional literacy stage. It means that these
skills should be interrelated and supported one another Based on the objective, reading is one
of the skills that the students should achieve in learning English. Reading is one of language
skills by which someone can express his or her ideas in read form, by mastering reading
narrative text, students are able to read or to apply English in every opportunity. In reality, the
students still have problems in reading a good text in English. The students‟ score in reading are
still low. Only some students get good score. The problem may be caused by some aspects: The
first is rare opportunity to use English because the status of English as a foreign language, not as
maindaily communication. The second is the students do not have enough practice in reading
text. So the students may make mistake like, determining the main idea, using the suitable
word, and arranging the sentences. Therefore, the students need to master the structure of
the English language, should have enough vocabulary, and also know the spelling of the words
in order to be able to read correct prouncation and arrange them into a good speeling. The last,
the technique that used by teacher do not support the students motivation to read the text. Based
on the explanation above, the researcher wants to conduct a research Entitled “A Study On
Reading An Narrative Text of VII Grade Students in (……………) Pekanbaru with The

B. Identification Problem

There are many problems that can be identified related to students “Reading An Narrative
Text”. The problem are:

- How is the implementation of teaching reading on narrative text

- How is the material of teaching reading on narrative text
- How is the evaluation of teaching reading on narrative text
- How is the students is can be loud the pronouncation
- How is students can be take to moral values in text to good

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem, there are unlimited numbers of problem.
Therefore, the researcher would like to limit only on the reading the text an Narrative Text

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the formulation of the problem is: “How is
the students‟ reading the text, next given to good ideas from Narrative Text

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to investigate the students‟ reading in Narrative Text.

F. Significance of the Study

Theoretically, this study is to enrich the theory of reading, especially in understanding the
students‟ ability in reading narrative text. Practically, the significances of this study are as follow:
(1) For the students, as the information to help them to solve their problems in reading narrative
text, giving to good information, and take to good moral values in the text (2) For the English
teachers, it can be used as a reference in terms of increasing the student’s ability in mastering
reading narrative text, (3) For the principal, to improve the teachers competence in teaching
reading, (4) For other researchers, as references to do further research in the same subject in
various topic in the different context.


In this section, the researcher presented some theories proposed by
some expert thoeries. There are some parts of theories that will be served by
the researcher. The theory includes theory of reading comprehension, theory
about teaching reading, theory of cooperative language learning, the theory of narrative text.

1. The Theorities of Reading Comprehension

a. Definition of Reading

Reading is very important activity in human life. This is due to the fact that people mostly get

information through reading. In this modern era, moreover, when every aspect of human‟s life
develops faster and faster, it becomes more essential since the development is recorded and
issued through media including printed media. Reading is seceond language learning is on
important skill because by reading someone will enlarge and increase his/her knowledge. The
following are definition of reading stated by linguistcs based on their own view.

Nuttal (1996:4), reading is a process of communication between the writer and reader.
Wallance (1996:4) states that reading as interpreting means interacting to a wrtitten text as a piece
of communication. Here, the writer encodes the message in his mind might be an idea, a fact, a
feeling, and argument while the readerdecodes the message from the text. So, reading there is
result of interaction between the perception of graphic symbol that represent language and the
reader‟s langauge skill and knowledge of the world. Nuttal (1996:168-169), he state that the
central ideas behind reading are: the idea of meaning, the transfer of meaning from one to
another, the transfer of message from the writer to reader, how we get meaning by reading and
how the reader, the writer and the text all contribute to the process. Meanwhile, Aebersold and
Field (1997:15), they state that reading is what happens when people look at a text and
assign meaning to the written symbols in that text, further, the text and the reader are the two
physical estities necessary for the reading process to begin. It is the interaction between the text
and the reader that constitutes actual reading. Granted, the meaning of the reader get from the text
wished to convey. Likewise, the meaning that one reader gets from a text may be different froone
others reader that are reading the same text. Thus, reading comprehension is differs from one
reader to another. Furthermore, Nuttal (1998:33) gives another definiton that reading is an
interactive process between what reader already knows about a given topic or subject and what
the writer writes. It is not simply a matter of applying decoding conventions and background
grammatical knowledge to the text. Good readers are able to relate the text and their own
background knowledge efficiently.
William (1984:12) defines reading as a process whereby one looks at and understand what
has been written text. The key word here is “understand‟. Only reading aloud without
understanding does not count as reading. Understanding is a process in reading comprehension.
Reading can often be a struggle after understanding, especially where language learners are
concerned. Although reading has been defined as a process whereby one looks at and undersands
what has been written, the reader does not simply a passive object, faced with letters, words, and
sentence, but is actively working at every letter and words.
Based on the definition above, the researcher takes a conclusion that reading is a complex
process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. It means that in
reading a written text, readers require not only ability to recognize words, but also the ability to
comprehend and evaluate the meaning of written text to assign meaning.

