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Writings and Articles

The intention of this guide is to provide links to ALL of my writings and guides in one simple, convenient
and accessible place, to help you find your way in your exploration of erotic hypnosis. If you have any
questions, send an email to
Or check out the website, podcast and resources folder at

Table of Contents
Writings and Articles ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Writings and Articles .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Guest Post - How Would I train a Slavegirl if I was a Master .................................................................................. 1
The Training Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
A Guide to Self Care for Submissives ................................................................................................................................ 3
Why Hypnosis and Sex Work So Well Together .......................................................................................................... 5
Rough Guidelines on Setting Rules ................................................................................................................................... 6
Willpower and Habituation ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Women and Men ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Building Better Triggers........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Building Your Own Sex Kit .................................................................................................................................................10
Dawn and Evening .................................................................................................................................................................12
Sheepdog Training ................................................................................................................................................................14
Appendix - Defunct Techniques DO NOT USE .................................................................................................................15

Writings and Articles

Guest Post - How Would I train a Slavegirl if I was a Master
The below writing is not written by me.
She expresses a different perspective of the same process, useful to the eager student.
First, I'd want her to learn about me. I'd want her to understand intimately how I work, my emotional
signals, my likes and dislikes, how to understand me and approach me. Both for her security and
certainty in her actions, and for my satisfaction.
Second, I'd want her to learn about herself. The unique skills she has to offer me, the ways in which
she uniquely can be of service, including the ways in which her personality is unique, and thus the unique
brand of conversation and stimulation she can provide. I think ... it's easy to undervalue oneself as not
having particular things to offer while forgetting that one's unique personality is so individual that if it
has been polished and made to be pleasing, the personality itself can be highly valuable.
Third I would consider ways in which she could easily please me, so she feels that she is
succeeding and bonding with me. I'd consider her strengths and weaknesses and also my own personal
likes and interest, but primarily, I would want her to feel like she is succeeding to create a feeling of
usefulnesses and bonding between us. Create something strong and easy so she can see easily the ways in
which we are compatible and the ways she is useful to me.
Fourth would be challenging her to learn things not so natural to her, so that while she may struggle
and be weak, I could point out to her that she has succeeded in the past, remind her that these are not her
natural strengths and they will take longer for her to learn, and the bond between us will have already
been established from easier activities, so the support and strength is there for her to learn these more
difficult things for her.
So, we would both learn about me, then we would both learn about her, then with that knowledge I
would teach her ways she could easily serve me, then I would teach her ways she would find more
difficult in which to serve me.

The Training Process

The Training Process that I would use is thorough and process-driven.
"Finding the Diamond within." - Phase 1 would consist of Information Gathering. A Formal Interview
with a series of structured questions designed to elicit introspective thought and to approach every area
of desired improvement from multiple angles to ensure both accuracy and truthfulness. I would almost
completely discard any previous information gleaned from conversation, rumour and my own personal
experience, and focus on the outcome. Any inconsistencies in her responses would be queried with you
and confirmed before moving forward. This interview process takes anywhere from 40 minutes to two
We'd then sit down and discuss one-on-one and between the three of us the behaviours you desired to
see in her more, "behaviours and pain points" you'd like to remove, areas she herself would like to work
on. These would be hammered and refined into Goals, Protocols (what to do) and Policies / Etiquette
(how to do it), documented and formed into the beginnings of a conditioning protocol.
The outcome of Phase 1 is a clear roadmap for her improvement towards a set of well defined behaviours
and personality characteristics (doing and being).
"Removing the imperfections in the stone." - Phase 2 would consist of creating what I call a "Trainable
Girl". I would take her into trance (fully clothed, sitting in a comfortable chair in my home), deeply and
repeatedly, conditioning her for responsiveness and skill with accepting commands and acting upon
suggestion. Then her and I would work together to reduce or eliminate any issues that would interfere
with her full self-actualisation. Clearing up the Negativity from her past would free up energy, emotions
and resources for use in accomplishing the Training Goals. Systems would be installed deeply to prevent
the excessive buildup of stress and to allow her to "vent" it automatically through a simple daily ritual.
Some Philosophy - I imagine each person to exist on a line, a spectrum of sorts. The goal is to move them
as far along that line as they are willing to go towards their idealised self. This idealised self is a
combination of extrapolations of current favourable personality characteristics, desired training goals
(from yourself and her) and obedience to certain natural truths.
The outcome of Phase 2 is a fresh, clean and fully resourceful state from which to move forward, with no
significant contraindications to the goals of Phase 1. This prevents inaccuracies in training, eliminates
potential conflict within the girl before it has a chance to harm her, and speeds up the process immensely.
"Polishing the Stone." - Phase 3 consists of deeply embedding the desired goals, required emotional
states and behavioural directives into the girls subconscious and fleshing out those new imperatives with
conscious rehearsal. This is what most people would think of as the actual "Training". Several sessions
are taken to create the circumstances within a girls experiences in trance to seamlessly prepare for the
skills she will require to serve in accordance with the designs laid out. The actual skills and prerequisites
are trained in here. A Daily Self-Care and Conditioning Routine is installed, to strengthen the hold of her
training, and she is rewarded and punished for compliance to her Protocols by a system of automatic
mechanisms installed during Phase 2. This phase can include her listening to recordings, daily mantras,
reviewing her Protocols, and any number of follow up activities as needed.
A girl who has graduated Phase 3 will be the epitome and height of her craft. She is fiercely loyal,
intelligent, driven and has an intuitive understanding of the deeper philosophies of service as well as her
Masters defined needs.
"Setting the Stone in your Crown." - Phase 4 is a continual process of training, exploration and renewal.
Now that she has ascended to your ideal vision for a slavegirl, it is you who is the limiting factor in the
relationships growth. Phase 4 consists of "training her, to train you" -- utilising her knowledge of you and
the tools she has been taught, to teach you, advise you in your own growth, further integrate her service
into your life, and guide you into being the very best Man and Master you can be. She will be an
exceptional woman in every aspect of her life, a true prize able to serve just as flawlessly at a church
wedding as she could in a whorehouse.
Thus is the circle complete -- a girl who operates as extension of your will, fully self-contained and with
her needs mapped and satisfied, and a Master whose daily life is improved infinitely by her mere

