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After lacking the school fees to continue with her nursing school program, an ambitious young lady
moves to the city to pursue a career in music in a move that puts her at odds with her mother and tests
her resilience as she’s plunged into the murky world of showbiz.


Alma is informed by her mother that she has to defer from nursing school due to lack of fees. Her
mother has plans for her but she wants to try a musical pursuit. The disagreement leads to her mother
kicking her out before she moves to the city, where her cousin hosts her on the condition that she gets a
job. Her dream soon turns into a bit of a nightmare due to the magnitude of the challenges she faces.
However, a reunion with Zorro, an old friend who is now a music star, casts enough hope to keep Alma




Alma – A nursing school dropout pursuing a career in music.

Zorro – A rising music star and Alma’s childhood friend.

Halima – Alma’s single mother.

Bakari – Alma’s cousin.

Kyalo – Bakari’s friend and roommate.

Dave – An adult performer and Alma’s friend.

Xenia – Zorro’s manager and girlfriend.

Extra – The Producer at Xenia’s record label.

Gordon – A businessman with a Play Station and Movie shop set up.

Felicia – A social media manager.

Jackie – A business lady who owns a barber shop.

Maimuna – Alma’s friend.

Natasha – A video vixen.

Obange – A photographer.

Sankale – An amateur lawyer.

Waruru – A sophisticated lawyer.

Shiksha – An entertainment journalist.

Season Overview

As a young girl, Alma is friends with Zorro and they both show an interest in music, which is fueled by
Bakari who plays tunes for them while they sing. Zorro, however, moves to the city and Alma grows up
to join a nursing school while Zorro pursues his passion and becomes a music star.

In the present, Alma lacks school fees to resume her studies and decides to pursue music. She differs
with her mother over the decision and her mother kicks her out. Using false pretenses, she convinces
Bakari to host him in the city so she can audition for a music program. Unfortunately, Bakari figures out
her deceit and the music program is cancelled due to a corruption scandal. Alma is still insistent on her
musical pursuit so Bakari lets her stay, on the condition that she gets a holding job.

Alma doesn’t know where to start, but Kyalo, who is disillusioned with his job, strikes a deal with her to
be her manager. He helps secure a job for her at his friends Play Station set up, while he searches for
platforms for her to perform on. This task proves difficult as Alma doesn’t have any recorded music.
They keep trying, though, and Alma meets Dave in one of her ventures.

A reunion with Zorro creates an opportunity for Alma and Kyalo strikes a deal with Xenia to offer Alma a
recording deal. Alma’s dual life leads to her being fired from her job, but she does so well at the
recording session that the Producer sets up collaboration between her and Zorro.

While Alma waits for the single with Zorro to drop, Dave helps her secure another job. Kyalo, on the
other hand, gets Alma on live TV for the premier of the single. However, it turns out that Xenia had her
replaced on the song with Artist X, who is apologetic towards Alma as she didn’t know what was going
on. In Alma’s frustration, she speaks to the media and the record label sues her for breaking an NDA she
In the feud that ensues, Dave becomes collateral when his exploits as an adult performer are exposed.
He commits suicide and Alma gives in to Xenia’s demands. However, after giving Xenia a public apology,
Xenia proceeds with the lawsuit out of anger because Zorro breaks up with her.

Kyalo is able to get Xenia to back off, but she ensures the music Alma recorded is discarded. Teaming up
with Bakari to fulfil his dream of becoming a producer, Alma records new music and uses her rapport
with Artist X to get her to attend and perform at the launch, a move that also allows them to host the
event at a club that Bakari DJs at.

Alma has a wonderful performance that attracts a good number of people. However, she’s kidnapped
right after and Zorro and Kyalo are left fighting as they pass blame on each other.

Episodes Breakdown

The Pilot

Bakari is at the house with Alma and Zorro as he makes beats on his laptop. Zorro raps and impresses
Bakari. Bakari then asks Alma to try out but she’s a bit shy, so Zorro joins her and she sings wonderfully.
The fun is cut short when Halima calls and asks whether Alma is done with the household duties. Alma
quickly gets on with the work while Bakari rushes home, stating that it is getting late.

