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Lab Record

Third year | Fifth Semester

This is to certify that the bonafide record of practical work done by
Mr./Ms.…………………………………... Register No............................................ of
fifth semester, BE/B.Tech. ………………………………. degree course for CCS364-
Soft Computing Laboratory at JNN Institute of Engineering, Chennai, during the
academic year 2023-2024.

………………… …………………………

Staff-in-charge Head of the Department

Submitted for the Practical Examination held on ………………………..

…………………… .……………………..
Internal Examiner External Examiner


Institution Vision Statement

Lead the transformation of engineering and management learning experience to educate the next generation of
innovators and entrepreneurs who want to make the world a better place.

Institution Mission Statement

➢ To develop the required resources and infrastructure and to establish a conducive ambience for the
teaching-learning process.
➢ To nurture professional and ethical values in the students and to instil in them a spirit of innovation and
➢ To encourage a desire for higher learning and research in the students and to equip them to face global
➢ To provide opportunities for students to learn job-relevant skills to make them industry ready.
➢ To interact with industries and other organisations to facilitate transfer of knowledge and know-how.

Department Vision Statement

To impart quality-education, inculcate professionalism and enhance the problem-solving skills of the students in
the domain of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science by applying recent technological tools and incorporating
collaborative principles with a focus to make them industry ready.

Department Mission Statement

➢ To enhance the knowledge of the students with most recent advancements and refresh their insights in the
field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

➢ To equip the students with strong fundamental concepts, analytical capability, programming and problem-
solving skills.

➢ To make the students industry ready and to enhance their employability through training, internships and
real-time projects.

➢ To guide the students to perform research on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, with the aim to
provide solutions to the problems of the industry.

➢ To understand the data sets and apply suitable algorithms for selecting the appropriate
features for analysis.
➢ To learn to implement supervised machine learning algorithms on standard datasets and
evaluate the performance.
➢ To experiment the unsupervised machine learning algorithms on standard datasets and
evaluate the performance.
➢ To build the graph based learning models for standard data sets.
➢ To compare the performance of different ML algorithms and select the suitable one based
on the application.


1. Implementation of fuzzy control/ inference system.

2. Programming exercise on classification with a discrete perceptron.
3. Implementation of XOR with backpropagation algorithm.
4. Implementation of self organizing maps for a specific application.
5. Programming exercises on maximizing a function using Genetic algorithm.
6. Implementation of two input sine function.
7. Implementation of three input non linear function.

At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Apply suitable algorithms for selecting the appropriate features for analysis.
CO2: Implement supervised machine learning algorithms on standard datasets and evaluate the
CO3: Apply unsupervised machine learning algorithms on standard datasets and evaluate the performance.
CO4: Build the graph based learning models for standard data sets.
CO5: Assess and compare the performance of different ML algorithms and select the suitable one based on the


S.No. Experiments Pg. No Date

1. Implementation of fuzzy control/ inference system. 1

2. Programming exercise on classification with a discrete perceptron. 4

3. Implementation of XOR with backpropagation algorithm. 6

4. Implementation of self organizing maps for a specific application. 9

Programming exercises on maximizing a function using Genetic

5. 12

6. Implementation of two input sine function. 15

7. Implementation of three input non linear function. 19

8. Generate AND NOT function using McCulloch-Pitts neural net. 23

Write a program for solving linearly separable problem using

9. 25
Perceptron Model.

Perceptron net for an AND function with bipolar inputs and

10. 28

EXP1 Implementation of fuzzy control inference system

AIM: Understand the concept of fuzzy control inference system using python programming
Step 1: Define Fuzzy Sets input and output variables.
Step 2: Create Fuzzy Rules
Step 3: Perform Fuzzy Inference
Step 4: Defuzzify the output fuzzy sets to obtain a crisp output value.
Step 5: Use the defuzzified output as the control action.
Step 6: Implement Control Action.
Step 7: Repeat the above steps in a loop as needed for real-time control.
End of the fuzzy control algorithm.

First, you'll need to install the scikit-fuzzy library if you haven't already. You can install it using
the following command:
pip install scikit-fuzzy
Now, let's implement the fuzzy inference system:


import numpy as np
import skfuzzy as fuzz
from skfuzzy import control as ctrl

# Create Antecedent/Consequent objects for temperature and fan speed

temperature = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 101, 1), 'temperature')
fan_speed = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(0, 101, 1), 'fan_speed')

# Define membership functions for temperature

temperature['low'] = fuzz.trimf(temperature.universe, [0, 0, 50])
temperature['medium'] = fuzz.trimf(temperature.universe, [0, 50, 100])
temperature['high'] = fuzz.trimf(temperature.universe, [50, 100, 100])

# Define membership functions for fan speed

fan_speed['low'] = fuzz.trimf(fan_speed.universe, [0, 0, 50])
fan_speed['medium'] = fuzz.trimf(fan_speed.universe, [0, 50, 100])
fan_speed['high'] = fuzz.trimf(fan_speed.universe, [50, 100, 100])