A Guide to Self Care for Submissives

There are several activities which as a Dominant you may find useful to proscribe to your submissives or
prospectives-in-training. These are centred on giving your treasured possession the tools and correct
habits to maintain themselves and the relationship they have with you.
Journaling is a very common one, and with good reason. It creates a valuable resource that a sub can
look back on to measure progress, and many submissives who struggle to emote verbally can often write
fluently. As their Dominant this gives deep insight into the internal processes which can be difficult to
observe visibly.
I strongly recommend a period of daily journaling (and reinforcement with reward) for 2 weeks with the
beginning of a submissives training, and then encouragement to write down any emotionally significant
events (good or bad) at any point thereafter. Entries should be dated, and can consist of full descriptions,
emotions and responses to event's or simply dot points to jog the memory. Always encourage the sub to
be completely honest and open with their writing. With time and review, the submissive will come to see
the changes in themselves and their life that being yours has wrought, and will be grateful.
Morning and Evening Rituals are simple and effective ways to open and close out a day. Don't be put off
by the name - you already have a ritual for how you wake up and go to bed - simply think about
incorporating healthy, submissive practices into your subs waking and sleeping rituals. The moments
immediately after waking and before sleep are times when her mind is open to new ideas and the
subconscious is closer to the surface. Fill her mind with good, healthy thoughts and information, and she
will dwell on it during the night.
Awareness comes before change, so have your submissive record what they do immediately upon waking
and right before they sleep for a few days, and notice any patterns. Is she staying up too late, not sleeping
well, distracted by the internet and social media, or filling her mind with unhelpful garbage that doesn't
serve you?
Correct these issues, then pick and choose several of the following to incorporate into your existing
• A moment of awareness of the bond you share together -- eye gazing is particularly good for this.
Simply stare into each other's eyes for a full two minutes, and notice how you feel as you open up
to her, and she to you. Tell her to "find herself in your gaze."

• An expression of Gratitude to the Deity you believe in, or to the Universe as a whole for the
wonderful and never-ending Creation that surrounds us.

• Touch and Connection -- twining your fingers through hers, letting her be the little spoon, pulling
her in and resting her head on your strong chest and telling her to listen to your heartbeat -- all
these melt a submissive.

• Body Worship -- Have your submissive kneel before you, and kiss your feet worshipfully while
thanking you for the privilege of serving you.

• Reading -- Have her read a section from a book on submission or a passage of erotica she finds
arousing. Do not have her read in bed, the bed is for fucking and for sleeping, anything else
confuses the mind and disturbs sleep.

• A maintenance spanking -- should be done lightly, but to tears. I prefer to close out a day with this,
and to make very clear that it's not a punishment but simply and opportunity for a sub to express
any pent up emotions and release them in a healthy way. Reports are that a girls sleeps
particularly well if a maintenance spanking is the closing point of her day.

• Cock Worship -- starting every day with your submissive worshipping you is an excellent idea.
Like Journaling I advocate a period of consistent training in this every day for two weeks, with
rewards, then afterwards as you desire. It sets the frame for the day, puts her in a submissive
head-space and focuses her attention on her service to you. Use it as an opportunity to enjoy her,
and reward liberally with verbal praise and your affections.

Daily Hypnotic Reinforcement is one I strongly recommend. This can be as simple as downloading one
of the simple inductions provided on this website, then reading it into a microphone followed by a list of
suggestions, reminders or Rules to your sub. You don't have to be a Master Hypnotist and climb to the top
of the sacred mountain to read the word of affirmation into your microphone. Keep them simple and
frame them in the positive -- don't say "every day you are becoming less fat" say instead "every day you
are growing more deeply in your submission and happiness, and it pleases me to watch you blossom into
the incredible women I have always seen". Something like "serving your Master makes you happy", or
"you are a beautiful submissive and your gift is treasured" works well. Take the time to simply say to her
all the things you as a Dominant would like her to know about herself, and then have her open her eyes
and feel fantastic, safe and happy. The world can bring a submissive down, use this to build her up.
Bonus Points: Ask your submissive "what are the things it is important to hear from me regularly?" and
incorporate some of those answers.
Post-Scene Writeups are similar to Journaling, but they are focused around a single scene, and give the
submissive an opportunity to really check back in with how they felt during the experience, but after the
dust has settled and intense emotions have cooled. I typically assign these after singular training sessions
as a way of gathering feedback (you should always have a feedback process) about how the submissive
enjoyed the scene, what I should reward myself for doing (yes, as a Dominant you should be training
yourself), and how to improve next time.
They most commonly highlight the differences in perception between Dom and sub, you may be thinking
that scene was fairly light and fluffy, but you discover that your submissive is still reeling from it
emotionally (in a good way) days afterwards, or that they tapped into a part of themselves they'd never
felt before and they want you to know how amazing you are, and how good they feel. Consider making up
a checklist of questions for her to complete in her Journal post scene.
Weekly Check-ins are an opportunity for the submissive to voice their concerns about any issues that
may have come up during the week (jealousy over a new girl you've been playing with, excitement over
planned outings, anticipation of a session you've been planning). It's a simple, short formalised
conversation where the submissive is free to speak to their Dominant as an equal and voice their
concerns without fear of displeasure or punishment. Dominants should also take this time to share with
their submissives any concerns they have and the sub should remain open and accepting of the
Dominants correction.
I would strongly advise against doing these nightly, right before bed as others would advise. It might be
practical and I agree that dealing with problems swiftly and cleanly is important, but having them as the
last thing you and your submissive discuss right before she falls asleep frames the entire preceding day in
the negative, and can create resentment and cause the anticipation of failure in the Dominant. Instead,
use the period right before sleeping to condition you submissive with the Ritual you have developed for
For your conversation, pick a day and a time, and stick to it. I suggest Saturday mornings, a short
conversation just before you share a breakfast together. Use this to resolve any issues cleanly and neatly,
and record in writing your judgements or update the Rules that govern your relationship so that you are
both on the same page.
In Conclusion
Teaching your submissive correct self-care is a matter of necessity, but it shouldn't be overcomplicated.
Start with some simple and effective behaviours and once she has displayed her competency at those,
move progressively to more advanced ones. Very quickly you will be able to identify any weak spots that
need work, and to establish habits which will support her in her continually deepening submission to
your will, and her happiness at the end of your leash.
For any further information on these subjects, feel free to send me an email using the Contact Form on
this site with any questions, alterations or suggestions.
Further Discussion
• How does the self-care you instruct your submissive to complete integrate into the goals that have
been set for their training?
• Which one of these habits will you teach your submissive first, and why? What will be the likely
changes you will see in her, and how quickly do you think they will manifest themselves?
• Are there any other behaviours that you can think of that would work for you and your

