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1.Define the Iterative improvement technique.

2. Compare Feasible and Optimal solution

3.Describe Linear programming problem.
4..Compose the various applications of Iterative improvement method.
5.Contrast the merits of simplex method with maximum flow method.
6.Define Hamiltonian circuit problem.
7.Differentiate feasible solution and optimal solution.
8.Define Lower bound and what are the methods for establishing lower
9.Define ‘P’and ‘NP’ problems.
10.Analyze the Time complexity for Floyd’s algorithm.
11.Show the Time complexity for OBST and Knapsack problem.

12. Compute the Pivot element in Simplex method
13. Compose the various applications of Iterative improvement method
14. Draw a graph with a cycle but with no Hamiltonian cycle.
15. Generalize the formal definition of n-queen’s problem and Formulate the
reasons of why 2 queen’s problem is not solvable.

1.Simplex Method
2.Maximum Flow Bipartitee Graph
3.Fords Fulkersons
4.Stable Marriage Problem
1.Branch and bound (Tsp,knapsack)
1.Multistage graph
3.Floyds and warshalls

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