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Phonological process from youtube

Hiatus: phonological phenomenon when 2 vowels belonging to two adjacent sylables are
brought together without the intervention of any consonants
Many phonological process will take places

1. Deletion
When we delete when it exisr in the phonemic form but in phonetic it becomes nothing

A. Insertion (epanthesis)
1. Consonant
2. Vowel

R sound in british english

The idea r is good
Because to break the vowel cluster (a and i)
Avoid having hiatus (double vowel) the intrusive r is added
Law and order / law androrder

In line with Hanunnoo spoken in philipines does not accept hiatus

Consonant h is added to break the vowel cluster
Ex: upati
Tulu to tuluhi

A voiceless stop has inserted between a nasal and a voiveless fricattive

- Dance to daens (daents)
- Strength (strengkth)
- Hamster to hampster
- Chomsky chompsky
The inserted stop has the same place of articulation as the preceeding nassal

3. Scottish accent
Nine shine add schwa after final nassal

B. Methatesis
Two sound reverse their position
1. Introduce to interduce consonant r plus vowel o becomes the vowel e (kebalik) to
consonant r
2. Asterisk to asteriks
3. Comfortable to comfortabel

Austronssioan language
When there are 3 consecutive consonants, the first consonant switches position to the
preceeding vowel
1. Danatkviali to dantakviali
C. Coalescence
The morphem final t, d, s and z and following y are replaced by palato alveolar fricaves
Relate relation
Cunfuse confusion

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