b. Definition of Comprehension

The objective of all readers is comprehension, Burna (1984:148). It was supported by Pang and
Friends (2003:14), who state that comprehension is an active process in the construction of
meaning. Comprehension is the process of deriving meaning fromconnected text. It involves
word knowledge (vocabulary) as well as thinking and reasoning. Therefore, comprehension is not
a passive process, but an active one. The reader actively engages with the text to construct
meaning. The active engagement includes making use of prior knowledge. It involves drawing
inferences from the words and expressions that a writer uses to communicate informantion, ideas
and viewpoints. Comprehension is the process simultaneously extracting and constructing
meaning through interaction and involvement with written language. It is clearer that
comprehension is a process to get deeper purpose of a text. If we have read a text using
comprehension process, we will get more detail knowledge that still in general, Snow
(2002:11). From the explanation above explanation above, the researcher concludes that
comprehension is thinking deeply about what they have read. Thus, the reader could guess,
interpret, and predict the text, then conclude the meaning of the text. Through comprehension, the
reader did know what they read and they could grasp the meaning and significance of something
they read.

c. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading is not only gets the information but it needs

understanding and comprehension to get some points from the text. In
this case, reading and understanding are related to each other. Reading
itself contains the activity to understand the text and information in the
text. In order to understand or to get points from text, we needcomprehension for it. Therefore,
reading cannot be separated from comprehension. Grellet (1981:182), reading comprehension is
understood a written text to extract the required information from it as efficiently as possible.
While, Kennedy (1981:192), he state that reading comprehension is although process through
which reader becomes aware of an idea, understands it in terms of their experiential background
and interprets it in relation to their own needs and purposes. Kennedy adds that reading
comprehension is not a skill or ability that can be developed once and for all at any level of
instruction. It is a cumulative process that begins in early childhood and continues as long as an
individual reads for information. On the other hand Smith and Robinson (1980:54), they state that
reading with comprehension is the understanding evaluation and utilizing of information and idea
through an interaction between the reader and the writer. From those theories above, it can be
concluded that reading comprehension is a process of understanding, evaluating and utilizing
of information to get an idea of meaning from a written text, understand it according to
experiential background or prior knowledge, and interpret it with the reader‟s needs and
strategies to achieve message or information from a written text by finding word meaning
of the text, finding detailed information, identifying referent, identifying main idea, identifying
implied information.

d. Levels of Reading Comprehension

Kennedy (1981224) state that the skills of comprehension are grouped under three major
divisions of reading: literal reading, inferential reading and critical reading.
1) Literal reading
Literal reading is related on what a writer says. It involves acquiring information that is directly
stated in a selection and is also prerequisite for higher levels understanding. It requires ability
a) Locate specific fact
b) Identify happening that are described directly
c) Find answers to questions based on given facts
d) Summarizing the details expressed in a selection

2) Inferential reading
Inferential reading involves reading between the lines or making inferences. It is the process of
deriving ideas that are implied rather than directly stated. Skills for inferential reading
a) Finding implied meanings
b) Anticipating outcomes
c) Making generalization
d) Detecting the writer‟s purpose
e) Drawing conclusion

3). Critical Reading

Critical reading is evaluating written material, comparing the ideas discovered with known
standard and drawing conclusions about their accuracy and appropriateness. The critical reader
must be an active reader, questioning, searching for fact and suspending judgment until he or she
has considered all of the material.

e. Models of Reading

The models of reading that is suggested by Barnett (1989) in Aebersold and Field (1997:17-18)
are three main models of how reading occurs:
1) Bottom-up theory
Bottom theory argues that the readers construct the text from the smallest units (letters to words
to phrases to sentences) and the process of constructing the text from those small units
becomes so automatic that readers are not aware of how it operates. Eskey (1986) in Simanjuntak
(1988:7) states that the models assumes that a reader proceeds by moving his eyes from
left to right across the page, first taking in letters, combining these to form words, then combining
the words to from the phrases, clauses, and sentences of the text.

