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Assignment 4:

Understanding the Cardinal Signs of Inflamma on

Name: _____________________ Roll Number: ___________________
As medical students, your assignment is to explore the fundamental concept of inflammation,
a critical response by the human body to injury and infection. In this assignment, the emphasis
is on the recognition and understanding of key indicators, often referred to as cardinal signs,
that play a crucial role in diagnosing and studying this physiological process.
Q No. 1: Explain the Changes Associated with Erythema (Rubor) in Inflammation.

Q No. 2: Investigate the Factors Contributing to Heat Generation during Inflammation.

Q No. 3: Describe the Causes of Swelling (Tumor) in Inflammation.

Q No. 4: Discuss the Sensation of Pain (Dolor) in Inflammatory Conditions.

Q No. 5: Examine the Impact of Inflammation on Tissue Function.

NOTE: You are encouraged to use any graphical presenta ons as well to accurate elaborate the
pathological features.

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