# Define fuzzy rules

rule1 = ctrl.Rule(temperature['low'], fan_speed['low'])

rule2 = ctrl.Rule(temperature['medium'], fan_speed['medium'])
rule3 = ctrl.Rule(temperature['high'], fan_speed['high'])

# Create control system and add rules

fan_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystem([rule1, rule2, rule3])
fan_speed_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(fan_ctrl)

# Input the temperature value

temperature_value = 75

# Pass the input to the control system

fan_speed_ctrl.input['temperature'] = temperature_value

# Compute the result


# Print the output

print("Fan Speed:", fan_speed_ctrl.output['fan_speed'])
# Plot membership functions and output


Result: Thus the above program for fuzzy control interface system executed successfully with
desired output.

EXP 2 Programming exercise on classification with a discrete perceptron

AIM: Understand the concept of classification with discrete perceptron using python
programming language.

Step 1: Initialize weights W and bias b to small random values
Step 2: Define learning rate
Step 3: Define the number of training epochs
Step 4: Define the training data (features and labels
Step 5: Define the perceptron training algorithm
Step 6: The perceptron is now trained, and you can use it to make predictions


import numpy as np

class DiscretePerceptron:
def __init__(self, input_size):
self.weights = np.zeros(input_size)
self.bias = 0

def predict(self, inputs):

activation =, inputs) + self.bias
return 1 if activation > 0 else 0

def train(self, inputs, target, learning_rate=0.1, epochs=100):

for _ in range(epochs):
for x, y in zip(inputs, target):
prediction = self.predict(x)
error = y - prediction
self.weights += learning_rate * error * x
self.bias += learning_rate * error

def main():
# Generate some example data points for two classes
class_0 = np.array([[2, 3], [3, 2], [1, 1]])
class_1 = np.array([[5, 7], [6, 8], [7, 6]])

# Combine the data points and create labels (0 for class 0, 1 for class 1)
inputs = np.vstack((class_0, class_1))
targets = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])

# Create a discrete perceptron with input size 2

perceptron = DiscretePerceptron(input_size=2)

# Train the perceptron
perceptron.train(inputs, targets)

# Test the trained perceptron with new data

test_data = np.array([[4, 5], [2, 2]])
for data in test_data:
prediction = perceptron.predict(data)
if prediction == 0:
print(f"Data {data} belongs to class 0")
print(f"Data {data} belongs to class 1")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Data [4 5] belongs to class 1

Data [2 2] belongs to class 0

Result: Thus the above program classification with discrete perceptron executed successfully
with desired output.

EXP 3 Implementation of XOR with backpropagation algorithm

AIM: Understand the concept of XOR with backpropagation algorithm using python
programing language.

1. Initialize the neural network with random weights and biases.
2. Define the training data for XOR
3. Set hyperparameters:
Learning rate (alpha)
Number of epochs (iterations)
Number of hidden layers and neurons per layer
Activation function (e.g., sigmoid)
4. Repeat for each epoch:
a. Initialize the total error for this epoch to 0.
b. For each training example in the dataset:
i. Forward propagation:
✓ Compute the weighted sum of inputs and biases for each neuron in the
hidden layer(s) and output layer.
✓ Apply the activation function to each neuron's output.
ii. Compute the error between the predicted output and the actual output for the
current training example.
iii. Update the total error for this epoch with the squared error from step ii.
iv. Backpropagation:
✓ Compute the gradient of the error with respect to the output layer neurons.
✓ Backpropagate the gradients through the hidden layers.
✓ Update the weights and biases using the gradients and the learning rate.
c. Calculate the average error for this epoch by dividing the total error by the number of
training examples.
d. Check if the average error is below a predefined threshold or if the desired accuracy
is reached.
- If yes, exit the training loop.
5. Once training is complete, you can use the trained neural network to predict XOR values
for new inputs.
6. End.


import numpy as np

# Define sigmoid activation function and its derivative

def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

def sigmoid_derivative(x):
return x * (1 - x)

# XOR input and target data

input_data = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])
target_data = np.array([[0], [1], [1], [0]])

# Neural network architecture

input_size = 2
hidden_size = 2
output_size = 1
learning_rate = 0.1
epochs = 10000

# Initialize weights randomly with mean 0

hidden_weights = np.random.uniform(size=(input_size, hidden_size))
output_weights = np.random.uniform(size=(hidden_size, output_size))

# Training loop
for _ in range(epochs):
# Forward propagation
hidden_layer_activation =, hidden_weights)
hidden_layer_output = sigmoid(hidden_layer_activation)

output_layer_activation =, output_weights)

predicted_output = sigmoid(output_layer_activation)

# Calculate error
error = target_data - predicted_output

# Backpropagation
output_delta = error * sigmoid_derivative(predicted_output)

hidden_layer_error =
hidden_layer_delta = hidden_layer_error * sigmoid_derivative(hidden_layer_output)

