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Teaching Arts in The Elementary Grades

Prepared By:

Carlos Felipe W.Mendoza



Dr. Jennifer Lyn V. Relasa


SATURDAY 10:00 – 1:00 PM


Our Pride, Our Hope, Our Future


1. At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:
a. Describe and identify brainstorming and conference.
b. Demonstrate the ability to brainstorm and conference.
c. Express their thoughts and emotions through their own art.


Topic: Teaching Strategies in Teaching Arts (Brainstorming and Conference)
Reference: teaching-arts
Materials: Digital IM’s

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance
4. Review
(The teacher will ask the students of what they learned from the previous topic last meeting.)
5. Motivation

 The class will be divided into two groups. They will choose 6 representatives for each group.
 One person from each group will randomly pick a word from the bowl.
 They will draw clues that relate to the word they got. If a group guesses the word, they get 1
 They will draw clues that relate to the word they got. If a group guesses the word, they get 1
 The first group that gets 6 points, wins!
 The losing group will dance in the front.

B. Lesson Proper
Knowing the topic:
Students will be asked about what the topic will be to be tackled based on the activity and their
prior knowledge.

The teacher will discuss the following to the class:

1. Brainstorming
2. Conference

C. Generalization

Guided Questions:
1. Why do you think we need these strategies to teach arts to elementary students?
2. As a future educator, what strategies will you use in teaching arts?

D. Application

Activity: Creative Collage Brainstorming

Grade Level: Middle School and up


1. Magazines, newspapers, or printouts of images

2. Scissors
3. Glue sticks or glue
4. Large sheets of paper or poster boards
5. Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
6. Timer or clock
7. Art supplies (optional)
Objective: The objective of this activity is to encourage students to brainstorm and explore
their creativity through collage-making. Students will learn to generate ideas, make artistic
choices, and express themselves visually.


1. Get Your Stuff Each student or group gets magazines, scissors, glue, and big pieces of paper.
Make sure there are lots of pictures to choose from.
2. Pick a Cool Idea: Think of a theme like "Nature" or "Dreams." Choose one that you really
3. Think Fast: Set a timer for 10 minutes. Write down words, ideas, or make quick drawings
related to your theme. Don't worry about making it perfect.
4. Find Pictures: Look through magazines for pictures that match your theme or your
brainstormed ideas. Cut them out.
5. Make Your Art: Glue the pictures onto your big paper to create your collage. Be creative!
You can cut, arrange, and modify the pictures however you want.
6. Add Your Style: Use markers, colored pencils, crayons, or anything else to make your
collage unique and special.
7. Show and Talk: Share your collage with the class. Explain your theme, the ideas you used,
and why you made the artistic choices you did. Everyone can talk about it and give feedback.

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What strategy encourages divergent thinking, fostering a supportive environment where students can
freely share ideas.
a. Group Instruction
b. Conference
c. Brainstorming
d. Discussion

2. Which is not a technique in brainstorming?

a. Mind mapping
b. Free association
c. Random word generation
d. Discussion

3. What strategy allows for mentorship and personalized instruction, fostering a deeper understanding and
appreciation of the arts?
a. Free association
b. Mind mapping
c. Conference
d. Brainstorming

4. Which is not included as a strategy in conference?

a. Active listening
b. Questioning
c. Constructive feedback
d. Active writing

Answer Key:
1. C 3. D
2. D 4. A


How do brainstorming and conferencing benefit art education? Explain how these methods promote
creativity, critical thinking, and skill development in students' artistic endeavors, and provide
examples to support your argument.

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