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A short overview of the question asked during the interview-

1. Explored health benefits of green meals vs. less green, focusing on
2. Investigated the environmental impact of green meals and reasons for
3. Discussed practical steps and tips for making meals greener without
sacrificing taste or convenience.

"In Conversation with a Nutrition Expert: Unveiling the Secrets of Green Meals"
We interviewed Mrs. Garima, a seasoned nutritionist with a degree from IGNOU
University. With five years of experience in the field, she brings a wealth of
knowledge and expertise to the realm of nutrition.
She emphasised the significant health benefits associated with incorporating
green elements into one's diet. According to her, green meals, rich in fibre,
vitamins, and antioxidants, contribute to overall well-being and can positively
impact various aspects of health.
Mrs. Garima highlighted the nutritional superiority of vegetables from rural areas
compared to those stored in urban cold storage. Emphasising the vibrancy and
freshness of produce from villages, she advocated for choosing locally sourced
vegetables to ensure optimal health benefits and nutritional value in our daily
Overall, Mrs. Garima's expertise shed light on the dual benefits of adopting a
green diet – promoting personal health and contributing to environmental
sustainability. Her practical tips serve as a valuable guide for individuals seeking
to enhance their nutrition while making eco-conscious choices in their daily

"Crafting the Interview: Behind the Scenes of Preparation"

• The team unanimously decided to capture the interview through a video
• Anusha took on the role of the interviewer, Rudra skilfully handled the
camera duties, while Seher and Tanvi collaborated on crafting the
interview questions. Reya, serving as the group leader, provided valuable
guidance throughout the entire process.
• Filmed within the school library, the interview footage spans
approximately 3 minutes, offering a concise yet comprehensive view of the

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