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Educ 219R (Educational Measurement)

Reflection Lecture 3
Characteristics of Good Measuring Instruments in Education

The characteristics of good measuring instruments in education are the following;

1. Validity it is the most important characteristic of any good test. Moreover, it

refers to the amount to which the test serves its purpose. Or in other words, is
describes the efficiency at which it measures the performance what it aims to
measure. This validity also tests the concern and measures and how well it does
its work. For example, to judge the validity of any test it is necessary to know
what is this test for. Also, it ascertains what is the purpose of the test.

2. Reliability – it is the meaning of reliability is accuracy and consistency. Also, it

refers to the extent to which a test is consistent, stable and dependent. In other
words, the test approves what it represents. In addition, the result in it is
consistent and taking a test, again and again, will not change the result.
Furthermore, it gives the same result every time.

3. Usability it refers to the extent to which the test can be used without much
expenditure of money effort and time. Most noteworthy, it means practicability.
Besides, there are certain factors that determine the usability that we have
mentioned below.
4.Administrability- It means that a test can be administered with clarity, ease, and
uniformity. Also, the direction is simple, concise, and clear. Besides, it specifies a time
limit, sample questions, and oral instructions. The provision for the test material is
5.Scoreability- it concerns the score of the test. Also, a good test is easy to score.
Scoring direction, scoring key is simple, and an answer is available. Most noteworthy
the test score is useful for evaluation of students.

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