Narrative Text
a.Definition of Narrative Text
Narrative Text is one of genre which tell about story. Most of students love story
especially Narrative exts. They can find many kinds of Narrative Texts those are interesting
to learn, such as mysteries, fictions, romances, horror, fables stories, etc.According to
Celce and Murcia, Narrative is structured round the chronological development of events and
is contered on a person or hero. Consequently, ― a Narrative is usually personalized or
individualized tells about the events related to the person or persons involved.‖17Mark
Anderson and Kathy Anderson statedthat Narrative are usually told by a story teller.18To
make it interesting, a good story must have interesting content. Therefore, it should be detailed
and clear, with event arranged in the orderin some other effective way.From the definition above,
the researcherconcludedthat Narrative Text is a story tells us about something interesting that has
purpose to amuse and entertain the readers or viewers.

b.Social Function of Narrative Text

Knapp and Watkins (2005:220-221) stated that Narrative has social role as a medium
for entertainment and changing social opinions and attitudes.19When reading Narrative Text
from novel or short story, people tend to get the jollity. It means the aim of reading Narrative
Text is to entertain their mind.Asthe social changing attitude, Narrative Text is effective way to
influence people mind. When children read, or told a story by parents, they tend to believe that all
the characters and events in the story are agree with the reality. Narrative can be used as medium
to modify children‘s attitude towards them. Here, the social function of Narrative Text takes
indirectly evidence.

c.Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Narrative has a structure, a shape or a pattern.It can be represented graphically in this
way. Generic Structure of Narrative: The Orientation (established the characters and situation),
Rising Action (series of complication leads to the climax), the Climax (critical moment), Falling
Action (the moment away from thehighest peak of excitement), and Resolution (the result or
outcome).20It is clearly explain that a Narrative has some aspects in building a story. In this way,
a Narrative Text conveys themeaning of events. Because of Narrative Text is a story, thus it show
in chronological order.

d.Language Features of Narrative Text

Basically, there are some characteristics of Narrative Text. This feature makes
Narrative different from other text. According to Knapp and Watkins the features are; use action
verbs, use temporal connectives, written in the past tense, use mental verbs, use metaphoric verbs,
use rhythm and repetition, and play with sentence structure.21In contrast, Gerot and Wignell
proposed six language features of Narrative Text, they are:1)Focus on specific and usually
individualized participant (E.g.: Po, Aladdin, Shifu).2)Using relational processes and mental
processes (E.g.: Tigress was Unhappy, everything was so weird).3)Using temporal conjunctions
and temporal circumstances (E.g.: A few years ago, sometimes, and once upon a time).4)Using
past tense (E.g.: lived, stayed, and was).5)Using verbal processes (E.g.: said, told and
promise).6)Using material processes. As what has been mentioned before, there are no significant
differences among experts. Overall, from some points, the purpose of Narrative Text is to tell a
story taken from personal experiences, using a chronologicalsequence of events. Narrative Text is
a kind of text that consisting of series of events which is constructed in a chronological order. It
presents an event ended with a revelation, insight, or lesson. It could be in the form of a funny
story or even the serious one depended on writer‘s purpose in mind.



The research will be conducted at via ZOOM MEATING ONLINE at home, and all student mus
have to absen time and place.
The reasons location are : (1). Writer from the problem that the student still had low ability at
home and read to narrative text. (2). The home location is near from the researcher. (3). The place
object is accessible to the researcher.

B. Population and Sample

- Population

The population is a number of person in research. Population is a whole object which will be
researched. Population often called universe. The population in other words, is the group of interest to the
reseacrher, the group as whom the researcher would like to generealize the result of the study.

The whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region, a body of persons or individuals having
a quality or characters in common (1): the organism inhabiting a particular locality (2): a group of
interbreeding organism that represents the level of organization at which speciation begins, a group of
individual persons, objects, or items from which samples are taken for statistical measurement.
Population is all of subject research at grade IX, there are 26 students: 15 male and 11 female. Source
from document of SMPN 40 PEKANBARU at ZOOM MEATING

- Sample

A sample in a research study refers to any group on which information is obtained.

Sampling refers to to the process of selecting these indivivuals. Sample is a part of the
population that become obejek research (sample literally means example) . In the
determination / sampling of the population have a rule, which is a representative sample
(representing) of the population.
In sampling at least three underlying, namely: (a) Limitations of time, effort and
cost, (b) Faster and easier, (c) Provide more information and greater depth.
Total sampling is 26 students of grade IX at SMPN 40 PEKANBARU from the ZOOM MEATING.

C. Research Method
This research used descriptive quantitative design. The purpose is to analysis the
students ability in writing narrative text. Research analysis of the document/content is

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