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The code you provided is grouping the DataFrame df by the columns "Prefix" and

"Survived," counting the occurrences, and then creating a stacked bar chart for the

top five combinations with the highest count of "Survived" equal to 1. Here's the

labelled version of your code:

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Group the DataFrame by "Prefix" and "Survived," count occurrences, unstack,

fill NaN with 0, and sort by "Survived" equal to 1 in descending order

result = df.groupby(["Prefix",



# Create subplots with 2 rows, 3 columns, and a figure size of (12, 8)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 8))

# Iterate over each category and its corresponding axis

for i, (category, ax) in enumerate(zip(result.index, axes.flatten())):

# Extract data for the current category

category_data = result.loc[[category]]
# Plot a stacked bar chart on the current axis

category_data.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, ax=ax)

# Set title, x-axis label, y-axis label, and legend for the current axis

ax.set_title(f'Category {category}')




# Adjust layout for better spacing


# Display the plot

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This code creates a 2x3 grid of subplots, where each subplot represents a category.

It then iterates through the categories, extracts the data for each category, and plots

a stacked bar chart on the corresponding subplot. The titles, labels, and legends are

set for each subplot, and the layout is adjusted for better spacing before displaying

the plot.

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