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Gen: Green is a recent startup and project founded by six students. A

perfect amalgam of varied skillsets, we attempt to implement the
principles of sustainability. Ecological safety is our ultimate priority. We
ensure that our products are ethically sourced and cause minimal
impact to the environment throughout the supply chain. We firmly
believe in the “rags to gold” concept. By combining different bits and
pieces of clothes, we conceive a whole new brainchild – old fabric given
new life.

This product honours our heritage by incorporating traditional

elements. It is a fusion of a western design with our roots embedded.
Elephants are a sacred symbol of wisdom and power. The lotus in pond
is perhaps the most well-known icon of India, being the national flower.
Radiating from the center, it depicts the pride of our resilience and
rebirth; rebirth of jaded textile.
Mood board
Mood boarding is key to understand the sort of feel we wish to create
through fashion.
The Making
The sourcing, the process, the creation. The path to the final product is
essential to delve into. Although the raw material may look unworkable,
we must trust the process.

The team discoursed over potential

concerns which may affect the product’s
function. To sum up, we formulated a list
of questions we must reflect on as

According to our specification, we had

brainstorming sessions, pooling in ideas
for an innovative product which adheres
to ecological awareness.
At this part, we measured and marked
out clothes to use in our piece. We
attempted to eliminate cutting out as
much as possible.

We began the process of making by

first segregating the magnanimous
mountain of clothes piled in by our
fellow team members.

Using fabric from clothes, we

prepared the pieces we were going
to use for the main piece. Other
pieces were saved for later use.
All the cutouts were stitched
together, with love and patience. No
machine was used in this process.

Voila! The piece de resistance is

finally created. A rags to royal
moment indeed.

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