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Across the floor Jazz

Turns across the floor

◦ Pirouettes (full combo)

◦ (Lead with left foot) Pas des bourre
◦ Pas de bourre
◦ Kick ball change
◦ Single pirouette

◦ PAs de bourre
◦ Pas de bourre
◦ Kick ball change
◦ Double pirouette

◦ Pas de bourre
◦ Pas de bourre
◦ Kick ball change
◦ Triple Pirouette
Reverse and repeat on other side

Kicks across the floor

Battements with leg hold

◦ Step left, kick right
◦ Step right, kick left
◦ Step left, kick right and hold for 2 counts
◦ Step right, kick left
◦ Step left, kick left
◦ Step right, kick left and hold for 2 counts
Repeat sequence and on other side/other corner

Tilt kicks
◦ Step left, kick right
◦ Step right, kick left
◦ Step left (across the front) tilt right
◦ Pas de bourre w right leg
Repeat on other side

Leaps across the floor

Split leaps
◦ Chasse
◦ Step
◦ Split leap
Continue consecutively and repeat on other leg on other side

◦ (Tendu leading w leg) high chains
◦ Low chaine
◦ Calypso leap
Continue consecutively across the floor

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