Why Hypnosis and Sex Work So Well Together

Have you ever had sex so good that thinking back on it now, it still makes you smile, sometimes years
Truly unforgettable sex is a combination of both the incredible Physical aspects, and the intense Mental
aspects. Maybe the mood was right, maybe they were so hot for you that nothing else mattered, maybe
you were both in a hotel room with no distractions, no phones and you really *connected*, showed
someone your true self. It was better than anything you've ever had, and you've been trying to find your
way back to it ever since.
Hypnosis allows for mental quiet. Trance creates an emptiness of thought that creates a space for your
body to slide into and be fully awake and aware, fully present, without that annoying mental chatter and
distraction. It's just fingers and touch and breathless closeness and everything feels like it will last
forever. All those thoughts and troubles simply fade away and instead, there's total peace. Complete calm,
total openness to new experiences without self-judgement or shame from yourself or others and with
nothing and no one holding you back anymore. Honesty. Vulnerability. You give up as much or as little
control as you want, and let your partner take you deeper into pure bliss than you ever thought you could
go and bring you out the other side knowing that now, you deserve this.
Hypnosis creates incredible trust and intimacy. Over the light of a single flickering candle, have you ever
looked into someone's eyes and known that together, you could make something truly beautiful.
Hypnosis allows for deep connection. With all distractions and thought stripped away, everything
becomes so much clearer. The wants and needs of your body, the fantasies you've always wanted but
have been too ashamed or scared to ask for. With trance, there is no judgement, no fear or shame, with
trance there is effortless, perfect freedom to be as honest as you want to be. To feel the deep relief and joy
at unburdening yourself and embracing your true indulgences. With a partner who can guide you into
trance and hold you there, safe and warm and quiet, with someone like that you can be truly vulnerable
and completely intimate. When I think back on the best sex of my life, nothing feels as good as being with
someone who truly *understands* you.
Trance create new memories, new experiences, a new understanding of what is possible, when you're
with the right person in that moment together. When it's just you and them everything slows down when
you look into each others eyes. These are the moments that are unforgettable.
Trance creates the mental intimacy and connection that people are chasing so desperately, to combine
with the physical intimacy of having sex.
When in trance you can experience as real (as in, you'll feel them as real) fantasies that may be very
difficult to organise, dangerous or impossible in "real life". Everything from walking hand in hand
through the moonlight by the sea, to rough sex with multiple partners can be imagined, it's entirely up to
you. With trust and a little practice going into trance, you can feel anything you want to feel.
Trance is a gateway to the kind of sex you've always wanted to have, the kind of connection you've
always known existed.

Rough Guidelines on Setting Rules

Keep them clear. If needed, add some clarity or likely exceptions or special circumstances to the end, but
at least have the initial sentence contain the general thrust of it, to facilitate easier learning by the
Be consistent. Don't make a Rule that you aren't willing to enforce every time. Late at night, first thing in
the morning, in public with friends or at home alone, if the Rule applies at all times, you must be ready
and willing to enforce it at all times. To not do so would be to violate your side of the relationship, and
weaken her trust in your discipline. If she messes up, she must be held accountable.
Write them down. Rules that can change suddenly upend the ordered world you are creating for
yourself and your submissive. By all means change the rules, but write them down and discuss the
changes with your submissive first so that you are both operating from the same page. Writing them
down creates a strong sense of accountability.
Willpower and Habituation
Willpower is a finite resource. It can be expanded upon and developed through incremental practice (not
by accident, several of these practices are included in the Class because of their beneficial effect on
growing willpower in a Trainee). However, Willpower is always a finite resource.
When establishing a new behaviour, more Willpower is required to establish it initially that it is to
develop and maintain it later on. Think of Willpower like rocket fuel in the Space Shuttle. It burns more
fuel in the few minutes of the flight getting off the ground than it does for the dozens of hours of travel
afterwards. Same with teaching new behaviours.
Over time, less and less Willpower is required to sustain and develop a Habit - particularly if it is well
designed, like using Environmental Cues - effectively. This frees up Willpower for other things - for
relaxation, for learning new behaviours or expanding upon and polishing old ones, and so on.
Because the initial exposure to a Habit is crucial for developing confidence in a Trainee, this gives us
another of the Principles of Training - "Always set your Trainee up to Win".
Expressions of BEHAVIOUR and ATTITUDE flow naturally downstream into the BODY (These are the 3
These observations lead naturally to conclusions about effective training timings and principles of
success in outlining your Training Program.

Women and Men

An observation on the two sexes:
Women need to stop treating their Man - and only their Man - as their Primary emotional support system.
That's your friends job. Don' be surprised that when you act like an emotional sponge, that he begins to
treat you like one and Caretake. Stop feeding his Nice Guy.
Don't be surprised that if you're in a loving, sexual relationship with your Man and you start treating him
as a Friend, that he picks up on what you're putting down and starts treating you like a friend as well, and
looking for his sexual needs as a Man, elsewhere.
You have the power to stop doing this, and you should.
Building Better Triggers
There is a real need for the explanation of how to use Triggers and Post-hypnotic suggestions responsibly
with your subjects. Generally speaking as a hypnotist you should prefer Closed Triggers to Open Triggers
-- the outcomes of a Closed Trigger are more predictable, and the more controlled circumstances will
build trust in your subject. There is almost no reason to use an Open Trigger unless your subject
specifically requests it. Even then, check that they understand that it could be fired off accidentally, and
try to guide them towards a Closed Trigger instead.
Let's begin with some simple definitions to clarify things:
Trigger -- Using trance, the hypnotist can create an association between any action or event, and any
other action or event, so that when the first event (called the Triggering Action) occurs, the second action
(the Response) will occur.
Response -- Whatever the Trigger causes to happen when it fires off is called the Response.
Open Trigger -- When a single triggering action causes the firing of a Response.
Closed Trigger -- When multiple triggering actions are required to occur in order to cause a Response.
The main downside of Open Triggers is that they can sometimes trigger accidentally, so skilled hypnotists
will always use Closed Triggers. They are only slightly more complex to implant, so let's learn how to use
Implanting a Closed Trigger
A Closed Trigger is essentially the same as an Open Trigger, you just use multiple actions required in
order to fire it off, rather than a single action. Think about your Online Banking, most banks these days
will let you log in with a username and password, but also give you the option of sending a code to your
phone. Using multiple factors makes it more secure. Same thing for Closed Triggers. In the case of
hypnosis, you might tie a trigger to BOTH a person's specific voice AND eye contact, so that the effect will
only occur when both of those conditions are met.
Step 1 -- When do you want it to work?
In designing a Closed Trigger for your subject, first, think about what specific circumstances under which
you want it to fire off. What needs to happen? Does it need to happen all at once? Here's some ideas:
• When she looks into your eyes.

• When she closes her eyes.

• When she says X word.

• When you say X word.

• When you touch her in a certain way or place.

• Only when it's you saying it.

• Only when it's safe and appropriate.

• Only when she's alone.

• Only when you're alone together.

• Only when she's in the shower / bedroom / bathroom.

• When you are both in a certain location.

• When she receives a text message from you.

• When you see her naked.

• When she does a certain household activity.

• On a certain day of the week.

• My voice only.

• Only when it's past midnight.

