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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77, 036604 共2008兲

Staggered and moving localized modes in dynamical lattices with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity

Aleksandra Maluckov*
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, P.O. Box 224, 18001 Niš, Serbia

Ljupčo Hadžievski
Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, P.O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia

Boris A. Malomed
Department of Physical Electronics, School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
共Received 8 November 2007; published 7 March 2008兲
Results of a comprehensive dynamical analysis are reported for several fundamental species of bright
solitons in the one-dimensional lattice modeled by the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with the cubic-
quintic nonlinearity. Staggered solitons, which were not previously considered in this model, are studied
numerically, through the computation of the eigenvalue spectrum for modes of small perturbations, and ana-
lytically, by means of the variational approximation. The numerical results confirm the analytical predictions.
The mobility of discrete solitons is studied by means of direct simulations, and semianalytically, in the
framework of the Peierls-Nabarro barrier, which is introduced in terms of two different concepts, free energy
and mapping analysis. It is found that persistently moving localized modes may only be of the unstaggered

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.036604 PACS number共s兲: 05.45.Yv, 63.20.Ry, 42.65.Tg, 03.75.Lm

I. INTRODUCTION More general dynamical lattice models involve non-Kerr

nonlinearities. In particular, the first discrete system with
A broad class of lattice models in various fields of physics saturable onsite nonlinear terms was introduced in 1975 by
is described by discrete nonlinear Schrödinger 共DNLS兲 equa- Vinetskii and Kukhtarev 关14兴. Stable bright solitons in this
tions 关1兴. A direct realization of the DNLS model with the model were reported only recently in Ref. 关15兴 关two-
cubic on-site nonlinearity in arrays of optical waveguides dimensional 共2D兲 discrete solitons in a model with the satu-
was predicted in Ref. 关2兴, and later demonstrated experimen- rable nonlinearity were studied also 关16兴兴. Experimentally,
tally in a structure built as a set of parallel semiconductor lattice solitons supported by the saturable self-defocusing
waveguides mounted on a common substrate 关3,4兴. Multi- nonlinearity were created in an array of optical waveguides
channel waveguiding systems can also be created in a virtual in a photovoltaic medium 关17兴.
form, as photonic lattices in photorefractive crystals 关5兴. In The availability of optical media whose effective nonlin-
the DNLS equation with the simplest cubic nonlinearity, a earity may be represented as a combination of the self-
number of fundamental dynamical phenomena have been focusing cubic and self-defocusing quintic terms 关18兴 共with
studied, both experimentally 共in the above-mentioned optical an addition of two-photon absorption, i.e., a cubic dissipative
settings兲 and theoretically. These include the mobility 关6,7兴 term, which, however, may be neglected under certain con-
and collisions of discrete solitons 关7,8兴, as well as the onset ditions 关19兴兲 suggests considering soliton dynamics in mod-
of the spatiotemporal collapse in an array of self-focusing els with the corresponding cubic-quintic 共CQ兲 nonlinearity.
waveguides 关9兴. It was also demonstrated theoretically and In particular, a family of stable exact soliton solutions of the
experimentally that the DNLS equation is an adequate model continuum NLS equation of this type 共in the free space, i.e.,
for the Bose-Einstein condensate 共BEC兲 trapped in a deep without any external potential兲 is well known 关20兴. Further,
optical lattice, which effectively splits the condensate into a the possibility of building a waveguide array, using materials
set of “droplets” captured in local potential wells and whose nonlinear response is of the CQ type, makes it natural
coupled linearly through tunneling of atoms 关10兴. to introduce the DNLS equation with the onsite CQ nonlin-
The ordinary DNLS equation includes cubic nonlinear earity. An intermediate step between the CQ equation in the
terms 共alias the Kerr nonlinearity, in terms of optics兲. A more free space and the discrete model is a continuum equation
general discrete cubic nonlinearity appears in the Salerno combining this nonlinearity and a periodic potential in the
model 关11兴, which combines the onsite cubic terms and ones form of the Kronig-Penney lattice, i.e., a periodic chain of
that account for nonlinear coupling between adjacent sites rectangular potential wells. Recently, stable families of
共i.e., it is a combination of the DNLS and Ablowitz-Ladik bright solitons were explored in 1D 关21兴 and 2D 关22兴 ver-
关12兴 systems兲. In addition to the ordinary Salerno model, its sions of such a model 共the latter one, which features a
modification featuring competing onsite and intersite cubic “checkerboard” 2D potential, supports both fundamental and
nonlinearities was explored too 关13兴. vortical solitons兲. The limit case of the Kronig-Penney po-
tential composed of very deep and narrow potential wells
amounts to the replacement of the continuum equation by its
* DNLS counterpart.