The next day, Zorro informs Alma that he’s moving with his family to the city. He gives Alma a gift and
they say their farewell. As Zorro leaves, Alma opens the gift to find a necklace, which she puts on

Eight years later.

Alma is on a stage, the spotlight is on her and there are cheers from an unseen crowd. She sings
passionately and the crowd applauds her. Her mother then calls out to her and it turns out she was in
the shower, singing with soap in her hand. Her mother warns her not to be late and she hurriedly
finishes up before heading to the market, where she sets up a vending stall and proceeds to selling to

In the evening, she’s walking home with Maimuna, who tells her about the upcoming season of Talent
Search Music Program. Alma is interested and the friend shows her a poster on her phone. Alma,
however, is only focused on her return to the nursing school.

Later on, after an evening meal, Halima speaks with Alma and informs her she can’t afford school fees
for the upcoming semester of the nursing program. However, she promises that Alma will only have to
defer for one semester as she has a plan to take up another job while Alma takes a more active role with
the vending business.

Alma, realizing an opportunity, mentions that she wants to try out for the music program. Halima is
angry and unwilling to listen to any of Alma’s reasons. When Alma doesn’t budge, Halima packs Alma’s
bags and tells her to find another place to live if she’s going to waste her life pursuing music.

The next day, Alma calls Bakari and asks him to host her at his place in the city while she auditions for
the music program. She tells Bakari that her mother approved it so he agrees and she travels to the city.
Bakari picks her up at the stage and takes her to his home, where he introduces her to Kyalo, his

Learning that Alma has an audition, Kyalo mentions that he also has an interview then next day and
reveals that he studied marketing and has been working as a sales agent. He says he loves his job and
believes it is setting him up for bigger things. Having started out selling sim cards, he acknowledges the
progress and trusts in the process.

The next day, Alma heads over to the audition and initially freezes. Just as the judges give up on her, she
manages to compose herself and give a satisfactory performance. The judges don’t indicate whether
they are impressed or not and only inform her that she will receive a notification soon.

Meanwhile, Kyalo moves around from pharmacy to pharmacy as he peddles the medicine he has but
isn’t getting any business done. At noon, he rushes to an office where he waits at the reception for his
turn to be interviewed. Another interviewee, a young pretty lady, admits to lacking a degree, filling
Kyalo with more hope. After he does his interview, he eats lunch at a stall, where he has to combine
both cash and mobile transaction to pay the full amount. While he does so, the lady passes by speaking
on the phone. She speaks jovially and informs the recipient that she was offered the job on the spot.

At the end of the day, Kyalo returns to the office and as a result of his poor sales, he doesn’t receive any
commission. Alma, on the other hand heads over to a performance by Zorro at a small club. Xenia
introduces Zorro on stage and he performs one of his popular songs. Afterwards, Alma is headed over to
speak to him when Xenia gets there ahead of her and shares a kiss with Zorro. Trying not to intrude,
Alma leaves and Zorro catches a glimpse of her as she walks out the door. He tries following her but she
is gone by the time he gets past the fans trying to speak with him.

Back at the apartment, Bakari angrily confronts Alma, having learnt about her deception. Alma tries
explaining her predicament and plan, only for Bakari to inform her that the music program has been
cancelled because the sponsors have been caught in a corruption scandal. Alma still wants to pursue a
career in music but Bakari insists that she can’t live with them if she doesn’t have a job.

Kyalo, having heard the conversation, strikes a deal with Alma. He’ll manage her career and get
performance gigs for her. However, she still needs a holding job and he gets Bakari to agree to let her
stay if he can help her get a job within the week.
At Zorro’s apartment, he speaks with Xenia about the impending award nominations and his upcoming
project. He then browses through social media trying to find Alma.

(A girl toto my baby, my nyako my baby, abuju buju my baby, my nyako my baby)

(He seh, would you really love me?)

Episode 2

Zorro and Xenia are waiting for the impending award nominations to drop. As soon as they do, Zorro’s
disappointment is obvious as he hasn’t been nominated. Xenia tries cheering him up but he’s not
interested and he leaves the apartment.

Kyalo takes Alma to Gordon’s PS set up and asks him for a job. Gordon is about to say no when Kyalo
clarifies that the job is for Alma. Seeing that it is a lady, Gordon agrees and explains his reasoning. Once
Alma is all set up, Kyalo leaves for work. He does his usual rounds, but also takes detours into clubs
where he asks for a performance slot for Alma. The story is the same in most of the clubs; they need to
listen to Alma’s already recorded music first, which Alma doesn’t have.