As you can see above, trigger conditions are limited only by your imagination. The best policy is to pick 2
(or no more than 3) and to make one of them "only when it is safe and appropriate" or "only when you're
with me" as a safety mechanism.
Step 2 -- Create the Trigger.
Lets see what Closed Triggers look like in practice, by using an example. Lucy asks for a trigger that
makes her laugh whenever someone says the word "Bacon". You discuss with her the desired outcome
and decide that a Closed Trigger is more appropriate. When creating the trigger, you set it specifically so
that it will ONLY when: someone says the word "Bacon" AND she is looking directly into the eyes of the
person saying the word AND it is safe and appropriate. Only then will the trigger engage. You can easily
see how this reduces the likelihood of an accidental firing and any potential negative fallout (social
embarrassment, loss of trust, etc) from an accidental firing.
Now lets see what they look like with some real-world examples. First, an Open Trigger for having a
subject feel Pleasure on command. Trance and the ability of the subject to elicit strong pleasure states on
command is assumed.
"Each and every time that you hear the word "Pleasure" you will instantly feel a deep rush of
warm, arousing erotic pleasure, easily as strong as anything you've ever felt before. You will find
each time that you hear anyone say the word "Pleasure", that its easy to feel this good, or even
better. And if you're already feeling pleasure, then hearing that word will make you feel it
stronger, and stronger. And this will be true for you now, from this point onward all throughout
your future."
Notice the use of the word "anyone" above, do you think that's very precise? This trigger could be fired by
anyone, which may not be what your subject actually wants. Now notice the language of a Closed Trigger,
functionally the same but different in a few areas.
"Each and every time that you hear me and only me say the word "Pleasure" and you and I are
alone together and its safe and appropriate, you will instantly feel a deep rush of warm,
arousing erotic pleasure as strong as anything you've ever felt before. You will find each time
that you hear me and only me say the word "Pleasure", and you and I are alone together and its
safe and appropriate that its easy to feel this good, or even better. And if you're already feeling
pleasure, then hearing that word will make you feel it stronger, and stronger. And this will be
true for you now, from this point onward."
In the case above, I had negotiated in advance with our subject (a casual lover) that she wished for the
trigger to be tied only to my voice, and I then added the additional factors of "and you and I are alone
together" and "its safe and appropriate" to create a very specific Closed Trigger. The chances of this
Closed Trigger being fired accidentally are much, much reduced over the Open Trigger you saw examined
previously. A few simple word additions and our subjects safety and confidence in our skill as a hypnotist
are massively improved.
Step 3 -- Test and Verify.
As with all of your play, test that your trigger only activates when ALL of the conditions are met, by
deliberately giving your subject only a portion of the required conditions, and training her only to
respond when ALL of the trigger conditions are met. Praise and reward fro the correct behaviour. If you
care about your subjects safety and welfare, and if you want to become a better hypnotist, learn to use
Closed Triggers with ALL of your subjects, unless they specifically ask for an Open Trigger (and even
then, you always have the right to say no). The real benefit is your subjects increased trust in your
concern for their well-being.
Further Discussion Points
• Are Closed Triggers always better than Open Triggers?

• When might it be appropriate to give a subject an Open Trigger?

• If you don't want to give someone an Open Trigger, what could you discuss with them to convince
them to accept a Closed Trigger instead?

• Can you think of any trigger factors that haven't been mentioned above? What about some that
might be unique to your relationship style?
Building Your Own Sex Kit
The Short Version
TLDR: It's a guide on how to build a "pick up and go out to fuck" bag to suit yourself and your interests.
The Longer Version
A truly useful idea, a Sex Kit is a bag that comes preloaded for a sexual occasion, so that you can just pick
it up and head out on a date, to meet up in a hotel room and fuck, or a weekend away with a girl training
her into the perfect version of herself. I mostly use mine for training weekends and trips to hotels to
break in new girls, and have refined the concept to a sharp edge. I'll share how I've found to be the best
way to implement it here.
As always - take what works for you, discard what does not, and add what is uniquely your own.
How I do it is that I have a cheap (but expensive looking) overnight bag that I picked up for $4 from a
second hand store, and a general list of standard contents along with some consumables (like lube,
condoms, toy cleaner and those little disposable shampoo / bodywash bottles that you get from hotels in
case the place you're going to is cheap and doesn't have any). My bag has three compartments, for
simplicities sake I keep the tools of my trade in one section, the consumables in a side pocket, and my
pyjamas, a change of clothes and the unique written down training plan / my notes of the evening in the
third pocket.
My bag sits in my wardrobe, and is always ready to pick up, load up with a Bathroom Kit of my electric
toothbrush, shaving kit, beard care gear (I keep these things in my bathroom as I use them daily) and
then roll out with.
I also have a Backup Box which is a Converse shoe-box in my wardrobe where I have extra, less
commonly used tools, extra consumables, and a few other bits and pieces.
Having a bag ready to go (or only needing the addition of a few personal items like a toothbrush,
toothpaste, etc. means that you can just pick it up and go, it's one less thing to worry about and by "fixing"
those variables you can pay more attention to things like the overall plan, the unique circumstances of the
date and the actual training.
And you know, relaxing into intimacy with them, creating a deep connection and playing hard, fast and
fun. See the bottom of this page for a shopping list with some links.
The Essentials
My current Sex Kit has gone through a few iterations, this is what I use right now:
• A paper notebook and a pen - This is a crucial piece of kit for planning scenes and writing notes.
Go low tech, Digital Minimalism style and avoid distractions.

• A collar and leash - I bought a $20 purple nylon-webbing one for a large dog, with a single front
clip and a matching leash from Kmart. Very useful for establishing authority and control, for gentle
guidance with the leash and for petplay.

• A set of leather wrist cuffs - I made these myself at a toymaking workshop. Super hardwearing.
• Two Thick Dildos - Both are high quality silicone by Doc Johnson. One is the American Bombshell,
a gently thickening design perfect for stretching out a girls holes over time, the other an 8 inch
realistic looking white suction cup dildo cock, specifically chosen for blowjob training in the
shower or against a mirror.

• An Enema Kit - Very useful for anal training and cleaning things out.

• A roll of plain black duct tape - From Bunnings. $2.50.

• A roll of bondage tape - Mine is bright red, you can get this from any sex store it's essentially just
duct tape that only sticks to itself. Watch for any restriction in circulation as there is no "give" to it.

• Two Floggers that were handmade by a good friend for me.

• Rope - I have several pieces of cotton rope that I picked up from a supply store years ago, 2 each
of 3m, 5m and 10m lengths, as well as some fancy shibari rope which doesn't see nearly as much
use as my reliable cotton rope does.
• A remote control vibrator - I like to go out for dinner in between late night training sessions, and
a remote control vibrator coupled with the use of deeply conditioned hypnotic triggers while in
public serves to create delightful feelings of squimy wonderfulness and a deep, submissive
headspace. I bought several different (and very expensive, fragile and barely functioning versions
of this) including the Lush, which I found underpowered and overpriced, the interface fiddly and
not fast enough and the bluetooth as weak as water. I would not recommend. Instead I've evolved
to a Nusensuelle bullet vibe with remote control, waterproof, insertable, powerful and a LOT of
kick in such a small size.
Don't break the bank, all you really need when you're starting out is a bag, a collar and leash, some cotton
sash cord from Bunning's and some brass balls between your legs. The tools and toys don't make the
Man. The attitude, does.
A good dominant friend of mine uses the same style of kit, and ass his DSLR and some photographic
equipment to capture the moment perfectly.
There is also some consumables:
• Lubricant

• Condoms

• Disposable Cock Rings

In addition I have some personal Items:
• A set of warm pyjamas.