# Update weights
output_weights += * learning_rate
hidden_weights += * learning_rate

# Test the trained network

test_data = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])
for data in test_data:
hidden_layer_activation =, hidden_weights)
hidden_layer_output = sigmoid(hidden_layer_activation)

output_layer_activation =, output_weights)

predicted_output = sigmoid(output_layer_activation)

print(f"Input: {data} Predicted Output: {predicted_output[0]}")


Input: [0 0] Predicted Output: 0.287381655624125

Input: [0 1] Predicted Output: 0.6696713061093961
Input: [1 0] Predicted Output: 0.6697648563700653
Input: [1 1] Predicted Output: 0.42466198065447125

Result: Thus the above program classification with discrete perception executed successfully with
desired output.

EXP 4 Implementation of self-organizing maps for a specific application.

AIM: Understand the concept of self-organizing maps for a specific application using
python programming language.


1. Initialize the SOM:

- Define the size and shape of the SOM grid (e.g., rows and columns).
- Initialize the weight vectors for each neuron in the grid with random values.
- Define the learning rate and initial neighborhood radius.

2. Define the training dataset:

- Input data for the SOM, often a set of high-dimensional vectors.

3. Train the SOM:

- For each epoch (iteration):
a. Randomly select a data point from the training dataset.
b. Find the Best Matching Unit (BMU), the neuron with the weight vector closest to the input.
c. Update the BMU's weights and the weights of its neighbors:
- Calculate the influence on the neighboring neurons based on the neighborhood radius.
- Update the weights using the learning rate and the difference between the input and the
BMU's weight.
d. Decrease the learning rate and neighborhood radius over time (e.g., using a decay

4. Repeat the training process until convergence (or a predetermined number of epochs).

5. Map new or unseen data:

- Given a new input vector, find the BMU based on the current SOM weights.
- Use the BMU's location to make decisions or predictions based on your specific application.

6. Visualization (optional):
- Visualize the trained SOM grid to understand the data distribution and clustering.

7. End of the SOM implementation.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate some sample data (replace this with your own dataset)
data = np.random.rand(100, 2)
# SOM parameters
grid_size = (10, 10) # Grid size of the SOM
input_dim = 2 # Dimensionality of the input data
learning_rate = 0.2
num_epochs = 1000

# Initialize the SOM

weight_matrix = np.random.rand(grid_size[0], grid_size[1], input_dim)

# Training loop
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for input_vector in data:
# Find the Best Matching Unit (BMU)
distances = np.linalg.norm(weight_matrix - input_vector, axis=-1)
bmu_coords = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), distances.shape)

# Update the BMU and its neighbors

for i in range(grid_size[0]):
for j in range(grid_size[1]):
distance_to_bmu = np.linalg.norm(np.array([i, j]) - np.array(bmu_coords))
influence = np.exp(-distance_to_bmu**2 / (2 * (epoch + 1)**2)) # Adjusting the
influence based on the current epoch
weight_matrix[i, j] += influence * learning_rate * (input_vector - weight_matrix[i, j])

# Create a map of cluster assignments

cluster_map = np.zeros((grid_size[0], grid_size[1]), dtype=int)
for i in range(grid_size[0]):
for j in range(grid_size[1]):
distances = np.linalg.norm(data - weight_matrix[i, j], axis=-1)
cluster_map[i, j] = np.argmin(distances)

# Visualize the results

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.pcolormesh(cluster_map, cmap='viridis')
plt.scatter(data[:, 0] * grid_size[0], data[:, 1] * grid_size[1], color='red', label='Data points')
plt.title('Self-Organizing Map Clustering')


Result: Thus the above program for self-organizing map executed successfully with desired

EXP 5 Programming exercises on maximizing a function using Genetic algorithm.

AIM: Understand the concept of maximizing function using Genetic algorithm using python

1. Initialize the population with random solutions.
2. Define the fitness function to evaluate how good each solution is.
3. Set the maximum number of generations.
4. Set the mutation rate (probability of changing a gene in an individual).
5. Set the crossover rate (probability of two individuals mating).
6. Repeat for each generation:
a. Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population using the fitness function.
b. Select the best individuals based on their fitness to become parents.
c. Create a new generation by crossover (mixing) the genes of the parents.
d. Apply mutation to some individuals in the new generation.
e. Replace the old population with the new generation.
7. Repeat for the specified number of generations.
8. Find and return the individual with the highest fitness as the best solution.


import random

# Define the fitness function (our objective function to maximize)

def fitness_function(x):
return -x**2 + 6*x + 9

# Initialize the population

def initialize_population(pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound):
return [random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound) for _ in range(pop_size)]