Zorro goes to see Felicity and asks her to find Alma. Felicity is unsure of the chances of success but then,
after contacting Xenia and getting a go ahead from her, she agrees to do it. Zorro provides Alma’s
information and a picture of her he has.

Kyalo continues with his search until he eventually finds a small joint with a job opening; cleaning the
toilets for the evening. Kyalo gets them to agree to letting Alma perform while he cleans the toilets.
They agree to this as they’re only paying for one service, but they insist on an outfit that they shall
provide. Meanwhile, Alma is having a difficult day at work as she doesn’t have a sufficient film
knowledge. Gordon notices and instead of being angry, he gives her a few tips on how to fake it.

Kyalo calls Alma and informs her of her upcoming performance. Alma speaks with Maimuna and informs
her of the performance. Having eavesdropped on Alma’s conversation, Gordon lets her leave early to

Felicity calls Zorro and informs him that she may have found something posted by Maimuna, whom
Zorro acknowledges to be Alma’s friend. Felicity sends Zorro the information then shares it with Xenia,
who asks her to find out everything she can about Alma.

Alma meets up with Kyalo at the joint, which she instantly finds underwhelming. But the disappointment
doesn’t end there. The manager provides a suggestive outfit and insists that it is the only thing that will
get the attention of his drunken customers. Alma is initially hesitant but Kyalo convinces her that they
have to start somewhere, if only to build Alma’s stage confidence. The pay is terrible, but they both
agree that it is way more than they can afford to forego.
Alma puts on the outfit and gets on stage. As she performs, the very small and very drunk audience
keeps treating her like a stripper and asking her to take it all off. She soldiers on, but then notices Zorro
in the audience and runs off the stage. Zorro runs after her.

Episode 3

Bakari returns home in the morning and finds Zorro waiting by the gate. He is surprised but proceeds to
share pleasantries with him. Zorro then asks about Alma and Bakari deduces that Alma is hiding from
Zorro, so he doesn’t let him in, but promises to speak with her.

Bakari confirms to Alma that Zorro is still waiting for her. She doesn’t tell Bakari why she’s hiding from
Zorro and Bakari doesn’t press her on it, but he urges her to face Zorro as she’s getting late for work.
Alma leaves and Zorro follows her all the way to work.

She gets there late and finds an infuriated Gordon, who wants to fire her as he doesn’t understand how
one arrives late for a job that starts at ten. Alma pleads and Gordon agrees to let her keep her job, on
the condition that she gets Zorro to promote the business on his social media accounts. Alma has to face
Zorro and Zorro agrees to do the promotion. They agree to meet over coffee before Zorro leaves. As he
does so, he runs into a formerly popular musician, Artist Z. They have a short conversation as the
musician showers him with praise. Afterwards, Artist Z borrows him a small amount of money for food,
which Zorro finds very surprising but adheres to anyway.

Kyalo meets up with a producer who is putting together a project. Kyalo tells her about Alma and he asks
to see a picture of her. Mentioning her satisfaction with her looks, he pays Kyalo in advance and gives
him a time and location where Alma is to show up.

Using the money, Kyalo takes Alma shopping and Alma tries on a few outfits while Kyalo judges.
Eventually, they settle on a few they deem worthy of a performing artist. In the evening, Bakari
accompanies Alma and Kyalo to watch her performance before he gets to work. The location turns out
to be an office building and they speculate that it may be a private party. A secretary asks if they are all
performers and once they reply, she asks Bakari and Kyalo to wait by the reception while Alma is taken
to get acquainted with her fellow performers.

Alma is led to a room where Dave shows up naked. She freaks out and learns that she’s in an adult
performance project. She informs Kyalo and Bakari before rushing out. In anger, Bakari attacks Kyalo and
they fight until they are thrown out of the building. While catching their breaths, Kyalo convinces Bakari
to have Alma perform during his deejaying set at the club he works at.