• A toothbrush and toothpaste in a travel case.

• A ziplock bag with a set of hotel toiletries in it (taken from an upmarket hotel. Fancy!)

Making yours Better for You

Start with this as a template, and modify to suit yourself. If you're a rope guy, add a heap more rope and
drop the stuff you aren't going to use often. If you're into impact play, add some crops, some more canes
or bats. You can store those in those cardboard tubes they sell for rolling up posters and mailing them,
which you can buy from Australia Post.
I seal anything likely to leak (lubricant, massage oil in a container, etc) in a ziplock sandwich bag for extra
Keep it Lean and Sharp
Keep your loadout lean. I still occasionally run a scene with only a single implement, as a challenge to
myself to explore all the different ways that it can be used. I once did a four-continuous-hour full body
flogging scene with only a single flogger, it taught me a lot about how to be flexible with a single tool.
Challenge yourself and keep your general loadout to just what you really need to get your thing going,
you know what you like and what you are good at. Have some fucking faith in yourself.
Some Sources for Good Quality Gear
There are also a lot of great sources listed here on the Resources Page.
The Remote Control Vibe I use.
The Dildo I use for Oral Training.
The one I use for Vaginal and Anal Training. - I have one in Red.

Dawn and Evening
It's Saturday morning, and the sun is rising over the hills around our home. The light sneaks in through
the second floor window of our cottage, perched on the hillside overlooking the deeply forested valley
below and you murmur, waking gently. I turn your face from the window, pull you into my arms and turn
your head towards mine. I stroke my fingers through your hair and whisper soothing words to you, and
you drop right back off to sleep. It's a Saturday, and the kids stayed with their friends last night and aren't
due back until lunchtime, so we can afford to sleep in. It's a rare morning and ones like this that I
treasure, the house is still and quiet and the world outside this room seems willing to wait for us a little
longer. I savour the moment, drink in the feel of you beside me and even after all these years together is
still feels like home to have some part of your body touching mine.
I close my eyes and fall asleep with you nestled in the crook of my arm, trying to memorise the curves of
your body pressed into me. We wake when our bodies call for us to rise, then take a breakfast of
scrambled eggs and hash browns and some vegetables from the garden on the patio in the crisp morning
air. It gets cold here at night in the mountains, the fire burning in the loungeroom warms the house and
cutting logs is still one of your favourite things to watch me do. The heavy axe rising and falling with
confident precision, the sound of the wood popping, forming piles on either side of the block. I always
chop wood shirtless, to feel the flex and pull on the muscles across my back, and a little to show off. I've
spent years working on my body, putting in the hours and the sweat, and it shows. I enjoy the effect that
it has on you as you often take a moment to watch through the window of your kitchen while a tray of
cakes cools on the bench, or in between trips to the chicken pens to toss scraps and collect eggs.
We have five children. Three girls for you, and two boys for me. We'll have more, we live simply and we
can afford it. I'll go down to a friend's house in the town, and build a set of bunk beds to surprise you
with, and you'll cry when you realise that it means I want another child. With you.
Today is a quiet morning. There's no phones between us, no newspaper, simply the quiet silence of two
people who know exactly what the other is thinking about. A thought drifts in as you look at me across
the table. Conversation rises, becomes passionate, after all these years together you haven't lost any of
that fire, and how I love you for it. After more than a decade together, we still talk as easily as we did
when we first met. History, Philosophy, Culture, Movies, Art, Music, Books, Ideas, we share freely of our
thoughts on a dozen different subjects. I'm giving a lecture at the local University later this month, and I
run through my outline, with you sharpening my presentation, offering points and counterpoints. Doing
this, sharing this, it means the world to me.
That afternoon, you take the electric car down to the village to pick up a few things. My therapy practice
has been turning over clients for years, and I'm much sought after in the cities nearby. But with an iron
focus, I keep my weekends for Family. My children can always reach me, though they rarely need to - you
and I have raised them to be strong, compassionate, kind and to look out for each other. I remember the
time one of them did something silly, an honest mistake and they all banded together and refused to tell
us who it was. Outwardly, I had to punish all of them fairly, but inwardly I was proud of them all for
standing by each other.
Dinner is you and the girls helping in the kitchen, the youngest can walk now and is sitting on the bench
holding tools for you. Her dark hair and beautiful brown eyes are so wide, she's learning so fast.
Once a week, you and I will leave the eldest boy in charge and drive into the village. I fell in love with you
when I first danced with you, the very first time, and it's always had a special place in my heart. Once a
week we'll drive into the village to dance together in a class. You're thinking about helping teach the
classes sometimes, now that the children are a little grown up. Some nights we tell the kids we're going
into town, then we drive out somewhere quiet where the moonlight shines over the fjords and we make
out like teenagers in the back seat of my car, feeling the frisson and all the years between melt away with
joy and innocence.
Most afternoons the house is warmed with music from the piano, you're teaching all of our children to
play, gently, lovingly. With warmth, not harshness. Not how your father pushed it on you, but with an eye
towards their self-expression, teaching them the language of music, how to feel and let it flow, and to give
themselves over to it as you do. They look up to you, admire you, and the littlest sits on your lap while
you play.
Over dinner, the eldest is talking about how once he graduates from high school he wants to work for six
months, then travel, and the next few hours are spent telling stories about how mummy and daddy
travelled the world before they were born and where he should go and the things he should see.
I like to read to the children all together before bed, tales of knights and fairies and wishes coming true,
Damsels in distress and Princesses in Castles and the strong heroes who rescue them. The girls are
enthralled, and the boy's sometimes take up soft foam swords or pillows and start hitting each other as
they chase around the living room. Then a word brings them back to your side and you curl your arms
around them protectively. No matter how tall or strong they grow, they'll always be your sons. Some
nights it's history, philosophy, music. There's a TV somewhere in the house but it's never used. Nights are
for eating together at the table and for board games, we have plenty of players. Sometimes I read to you
all, and sometimes I send the kids to bed a little earlier so we can have a few stolen moments alone
together. You sit at my feet, and I soothe your shoulders, open up my heart and let our energies mix and
flow together, the warmth and deep contentment spilling over you, swirling and mixing before I take
your hand, turn out the lights and lead you upstairs to bed.
We make love, utterly lost in each other's embrace. The world recedes for a while and becomes quiet.
Every few months, I'll go camping with a few men from the village, and in those nights you'll curl up in
the place in our bed where I would normally be and dream of my arms, and my touch.
We are happy. As you fall asleep beside me, listening to the sound of the house settle at night, the warm
timbers cooling in the night air, the soft voices of the children as they talk after lights out, and gentle
rocking of the youngest in her crib at the end of our bed, you are happy.
Your hair is grey now, the grey of age and experience. We're sitting on our front porch, watching over our
grandchildren as they play on the lawn, kicking a ball back and forth, playing children's games and
chasing each other. It's early afternoon and the kids are inside in the kitchen chatting away over a bottle
of wine. They're not really kids anymore, they're fully grown now, with partners and lives and kids of
their own, but I see that when you look at them you still remember the day that you brought them home
from the hospital cradled in your arms, and all of the years of dressing their cuts and bruises from playing
outside, all the long nights helping them with their homework, they'll always be our proudest creations.
Later tonight we'll have dinner and all of us will sit around the long table. There will be a separate kids
table, in the adjoining room. Our children will talk about work, and about family and life, and we'll see
ourselves in them, when we were young. We'll offer advice and counsel where needed, and lead them to
figure it out on their own mostly, helping them to avoid the biggest pitfalls. Our youngest is still single,
and looking for a girl, so I tell the story of how you and I met again for the ten thousandth time and they
all groan. I never tire of telling it, under the table you reach for my hand and I take mine in yours, and tell
the story anyway. How I knew it would be you, when our eyes met. The tension, the release, the fall into
inevitability, how we began, travelled the world, built a future together, our excitement at finding out that
you were pregnant, my joy at being a father. I see myself in my son, and I build for him a future he can
dream of, a future he can win, for himself and whoever is lucky enough to be by his side. Our other
children smile, lost in the story as they always are, and pull their partners close and tight, and smile some
That night, the house is full to bursting with children and adults, laughter and love, light and joy. Our
eldest grandchild seats herself at the piano and begins to play, hauntingly, pouring herself into the music
just as you've taught her, the children and grandchildren all gather around to listen, then they begin
clapping and shouting suggestions and she switches into something lighter, something we can all dance
So I do, I stand on timeworn bones and am suddenly just the nervous young man who met you across that
table a lifetime ago, and I offer you my hand and we dance together, bodies moving the way they always
do, and we dance, and dance, until the world fades away and it's just you and me, Just you and me,
Years later, I pass away, and you outlive me several more years. They bury us together down at the foot of
the hill, on the land where we raised our children and our grandchildren, overlooking the lake that
gleams with silver in the moonlight and shimmers like the stars when it rains.