# Select parents based on their fitness

def select_parents(population):
total_fitness = sum(fitness_function(individual) for individual in population)
roulette_wheel = [fitness_function(individual) / total_fitness for individual in population]
parent1 = random.choices(population, weights=roulette_wheel)[0]
parent2 = random.choices(population, weights=roulette_wheel)[0]
return parent1, parent2

# Perform crossover to create a new generation

def crossover(parent1, parent2, crossover_prob=0.7):
if random.random() < crossover_prob:
crossover_point = random.randint(1, 1) # Corrected this line
child1 = (parent1 + parent2) / 2
child2 = (parent1 + parent2) / 2
return child1, child2
return parent1, parent2

# Perform mutation in the population

def mutate(individual, mutation_prob=0.01):
if random.random() < mutation_prob:
individual += random.uniform(-1, 1)
return individual

# Genetic Algorithm
def genetic_algorithm(generations, pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound):
population = initialize_population(pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound)

for gen in range(generations):

new_population = []

while len(new_population) < pop_size:

parent1, parent2 = select_parents(population)
child1, child2 = crossover(parent1, parent2)
child1 = mutate(child1)
child2 = mutate(child2)
new_population.extend([child1, child2])

population = new_population

best_individual = max(population, key=fitness_function)

print(f"Generation {gen+1}: Best individual - {best_individual}, Fitness -

return max(population, key=fitness_function)

if __name__ == "__main__":
generations = 50
pop_size = 100
lower_bound = -10
upper_bound = 10

best_solution = genetic_algorithm(generations, pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound)

print(f"Best solution found: {best_solution}, Fitness: {fitness_function(best_solution)}")


Generation 1: Best individual - 1.338221851975824, Fitness - 15.23849338674934

Generation 2: Best individual - -4.617497504442627, Fitness - -40.02626823018966
Generation 3: Best individual - -6.0365409961964005, Fitness - -63.65907317593823
Generation 4: Best individual - -6.086873542143298, Fitness - -64.57127077090388
Generation 5: Best individual - -7.73134856380424, Fitness - -97.16184199786333
Generation 6: Best individual - -8.010012301451464, Fitness - -103.22037087811256
Generation 7: Best individual - -8.128709772289175, Fitness - -105.84818119584459
Generation 8: Best individual - -8.128709772289175, Fitness - -105.84818119584459
Generation 9: Best individual - -8.106182932958884, Fitness - -105.3472993403472
Generation 10: Best individual - -8.4253359573576, Fitness - -112.53830173848851
Generation 11: Best individual - -8.339831707745882, Fitness - -110.59178315999888
Generation 12: Best individual - -8.511740621618573, Fitness - -114.52017213942318
Generation 13: Best individual - -8.562519336850656, Fitness - -115.69185341504533
Generation 14: Best individual - -8.475270784635734, Fitness - -113.68183958071442
Generation 15: Best individual - -7.799825444300792, Fitness - -98.63622962736679
Generation 16: Best individual - -7.799825444300792, Fitness - -98.63622962736679
Generation 17: Best individual - -8.23641044465958, Fitness - -108.25691968085488
Generation 18: Best individual - -8.469625574063269, Fitness - -113.55231080920618
Generation 19: Best individual - -8.005479094012971, Fitness - -103.12057008875657
Generation 20: Best individual - -8.331329932705664, Fitness - -110.39903804383135
Generation 21: Best individual - -8.483646271761524, Fitness - -113.87413169494235
Generation 22: Best individual - -8.512424180517046, Fitness - -114.53591051215358
Generation 23: Best individual - -8.512424180517046, Fitness - -114.53591051215358
Generation 24: Best individual - -8.536034194890835, Fitness - -115.08008494569063
Generation 25: Best individual - -8.58733120697589, Fitness - -116.26624450015733
Generation 26: Best individual - -7.932088839364656, Fitness - -101.51056639176127
Generation 27: Best individual - -7.932088839364656, Fitness - -101.51056639176127
Generation 28: Best individual - -8.633557704228673, Fitness - -117.33966485761832
Generation 29: Best individual - -8.500839675355433, Fitness - -114.26931323822967
Generation 30: Best individual - -8.663730407782117, Fitness - -118.04260702542118

Result: Thus the above program maximizing function using genetic algorithm executed
successfully with desired output.

EXP 6 Implementation of two input sine function.

