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This/That These/

Roger: Is that, your car? Alice: No, I think
mine is that, one over there.
1.-My friend Lisa is showing me her new
house. Look! This is my bedroom and that, Is Sonia: My mom bought me this shoes yesterday.
my sister’s. Do you like these CDs? Do you like them?

2.-Peter is making his homework in this Elisa: Yes, I do but I think those red shoes are
library. He always uses these dictionaries and
that is his favourite place for studying. Patricia: Who are those, people over there?

3.- Last Saturday Gina got married and this Harry: I think they are Marina’s brothers. I’m
is her photograph. I enjoyed a lot at the going to show them those, pictures.
dinner party. Veronica: Would you like to meet those new
college friends?
4.- Oh dear! This is amazing. I’ve never seen
such an exotic beach! This, sand is so white Anne: Yes, I imagine those are French students.
and that hotel over there is beautiful.
John: Yes, of course!

Choose the correct option

1.- I hate eating fish. But this/these are very fresh fishes.

2.-Lorena often swims in that/those swimming pool in summer.

3.-Do you wear these/that winter clothes in March? No, I don’t.

4.-Are you waiting for that/those bus going to Piccadilly Circus?

5.-This/those dog was eating and this/these cats were hungry.

6.-Carmen is working for that/these British company in Manchester.

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