1539-3755/2008/77共3兲/036604共10兲 036604-1 ©2008 The American Physical Society


Another realization of the CQ-DNLS model is possible in d␺n

a self-attractive BEC, which may be confined, in plane 共x , y兲, i + C共␺n+1 + ␺n−1 − 2␺n兲 + 共2兩␺n兩2 − 兩␺n兩4兲␺n = 0, 共1兲
by a combination of a two-dimensional 共2D兲 “pancake”-
shaped trap and a very strong quasi-2D optical-lattice poten- where ␺n共t兲 is the field amplitude at the nth lattice site, C is
tial, which is uniform along axis z. In the first approximation, the constant of the lattice coupling, and other coefficients are
the BEC trapped in each individual elongated 共along z兲 po- fixed by rescalings. In the above-mentioned optical realiza-
tential well of this configuration is described by the 1D tions of the DNLS equation, evolution variable t represents
Gross-Pitaevskii equation with the CQ nonlinearity, the extra not time, but the propagation distance in the waveguide ar-
quintic term accounting for the deviation of the well’s shape ray. Numerical solutions will be sought for below with peri-
from one-dimensionality 关23兴 共a more accurate analysis odic boundary conditions with respect to the discrete coordi-
yields a nonpolynomial nonlinearity, whose lowest-order ex- nate n 共␺n ⬅ ␺n+N, where N is the full size of the lattice兲.
pansion generates the cubic and quintic terms 关24兴兲. Then, Equation 共1兲 conserves two dynamical invariants: power
the tunneling of atoms between adjacent potential walls
共norm兲 and Hamiltonian,
gives rise to the linear coupling between sites of the effective
dynamical lattice. The difference of the thus introduced CQ P = 兺 兩 ␺ n兩 2 , 共2兲
lattice model from the one emerging in nonlinear optics 共see n
above兲 is that the quintic term appearing in the context of the
BEC is self-focusing 共as well as its cubic counterpart兲, i.e.,
the nonlinearity does not have the competing character. It is
relevant to mention that the quantum version of the DNLS
冋 1
H = 兺 C␺n*共␺n+1 + ␺n−1 − 2␺n兲 + 兩␺n兩4 − 兩␺n兩6 , 共3兲
n 3

equation 共the Bose-Hubbard model兲 with the CQ nonlinear-
ity and periodic boundary conditions was introduced too where ⴱ stands for the complex conjugate. We will also use a
关25兴. combination of both invariants, namely, the free energy
Thus the study of discrete solitons in the DNLS equations 关28,29兴:
with the onsite nonlinearity of CQ type is a relevant physical
G = H − ␮ P. 共4兲
problem. Recently, the simplest bright solitons, of the un-
staggered type 共without spatial oscillations in the solitons’ Stationary solutions to Eq. 共1兲 are looked for as ␺n共t兲
tails兲, have been studied in detail in the 1D version of this = uneikn−i␮t, where un is a real stationary lattice field, ␮ the
model 关26兴. It was found that this class of the solitons in- frequency, and k = 0 or k=␲ refer to unstaggered and stag-
cludes infinitely many families that differ by their symmetry. gered stationary configurations, respectively. The substitu-
The stability of the basic families and bifurcations linking tion of this expression in Eq. 共1兲 leads to a stationary equa-
them were explored, by means of numerical methods and tion,
variational approximation. It is relevant to mention that pre-
vious studies of bright solitons in the DNLS equation were ␮un + C共un+1eik + un−1e−ik − 2un兲 + 2u3n − u5n = 0. 共5兲
dealing not only with the cubic nonlinearity 关1兴, but also with
nonlinear onsite terms of an arbitrary power 关27兴. Compari- Two different types of both the unstaggered or staggered
son with the results reported in Ref. 关26兴 demonstrates that soliton solutions can be found from Eq. 共5兲: On-site, with a
the competition between self-focusing cubic and self- maximum of the field at a particular lattice point, and inter-
defocusing quintic terms leads to a drastic change in the site, formally centered at a midpoint between two adjacent
character of the solitons’ states. Dark solitons in the CQ lattice sites.
DNLS equation were recently investigated too, including Unstaggered bright solitons generated by Eq. 共5兲 were
ones supported by both unstaggered and staggered back- investigated in detail in Ref. 关26兴, where multistable single-
ground fields 关i.e., continuous waves 共CWs兲兴 关28兴. humped solutions of different symmetries were the central
The objective of this work is to study fundamental bright issue. First, they were found, and their stability was ex-
solitons in the CQ-DNLS equation 共in 1D兲, focusing on soli- plored, by means of numerical methods at sufficiently small
ton species that were not studied before, viz., ones of the values of C. With the increase of C, stable antisymmetric
staggered type, and moving solitons 共both unstaggered and solitons get destroyed through saddle-node bifurcations,
staggered兲. The model is formulated in Sec. II, and basic while symmetric states pass a series of small pitchfork loops
results for the existence of the discrete solitons are presented 共cf. a bifurcation loop in a system of two linearly coupled
in Sec. III. In the same section, the rigorous stability analy- continuum NLS equations with the CQ nonlinearity 关32兴兲. In
sis, based on computation of the eigenvalues for modes of addition, main branches of solutions and their bifurcations
small perturbations around stationary solitons, is elaborated. were reproduced, in the region of small C, in an analytical
An essential goal of the work is the investigation of moving form by means of the variational approximation. In the same
discrete solitons. To this end, the Peierls-Nabarro barrier model, i.e., the DNLS equation with the CQ nonlinearity,
共PNB兲 is introduced, in Sec. IV, in the framework of two dark solitons supported by the background 共CW兲 lattice field
concepts, viz., free energy, 关28,29兴 and the mapping analysis of unstaggered and staggered types were studied in detail in
关30,31兴. The paper is concluded by Sec. V. Ref. 关28兴, which included an analysis of the modulational
stability of the CW fields. In particular, the staggered CW
solution is modulationally unstable in interval ␮ ⬎ 4C − 1, of-
The DNLS equation with the onsite CQ nonlinearity is fering the possibility for the creation of the staggered dark
taken in the usual form 关26兴, soliton.