Sheepdog Training
A previous partner of mine purchased me a DVD on Sheepdog training. I learned a lot, for a while even
trained girls to respond to specific series of commands using a sheepdog whistle. She was very kind, and
thoughtful. She saw my delight at a sheepdog display, and went out of her way to find me the best
resources on it. Whistles are for people who need to communicate complex commands across a crowded
nightclub without shouting.
Appendix - Defunct Techniques DO NOT USE
"My voice will follow you everywhere you go, and you will be able to understand my words and what I am
While it's important to understand what it brings to them, and what it takes away ... we really don't mind.
We are going to do our work in a completely different reality, so a cursory examination of their current
one is useful mostly for avoiding potential abreactions or negative responses.
I don't want to work in the same environment that caused the original problem, just as "you cannot solve
a problem with the same thinking that created it." It's not enough that they simply stop doing the thing
that they are doing, it's that the needs that were being met by it are met in other ways, more important
and powerful and healthier ways in the new reality you will implant for them.
Step 2: Disassociate them from their current Reality
The mind works by association, and your Subconscious is very, very good at creating those associations.
The first thing we want to do is disassociate them as far as possible from their current reality. We do
this by taking them on a journey through multiple new realities, and when done correctly this is a
pleasant process for both you and the subject, and while initially very complex, if you document the
realities and use consistent ones, it's surprisingly easy to master. - (Interesting side note, disassociation
can be used to give girls incredibly powerful orgasms on command, simply get them out of their body
and reality and trigger them in a dissociated state for an extreme response, which can then be tied back
to the trigger so that they can enjoy that again and again).
How we do this is by bringing them through multiple successive realities, so that where they end
up has absolutely no relationship to their current reality (in which they are a smoker, for
example), and then creating a new, exciting and compelling reality for them and having them
experience a lifetime of their new reality (building resources and experience in the process), then
bringing them back and having them anchor that reality through every year of their life (their past), then
taking them into the Future (by turning right down the corridor) to see the effects of that and make those
even more real and powerfully compelling, before returning to Objective Reality and tying off your work
to completion.
If you can do this, easily (with appropriate Preframing), well you've really accomplished something!
Layers within Layers
The best analogy is the movie "Inception", and how they are put to sleep, then awoken into a dream, then
have them to sleep within that dream, and have them dream again an new reality, and so on. You do the
same thing, by putting them into trance within trance. Remember how difficult that movie was to follow
while awake?
(Note: Disassociate them by bringing them through multiple, simultaneous realities' so they have no idea
where they are, their old beliefs fall away, and new realities with empowering beliefs can be created for
them. That's the whole technique in a nutshell.)
Preframe and Set expectations
Elman + Reinduction Trigger + Fractionate -
Reinduce, and have her find herself at the Beach.
(OPTIONAL) - Thought Clearing using the waves on the beach.
While sitting on the Beach, practice using the reinduction trigger on her.
Step 3: Setup, Induction, Set Trigger and Emerge, Test and Verify
Do your Elman Induction.
(OPTIONAL: Do a thought clearing exercise, "Popping Bubbles" work's well here)
Set your reinduction trigger - with safeties and 2FA (essentially, set it only works when they can
BOTH hear your voice AND you are making eye contact OR you say their name. Use multiple factors for
authentication of triggers, so they cannot be triggered without conscious intent by the Hypnotist. This is
something that WiseGuy recommends.)
Say this:
"When you feel safe, and you want to be hypnotised, and it's safe for you to be hypnotised deeply, when I say
the word "Sleep" you'll allow yourself to go as deep or even deeper every time as you are right now. It will be
much quicker, much easier every time that you do that. The more you use this trigger, the quicker, the faster
and the deeper and the more powerful it will become, and you'll enter a deep, deep state of trance."
Test your Reinduction Trigger while they are still in Trance - set and frame the next section to
ensure success:
Say this:
"In a moment, I'm going to count from one to three and you will open your eyes, and you'll look deeply into
my eyes. You will feel perfectly wide awake, but you will still be profoundly and powerfully hypnotised, in a
deep state of trance."
Have them open their eyes, look deeply into your eyes. Fire off their Reinduction Trigger (RT) and watch
their eyes close and their body go deeper. Have them open their eyes, and fractionate a few more times
until both you and they know that they've got it (this is your small win).
"The more that you use it, the better it works."
"Deeper, faster, better than ever before."
Properly Emerge them from Trance - Do a full and thorough emergence from Trance, counting up from
one to five and mentioning "that I'd normally just count from one to three but we're going to need some
extra numbers because you're so deeply hypnotised."
Test your RT while they aren't in Trance - Give them same instructions as above, to look deeply into
your eyes and fire off the RT and observe their reactions. Act with complete confidence, they have already
proven their ability to go into trance on command, now you are simply reinforcing it. Repeat this a few
more times until they are thoroughly fractionated. Give them positive, empowering suggestions and
frame their future success.
Tell them they did great, that they have a real skill at this. Give them a sense of accomplishment and pride
in what they've just achieved and frame it as "the power of their mind" and a resounding success. Make
your praise genuine and heartfelt.
Ask them:
_"Do you want to go into trance, again?" _- notice the presupposition that they've already been
Don't dilly-dally here, bring her out for less than a minute or two, but do not really allow her the time
to break the flow, just keep rolling! Remember that subjects are still in trance for several minutes even
after they have exited Trance and are still powerfully suggestible, so use this time to project confidence
and frame the experience they've just had in a positive way, and one that will enable her to go incredibly
deep the next time she is hypnotised.
Now it's time to move on to the actual Work :) Well done!
Now we have our "Small Win" - now that she knows the process works, and has had experience, the next
time she goes into trance she will go much, much deeper. I still like to throw in some thought clearing
exercises during the next Phase though.
Step 4: The Real Work
This is Level 1, and you might like to think of the best way to imagine what's going to happen next as the
basically the Plot from the movie "Inception". This is not an exact script, but a series of touchstones so
that you can brush against them and add in your own life and skill and experiences to make it so much
Induce a deep state of Trance using their previously practiced RT. - You might like to stack a
deepener and perform some depth testing here, but honestly they should still be very deep from all the
Fractionation in the previous section.
Have them "find themselves" on the Beach - Use the words "find yourself ..." rather than "Imagine ..."
or "Visualise yourself ..." as some have difficulty with visualising. You can use any similarly relaxing scene
but I like to combine this with the "Waves on a Beach" thought clearing exercise. Walk along the beach
until you come across a quiet, safe and secluded spot. Then have her sit down and relax back into you,
and give her the command to go into Trance (her RT).
"Find yourself at the beach, and I am with you. The weather is perfect, and we decide to sit for a while facing
the water and practice the trigger I've just given you."
Fire off the trigger and hypnotise her within trance.
Have her "find herself in the Corridor of Infinite Possibility". This is Level 2. (Would it be beneficial
here to have them "open their eyes only in trance and find themselves" instead? Someone experiment
with it and get back to me.)
Describe the Corridor in great detail - the doors to the past stretching off to the left, the doors to the
future stretching off to the right, how beautiful and safe and wonderful they are here "outside of time
Have them turn to the left, and begin to walk along the corridor, deeper and deeper into the past. Walking
past the the doors marked with all the years of their life. See Mark Cunningham's work for further details.
Don't neglect the small addition of when they reach the door that marks the year of their birth, they "step
forward and leaving <THEIR NAME> behind, we continue down the corridor, deeper and deeper into the
past." Reports are it works extremely well.
Think of the whole Corridor concept like those corridors in the second Matrix movie, that run behind
reality, or the backdoor in a computer system. Think of it as a backdoor in computer code, think of it as
walking in parallel to their life, in this way it is subtly different from regression in that there is much
more fine grained control over the moment of taking on the desired feelings from the past.)
"Find yourself in the Corridor of Infinite Possibility, and turn left and walk back into the past and behind
each door is a year of your life." (Bruno suggests using a door for each day, instead of each year and I agree
this does give more fine grained results.)
"stepping past the year of your birth and leaving <THEIR NAME> behind, we continue together down the
corridor, deeper and deeper into the past."
Take them back well past their life and their birthday, "the doors become older and older."
Step out through the Door and find yourself outside a Walled City - Take them into the new reality,
outside the walled City, through the Market, and to the Bathhouse.
The Bathhouse - This is where she's scrubbed "in a private, safe, secluded and sacred area where you
are helped to undress". They do not undress her, "you decide to undress yourself and they simply help
you to undress" - (remind them that they serving girls only help them to undress and they go with them
