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Eating habits are defined as conscious, collective and repetitive

behavior, which lead people to select consume and use certain foods or diets

in response to social and cultural influences. Various foods are available daily

to pupils. Similar to most statements, students generally consume three meals

a day (Javeed, et al,. 2021).Eating behaviors concerns about their

appearance. Athletes who participated in sports had a lower body

dissatisfaction and a healthier body image compared to those who did not

participate in sports (Emily Kim, 2020) . Students who consume breakfast on

a regular basis perform better academically than those who do not. The study

found that breakfast consumption was associated with higher GPAs, fewer

absences, and improved test scores (Rachel Lee, 2021).

Excess or lacking consumptions of the nutritional elements needed by

the body affect health negatively. Balanced and sufficient eating habits are

effective for people in maintaining a healthy life, being protected from

diseases and improving the quality of life, while imbalanced and insufficient

eating results in weakening of the immunity, increased risk of diseases and

threatening of contribution of life (kilic & Yldirim 2022). Stress has found to be

disturbing the eating behavior as one of the motivating epidemics of obesity

and overweight global factors (Ward & Webster 2018). Among other

implications, food choices and healthy living practices needs to be focused

more responsibly (Trahearn, et at,. 2021). Eating habits are trending towards

westernized patterns that are high in carbohydrates, fats and meat. This

accompanied by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle affected young adults

dietary habits. As a consequence, obesity and overweight young adults are

significantly increasing in prevalence (Alolabi, et al,. 2022).

This study aims to determine the eating habits among SPS Students.

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