In this paper we aim, first, to explore the stability of both (a) (b)
unstaggered and staggered symmetric fundamental bright 1.0
solitons in the CQ-DNLS model as a background for the

main topic of the study of localized states moving across 0.6
lattice. In this part of the paper, we focus on staggered sta-
tionary solitons, while results for unstaggered ones, which 0.2
agree with what was reported in Ref. 关26兴, are included in a -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0
brief form, with the intention to use them later in the study of  
moving solitons.
FIG. 1. Stability diagrams for unstaggered discrete solitons of
III. STABILITY OF DISCRETE BRIGHT SOLITONS the 共a兲 on-site and 共b兲 intersite types. Regions of the stability and
exponential instability are depicted by black and white areas,
Some general conclusions concerning the stability of lo-
calized 共bright兲 modes may be established on the basis of the
energy-minimum or maximum principle, in the case of self-
focusing or defocusing nonlinearity, respectively 关33兴. Re- imaginary and pure real eigenvalues, as shown in Fig. 1 in
cently, a modified principle based on the free energy was parameter plane 共C , ␮兲. In other words, the unstaggered dis-
introduced 关29兴 for systems close to an integrable limit. An crete solitons are marginally stable, featuring only pure
example of that may be the above-mentioned Salerno sys- imaginary eigenvalues, or exponentially unstable, due to a
tem, which is close to the integrable Ablowitz-Ladik lattice pair of pure real eigenvalues. A noteworthy peculiarity of the
model. In the case of the CQ focusing-defocusing nonlinear- region with small C 共approximately, C ⬍ 0.15兲 for unstag-
ity, the relevance of the energy principle is not obvious 共in gered on-site and intersite states is the coexistence of two
this relation, it is relevant to mention that another general different symmetric fundamental solitons 共with different val-
stability principle, viz., the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion ues of the norm兲 at a fixed value of ␮ 关26兴. One of them has
关34兴, is not valid either for the continuum NLS equations the amplitude smaller than 1, and the other one larger than 1.
with the competing CQ nonlinearity and periodic potential, The corresponding stability eigenvalue spectra show that
in 1D and 2D settings alike 关21,22兴兲. In this work, we con- both solution branches of the on-site type are stable in the
sider the stability of the bright soliton in two aspects: The most part of the parameter plane, while the intersite mode
eigenvalue spectrum, like in Refs. 关26,28兴, and by means of with the amplitude smaller than 1 develops an exponential
mapping the orbital stability, following Ref. 关30兴. instability. The interchange of the stability between the on-
site and intersite solitons, which have the same norm, with
A. Eigenvalue spectrum the variation of ␮ is clearly observed in Fig. 1 at medium and
We examine the stability of the bright discrete solitons high values of C 共approximately, at C ⬎ 0.15兲; recall that the
against small perturbations, adapting the method employed increase of C drives the system towards the continuum limit.
共for dark solitons兲 in Ref. 关28兴. To this end, solutions to Eq. The evolution of those unstaggered solitons which are un-
共1兲, including an eigenmode of small perturbations, ␦un stable is displayed in Fig. 2, for both small and large values
⬅ ␣n + i␤n, and the respective eigenvalue, ␭, are looked for as of C. The proper interpretation of the instability development
needs the knowledge of the corresponding G共P兲 or H共P兲
␺n = 共uneikn + ␦une␭te−i␬n兲e−i␮t , 共6兲 diagrams 关recall that P, H, and G are defined in Eqs.
共2兲–共4兲兴, see Fig. 3. Generally, the G共P兲 关or H共P兲兴 curves for
where un represents the unperturbed real solution, ␬ = 0 or
the on-site and intersite states are close to each other at C
␬ = ␲ denote unstaggered or staggered perturbation, respec-
= 0.8, while at C = 0.05 they are close only at small ␮. This
tively, and the condition of the 共marginal兲 stability being
fact, and the smallness of the instability growth rate 共the real
Re共␭兲 = 0. Then, the linearization leads to the eigenvalue
eigenvalues are small兲, help to interpret the transformation of
problem based on the following equations,

