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1. Most ideas are stupid. 51. Beware ambition.

2. Managed chaos > maintained order. 52. Decorate with mystery.

3. Ask the secretary, not the boss. 53. A mind is a monarchy.
4. Finding questions > finding answers. 54. Any person ≠ any other person.
5. Things are usually how they should be 55. Rumors color reputation.
6. Endurance > Achievement. 56. Wealth = control. Prosperity = comfort.
7. The big things won't love you back. 57. Greatest damage is self-inflicted.
8. Past and future are dynamic. 58. Pure deception avoids untruth.
9. Fear everyone, hate no one. 59. Never get caught.
10. Use supplements. 60. Feed frugally. Gift extravagantly.
11. Hope is not a method. 61. Emotions can't be trusted.
12. Friends don't pay. 62. Procrastination = Prioritization
13. Expect loss. 63. Weeds occupy fertile soil.
14. Fantasy = order. Reality = chaos. 64. Don't organize dysfunction.
15. Desire anonymity. 65. Title invites attention.
16. Undisturbed systems find clarity. 66. Look under the bed.
17. Wealth evaporates. 67. Language lies.
18. Buy stainless steel. 68. Math doesn't lie.
19. Boredom is the enemy. 69. Process = Sustainable Mediocrity.
20. People do their best work in their 20s 70. Fail quickly. Iterate.
21. New words = Attempt change. 71. Listening > Talking.
22. Presence = .5 Influence 72. Leverage suffering.
23. Appreciate failure. 73. Order requires purity.
24. Motivated chimp > lazy human. 74. Single Cause → Multiple Effects
25. Mornings look different. 75. Prediction of failure courts blame.
26. Success is a target. 76. Recall childhood.
27. Desire defines perfection. 77. Don't drill a hole twice.
28. Process ≠ progress. 78. Virtue is sufficient for happiness.
29. Recognize subtleties. 79. Nothing except virtue is good.
30. Formal channels are tiebreakers. 81. Things take longer than expected.
31. Keep fighting. 82. Winners chase the sound of guns.
32. Unique is usually stupid. 83. Imitation ≠ Innovation.
33. Loud beats smart. 84. Failure leads success.
34. Stars and sand are insignificant. 85. Observation over speculation.
35. Shame is pride convicted. 86. The less you have the more you live.
36. Thoughts measure truth. 87. Build equilibrium.
37. Emotions measure value. 88. Chaos = Phase between equilibriums.
38. Charge ≠ control. 89. Names are limitations.
39. You can't vector crazy. 90. Ambitions kill intentions.
40. Compartmentalize conflict. 91. Practitioner ≠ believer.
41. Resent, but don't ignore. 92. No happy in perfect.
42. Don't panic. 93. Trash > Treasure
43. Get a lawyer. 94. Lessons are worth paying for.
44. "No" = power. 95. Character based alliances endure.
45. Humility is rooted empathy. 96. Nothing real stays secret.
46. Strategy: What NOT to do. 97. Nothing on the internet dies.
47. Improve good enough. 98. Creation lies in words.
48. Best number of drinks = 2. 99. Events fade. Concepts endure.
49. Pause before entering. 100. Ideas are free.
50. Help summons money. 80. Double check your numbers.

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