The next morning, Alma goes to the mini market and finds Dave waiting for her. In her rush to leave the
adult set, she left her wallet and Dave explains that he used the details from it to track her down. He
apologizes for the confusion and tells her he showed up nude to get it out of the way since they are
Alma makes her purchase then Dave walks her home as they talk. Dave mentions the ambitions that
brought him into the city and how he ended up in the adult scene. He also informs her that he dabbles
in several other gigs and they exchange contact for when she might need him to hook her up with one of
the gigs.

Kyalo receives a call from the producer and he demands to be paid back his money. Kyalo, having
already spent the money, hangs up.

Episode 4

Alma performs during Bakari’s deejaying set at the club and the audience loves her. However, the
manager calls Bakari into his office and makes his displeasure known since Bakari didn’t clear the
performance with him. Despite agreeing that the performance was good, he warns Bakari not to pull off
such a stunt again.

Zorro researches the washed up artist he met and goes through his catalogue with Extra. They both find
his music to be bangers, but Extra acknowledges that they lacked durability. The comment leaves Zorro
listening to his own music with a sense of dissatisfaction. He then sets out to pick Alma.

When he gets to Alma’s place, he runs into Kyalo who convinces him to share Xenia’s contact. Zorro and
Alma then leave while Kyalo reaches out to Xenia, who agrees to a meeting. At the meeting, Kyalo asks
Xenia to provide a recording deal for Alma, which Xenia doesn’t see the need for. However, having
learnt that Kyalo is sales agent for medicine, she asks him to provide her with a prescription drug. They
come to an agreement but Xenia insists that she has to see Alma perform first and she has to be
impressed or else the deal is off.

Kyalo leaves the meeting and immediately begins making calls seeking a joint where Alma can perform.
Just then, two men jump him and beat him up before telling him to pay back the money he owes or he
will have it worse the next time. After the men let him leave, Kyalo calls the police and informs them of
an illegal adult content production crew.

Zorro and Alma catch up at a small café and all is going well until Zorro tells Alma that he’s thinking of
changing his music style and asking her to be his backup singer. Alma takes offense at the suggestion,
especially when Zorro implies that she can’t handle the challenges involved in pursuing music on her
own. Angrily, she walks out as Zorro tries to explain his suggestion.

Shortly after leaving the café, Alma is arrested by police officers. She is brought to a station and
questioned over her involvement in illegal adult entertainment as her details were recovered in a raid.
She denies any involvement but one of the officers has a video of a lady in the act, whose face isn’t
visible but has a body and skin tone that matches Alma’s. Alma denies being the lady so the officers ask
her to prove she doesn’t have the butt tattoo the lady has in the video. Alma refuses and is thrown into
lockup with other ladies, who appear rough and hardened.
Zorro meets up with Extra and Xenia and informs them that he wants to take a new direction with his
career. They don’t understand what he’s on until he informs them that he’s cancelling his upcoming
project and coming up with something new, a different sound.

Episode 5

Kyalo meets up with several club managers as he looks for a platform for Alma to perform on.
Throughout, he faces the problem from before; they want to listen to Alma’s recorded music. Kyalo
even offers to have Alma perform for free but they aren’t interested. Finally, one of them asks to see
Alma in person first and asks Kyalo where she is.

Alma finds conditions at the jail unbearable and agrees to prove to the officers that she isn’t the lady in
the video. The officers take their sweet time then throw Alma back in jail all the same, claiming that it is
too late to process any release. Furthermore, they demand cash to process her release.

The next morning, Alma calls Kyalo and he gets her released from jail. He informs her of the club
manager who wants to meet her but she’s more focused on getting to work first. Unfortunately, Gordon
isn’t tolerating her lateness with time. He fires her and she heads home crying. Kyalo foregoes work and
consoles her before helping her recollect herself for the meeting with the club manager.

The manager asks her to perform a reggae song and when she does well, he agrees to the performance.
Afterwards, Alma says she’s hungry. She has no money and asks how much they’re getting paid for the
performance. Kyalo says it’s a free one and Alma just goes quiet for a moment before busting into
laughter. Kyalo is confused at first but then joins in the laughter and suggests they go eat leftovers at the

In the evening, Kyalo confirms Xenia’s attendance before heading over to the club with Alma. Her time
comes and she gets on stage before singing her heart out. Kyalo is impressed but Xenia appears
surprised. When he enquires why, she asks Kyalo if he knows they are in a reggae club. Kyalo then
notices that the audience appears angry and so is the manager. Alma isn’t singing reggae and it is too
late to warn her.