冉 冊冋 册冉 冊 冉 冊
the unstable localized mode into a persistent localized
␣n 0 H+ ␣n ␣n breather, with approximately the same norm and 共free兲 en-
␭ = ⬅M , 共7兲 ergy as the unstable soliton initially had, but localized around
␤n −H −
0 ␤n ␤n
where matrix M 共of size 2N ⫻ 2N for the lattice with N sites兲
is, generally, non-Hermitian. Elements of submatrices H⫾ are
H+jk = 关共2C − ␮兲 − 2u2j + u4j 兴␦ jk − C cos共␬兲共␦ j,k+1 − ␦ j,k−1兲,

H−jk = − H+jk + 4共2u2j − u4j 兲␦ jk . 共8兲

Discrete eigenvalues of the matrix M determine the stability
of the discrete solitons.
FIG. 2. Numerically simulated evolution of unstable unstag-
1. Unstaggered bright solitons gered bright solitons: 共a兲 and 共b兲 the intersite type, for, severally,
The stability spectrum for unstaggered solitons, numeri- C = 0.8, ␮ = −0.302, and C = 0.05, ␮ = −0.682; 共c兲 the on-site type,
cally obtained in the entire existence region, contains pure for C = 0.8, ␮ = −0.602.


1.5 10
6 (a) (b) (a) (b)


0 0.0
0 2 4 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
P -10
P 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
FIG. 3. Free energy vs total power for unstaggered bright soli-
tons: 共a兲 For C = 0.8 and 共b兲 for C = 0.05. On-site and intersite states FIG. 5. Eigenvalue 共“EV”兲 spectrum for staggered bright soli-
are represented by the solid curves and chains of circles, tons, of the 共a兲 on-site and 共b兲 intersite types, for C = 0.8. Shown are
respectively. purely imaginary 共stable兲 eigenvalues with the largest absolute
value 共black lines兲, purely real 共unstable兲 eigenvalues 共triangles兲,
and complex ones 共black circles, the real part; open circles, the
an adjacent lattice site 共in the case of an unstable intersite
imaginary part兲.
configuration兲, or between the initial and adjacent sites 共in
the case of unstable on-site configuration兲, as seen in Fig. 2.
transform itself into a stable state via emission of a consid-
erable amount of the lattice radiation.
2. Staggered bright solitons
Stability diagrams for staggered bright solitons, which, B. Variational approximation
unlike the unstaggered ones, were not considered in Ref.
关26兴, are displayed in Fig. 4, for 共a兲 on-site and 共b兲 intersite Following Ref. 关26兴, the VA 共variational approximation兲
configurations. As seen from the figure, the on-site staggered for the bright discrete solitons may be based on the
discrete solitons are marginally stable in a wide region of the exponential-cusp ansatz,
parameter plane. In the region of instability, the eigenvalue
spectrum contains purely real eigenvalues; see Fig. 5共a兲. The 1
共un兲VA = Ae−␣兩n−n0兩, n0 = nc + 共␹ + 1兲, 共9兲
resulting instability is strong, being triggered by large real 2
eigenvalues, which leads to destruction of the soliton, as
shown in Fig. 6共a兲. where amplitude A and inverse width ␣ are real positive
On the other hand, the intersite staggered solitons may be constants, with ␹ = 0 and ␹ = 1 for intersite and on-site con-
subject not only to the exponential instability, but also to an figurations, respectively, and nc is the coordinate of the cen-
oscillatory one, which corresponds to a pair of complex- tral site of the soliton. Actually, ␣ is not a variational param-
conjugate eigenvalues; see Fig. 5共b兲. An example of the de- eter; instead, it is found by substituting ansatz 共9兲 into the
velopment of the corresponding oscillatory instability is linearization of Eq. 共5兲, i.e., it is taken from the consideration
shown in Fig. 6共b兲. The soliton sheds off a part of its norm, of the decaying tails of the soliton 关26兴:

冋 冑冉 冊 册
and is pinned at a nearby lattice site. On the contrary to the
case of the unstaggered discrete solitons, the G共P兲 or H共P兲 a a 2

curves for the on-site and intersite staggered states are ␣ = ln + −1 , a⬅2− .
2 cos k 2 cos k C
widely separated, as seen in Fig. 7. Therefore, an unstable
staggered soliton, either an on-site or intersite one, tends to 共10兲