AIM: Understand the concept of implementation of two input sine function using Genetic

# Genetic Algorithm for Two-Input Sine Function Optimization
1. Define the fitness function
2. Initialize the population
3. Define functions for genetic operations
4. Implement the main genetic algorithm loop
5. Print the final best solution found by the genetic algorithm.


import random
import math

# Define the fitness function (sine function with two inputs)

def fitness_function(x, y):
return math.sin(x) + math.sin(y)

# Initialize the population

def initialize_population(pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound):
return [(random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound), random.uniform(lower_bound,
upper_bound)) for _ in range(pop_size)]

# Select parents based on their fitness

def select_parents(population):
total_fitness = sum(fitness_function(x, y) for x, y in population)
roulette_wheel = [fitness_function(x, y) / total_fitness for x, y in population]
parent1 = random.choices(population, weights=roulette_wheel)[0]
parent2 = random.choices(population, weights=roulette_wheel)[0]
return parent1, parent2

# Perform crossover to create a new generation

def crossover(parent1, parent2, crossover_prob=0.7):
if random.random() < crossover_prob:
crossover_point = random.randint(0, 1)
child1 = (parent1[0], parent2[1])
child2 = (parent2[0], parent1[1])
return child1, child2
return parent1, parent2

# Perform mutation in the population
def mutate(individual, mutation_prob=0.01):
x, y = individual
if random.random() < mutation_prob:
x += random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
if random.random() < mutation_prob:
y += random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
return x, y

# Genetic Algorithm
def genetic_algorithm(generations, pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound):
population = initialize_population(pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound)

for gen in range(generations):

new_population = []

while len(new_population) < pop_size:

parent1, parent2 = select_parents(population)
child1, child2 = crossover(parent1, parent2)
child1 = mutate(child1)
child2 = mutate(child2)
new_population.extend([child1, child2])

population = new_population

best_individual = max(population, key=lambda ind: fitness_function(*ind))

print(f"Generation {gen+1}: Best individual - {best_individual}, Fitness -

return max(population, key=lambda ind: fitness_function(*ind))

if __name__ == "__main__":
generations = 50
pop_size = 100
lower_bound = -2 * math.pi
upper_bound = 2 * math.pi

best_solution = genetic_algorithm(generations, pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound)

print(f"Best solution found: {best_solution}, Fitness: {fitness_function(*best_solution)}")

Generation 1: Best individual - (-5.806639394411164, 2.957052015269947), Fitness -
Generation 2: Best individual - (-3.7004701839702663, 4.4413546380285975), Fitness - -

Generation 3: Best individual - (-3.7004701839702663, 5.464316418988149), Fitness - -
Generation 4: Best individual - (5.481791654037208, 3.3095163097626763), Fitness - -
Generation 5: Best individual - (4.897491323013819, 3.3095163097626763), Fitness - -
Generation 6: Best individual - (4.976671184995054, 3.3095163097626763), Fitness - -
Generation 7: Best individual - (3.9420165382340246, 3.3095163097626763), Fitness - -
Generation 8: Best individual - (4.198534144176835, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 9: Best individual - (4.198534144176835, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 10: Best individual - (4.198534144176835, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 11: Best individual - (4.34542752972704, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 12: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 13: Best individual - (-1.2185577577082327, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 14: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 15: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 16: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 17: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 18: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 19: Best individual - (-1.2185577577082327, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 20: Best individual - (4.266603727856264, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 21: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 22: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 23: Best individual - (4.976671184995054, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 24: Best individual - (4.897491323013819, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 25: Best individual - (-1.2185577577082327, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 26: Best individual - (-1.2185577577082327, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 27: Best individual - (-1.2185577577082327, 5.481189847293816), Fitness - -
Generation 28: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 4.380981364013678), Fitness - -
Generation 29: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 4.380981364013678), Fitness - -
Generation 30: Best individual - (-1.2170450032547304, 4.380981364013678), Fitness - -

Result: Thus the above program implementation of two input sine function using genetic
algorithm executed successfully.

EXP 7 Implementation of three input nonlinear function


# Genetic Algorithm for Three-Input Nonlinear Function Optimization
1. Define the fitness function.
2. Initialize the population.
3. Define functions for genetic operations.
4. Implement the main genetic algorithm loop.
5. Print the final best solution found by the genetic algorithm.


import random

# Define the fitness function (three-input nonlinear function)

def fitness_function(x, y, z):
return -(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) + 10 * (math.cos(2*math.pi*x) + math.cos(2*math.pi*y) +

# Initialize the population

def initialize_population(pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound):
return [(random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound), random.uniform(lower_bound,
upper_bound), random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound)) for _ in range(pop_size)]

# Select parents based on their fitness

def select_parents(population):
total_fitness = sum(fitness_function(x, y, z) for x, y, z in population)
roulette_wheel = [fitness_function(x, y, z) / total_fitness for x, y, z in population]
parent1 = random.choices(population, weights=roulette_wheel)[0]
parent2 = random.choices(population, weights=roulette_wheel)[0]
return parent1, parent2

# Perform crossover to create a new generation

def crossover(parent1, parent2, crossover_prob=0.7):
if random.random() < crossover_prob:
crossover_point1 = random.uniform(0, 1)
crossover_point2 = random.uniform(0, 1)
child1 = (crossover_point1 * parent1[0] + (1 - crossover_point1) * parent2[0],
crossover_point1 * parent1[1] + (1 - crossover_point1) * parent2[1],
crossover_point1 * parent1[2] + (1 - crossover_point1) * parent2[2])

child2 = (crossover_point2 * parent1[0] + (1 - crossover_point2) * parent2[0],

crossover_point2 * parent1[1] + (1 - crossover_point2) * parent2[1],
crossover_point2 * parent1[2] + (1 - crossover_point2) * parent2[2])
return child1, child2
return parent1, parent2

