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Office suites

MS Word: From 2007 onwards typing =lorem(i) or =lorem(i, j) in MS Word creates

greeking text--don't forget to hit the enter key; i and j need to be integers,
where i stands for the amount of desired paragraphs and j numbers the sentences per
paragraph. j has a default value of 3 and a maximum set to 6665. >> screenshots
Open Office: An extension named Magenta Lorem ipsum generator is available at Once installed, an icon will be shown in a toolbar below
the menu bar, with the option to insert a number of paragraphs, the maximum is set
to 25. >> screenshots
Libre Office: Magenta Lorem Ipsum Generator 2.0.2, available for LibreOffice 3.3,
LibreOffice 3.4, and LibreOffice 3.5.
Lorem Ipsum plugins: content management systems (CMS)
Dummy Content: an editor button and system plugin (Joomla extension) that sets
random dummy copy in articles or in other content item that have editors like
custom HTML modules, category descriptions, or third party content.

Folcomedia - Button Lorem Ipsum: creates a button in the editor to insert a

paragraph of "Lorem Ipsum" greeking text.

Content Fake: a component that allows for easy creation of menu items, quickly
creating paragraphs of "Lorem Ipsum" and pictures with custom sizes.

Overview of all Joomla plugins for Lorem Ipsum generation.

Lorem Ipsum Generator: Creates a button on wysiwyg toolbars to add a configurable
amount of Lorem Ipsum text to a post, page or any other custom post type.

lorem shortcode: This plugin contains two shortcodes, lorem and loremimage, the
loremimage shortcode can be nested in the lorem shortcode.

WP Dummy Content: Easy generation and deletion of blog posts, pages, and sub pages
for developers. Full site structure in one click.

WP Dummy Post Generator: A plugin that generates dummy posts and dummy categories.
It also allows to set names for blogs or taglines.

Bulk Page Maker: Creates up to 20 pages or posts at a time. You can choose title,
slug, parent, template, status, format, and content via the default WordPress

Lorem ipsum dummy article shortcode: A seeded dummy article generator. This doesn't
only generates 'Lorem Ipsum' shortcode but also full HTML articles.

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