(a) (b)



10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2
m m

FIG. 4. Stability diagram for staggered bright solitons of the 共a兲

on-site and 共b兲 intersite types, in 共␮ , C兲 parameter plane. The re-
gions of the stability, exponential instability, and oscillatory insta- FIG. 6. Development of the instability of staggered bright soli-
bility are represented by dark gray, black, and white areas, respec- tons is shown by means of contour plots of the local amplitudes,
tively. The numerically determined existence region of fundamental 兩␺n共t兲兩: 共a兲 For an unstable on-site state, with C = 0.8, ␮ = 3.545; 共b兲
staggered solitons is located on the left from the white lines in both for an intersite state, with C = 0.8, ␮ = 8.55. The inset displays the
plots 共in the light gray areas on the right of the white lines, the initial stage of the mode evolution at the central lattice elements
solitons do not exist兲. n = 关48, 52兴.


2.0 (a)
(a) (b) (b)
-50 1.0



-100 0.0
4 6 8 2 4 6 8 45 50 55 45 50 55
P P n n

FIG. 7. Free energy vs total power for staggered bright solitons: FIG. 8. Comparison of staggered soliton configurations, as gen-
共a兲 C = 0.8; 共b兲 C = 0.05. On-site and intersite configurations are rep- erated by the numerical solution of Eq. 共5兲, and obtained from the
resented by solid curves and dashed curves, respectively. variational approximation based on ansatz 共9兲, with C = 0.8 and ␮
= 8.05, for the 共a兲 on-site and 共b兲 intersite configurations. The nu-
merical and variational results are shown by dashed black curves
Unlike ␣, amplitude A is treated as a variational param- with squares and by solid black curves with black circles,
eter. For derivation of a variational equation for A, we use respectively.
the Lagrangian corresponding to Eq. 共5兲,

L= 兺

冋 共␮ − 2C兲u2n + u4n
− n + C cos k共un+1 + un−1兲un .
册 C. Comparison of the numerical and variational results
Predictions of the VA were compared to numerical results
obtained from Eq. 共5兲. In Fig. 8, typical examples of stag-
共11兲 gered on-site and intersite solitons, generated by means of
both methods, are plotted. In this case, the VA produces only
Substitution of ansatz 共9兲 in Eq. 共11兲 yields the effective one solution for both the on-site and intersite configurations
Lagrangian, 关i.e., only one expression for A2 given by Eq. 共13兲 is posi-
tive兴. It is concluded that the numerically generated on-site
A6 and inter-site solitons are almost perfectly reproduced by the
LVA = 共␮ − 2C兲A2S0 + A4S1 − S2 + 2CA2S3 cos k,
3 VA, except for the central part of the intersite solution, where
共12兲 small differences can be spotted.
The numerical and variational versions of the P共␮兲 and
where we define G共P兲 curves for the unstaggered and staggered solitons are
very close too, in the entire 共␮ , C兲 parameter plane, as shown

cosh共j␣␹兲 in Figs. 9 and 10. It is observed that the match between the
S j−1 ⬅ 兺
e−2j␣兩n−n 兩 = 0
, j = 1,2,3, numerical and variational solutions for the unstaggered dis-
crete solitons is extremely good at small values of C and all
values of ␮ 共in the existence region兲, see Figs. 9共a兲 and 9共c兲,

S3 ⬅

兺 e−␣兩n−n 兩−␣兩n+1−n 兩 =
0 0
冋 1+

cosh共␣␹兲 −␣
e .
as well as at high values of C and ␮ ⬎ −0.5, see Figs. 10共a兲
and 10共c兲. In fact, the results for the unstaggered solitons are
tantamount to those reported in Ref. 关26兴.
New findings concern the staggered discrete solitons. For
The respective variational equation, dLVA / dA = 0, is qua-
the on-site configuration of these states, good matching be-
dratic for A2, which yields two solutions:
tween the numerical and variational solutions takes place in
cosh共2␣␹兲 sinh共3␣兲 almost the entire 共␮ , C兲 plane, as seen in Figs. 9共b兲 and 9共d兲.
共A2兲1,2 = 共1 ⫾ 冑1 + ⌺兲, 共13兲 Discrepancies for intersite staggered configurations, as ob-
sinh共2␣兲 cosh共3␣␹兲 served at large values of C in Figs. 10共b兲 and 10共d兲, are
explained by the irrelevance of ansatz 共9兲 for solitons in the

⌺ ⬅ 关␮ − 2C共1 − e−␣ cos k兲兴
+ 2Ce−␣ cos k 册 quasicontinuum limit 关26兴, which corresponds to C → ⬁. This
conclusion correlates with the findings presented in Fig. 8.