The audience jeers and boos Alma off the stage. The manager is angry and wonders how it wasn’t
obvious for Kyalo that he runs a reggae club. Alma’s frustration has reached a critical point and she takes
out her frustration on Kyalo. However, Xenia comes over and informs them that she loved the
performance. She then gives Alma an appointment to drop by the studio and get her recording deal.
Xenia leaves and Alma is left speechless for a moment before she gives Kyalo a tight hug.

Kyalo accompanies Alma to the deal signing before she’s given a tour of the studio, where she meets
producer Extra and Artist X. She stands in the studio for a moment and imagines herself on a grand stage
with a large audience.
Episode 6

Bakari insists that Alma has to get another job as she waits for her recording sessions. Kyalo is surprised
as Bakari never asks Alma to chip in at the apartment and Bakari explains that he’s just trying to breed
resilience in Alma since she’s picked a career path that will never be easy, even when she makes it.

Zorro is writing music but he’s struggling, so he goes on social media and begins speaking with one of
the random users. The user claims to be a fan and Zorro promises them a new kind of music in his
upcoming release.

Alma reaches out to Dave and tells him she needs a job. Dave tells her he may have something and
invites her over to a barbershop. The establishment is owned by Jackie, who needs someone to massage
and other after shave services. Alma is grossed out by the prospect of having to touch multiple men and
rejects the job.

Zorro continues chatting with the fan until the fan mentions something personal and Zorro is freaked
out as to how the fan could have found out. Zorro stops the chat and blocks the fan but then the fan
begins texting him even more personal information from other accounts, leading Zorro to deactivate his
social media accounts.

Kyalo then sets Alma up with a job selling sim cards, like he did when he started out. It is difficult and
requires Alma to spend significant time in the hot sun. However, she perseveres and gets through the
day. At the end, though, a group of street kids jump her and steal the money she’s made. Immediately
she gets away from them, she calls Dave and asks whether Jackie’s opening is still available.

Zorro is at the studio trying out some of the new music he was writing. He then receives a call on his
personal number. He picks up but the person on the other end doesn’t speak. When Zorro calls him with
the name from the social media fan, they hang up.

Episode 7

Alma washes up a client’s scalp and gives him a massage before taking a moment to speak with Dave.
She asks Dave whether she can ask Jackie for an off day and Dave laughs it off since she just started the

Later on, Alma meets Extra at the studio and asks him to set the recording sessions at night. Extra
initially rejects the idea as he has other commitments at night but then he comes around to the idea but
agrees on one condition. He plays Alma a song, whose lyrical part she finds very uninspiring. He then
informs her that the artist is recording the video for the song and he tells Alma that her appearing in the
video as a vixen would clear up part of his commitments. Alma wonders why Extra works with such a
talentless artist and he simply says that the artist is loaded. However, he is unwilling to put his face in
the music video hence he’s offering up Alma in his place.
With no alternative, Alma agrees and Extra informs the artist, why is excited after seeing a picture of
Alma. Alma informs Kyalo and he meets her at the video shoot set. She finds the outfits and
performances required of her too erotic to partake in and she ends up differing with the director.
However, the artist likes her and authorizes her to appear as she pleases. Kyalo, on the other hand, gets
to talking with Natasha and ends up signing her as a client to manage.

The next day, Alma joking curses Extra for making her suffer through the talentless artist’s music. Extra
finds it amusing and ushers Alma into the recording booth to redeem the concept of music with her
songs. She records several songs and Extra mixes a few of them. He is very impressed and suggests to
Xenia that Alma should collaborate with Zorro as Zorro is trying a new style. Zorro overhears the
conversation and agrees before Xenia can make a decision. She doesn’t seem very excited about it, but
Zorro has the final say.

Episode 8

Dave gives Zorro a cut before excusing himself and asking Alma to lock up when she leaves. Alone with
Alma, Zorro expresses his excitement at the prospect of working with her. However, she’s still angry at
him so he apologizes but Alma doesn’t accept as she doesn’t believe his belief in her. They sit is
awkward silence for a short while before Alma decides they aren’t getting any work done. She locks up
but they agree to meet at the barbershop the next morning, earlier than the usual opening time.