into the water so they feel safe and comfortable.)
The female servants of the house go with you into the warm water of the natural hot springs (?)
(Don't tell the subject this: The goal is to scrub away their old selves and the clothes of their old
associations, and to "clean the outside as well as inside".)
Then a long, slow massage.
Dress them in comfortable soft robes of silk, and leave the door out through the back of the bathhouse
and walk into the garden.
The Garden
Have them walk out of the back door of the Bathhouse in new clothes, washed and "scrubbed clean on the
inside and out", and find themselves in a beautiful Garden.
"And here you find me in the Garden, waiting for you on a bench. As you walk through the garden, you
realise that you can smell ever plant, every flower there is. It's as though your senses are heightened,
highlighted, enhanced, (emphasize the process of "Cleansing" and purifying both inside and out.)
"You feel as though you have been reborn, and everything smells better, looks better, tastes better, etc"
In the Garden, Hypnotise them again
Similar to what you did with them on the Beach, you sit down with them and hypnotise them again using
their RT.
"As you sit next to me, how wonderful you feel, how excited you are with this new life (language here
should be in the present tense) and you are excited by the new life that is coming to you, laid out before
you. And you ask me to make this even more enjoyable for you, and to put you into Trance again." Fire
off her RT, (bonus points if you can make her ask for it) and it's time for Level 3.
Find themselves in a Forest - Level 3
We're going to do a little Blind Therapy here, this explains the rather generic nature and deliberate
nonspecific's of what comes next. You'll notice almost all the change here is self-defined by the
subconscious. That is deliberate and contributes greatly to the effectiveness of the process. Have
her find herself in a Forest, walking down a path.
"You find yourself in a Forest, walking down a Path and you come to a fork in the path. There's a path
going up to the left, and a path going down to the right. Which path are you going to take?"
Pause here, and wait for her to reply audibly. Have her choose a path, and whichever path it is, tell her it's
the correct one.
And then you feel there is something important for you in that forest, something hidden there for you.
Start looking for it, look behind the trees, look behind the rocks, maybe there's a secret passage.
Their subconscious mind will imagine all of this. Ask them: "Have you found the passage yet? If yes,
continue on. If no, prompt them until they can find it. This can sometimes be tricky, don't be too hard on
yourself if they can't.
Have them find a secret passage and go deep underground. There's a tunnel there, lit with a warm
comforting glow. It feels safe and feels kind of mysterious and there is something there waiting for you
something important. (Create that anticipation, build expectation!)
"Something is there for you, something which will help you, something important for you to know."
Then have them go to a room. "Find yourself in a room and there is a chest in that room."
"Is it closed, or locked or open?"
Have them tell you (most of the time it's closed) which one it is. Have them look around, there must be a
way to open it, so have them look around for a key.
Have them find a key, and open that Chest. "There is something for you in that Chest, you don't have to tell
me what it is, but you know it's for you. Take it and look at it. It was there waiting for you, and it was
important, right?"
Wait for them to confirm.
(All of the above looks like ti would work well within my purpose of Training Slavegirls. Have what they
discover to be "Submission" or "the Heart of a Slavegirl" or similar. Something singular but lifechanging
that they will interpret in a way in alignment with your Training Goals for them.)
Have them choose whether they want to take it with them, or leave it there. Have them make their choice,
put it back, take it with them, whatever.
Then have them go back outside the Forest and find themselves in this Space, and a beautiful Door
Pass through the Door, and find yourself on top of a Mountain. Say "The air is fresh and crisp, and
you can feel how pure it is, and take a big breath and you enjoy a clean, pure breath of air."
We are creating helpful associations with the outcome desired. If you were talking about Fears, you use
something different, likely the opposite of Fear (which would be Freedom).
You enjoy it so much that you decide to sit on top of the Mountain and look out to the Horizon.
Look out to the Horizon, which is your Future and feel how good it is. The fresh air, you don't feel the
cold, although it is very cold. There is snow everywhere, the air is so crisp and pure and so clear. Really
enjoy that, and take another deep deep breath to go with you. Walk back to the Door, and pass through it.
Find yourself back on the Beach.
Unwind by walking back along the beach, creating another Door and having her walk through that to find
herself wherever she actually is. Emerge her as per normal with positive suggestions for permanent
Note: You need to be present for the Critical moments, but this does have the effect of creating a Bond
between yourself and the subject. This can be desirable depending on what it is that you're training them
for (service, submission, etc). If less of a Bond is required, then only insert yourself at Critical Moments -
when she is hypnotised between each level, and at the moment of opening the Chest (of actual change /
The Rough Diagram of what you are actually doing looks something like this:
Her sitting in the chair - Objective Reality
Use RT, find herself on the Beach - Level 1
Walk along the beach, sit down in a quiet spot and hypnotise her again using RT
Find herself outside the Walled City - Level 2
Walk through the Market, the City, to the Bathhouse.
Undressed, scrubbed inside and out. Dressed in fine clothes, and exit the Bathhouse Back Door into the
Wander through the Garden, come across me sitting on the bench.
Use RT, find herself in the Forest - Level 3
Then have them go to a Forest and choose a path when they walk.
Have them find a chest, which contains a special gift just for them..
Have them wander out of the forest, and find a Door
Take them to a mountaintop, where they "breathe in the crisp, clean air".
Sit on top of the mountain, look out to the horizon, implant positive suggestions.
Go back to the Bathhouse, it's closed up "fresh and ready and cleaned up ready for a new day".
Go back to the Market, "its deserted now, closed down and cleaned up and pure and refreshed and ready
for a new day".
Walk outside the Walled City, "say the word "Door" and a beautiful door appears." Step through the door
and have her bring back with her the energy, the experiences, the pleasure and the pride of an entire
lifetime of perfect <WHATEVER YOU HAVE TRAINED HER FOR>."
Go back into the corridor, have her push the energy back into all the years of their life as per normal,
beginning with the year of her birth and then all the years of her life as you walk back up the corridor
together. Find the Door marked <CURRENT YEAR>
Think of it as movement in the Vertical (Deeper) sense and in the Horizontal (moving within the level of
Trance) sense.
Come back to the Door of the <CURRENT YEAR>, walk through it, and find themselves on the Beach.
Walk back up the Beach, hand in hand, excited and happy with how her life has changed completely.
NOTE: Remember not to skip any of the steps when you bring them out, so that they don't get confused or
PHASE 4: Testing your Work
A lot of people are very uncertain about actually testing their work once the subject has emerged from
trance. Don't be shy in testing and validating your work, but be careful not to set up your subject for
failure. In certain situations (mostly mitigated by doing the two separate inductions this time) the subject
can reject all of the experiences because their experience is trance does not match their perception of
what they believe they should have experienced as trance. Follow the directions here, and the chances of
that are unlikely.
It's very important for the subject for them to see that the work was actually done.
It is far better for the person to have their first positive experience in their new Objective Reality right
there in your office.
"Do you see how fast and easy it is to work with hypnosis?"
"Did you enjoy the reinduction trigger?"
"Did you like how quick and effective it was?"
"Now you have a trigger that you can use with any hypnotist (preferably a trained hypnotist) and save
twenty minutes for them to induce a trance, you can work with them and grow and improve your life even
more, only when it's safe for you to do so."
Don't say anything to create doubt in your subject, but frame them as having done - and been responsible
- for all the work.
Note: Expect a LOT of disorientation and Time Distortion from this technique when executed directly.
Appendix A: Preframing Notes
Create a Success Story
Tell them "you used to have this thing that you wanted to change, and now you're the opposite of that. So
quickly and easily!" Create a Narrative around them that has its basis in believable pseudo-logic.
DON'T say anything that will cast doubt on your work.
"Can you see any circumstance in which you would smoke again?"
Create a Success Story (basically a simple narrative they can latch onto to reaffirm their success.)
There's no decision involved, there's no mistake to be made, being a Non-smoker / Slavegirl is a State.
Create a Success Story, and make them feel proud of what they've just done, and emphasize that they
have done all the work, and they can now enjoy all the benefits of the changes they have made.
Appendix B: Expanding your Business and Clientele
When you succeed with them, encourage them to bring other people to you.
They will seek you out to make changes for them.
The Small Win = The Overall Success of the Session
The Big Win = The Subject bringing you more Subjects, and spreading your reputation far and wide.
This is also where communication, pre-scene negotiation and information gathering come into it
to create a deep, powerful change and a meaningful scene.
Have them rehearse seeing themselves telling everyone their story, and you can give my information to
them directly and I'd be happy to work with them.
Right after they've emerged from Trance is the perfect time to expand your business in an Ethical Way.
You want to generate new sessions with existing subjects, and expand your reach and the influence of
your work.
There are a variety of ways to do this:
• Book them for another session before this one even ends, before they've even paid for it.