cosh共3␣␹兲 sinh2共2␣兲
sinh共3␣兲 cosh2共2␣␹兲 SOLITONS
Using Eq. 共2兲 and VA ansatz 共9兲, it is straightforward to find In addition to the study of the staggered discrete solitons,
the corresponding soliton’s norm 共power兲, PVA = A2S0. In ac- another major objective of this work is to study moving lo-
cordance with the above analysis, the coexistence of two calized modes. Usually, in discrete systems the dynamics of
solitons with different norms may be expected in some re- motion across the lattice is interpreted in terms of the effec-
gions of the 共␮ , C兲 parameter space, in the cases of the stag- tive PNB 共Peierls-Nabarro barrier兲 for localized states
gered and unstaggered configurations alike. 关35,36兴. The PNB can be defined in a straightforward fashion


5 10
(a) (b) (a) (b)
4 4
8 8


2 2

4 4

0 0 2
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 5 10 15
0 3
4 (c) (d) (c) (d)
2 -50

0 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4 6 8

FIG. 9. P共␮兲 and G共P兲 characteristics for the unstaggered and FIG. 10. Same as in Fig. 9, but for C = 0.8 共much closer to the
staggered discrete solitons, as generated numerically 共symbols兲 and continuum limit兲. In this case, the numerical curves showing P共␮兲
predicted by the variational approximation 共curves兲, for C = 0.05. and G共P兲 for the on-site and intersite unstaggered configurations
Panels 共a兲 and 共c兲 correspond to unstaggered configurations, of the 共squares and circles, respectively兲 are very close to each other 共in
on-site 共branch 1, open squares; branch 2, gray squares兲 and inter- fact, they overlap兲; cf. Fig. 3共a兲. These curves are perfectly approxi-
site 共branch 1, open circles; branch 2, gray circles兲 types. The two mated by the corresponding variational 共solid兲 curves. In disagree-
branches for unstaggered on-site and intersite configurations corre- ment with the numerical findings which demonstrate the existence
spond to the coexistence of different fundamental symmetric soli- of a single symmetric fundamental unstaggered on-site and intersite
tons of these types. Staggered configurations are presented in plots soliton configuration for each ␮, the variational approximation pre-
共b兲 and 共d兲 of the on-site 共curve and squares兲 and intersite 共curve dicts two such configurations with different norms 共bold and thin
and circles兲 types. Note that in areas with only VA curves plotted curves兲. The discrepancies between the variational and numerical
numerical solutions are not found. results in this case are due to the irrelevance of ansatz 共9兲 for soli-
tons in the quasicontinuum limit.
for discrete solitons of the topological type, such as kinks in
the Frenkel-Kontorova model 关37兴 and its modification with ⌬GPN = Gon − Gin = ⌬H − P⌬␮ , 共15兲
a deformable substrate potential 关38兴, see also book 关39兴. For
nontopological solitons 共or, generally, intrinsic localized where ⌬H = Hon − Hin, and ⌬␮ = ␮on − ␮in. The values of the
modes兲, the effective PNB is only estimated as an energy free energy for unstaggered on-site and intersite solitons with
barrier which has to be overcome by a localized discrete state equal norms are very close to each other at large C, hence the
in the lattice to allow its progressive motion. Vanishing of PNB practically vanishes for them. As a consequence, mov-
the so evaluated effective PNB is an indication to a possibil- ing unstaggered solitons exist in a wide region of the param-
ity of persistent motion of the nontopological discrete soliton eter space 共in fact, for C ⬎ 0.2兲. More precisely, an unstag-
across the lattice. gered soliton can be set in motion by the kick exceeding
The fact that the PNB, although being an intuitively clear some threshold value at small C, or by almost any value of K
concept, cannot be defined in a unique way was discussed in at large C; see an example in Fig. 11. The unstaggered soli-
various contexts 关29,30,36兴. In this section, the effective ton remains trapped, for K ⱗ Kthr, in Figs. 11共a兲 and 11共b兲
PNB is estimated in the framework of two concepts, viz., and freely moves, for K ⬎ Kthr, in Fig. 11共c兲.
free energy 关28,29兴 and mapping analysis 关30,31兴. The pre- Generally, the simulations confirm the validity of the pro-
dictions will be verified by comparison with direct numerical posed PNB concept, as said above, for C ⲏ 0.2. On the other
simulations of Eq. 共1兲. In the simulations, the motion of the hand, in the region of small C the PNB vanishes only for
discrete soliton is initiated by applying a kick of size K, i.e., small ␮. In accordance with this, the simulations demon-
multiplying the soliton by exp共iKn兲. strate that moving discrete solitons cannot be created in that
region, even if a very strong kick is applied to a quiescent
A. Free-energy concept
unstaggered discrete soliton.
The PNB is usually estimated as the difference between The numerically generated estimate of the PNB for un-
values of the Hamiltonian, or free energy G, for on-site staggered localized modes is presented in Fig. 12. To gener-
共“on”兲 and inter-site 共“in”兲 stationary localized modes with ate the figure, we used results of direct simulations per-
the same power 共norm兲 or ␮ 关29,36兴. In terms of the free- formed on the time scale covering several hundreds periods
energy difference for the modes with equal values of the of natural intrinsic oscillations of the discrete soliton. Persis-
norm, the barrier is evaluated as tent progressive motion of the kicked soliton is observed in


