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The Land of Counterpane

I. Word meanings / another word :
1. Dull and slow - Leaden
2. A group of ships sailing together- Fleet
3. A valley- Dale
4. Bedspread- Counterpane

II. Antonyms:
1. Sick x healthy
2. Pleasant x unpleasant
3. Giant x dwarf
4. Still x moving
5. Happy x unhappy / sad

III. Answer the following:

1. Who is the speaker in the poem?
Ans: The boy is the speaker in the poem.

2. Why is he in the bed?

Ans: The boy is in the bed because he is sick.

3. What would his pillow become at times?

Ans: His pillow becomes a hill at times

4. How would he make dales and hills with his counterpane?

Ans: The boy sits on the pillow and makes dales and hills with his

5. Write four rhyming words in the poem.

Ans: lay – day, so – go, drills - hills, fleets – sheets.

IV. Read the extract and answer the following:

1. And all my toys beside me lay
To keep me happy all the day.

a. Is the speaker child or adult? How do you know this?

Ans: The speaker is a child because he had all his toys beside him.

b. When would he have all his toys beside him?

Ans: He would have all his toys beside him when he is sick.
c. Name the poem and the poet.
Ans: The poem is “The Land of Counterpane” and the poet is
Robert. L. Stevenson.
V. Frame sentences:
1. City – A city has many buildings and streets.
2. Soldier – My grandfather was a soldier in the army.
3. Uniforms – The soldiers wear perfect uniforms in the army.
4. Brought – My friends brought me a gift.
5. Planted – Peter planted a number of flowering shrubs in the garden.

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