Kyalo is hanging out with Natasha when she suggests that Alma needs a social media makeover. Kyalo
agrees and she connects him with Obange to take professional photos of Alma for her social media
pages. Kyalo speaks with Obange and books an appointment.

Then next morning, Alma gets to the barbershop and finds Zorro already waiting. She makes a comment
about his punctuality, which leads to them reminiscing on their childhood. Their moods lighten up and
they end up making a refix version of an original song they used to sing as kids.

Kyalo interrupts them to give Alma the information about the photoshoot session. With their song
almost completes, Zorro says that they can finish the remaining section separately and he leaves. Kyalo
talks with Alma a little before leaving as well, just as Dave arrives. They then get to work and soon
enough, they are dealing with several clients at a go.

As Alma gives one of the clients a massage, he gets handsy and Alma slaps off his hand. In retaliation, he
beats up Alma and is only stopped by Dave, who throws him out of the establishment. Jackie comes over
and warns Alma not to take any legal action against her customers if she wants to keep the job. Jackie
then asks Alma to learn to entertain the handsy clients as there will be more of them. Dave consoles
Alma before she leaves for her photoshoot.

At the shoot, Alma meets up with a few other ladies, including Natasha and Artist X. They are ushered
towards a large closet but then Obange runs into Alma and notices the scars she has on her face.
Without any subtlety, he tells her off and wants her to leave his set before Artist X comes to Alma’s aid.
She stands up for Alma and helps Alma conceal the scars with make up as they get acquainted. During
the photoshoot, Alma witnesses Natasha fooling around with Natasha.

Episode 9

There is a listening session for the single Zorro collaborated with Alma. Their chemistry is evident and
Extra believes this could be the start of a series of collaborations. Xenia doesn’t seem pleased with the
prospect and angrily stares at Alma and Zorro, who are talking to each other and giggling with a sense of
intimacy. Afterwards, Xenia calls Artist X and asks to meet with her.

Kyalo speaks with the producer for a TV music show and presents her the prospect of having Alma on his
show when the single debuts. The show host loves the idea and together with Kyalo, they convince the
producer to sign off on it.

Zorro invites Alma to a party and as they have fun, they almost kiss but Alma stops it and leaves. She
heads home and informs Kyalo of Natasha’s infidelity. Kyalo doesn’t believe her, claiming that Natasha is
just friendly with everyone. To prove it, she informs him that it is Natasha who connected him with the
TV music show producer, who has agreed to have Alma on the show.

Alma avails herself at the live show and she’s interviewed while they wait for the song to release. As the
show goes on, she notices Artist X trying to reach her but she doesn’t answer as she’s on live TV. When
the song drops however, she understands why Artist X was trying to reach her. Her part in the song has
been removed and Artist X has replaced her.

Alma is so mortified that she can’t continue with the show. Artist X sends her a text informing her she
didn’t know she was replacing anyone on the song. By this point, Alma is just in tears.

Episode 10

Alma calls Zorro and Zorro apologizes for not being able to do anything about her replacement, which
reveals to Alma that he knew about it beforehand. She hangs up and heads into the barbershop, where
she curls up in one of the chairs and goes on crying.

Kyalo causes a fracas at the studio and ends up fighting with one of the security officers before Xenia
calls the police on him. He is arrested and Bakari comes to bail him out. They have a bite and Bakari
offers his help in making Alma a star, which greatly pleases Kyalo.

Dave finds Alma crying and decides the barbershop is closed for the day, even sending away a customer.
He then takes Alma to a dance studio and cheers her up by teaching her goofy dances. As they have
their fun, Alma is contacted by a gossip columnist and she clarifies what happened.
Later on, Dave reveals that he’s shot scenes at the studio, which Alma finds disturbing but she doesn’t
mind. In fact, he asks Dave to reenact the scenes he’s shot there with her and they get busy. The next
day, Alma wakes up in Dave’s bed. She admits to thinking she’d find it awkward but she doesn’t. She and
Dave get busy one more time.