(a) (b)



0 2 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
FIG. 11. Dynamics of the localized mode which is transversely  
kicked, i.e., the corresponding field is multiplied by eiKn, for C
= 0.4. 共a兲 The application of the kick with K = ␲ / 512 leaves the FIG. 13. G共␮兲 dependencies for the staggered discrete solitons
discrete soliton trapped after a very short period of initial motion; at 共a兲 C = 0.15 and 共b兲 C = 0.8. The on-site and intersite configura-
共b兲 K = ␲ / 256 leaves it trapped too after a longer period of the tions are represented by the solid and dashed curves, respectively.
transient motion; 共c兲 k = ␲ / 32 gives rise to a persistently moving
localized state. solitons, and regimes of the stable motion and destruction of
the unstaggered soliton by the strong kick 共“dispersion”兲.
areas with very small ⌬G 共兩⌬G兩 ⬍ 10 兲 for C ⬎ 0.4 and all
As concerns staggered discrete solitons, numerical results
K, while, for higher ⌬G, it is only observed for K ⬎ Kthr. In displayed in Fig. 7 show a large difference in the norm be-
the latter case, the threshold value of the kick is proportional tween the states involved in definition 共15兲, hence this defi-
to the respective value of ⌬G. The velocity of the moving nition is doubtful. A possibility may be to evaluate the PNB
soliton is found to be a linear function of the applied kick. At for staggered solitons as follows:
C ⬍ 0.4, persistent motion was not observed 共transient mo-
tion may occur, but the trapping prevails in the long-time ⌬GPN = Gon − Gin = ⌬H − ␮⌬P, 共16兲
limit兲. Plots in Fig. 12 show borders in the 共K , ␮兲 plane, for
where ⌬P = Pon − Pin, while ␮ is the same for both the on-site
two fixed values of C, which separate the pinned and moving
and intersite configurations 关29兴. The respective G共␮兲 depen-
dencies are plotted for C = 0.15 and C = 0.8 in Fig. 13. For
1.2 -0.1 both values of C, curves G共␮兲 for the on-site and intersite
-0.01 localized states are clearly separated, making the PNB very
1.0 -3
C -10 high. As a consequence, the localized staggered discrete soli-
0.8 -10
-4 tons cannot be set in the state of persistent motion.
0.6 0
0.4 B. Mapping analysis
0.2 0.01
It is well known that integrable discrete models, such as
the Ablowitz-Ladik equation, possess exact solutions for dis-
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 crete bright solitons that are manifested in the corresponding

integrable map as perfect separatrices with coinciding stable
C=1.2, T=50 C=0.8, T=50
and unstable manifolds of the fixed point at the map’s origin
 0 -0.2 0
关30,31兴. On the other hand, in nonintegrable systems 共for
-0.2 Moving 30  Moving 20 example, the DNLS equation兲 the separatrix is not perfect, in
area 60 -0.4 area the sense that the stable and unstable manifolds no longer

0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4

coincide but rather intersect each other transversely at ho-

n 90

er 60 moclinic points, giving rise to chaotic dynamics, that even-


-0.6 isp 120


D tually develop Smale-horseshoe chaotic structures. In Refs.

0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4
K K 关30,31兴 it was shown that dynamically stable localized struc-
tures correlate with the emergence of chaotic areas in the
FIG. 12. In the top plot, the values of the Peierls-Nabarro bar- corresponding map.
rier, ⌬G, estimated as per Eq. 共15兲 for the unstaggered soliton, are Following the procedure developed in Ref. 关26兴, the map
shown in the 共C , ␮兲 plane by means of the gray scale. Two bottom corresponding to stationary equation 共5兲 can be written as
plots show the borders in the 共K , ␮兲 plane, for two fixed values of C
corresponding to the dashed white lines in the top plot, that separate un+1 = 共a − 2C−1u2n + C−1u4n兲共cos K兲−1un − vn, vn+1 = un ,
the dynamical regimes in which the kicked soliton remains pinned
with a ⬅ 2 − ␮ / C. This map possesses five fixed points:
共the area below the bold black curve兲, is set in persistent motion—
“moving area,” or gets destroyed 共the “dispersion” area below the u0 = 0, u⫾⫾ = ⫾ 兵1 ⫾ 冑关1 − C共a − 2 cos K兲兴其,
bold white curve兲. The gray scale in these panels shows how many
lattice cells the moving soliton has passed up to time T = 50, which where two signs ⫾ are mutually independent.
demonstrates that the velocity of the moving unstaggered soliton is The presence of the homoclinic orbit around u0 = 0 indi-
a linear function of the initial kick. cates the existence of a bright fundamental soliton. Several


