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Tips for using a behavior chart effectively

Behavior charts for kids can be very helpful in reminding and reinforcing positive
actions. Generally, this encourages positive behaviors while discouraging the negative
ones. Here are some tips to follow if you want to use your chart effectively:

 Only keep track of a few behaviours

This is especially important for younger children. Work on just one or two
behaviours in the beginning. This will make it easy for your child to
accomplish what he needs to do in a short period of time. The sooner your
child sees a positive result, the more motivated he will feel.

 Choose rewards which you know will motivate your child

Some parents don’t agree with giving rewards to their children. But when
used appropriately, rewards don’t have to be a bad thing. Unlike bribes,
rewards teach children to work hard so they can earn something good at
the end. If you want these rewards to work for your chart, choose those
which you know will get your little one excited.

 Establish the connection between the positive behaviours and the

This works well with big rewards. Explain to your child how he will only be
able to receive the big reward if he earns it. The only way he can earn this
is by performing all the actions and positive behaviors enumerated on the
chart. You may have to explain this point a few times before your child
truly understands it.

 Stick with patience and consistency

Simple as these things may seem, patience and consistency can be very
hard to do, especially if you don’t see a lot of progress right away. But if
you want your child to learn the good behaviours, you need to work with
him until he achieves the goal.
Even though your child doesn’t get the behavior right away, keep on
encouraging him. If needed, show your child how to do those positive
behaviours so that he understands the way things should happen in a
better way. Also, once you’ve started using the chart, keep on using it each
day. This will show your child the importance of the chart and the goals
written on it.

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