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Moderated caucus topic- Should Wakanda share it’s vibranium?

Author- Nick Fury
Co authors- Phil Coulson, Peggy Carter, Melinda May

1:-The vibranium that the Wakandan's posses would be

extremely valuable to agencies and groups such as the
Avengers and SHIELD;
2:-The technology that can be made with the use of vibranium
would be revolutionary in nature it could better equip
organizations that broker for peace;
3:- We have seen that vibranium can heal great injuries such as
making bullet wounds heal overnight;
4:- Vibranium enriched soil grows the heart shaped herb which
Shuri now has the ability to recreate so they could make it so
that the herb doesn’t grant the user powers instead used to
heal various diseases;
5:- Nanotechnology was formed by both the wakandan’s and
Anthony Stark by utilising vibranium, the nanotechnology
would be beneficial to other superheroes who rely on their
suits as it would make their suits portable;
6:- The Wakandan maglev trains are more efficient than other
trains in Wakanda they use these trains for the transport of
vibranium and for public transport as well the introduction of
this train system would be revolutionary for rest of the world.

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