FIG. 14. Mapping of trajecto-

ries around the origin, and the cor-
responding Lyapunov exponents
共which estimate the stochasticity
of the map兲, for C = 0.8, and 共a兲,
共b兲 ␮ = −0.202, 共d兲, 共e兲 ␮ = −0.412,
and 共g兲, 共h兲 ␮ = −0.622. In the case
of ␮ = −0.202 the trajectory is a
perfect separatrix, and, accord-
ingly, a moving discrete soliton is
easily generated by the application
of the kick, as shown in panel 共c兲
共the size of the kick is K = ␲ / 48兲.
A similar situation is observed in
共f兲 for ␮ = −0.412. The last case,
with ␮ = −0.622, is characterized
by the existence of a wide sto-
chastic layer in the map, hence a
stronger kick is required to set the
localized mode in initial motion,
and the soliton eventually comes
to a halt, as shown in panel 共i兲 共for
K = ␲ / 48兲.

examples are plotted in Figs. 14共a兲, 14共d兲, and 14共g兲. In these was studied in recent work 关26兴, we have here presented a
figures, the positive 1D Lyapunov exponent 关31兴 is taken as a comprehensive analysis of the staggered solitons, performed
measure of the developed chaos, which is strongly related to by means of the numerical and analytical methods 共the latter
the existence of moving localized modes as mentioned based on the variational approximation兲. The stability of the
above; see Figs. 14共b兲, 14共e兲, and 14共h兲. on-site and intersite staggered solitons in a large part of their
From the viewpoint of the moving localized modes, the existence region was established, through the computation of
existence of a perfect, or nearly perfect, map separatrix the stability eigenvalues. The results were confirmed by di-
共proximity to the integrability兲 can be associated with the rect numerical simulations.
vanishing of the PNB 关30,31兴. A change from the perfect The main purpose of the work is the study of the moving
map separatrix to an imperfect one with variation of a pa- solitons. The dynamics of the localized modes in the CQ
lattice was considered in terms of the effective Peierls-
rameter is then interpreted as an increase of the PNB.
Nabarro barrier 共PNB兲, which was estimated in the frame-
A perfect or nearly perfect map separatrix is characteristic
work of two concepts: Free energy and the mapping analysis.
for some parts of the existence region for the discrete soli-
Both approaches produce consistent results, predicting that
tons. Only there persistently moving localized sates can be
persistently moving localized modes can only be generated
generated by the application of the kick; see Figs. 14共c兲 and
from the unstaggered quiescent discrete solitons. However,
14共f兲. In other areas, moving localized modes exist only tem-
no moving unstaggered localized states could be found for
porally, being eventually trapped by the lattice, see Fig.
very small values of the lattice-coupling constant, C, al-
14共i兲, or cannot exist at all. The latter trend correlates with
though the corresponding effective PNB vanishes. In fact,
the increasing stochasticity of the map, as shown in Fig. 14.
the behavior of the moving discrete solitons can be analyzed
In fact, this kind of the analysis fully corroborates the above
in a fully consistent fashion only within the framework of the
conclusions concerning the motion of the kicked unstaggered
mapping analysis.
solitons, as well as the inference that moving modes cannot
The model analyzed in the paper can be developed in
be generated from staggered discrete solitons, as the latter
various directions. In particular, it may be interesting to
ones correlate with the highly developed map stochasticity.
study the discrete solitons in the lattice system where the
quintic nonlinearity is self-attractive, which, as explained
V. CONCLUSIONS above, is relevant to model the self-attractive BEC trapped in
a deep optical lattice. Another obviously relevant generaliza-
We have considered the dynamics of bright discrete soli- tion may be for solitons and vortices in the two-dimensional
tons in the 1D lattice, supported by the competing on-site version of the model.
self-focusing cubic and self-defocusing quintic terms. While Note added in proof. Recently optical CQ nonlinearity
the existence and stability of unstaggered stationary solitons was observed in a colloidal medium 关40兴, in agreeement with


an earlier theoretical prediction 关41兴. In fact, the quintic part ACKNOWLEDGMENT

of the nonlinearity may have either sign in that setting. These
results expand possibilities for the experimental implementa- A.M. and L.H. acknowledge support from the Ministry of
tion of the solitons predicted in the present work. Science of Serbia 共Project No. 141034兲.

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