# Perform mutation in the population

def mutate(individual, mutation_prob=0.01):
x, y, z = individual
if random.random() < mutation_prob:
x += random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
if random.random() < mutation_prob:
y += random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
if random.random() < mutation_prob:
z += random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
return x, y, z

# Genetic Algorithm
def genetic_algorithm(generations, pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound):
population = initialize_population(pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound)

for gen in range(generations):

new_population = []

while len(new_population) < pop_size:

parent1, parent2 = select_parents(population)
child1, child2 = crossover(parent1, parent2)
child1 = mutate(child1)
child2 = mutate(child2)
new_population.extend([child1, child2])

population = new_population

best_individual = max(population, key=lambda ind: fitness_function(*ind))

print(f"Generation {gen+1}: Best individual - {best_individual}, Fitness -

return max(population, key=lambda ind: fitness_function(*ind))

if __name__ == "__main__":
import math

generations = 50
pop_size = 100
lower_bound = -1
upper_bound = 1

best_solution = genetic_algorithm(generations, pop_size, lower_bound, upper_bound)

print(f"Best solution found: {best_solution}, Fitness: {fitness_function(*best_solution)}")

Generation 1: Best individual - (-0.05856140717606745, 0.031920444393859077,
0.1749430018353162), Fitness - 23.638248996079486
Generation 2: Best individual - (-0.0435664961811546, -0.21954873032302427, -
0.16051643562429213), Fitness - 16.78431041370941
Generation 3: Best individual - (-0.08047256311183462, 0.08748607229595336, -
0.033675015554337134), Fitness - 27.03730906535697
Generation 4: Best individual - (0.09173450837429278, 0.2701480951847052, -
0.04923516012359691), Fitness - 16.563306003309293
Generation 5: Best individual - (0.06931525412773312, 0.05650887471327237, -
0.6038978838220976), Fitness - 10.126283111803192
Generation 6: Best individual - (0.09551296321256389, 0.3037721680736508,
0.09828297902264888), Fitness - 12.980004103640377
Generation 7: Best individual - (0.36966788594966404, 0.020338697069605532,
0.0003553226927579256), Fitness - 12.951119752237492
Generation 8: Best individual - (-0.13483009446855374, 0.031089470762199117, -
0.5756450454760131), Fitness - 7.188833165750407
Generation 9: Best individual - (-0.063607907585292, -0.04456979821453749, -
0.45149742141484683), Fitness - 9.073275131295658
Generation 10: Best individual - (0.011176844816005782, 0.38683718057120575, -
0.4586668963552707), Fitness - -7.626399941503013
Generation 11: Best individual - (0.42384530453390673, -0.017961106838255136, -
0.4918457018441281), Fitness - -9.349262068882442
Generation 12: Best individual - (0.33991169237820235, 0.31387850909754794, -
0.4929268418150241), Fitness - -19.707456018578803
Generation 13: Best individual - (0.4287928945546883, 0.5471800246826355, -
0.2740060489612387), Fitness - -20.6405201860691
Generation 14: Best individual - (0.4287928945546883, 0.5471800246826355, -
0.2740060489612387), Fitness - -20.6405201860691
Generation 15: Best individual - (0.4287928945546883, 0.5471800246826355, -
0.2740060489612387), Fitness - -20.6405201860691
Generation 16: Best individual - (0.4112385766210301, 0.5040715286796309, -
0.3178766342306278), Fitness - -23.14240113919352
Generation 17: Best individual - (0.4147812368137274, 0.5041212646314481, -
0.33531860658801094), Fitness - -24.24331785854991
Generation 18: Best individual - (0.4147812368137274, 0.5041212646314481, -
0.33531860658801094), Fitness - -24.24331785854991
Generation 19: Best individual - (0.4147812368137274, 0.5041212646314481, -
0.33531860658801094), Fitness - -24.24331785854991
Generation 20: Best individual - (0.30622472006746704, 0.4950670130302236, -
0.44378439110485673), Fitness - -23.373347854338835
Generation 21: Best individual - (0.30622472006746704, 0.4950670130302236, -
0.44378439110485673), Fitness - -23.373347854338835
Generation 22: Best individual - (0.3063202575245222, 0.4950822379662878, -
0.4437892287140689), Fitness - -23.379191958933983
Generation 23: Best individual - (0.33335312358816604, 0.49763301297219154, -
0.43647155864564097), Fitness - -24.763115313088132
Generation 24: Best individual - (0.40994188262594977, 0.4096825578747779, -
0.42523970750461587), Fitness - -26.30751096118025
Generation 25: Best individual - (0.39756456561304454, 0.48504626799164063, -
0.4088104102096408), Fitness - -26.9186217943733
Generation 26: Best individual - (0.38380825053477785, 0.5006633169359437, -
0.4288824223540211), Fitness - -27.051357458861553
Generation 27: Best individual - (0.4057387303749639, 0.5681504161728289, -
0.4242177696903832), Fitness - -26.948969587424035
Generation 28: Best individual - (0.40511387532462084, 0.47856788928174143, -
0.36781261632617945), Fitness - -25.457363863631336
Generation 29: Best individual - (0.40671661145515176, 0.4783203340919677, -
0.3735290334571525), Fitness - -25.777462228224486
Generation 30: Best individual - (0.40696169049260167, 0.4789885169063051, -
0.3799677735908236), Fitness - -26.080160960767703