A hangover Kyalo is woken up by Bakari, who asks whether Kyalo knows what Natasha is up to. Kyalo
claims that he hooked her up with another gig. Bakari then shows Kyalo a social media post of Natasha
announcing her relationship with the client Kyalo hooked her up with. Kyalo is heartbroken to an extent,
but not as much as when he catches Alma and Dave kissing by the gate.

Dave goes, leaving Alma and Kyalo standing in awkward silence. This is broken by the lawsuit notification
they both receive. Xenia’s label is suing Alma for breaching an NDA she signed.

Episode 11

Kyalo, Alma and their very amateur lawyer, Sankale, meet with the label’s lawyer, Waruru. Waruru
clarifies to them the terms of the NDA and the full extent of the breach. They counter with the fact that
the breaches laid out to them weren’t part of the NDA Alma signed, and she has the documents to prove
so. However, Waruru also has documents backing the label’s suit. Alma claims the label’s documents are
a forgery but Waruru dismisses this claim and demands a public apology from Alma and a retraction of
some of the claims she made when she was contacted by the gossip columnist.

Zorro meets up with Xenia and asks her to drop the lawsuit against Alma. Xenia says she would but
claims her partners insisted on it as Alma tainted their image. Zorro then reveals to Xenia that social
media users have sided with Alma and shows her that the lawsuit is what is tainting their image. Xenia
promises to speak with her partners and Zorro leaves. Xenia then makes a call and asks Natasha to do
her a favor.

Alma, Kyalo and Sankale discuss privately and conclude that they don’t have the resources for a full
court battle. Alma agrees to the label’s demands on the condition that she’s given the music she
recorded. However, Waruru refuses and says the music is property of the label and it is up to the label
to choose what to do with it. Alma then rejects the label’s demands.

Natasha speaks in a podcast discussing the feud between Alma and the label. She reveals she’s worked
with Alma and says Alma isn’t the innocent person everyone is making her out to be. She claims Alma is
the reason her relationship with Kyalo ended. She then reveals that while Alma ended her relationship,
she was already in a relationship of her own with Dave.

After the podcast, social media users quickly dig through the life of Dave and discover his part in the
adult industry. The story trends and catches Alma and her friends off guard. Social media starts taunting
her but she’s more focused on finding Dave, who isn’t picking up his phone. She goes to look for him
physically but can’t.
Alma then goes to see Xenia and agrees to her demands before more people are caught in the crossfire.
Xenia agrees to drop the lawsuit and Alma makes the public apology. Afterwards, however, Zorro breaks
up with Xenia and Xenia orders Waruru to proceed with the lawsuit, using Alma’s public apology as a
determination of her guilt.

A judge rules in the label’s favor and orders Alma to pay them a significant amount. Kyalo promises Alma
that he will solve the problem. However, Alma receives a voice note from Dave which sounds like

Along with Kyalo and Bakari, she rushes over to Dave’s and finds him lifeless, having committed suicide.

Episode 12

Dave’s sister holds a funeral for him, which is held at a public cemetery because the rest of the family
doesn’t want anything to do with him. Alma attends, along with her friends. Dave’s colleagues from his
different exploits also attend. Dave’s sister is friendly with Alma, but Jackie blames her and fires her.

Zorro, who was also in attendance, is contacted by the stalker as he leaves. The stalker has a picture of
him from the funeral, and teases Zorro over his obvious feelings for Alma. Zorro is freaked out and he
tries finding the stalker but isn’t successful. The stalker then sends him pictures from his apartment and
tells him they’re always close by.

Alma confirms with Kyalo the plan to get Xenia to back off. Kyalo doesn’t give the details but he insists
he has a good plan. Alma then asks him to just keep Xenia busy enough as she pursues a plan of her
own. Kyalo goes to speak with Xenia while Alma goes to speak with Extra.

Kyalo blackmails Xenia, demanding that she foregoes the fine Alma was ordered to pay or he exposes
that she’s abusing restricted drugs. Xenia doesn’t see how Kyalo could fulfil his threat as it brings him
down as well. Xenia counters with the threat of reporting Kyalo to his superiors and Kyalo lets her fulfil
it. Kyalo is fired but he was ready for that because it is the most the company can do. They wouldn’t
want to involve the police as it would also make them culpable for the carelessness in handling
restricted drugs. Kyalo then proves his threat by calling the police and Xenia has to stop him. She agrees
to his demands.