• Encourage them to come back for another amazing session.

• Get them to open up about another issue they want to work on.

• Get them to refer you to their friends as part of the session.

• Have them write a testimonial for you.

Appendix C: Loose Sections and Unsorted Notes and Ideas
(Could you "Fake out" an emergence and then when in the Corridor have her step into the future and see
herself at the end of the session, all changes made and perfect and powerful and fully immersed in the
experience, then bring her back into the Corridor, having her bring back with her that experience of being
a complete success on emergence, then bring her back to the actual moment in Objective Reality and
them Emerge as per normal. Kind of a ultra-powerful Future Pacing?
If it's someone you want to establish a BOND with that person, then you put yourself into the
visualisation. If you do not - for example if you are training someone for someone else, you might put
them in there instead.
and walk past it, one <day, week, month, year> into the future, lean down and peek through the keyhole
of the Door (this functions as a very good "imagine it but don't really go fully into the experience" cue
(how does this affect the experience, and the desired effect?) then have them step through the door and
live a day in their new perfect life, a week, then a month, then a year. Step back out, into the corridor, and
walk a little further ahead and walk through another door three <days, weeks, months, years> into their
future and see the changes there happening and real.
Note would it be possible to combine this with some variation of "Future Breadcrumbs", have them, while
they are in the wonderful and glorious future you've described and designed for them, look back and see
all the things that had to happen for them, in the right order and leave glowing golden breadcrumbs to
mark the significant events and points that led to them being here, so they only ever have to close their
eyes and those breadcrumbs will stretch out before them along their timeline, and they'll know exactly
what they have to do next and love doing it?

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