Result: Thus the above program genetic algorithm for three input non-linear function optimization
executed successfully.

EXP 8 Generate AND NOT function using McCulloch-Pitts neural net.

Aim: Understand the concept of AND NOT function using McCulloch-Pitts neural net using
python programming.

➢ Initialize Weights and Threshold:
o Set the weights for inputs A and B. Let's denote them as w_A and w_B.
o Set a threshold value.
➢ Input Values:
o Provide binary input values for A and B.
➢ Calculate Weighted Sum:
o Calculate the weighted sum of inputs: =net=(wA⋅A)+(wB⋅B)
➢ Apply Threshold:
o If the weighted sum is greater than or equal to the threshold, set the output to 1.
Otherwise, set the output to 0.
➢ Output:
o The output is the result of the thresholding step.


class McCullochPittsNeuron:
def __init__(self, weights, threshold):
self.weights = weights
self.threshold = threshold

def activate(self, inputs):

# Calculate the weighted sum of inputs
weighted_sum = sum(w * x for w, x in zip(self.weights, inputs))

# Check if the weighted sum exceeds the threshold

output = 1 if weighted_sum > self.threshold else 0

return output

# Implementing the ANDNOT function

def ANDNOT(a, b):
# Define weights and threshold for the McCulloch-Pitts neuron
weights = [-1, -1] # Inverted weights for ANDNOT
threshold = -0.5 # Adjusted threshold for ANDNOT

# Create a McCulloch-Pitts neuron with the specified weights and threshold

neuron = McCullochPittsNeuron(weights, threshold)

# Input values
inputs = [a, b]
# Get the output of the neuron
result = neuron.activate(inputs)

return result

# Testing the ANDNOT function

print("ANDNOT(0, 0) =", ANDNOT(0, 0)) # Output should be 1
print("ANDNOT(0, 1) =", ANDNOT(0, 1)) # Output should be 1
print("ANDNOT(1, 0) =", ANDNOT(1, 0)) # Output should be 0
print("ANDNOT(1, 1) =", ANDNOT(1, 1)) # Output should be 1

ANDNOT(0, 0) = 1
ANDNOT(0, 1) = 0
ANDNOT(1, 0) = 0
ANDNOT(1, 1) = 0

Result: Thus the above program for ANDNOT using McCulloch-Pitts neural net executed

EXP 9 Write a program for solving linearly separable problem using Perceptron Model.

Aim: Understand the concept of linearly separable problem using Perceptron Model using
python programming language.

➢ Initialize Weights and Bias:
o Initialize the weights and bias to small random values or zeros. These are the
parameters that the perceptron will learn during training.
➢ Provide Training Data:
o Prepare your training dataset. Each data point should have features and a
corresponding label indicating the class.
➢ Add Bias to Inputs:
o Add a bias term (usually set to 1) to each input vector. This allows the model to
learn a bias term as well.
➢ Define the Perceptron Model:
o Create a perceptron class or function that includes methods for prediction and
➢ Prediction:
o Implement the prediction function. Given the inputs and current weights, calculate
the weighted sum and apply an activation function (commonly a step function) to
obtain the predicted output (0 or 1).
➢ Training Loop:
o Repeat the following steps for a specified number of epochs or until convergence:
o Iterate through each training data point.
o Compute the predicted output using the current weights.
o Update the weights based on the prediction error and the learning rate.
➢ Weight Update:
o The weight update formula is often expressed as:
weighti ← weighti + learning rate × (true label−predicted label) × inputi
This update adjusts the weights in the direction that reduces the error.
➢ Convergence:
o Monitor the convergence by checking if the model's predictions match the true
labels for all training examples. If the model has converged, exit the training loop.
➢ Testing:
o Use the trained perceptron to make predictions on new data to evaluate its
➢ Adjust Hyperparameters:
o Fine-tune hyperparameters such as the learning rate and the number of epochs
based on the model's performance on a validation set.
➢ Iterate:
o If the model does not perform well, consider refining the features, adjusting the
learning rate, or using a more complex model.
➢ Final Model:

o Once satisfied with the model's performance, the final learned weights and bias can
be used for making predictions on new, unseen data.