Extra reveals to Alma that Xenia destroyed all records of her music. The move, he admits, pissed him off
and he’s willing to offer Alma help. Fortunately, he still has some of the early samples from Alma’s
recordings, which he promises to deliver to Alma, along with some of the amateur equipment he started
production with for Alma to use for any rerecording she may need.

Zorro reports the stalking matter to the police. They are reluctant to help, unless Zorro can “finance” the
operation, which Zorro agrees to. He then provides the number the stalker called him from and a trace is
initiated as Zorro calls the stalker. In the call, the stalker uses a voice modulator and asks Zorro for a
meet up. Zorro agrees and together with two officers, they set out to catch the stalker.
Xenia finds Extra at the studio and reveals that she knows what he’s doing. She threatens his job but he
proceeds with his plans anyway, quitting in the process. Xenia is left wondering what it is about Alma
that every man is willing to sacrifice for her.

Zorro shows up at the meetup location, an open restaurant, while the officers remain undercover as
fellow customers. After a while of waiting, Zorro notices that the officers have passed out from the
refreshments they were taking. Suddenly, Zorro gets very scared and tries taking off but he’s attacked at
the parking lot.

Extra makes the delivery to Bakari’s place and Alma invites him in. They set up the equipment while
Kyalo pads the walls in the bedroom to improve the acoustics. Alma then does the vocals while Bakari
and Extra work on the beats and the mixing.

Zorro wakes up at night and finds a note left for him, telling him that he’s going to regret the stunt he
tried to pull.

Season Finale

Bakari and Alma play Alma’s music for the manager at the club Bakari works at. He loves the music, but
he doesn’t believe Alma can pull a large audience. Alma really needs the club as a venue to launch her
EP, so she tells the manager that Artist X will be curtain-raising for her. The manager finds the prospect
of having Artist X at his club interesting, so he agrees. Afterwards, Bakari confronts Alma over the deceit
but Alma insists it isn’t a deceit if she can get Artist X to agree to it.

Alma meets up with Artist X, who once again expresses her sincerest apologies and asks if there’s
anything she can do to make it up to Alma. Alma then asks her to attend her album launch and asks her
to curtain raise the event. Artist X is a bit reluctant but she’s determined to make things right with Alma
so she agrees. An announcement is made, which causes a bit of online controversy as people debate
why a more established artist is curtain raising for a beginner.

The stalker contacts Zorro and sends him a picture of Alma, taken from close range. Zorro tries calling
Alma but Alma isn’t picking up her calls. He then calls Kyalo and Bakari but they are too busy to answer
calls. After several attempts, Zorro rushes off to warn Alma in person. He gets into a taxi but is
immediately sprayed with something and he passes out.

Natasha shows up at the club and asks Kyalo to get back with him. Kyalo finds her suggestion laughable
but then she counters that just as she was split between their relationship and others, he was also split
because of his focus on Alma. Kyalo initially denies it but she insists and he walks away. However, he
sees Alma and asks her to have coffee with him after the show, which she agrees to.

Zorro wakes up in the back seat of a car but finds himself paralyzed. The car is in a parking lot and there
are a few people passing by but he can’t call out to them. He looks on in frustration as an announcer is
heard from nearby, welcoming everyone to the EP launch.
There is a good turnout at the club and even after Artist X’s performance, the audience is warm towards
Alma. Soon enough, they are singing along to her choruses. She performs all her music and the audience
demands another round. After the performance, Alma’s team sells copies of the EP while Alma meets
and takes photos with newly found fans.

Zorro continues struggling until his body is responsive enough that he can leave the car. More and more
his motor functions resume and he rushes towards the club.

Once Alma is done taking pictures with the fans, she heads outside for some fresh air. Shortly
afterwards, Zorro arrives and asks Kyalo and Bakari where Alma is. Initially, they dismiss him and his
claims but after seeing how distraught he gets, they check up on Alma. However, she is nowhere to be

In anger, Kyalo confronts Zorro and they begin roughing each other up. Kyalo blames Zorro for bringing
danger to Alma while Zorro blames Kyalo for not picking up when he called to warn them. The two begin
fighting and are only separated by Bakari, who convinces them to focus on finding Alma.

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