import numpy as np

class Perceptron:
def __init__(self, input_size, learning_rate=0.1, epochs=100):
self.weights = np.zeros(input_size + 1)
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.epochs = epochs

def predict(self, inputs):

# Add bias to the inputs
inputs = np.insert(inputs, 0, 1)
# Calculate the dot product of weights and inputs
activation =, inputs)
# Return 1 if activation is greater than or equal to 0, otherwise return 0
return 1 if activation >= 0 else 0

def train(self, training_data, labels):

for epoch in range(self.epochs):
for inputs, label in zip(training_data, labels):
prediction = self.predict(inputs)
# Update weights based on the perceptron learning rule
update = self.learning_rate * (label - prediction)
self.weights += update * np.insert(inputs, 0, 1)

def main():
# Example data for a linearly separable problem
training_data = np.array([
[1, 2],
[2, 3],
[3, 1],
[4, 5],
[5, 4],

labels = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) # Binary labels (0 or 1)

# Create a Perceptron instance

input_size = len(training_data[0])
perceptron = Perceptron(input_size)

# Train the Perceptron

perceptron.train(training_data, labels)

# Test the trained Perceptron
test_data = np.array([
[1, 2],
[4, 4],
[2, 3],
[5, 5],

print("Test Results:")
for test_input in test_data:
prediction = perceptron.predict(test_input)
print(f"Input: {test_input}, Prediction: {prediction}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Test Results:
Input: [1 2], Prediction: 0
Input: [4 4], Prediction: 1
Input: [2 3], Prediction: 0
Input: [5 5], Prediction: 1

Result: Thus the above program for solving linearly separable problem using Perceptron Model
executed successfully.

EXP 10 Perceptron net for an AND function with bipolar inputs and targets.

Aim: Understand the concept of Perceptron net for an AND function with bipolar inputs
and targets.
➢ Define the Patterns:
o Choose 10 patterns to represent the digits (0 to 9). Each pattern should be a list of
discrete values, typically +1 and -1.
➢ Create a Hopfield Network Class:
o Define a Hopfield Network class that includes methods for training the network and
recalling patterns.
➢ Initialize the Hopfield Network:
o Create an instance of the Hopfield Network with a size that matches the length of
the patterns.
➢ Train the Network:
o Use the training method to train the network with the provided patterns.
➢ Define a Test Input:
o Choose a test input, which may be a noisy or incomplete version of one of the
➢ Recall the Pattern:
o Use the recall method to retrieve a pattern based on the test input.
➢ Print the Original and Recalled Patterns:
o Print the original pattern and the pattern recalled by the network.
➢ Run the Program:
o Put all the steps together and run the program.

import numpy as np

class HopfieldNetwork:
def __init__(self, pattern_size):
self.pattern_size = pattern_size
self.weights = np.zeros((pattern_size, pattern_size))

def train(self, patterns):

for pattern in patterns:
# Convert the pattern to a column vector
pattern = np.array(pattern).reshape(-1, 1)
# Update the weights using the Hebbian learning rule
self.weights += np.outer(pattern, pattern)

# Zero out diagonal elements to prevent self-association

np.fill_diagonal(self.weights, 0)

def recall(self, input_pattern, max_iterations=100):

input_pattern = np.array(input_pattern).reshape(-1, 1)
for _ in range(max_iterations):
# Calculate the net input for each neuron
net_input =, input_pattern)
# Apply the sign function to get the updated pattern
updated_pattern = np.sign(net_input)
# If the pattern stabilizes, return the result
if np.array_equal(updated_pattern, input_pattern):
return updated_pattern.flatten()
input_pattern = updated_pattern

# If the network does not converge, return None

return None

def print_pattern(pattern):
for row in pattern:
row_str = ''.join(['+' if val == 1 else '-' for val in row])

# Example usage for storing and recalling patterns

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Define 10 patterns (digits 0 to 9)
patterns = [
[+1, -1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1],
[+1, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, -1, -1, +1, -1],
[+1, -1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1],
[+1, -1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1],
[+1, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, -1, -1, +1, -1],
[+1, +1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1],
[+1, -1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1],
[+1, -1, +1, +1, -1, -1, +1, -1, +1, -1],
[+1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1],
[+1, +1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1],

# Create a Hopfield Network with the size of the patterns

hopfield_net = HopfieldNetwork(pattern_size=len(patterns[0]))

# Train the network with the patterns


# Test recalling patterns

test_input = [+1, -1, +1, +1, -1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1]
recalled_pattern = hopfield_net.recall(test_input)

# Print the original and recalled patterns

print("Original Pattern:")
print_pattern(np.array(test_input).reshape(2, 5))

print("\nRecalled Pattern:")
print_pattern(recalled_pattern.reshape(2, 5))


Original Pattern:

Recalled Pattern:+-++-

Results: Thus the above program for Perceptron net for an AND function with bipolar inputs and
targets executed successfully.


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